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Founder and Chairman



69 The Avenue.Mount Saint Thomas.

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Dear Reiki Practitioners,

Reiki greetings,

Through this book I would like to show you the very simple
way how to heal yourself and others, simply by channeling the
energy of universe by the methods of Reiki, without any kind
of medicine .
There are two methods to become a Reiki Practitioner; you can
learn it the hard way, through months of disciplined meditation,
practice and trials, or you can learn it the easy way, through a
process commonly known as attunement. In an attunement the
nerve system in your body will be introduced to a synchronized
low frequency vibration, which will enable you to channel the
energy in your surrounding and direct it for healing purposes.
Reiki is a skill that can be learned by anyone. There are no
special prerequisites to learn Reiki and there is no age
limitation either. Furthermore, Reiki is not associated to any
particular religion or faith and despite of some skeptical views,
Reiki can be proven scientifically, therefore you need not
worry that learning Reiki may conflict with your faith.
The benefit of Reiki not only for ourselves, but can also be
used to help others; this way our life can be useful not only for
ourselves, but also for others. And last but not least, Reiki is
also the way to keep our mind to stay fresh as long as our life.
In other words, we can say:” Reiki is the way to change our life
for the better”

Mount Saint Thomas, 2008

Love, joy and peace,
Tjiptadinata Effendi
Founder./Chairman of Waskita Reiki Natural Healing Center

Born in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia- 21 May 1943.

Founder of Waskita Reiki Natural Healing Center Foundation .
President of ARSI – All Indonesia Reiki Association.
The author of 10 books, which have been published by P.T.
Elexmedia Komputindo- Jakarta- Indonesia.

• Aplikasi Reiki Dalam Penyembuhan diri sendiri dan

orang lain [Application of Reiki in Healing Oneself and
Others](Best Seller)
• Meditasi jalan meningkatkan kehidupan anda
[Meditation: The Way to Increase Your Life]
• Meditasi Jalan Menuju Kesembuhan Lahir dan Batin
[Meditation: The Path to Physical and Mental
• Aplikasi Reiki Dalam Mencapai Tingkat Master
[Application of Reiki to Achieve Mastery Level]
• Meraih Sukses Dengan Pencerahan Diri [Obtaining
Success Through Enlightenment]
• Esoteric – Teknik Menyerap Kekuatan Alam [Esoteric,
the Technique to Absorb Natural Forces]
• Neverending Meditation
• Transformasi Diri [Self Transformation]
• The Power of Dream
• Enlightenment – Mencapai Pencerahan Diri
First Book Titled “Aplikasi Reiki Dalam Penyembuhan Diri
Sendiri dan Orang Lain”
Has been reprinted 13 times.
This book can be obtained at Gramedia bookstore all around
Indonesia and also at the Library in Singapore, Australia and
Tjiptadinata Effendi and Roselina (spouse) at Imperial Palace -

Established : 1998
Formalized through : Notary Act M.Peggy Natael SH, No.19
Year 1999
By : Tjiptadinata Effendi dan Roselina
Date : 14 Agustus 1999 No,19
Secretariate : Apartemen Mediterania Lagoon B 18/U –
Kemayoran – Jakarta Pusat
Telephone : 021-30061336

Member of IARP (International Association of Reiki

In accordance to its name, Waskita Reiki, operates in the area
of natural healing, especially through Reiki. As a natural
healing center, Waskita Reiki recognize the existence of other
healing methods and also participates in the development of
other natural healing methods aside of Reiki

Waskita Reiki's official website is

Most content are available in both Bahasa Indonesia and
Waskita Reiki's Logo:

it is built of 9 chakra symbols:

the base chakra

the sex chakra

the solar plexus

the heart chakra

the throat chakrta

the third eye (ajna)

the crown chakra

the spirit (sukma)

the soul (atma)

The nine symbol above formed “Flower of Life”

Flower of life is the symbol of the highest healing power

within Reiki G’tumo, which is believed to be capable of raising
the dead living being if used with sufficient energy
(this is according to folk legends in Tibet)

on top, there is the kanji character “Rei Ki”

and the whole is enclosed by a green octagon which represents

healing through guided procedures, not random, and healing is
performed to both physical and mental aspects

The meaning of Reiki

• The word "Reiki" comes from Japanese language.
• Rei means nature or universe
• Ki means the force of life or mental power
• Thus Reiki can mean the force of life that comes from
nature, or it can also mean as mental power that exists
Brief history of Reiki
• Reiki healing method found its root from the healing
method prevailing at the Himalaya mountain range,
specifically on the plateau of Tibet. In Tibet, the
original healing method is known as G'tumo (some
people write it as gTumo).
• G’tumo has been known in Tibet since the era of the
Tubo dynasty, before the era of Dalai Lama, yet initially
the utilization was sporadic and there's no standard
• During the reign of the 5th king, Songsten Gampo (6l7-
698 A.D.) who married princess Wen Cheng of China's
Tang dynasty, many recording and standardization
processes were conducted in the area of medicine and
healing methods.
• Some of these records was sent to China.
• After the spread of Buddhism under the guidance of
Padmasambhawa which came from India (8th century
A.D.), G’tumo was incorporated into religious rituals
and monopolized by Buddhist monks (now called
• Practice and application of G’tumo was "adjusted" with
Indian style. The records regarding these activities of
Padmasambhawa was sent to India.
• For centuries, this healing method was used only in the
circle of Buddhist monks, until around the year of 1914
when Mikao Usui of Japan managed to master some of
this healing method and simplified it.
• The result of his simplification was named Reiki
• In the year 1922 he opened a clinic at Harajuku in
Tokyo and began to teach Reiki to the Japanese people.
From then on he was known as Usui sensei, which
some people misinterpreted to mean that he was a
medical doctor.
• One of Usui's most famous disciple was doctor Chujiro
• Chujiro Hayashi further simplify the technique of Reiki
and stressed the importance of hand positions while the
original Reiki stressed the intuition of the energy itself.
• Reiki resulted from the simplification of Hayashi is
nowadays known as Reiki Usui, while the Reiki method
taught by Usui himself is considered as Tibetan Reiki
• At the hands of Hayashi, the teaching of Reiki was still
limited to Japanese people.
• In the year 1930 Hawayo Takata, an American born
Japanese woman came to Japan and fell sick there.
Because she has given up on medical treatment, she
came to Hayashi's Reiki clinic and after some time, she
recovered fully.
• She managed to talk Hayashi into teaching her Reiki to
the Master level and she then went on to simplify
attunement method and added several things that
became the beginning of Western Reiki

Styles of Reiki
Today, there are tens or maybe even hundreds of Reiki styles
around the world; this is mostly caused by the masters who
always want to be different from the others, so that whatever
instructions they received, some things are added into it and
then it is patented as a new sect name. Some of the existing
sects, among others:
• Reiki Karuna
• Reiki Shakti
• Reiki Madya
• etc
Reiki G'tumo which is spread by Waskita Reiki always strive to
dig deeper into the history of Reiki in Tibet and adjust the
knowledge in accordance to newly discovered facts.
Benefits of Reiki
Why learn Reiki?
• Human in this modern era is vulnerable to many
illnesses, especially the ones caused by stress.
• Reiki is able to overcome stress and heal illnesses
which are caused by stress.
• Reiki can also heal illnesses which cure is not currently
available in western medicine, such as cancer and
• By learning Reiki, not only capable of healing oneself
but also capable of healing family members and other
• Having Reiki as an ability also boost confidence and
mental stability.
Reiki's action
Reiki act in a very simple way
1. Energy center (chakra) located above human's head
attract free energy around it (just like breathing, except
that in this case it is not air but energy).
2. This energy is then absorbed by the body, partly used as
neuro transmitter and partly used to rejuvenate
weakening cells.
3. When sufficient energy has been absorbed, the
attraction of energy will stop automatically; this also
applies when energy is being drawn for the purpose of
transferring it to others.

Uniqueness of Reiki
• It can be learned by anyone.
• It is not associated with any religion or faith
• It uses no form of medicine whatsoever
• The healer does not need to touch the patient.
• Healing is conducted by setting the initial intent, then
followed by complete relaxation and acceptance.
• Reiki works within the neural system therefore it is
most effective to handle problems related to nerves

Regarding Chakras

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit, meaning wheel or

vortex. In this case, the meaning of Chakra is a permanent
energy vortex..
All living beings posess energy, therefore all living beings also
possess chakra. On human there are hundreds of chakra but
there are 7 large and important chakras, which hold important
influence over the health, quality of life and the power of
human energy.
Levels in Reiki

The reason there are levels in Reiki is the fact that the body
cannot be forced to adapt too fast to the new vibrational
frequencies introduced in initiation especially if the Student has
some serious health condition.
• Level I (Novice practitioner) can heal oneself and other
from short distance. Chakras activated for healing are
the Crown Chakra, Ajna, Throat and Heart.
• Level 2 (Advanced practitioner) can heal from long
distance. Additional Chakras activated at this level are
Solar Plexus and Sex. Kundalini activation reaction also
takes place.
• Level 3 (Personal mastery) can heal using programming
technique. The base Chakra is activated and can heal
without using the hands.
• Master, is only provided to those who are willing, able
and dedicated in teaching and conducting Reiki
The levels are based on the safe levels of energy adaptation for
any condition. However, in general people who has no serious
health problem can safely be initiated to both level 1 and level
2. The Master level does not represent any difference in the
healing ability but does require the person to have completed
significant amount of practice as the initiation itself draws
power from the Master in order to tune the chakras of the

Reiki initiation
• Initiation or attunement is the term used in Reiki to
describe the process of energy tuning.
• In Reiki initiation process, energy in the chakras of the
receiver is tuned so that it can attract Reiki energy.
Aside of that, the energy path encircling the backbone is
also cleaned so that Reiki energy can flow within the
body. This path is also called Sushumna, which consists
of the hot path (pinggala) and the cold path (ida).
• Initiation process provides the receiver the ability to
attract and transfer Reiki energy but the quality and
quantity depends on individual dilligence to practice
and heal.
• Initiation is conducted one on one and direct (no distant
initiation). Some Reiki Master claim that distant Reiki
initiation can be performed (not requiring the Student to
be within visual range of the Master); some even
proclaim to be able to perform mass initiation (many
students are simultaneously initiated by a single
Master). Our research shows that this is only partially
true because the rate of failure in distant initiation is
very high and even higher in mass initiation; success is
usually obtained only by the most sensitive and able
individuals and even then, their initial energy capacity
are usually lower compared to the ones receiving direct
individual initiation.

Preparation to receive initiation.

• Relax the body and calm the mind.
• Remove all items made of metal such as watches,
glasses, ring, etc. Metal object is known to absorb
energy and thus the less they are present, the better.
• Take off your footwear and if your clothing is very
tight, loosen it a bit so that it will not restrict the flow of
the energy..
• Sit with your back forming a somewhat straight line but
remain relax and do not stiffen up. Both foot soles are
on the ground and the hands rested on top of the thigh,
palm open and facing upwards (again, relax, don't force
• If you want, you can pray in accordance to your own
religion or faith.
• Follow the instruction of the Master during the entire
initiation process.

As soon as the initiation process is completed, you have

become a healer. However, before you heal others, you must
first heal yourself.
Self healing must be performed at least 21 days in a row.
Should you failed to perform self healing in any day before you
completed the 21 day requirement, you are advised to reset the
count to day 1 and continue until you finish the 21 days. The
reason behind this is the fact that the energy biorhythm cycle is
21 days and the energy need one full cycle to be adjusted to
you, so that it will be most beneficial for you. If you heal other
people before you finish the 21 days requirement, it is most
likely that your energy will not become adjusted to you, which
ultimately resulted in a condition where you will need a longer
time to heal yourself compared to healing other people.
If you happen upon a condition where you must do this, you
later ask for help from a Reiki Master to reset your energy form
and then you can proceed to fulfill the 21 days requirement

General healing preparation

• Remove restrictive footwear and metal objects. Loosen
restrictive cloting.
• Sit, stand or even lie down, with your backbone
forming a somewhat straight line.
• Relax your muscles and calm your mind. Maintain
flexibility of movement.
• If you want, you can pray in accordance to your own
religion or faith
• that will cause the process to draw energy from you
instead of from the universe. It is advisable to keep
yourself relax and unattached; the easiest way to do this
is by listening to soft music or have a light conversation
with someone.

General healing guidelines

• Do not tense up during healing because it can stop the
flow of the energy.
• Do not focus your concentration on the healing effort
• When moving the position of your hand, move it one by
one and slowly as to not cause a shock to your nerve
systems which can also stop the flow of the energy.
• Don't rush healings; if you are not in the mood, or
worse, in a bad mood, do not perform healing as it can
corrupt the energy and cause problems.

Self healing procedures

• If you like, you can start with a prayer according to
your own faith.
• Active your own Crown Chakra by performing an
opening movement above the top of head using both
• Open your own aura by performing an opening
movement on all part of your body or at the particular
part that you wish to heal
• Place your hands at the positions depicted in the
pictures below, holding them at each position for about
3 minutes. Later on when you get used to the feeling of
energy flowing through your body, you will know when
it is time to move to the next position. Remember that
these positions are merely suggested positions and if
you find it difficult or strenuous to place your hands at
any particular positions, you can either skip it or choose
a nearby comfortable position. Also, keep the hand
touching the body lightly, not pressed.
Note: the drawing intentionally depicted the person wearing
shoes so that you can understand that the energy can easily
penetrates any clothing materials. However, it is better if you
can do it on bare feet.

Additionally, if certain part of your body is aches, you should

place your hand on or near that part and hold it for about 15
minutes. You can either do this in between the suggested
positions, or after you completed the suggested positions.

Procedures for healing others.

• Always ask the patient whether they want to be healed

using Reiki. If the patient is not familiar with Reiki,
give a brief explanation. If the patient is too young to
understand or is unconscious, ask the patient's guardian
for permission.
• If you like, healer and patient can pray according to
own faith.
• Healer opens own and patient's crown chakra
• Healer opens patient's aura
• Healer set an intention to the healing of the patient, then
relax in a state of acceptance.
• Place the hands gently on the patient shoulders, or place
it on about 4 cm distance from the patient's body. Do
not press and do not take a position that stretch or
stiffens your body
• Healing can be performed on a sleeping patient and
even an unconscious one.
• Perform healing for 15 minutes; if you have enough
experience, you will know when enough energy has
entered the patient's body.
• After healing is performed, close the patient's aura;
don't close the crown chakra.
Ethical codes for a Reiki Practitioner

Never enforce healing upon a patient that refused to accept.

Be polite and adhere to local code of conduct.
Never promise the certainty of healing
Reiki healing recognizes the principles of energy exchange;
however it does not have to be exchanged with money; thus a
Reiki practitioner do not set a tariff for healing services.
For new patients, always give a brief explanation on Reiki.
Never mix Reiki healing with other healing methods
Healing should be performed not on symptoms or effect, but on
the illness or the cause itself; therefore always try to heal the
patient illness and try to discover and eliminate the cause.

Procedures for group healing

Group healing is performed by 3 or more practitioner on a

single patient.
Group healing is led by a practitioner of level 2 or higher
It is advisable that the patient is lying down and facing up;
otherwise the patient could be sitting down.
Group leader take position near the patient's crown chakra; do
not take position near the patient's feet soles.
Practitioners set an intention to synchronize their healing
energy with the group healing leader.
If there are more than 7 practitioner joining in the group
healing, form a circle around the patient with enough distance
to prevent crowding (remember not to stand near the feet soles)

The word meditation comes from Latin “meditatio” which

means thought or serious consideration. The main point of
meditation is to be fully aware and conscious of own self.
There are many different type and technique of meditations,
each one geared to achieve different results.

Meditation in Reiki

• Meditation is very beneficial to Reiki practitioners such

as to calm the mind, increase healing ability, etc.
• Reiki practitioners are advised to meditate routinely,
preferably once a week.
• In Reiki, several meditation methods are known; the
simplest method and a prerequisite for novice
practitioners is the “No Mind Reiki Meditation.
• Before performing healing, it is advisable for a Reiki
practitioner to perform No Mind Reiki Meditation in
order to calm the emotions and purify the energy flow.

The No Mind Reiki Meditation

Find a clean and quiet place to meditate.

Since this meditation is a form of healing by itself; as
preparation, follow the general healing preparation.
The best sitting position is the lotus position because it allows
free flow of energy throughout the entire backbone but this is
not a requirement.
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to calm yourself.
Even though it is called the “No Mind” meditation, it does not
mean that you empty your mind because emptying the mind is
a dangerous thing to do. What it means is that you do not allow
the mind to wander and becomes engulfed in daily problems
and worries. The easiest way to keep the mind aware and not
stray away is to pay attention to your breathing or heart beat.
Set your intent to inhale the universal energy while you are
breathing in. If there is pain in any part of your body, set the
intention for the energy to go to that particular area. Release all
your anger, pain and other negative energy when you breathe
out. Repeat the breathing in and out procedure until you
become fully relaxed and the body feels light and calm.
As you feel relaxed, you will begin to enjoy your increasing
awareness. Savor the very fact that you are still alive and you
will find yourself growing more and more content with

Some benefits of meditation:

Achieve super deep meditation at the touch of a button
Dramatically reduce your stress
Create remarkable emotional changes at him deepest level
Improve your emotional health
Heighten your creativity and problem solving ability
Have more restful sleep
Boost your intelligence
Increase your focus, concentration and learning ability,
Enhance your memory
Increase your motivation and confidence
Heal your emotional blocks
Open the ways to be success in your life
Make harmony in your family life

Time and place

What is the best time,place and ideal time to meditate?

If possible , the best time to meditate is in early in the morning
and in the midnight.
The reason is in the early morning and midnight you usually
have nothing to do, that will make your relax and feeling free
and of course these will make you easy to meditate

And the best place is the place you ordinary use for prayers. If
you don't usually pray, find a place that makes you feel relaxed.
The right time and place will help you becomes comfortable to
perform meditation. Even though everyone could meditate
anytime and anywhere, but for the beginner it is better to
follow the suggestions above.

The meaning of clairvoyance

Generally, clairvoyance is often also called as “third eye”.
Definition of clairvoyance differs depending on who you
asked, but in Waskita Reiki the definition used is the definition
based on science, which is “the skill to utilize optical nerves to
see energy which cannot be seen using the naked eye
Research on clairvoyance in Waskita Reiki
Clairvoyance is not a new thing and around the world there are
so many people who practice clairvoyance, however the
majority of them considers clairvoyance as some sort of
spiritual power and only very few truly study it as a form of
skill and conduct scientific research. Because of this, Waskita
Reiki chose not to translate its clairvoyance materials from
available materials, but instead conduct its own research,
accompanied by various experiments which results has been
analyzed and concluded scientifically. Thus, over 90 percent of
the material for clairvoyance study in Waskita Reiki is original
as results from the Research and Development department of
Waskita Reiki.
Benefits of Clairvoyance
Health detection
By having clairvoyance skill, we can perform early detection
on disease, even before symptoms started to appear. A
clairvoyance expert can be compared to one who own a
portable MRI scanning equipment, furthermore in a few thing
clairvoyance has better sensitivity level compared to MRI
(Magnetic Resolution Imaging), that is , nearly equal to PET
(Positronic Emission Tomography).
Character detection
If compared to psychology, a clairvoyance expert can identify
the character of a person he/she sees within much shorter time,
only around 10 seconds, and can be done only based on
photograph and the accuracy of analysis is over 80 percent. A
psychology expert will need to conduct communication with
the person being analyzed and to achieve 80 percent accuracy
usually takes several communications. Furthermore,
clairvoyance makes it possible to perform capability analysis,
IQ level, confidence, honesty, and even compatibility between
2 person, without the need to conduct tests or question and
answer session, therefore it is very useful for the need of
Human Resources in the placing of the right person for the
right position.
To certain level clairvoyance can be used to know whether
someone is having a bad intention, is lying or in unstable
mental condition, and therefore with clairvoyance it is possible
to avoid many conditions that can be dangerous.
Clairvoyance technique
The process of normal seeing is light reflected to the eye lens,
which then focused and sent to optic disc. The light resuted
from the focusing is then transmitted in form of energy signal
through the optical nerves to the brain. Optical nerves of the
right eye crosses to left brain and optical nerves of the left eye
crosses to the right brain, carrying slightly different energy due
to the different angle of viewing and therefore producing an
image having 3 dimension. In the crossing, the two nerves meet
in one point named Optic Chiasm and it is this meeting area
which is used in clairvoyance and often called as “third eye”.
The process of seeing in clairvoyance is by receiving energy
directly in the area of the third eye and sends it to the brain; of
course this means the energy received by left brain and right
brain will have the same viewing angle and therefore the
resulting image is only 2 dimension. The resulting colors are
also different because the energy received does not originated
from light; if you are to imagine the colors of rainbow in your
mind, it is like those colors in the mind that the colors will be
seen in clairvoyance. To see energy that does not touch the
third eye area, a scan is performed by drawing energy from the
stomach area, sends it over to the top of the head and then
blasting it towards the energy to be scanned; it is the reflection
of this energy which will be received and analyzed. By
observing the method, we know that clairvoyance cannot be
utilized to know distance, position or physical colors of an
object emitting energy, and the energy type that can be seen is
only of the same type with the energy produced by our body.
In conducting character or health detection, the energy
analyzed is the energy covering the body of living creatures
and commonly called as Aura. This Aura is none other than
energy which has been processed by the body, then disposed
of. Because it is a processed energy, the color and density of
the energy automatically differs depending on activity, thought
and condition of the body of the living creature; this is why by
performing analysis on the color and thickness of a person’s
aura, we can know the health condition of that person, for
example yellow in overall is the result of use of intelligence,
while a thinning aura and dark gray in color is the sign of
health problem in the area.

Practice to see the aura

First you need to relax

Concentrated and close your eyes for a few seconds
Then look at the person in front of you carefully and slowly
Closed your eyes again for a few second
Open your eyes slowly and focus at the top of the head of that
Don’t try to force it
You will start to see cloud forming on the top of the person
Don’t worry about whether you are seeing this in color or not
Try to repeat this procedure again and again

If you still have trouble to see it, ask the person you looking at
to stand with his or her back to a white background
Ask the person to activate all his or her energy
This will help you to see the energy waves
When you are confident and able to see it clearly, start to move
your eyes to look at other areas of the body

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