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7/8/2020 overview for 0xx1


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When everyone wants to be a
19 minority ( View/edit my snoovatar
submitted 7 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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reddit with a reddit premium
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People will call it a Conspiracy redditor for 21 days
162 "Theory" ( TROPHY CASE what's this?
submitted 7 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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spoiler crosspost is active by 556by45 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 3 points 7 days ago Verified Email
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disable inbox replies delete is active by 556by45 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 4 points 7 days ago
Get an ad-free experience with special
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benefits, and directly support Reddit.
Hits on the game aspect of the sub and it's a play on
words Get Reddit Premium
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Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS

[–] 0xx1 1 point 7 days ago Is the left against freedom of speech?
Yea I'm a Jewish Nazi... that makes total sense 30 points | 14 comments

permalink save context full comments (41141) edit Watchredditdie has gotten like 20000
disable inbox replies delete new subs in 2 weeks and is nowhere to
be seen on this list...
This place is one of the last remaining places for free thought
5191 points | 160 comments
out of all of social media. If I lose this place I might just go
back to forums and image boards all over again. by MNMT 266: Conor OG (Ambient, dub,
bleeding_phoenix in Channit deep, hypnotic & breakbeat techno)
[–] 0xx1 2 points 7 days ago
5 points | 1 comment
Not-So-Hidden Gems of Deep Techno:
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21 points | 3 comments
Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements Where are you from?
[–] 0xx1 1 point 7 days ago*
9 points | 3 comments
Both can be true.
In general, a 14 day old account isn't that weird
account activity
given the recent times 1/5
7/8/2020 overview for 0xx1

I also made a new account for the same reasons

of political discussion
See how that works?
Good. Whine about it all you want
It's hilarious how you think I'm whining. I haven't
bitched one bit in this whole conversation haha.
Believing in basic human rights isn't radical -- it's
Again dude.. your thought process is extremely odd.
When did one of us argue in favor or against basic
human rights in this entire conversation?? It's like
you're having an entire dialogue inside your head that
never happened and yet you are responding to it over
For the record, I 100% support human rights. Not just
the basic kind.
Anyway, I'm over this conversation since you have
nothing of substance to contribute. Later!
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Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements

[–] 0xx1 1 point 7 days ago*

What are you even talking about?? Well, whatever.. I was never banned from reddit.
Telemasterblaster, my man.. have you ever considered that with everything going on in the world
(riots, corona, etc) there might be more people joining these platforms to take part in discussion?
To address your concern of my 14 day old account. I have a reddit account that has been active
for over 4 years. The reason I made this one is because that other account is prominent in various
other subs (where the culture is far left). I would quite literally be canceled in this particular
industry if I used that account for politics as well.
I imagine right now you are thinking to d-0-x me because you are radicalized. Hopefully when you
go through my comments you learn a thing or two.
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ITT: We laugh as Reddit's newest Team Member gets absolutely REKT by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 [S] 9 points 7 days ago

I replied to Spez letting him know that he doesn't realize these new rules are opening up the door
to so many lawsuits!
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Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements

[–] 0xx1 1 point 7 days ago*

Yea I made an account for political discussion. Big deal! I could probably sift through all your
political discussions and use it against you. But I won't.. because it's not relevant to the topic.
I was a regular on 4chan long before I migrated to reddit, I've been on your boards, interacted
with your people and had them explain their backward ideologies in full and in their own
words. r9k, the_donald, stormfront, /pol/, and any non-moderated platform from minecraft
servers to private discords. 2/5
7/8/2020 overview for 0xx1

You felt compelled to list off your internet credentials as evidence that I'm a Nazi.. somehow.
Lmao. You don't even know what we are talking about! I love it.
Here's your thought process:
1. This guy criticized me
2. From all my experience on the internets, I know that people who criticize me are also far
right wingers
3. I have seen it on all these other subreddits and websites
4. This account must also be a far right winger
5. ...which means he's a nazi, racist, bigot, fascist!!
It's like you react on stimuli.
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Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements

[–] 0xx1 2 points 7 days ago

Yea that's cool and all but I don't go on 4chan. I'm also not a Nazi. My grandmother escaped
Germany in 1937 because my family is Jewish, so no thanks.
Spend a little less time on the internet. Your worldview is warped. If you wrote all that from the
comment I said, it really does show you've been radicalized. Crazy how you can assume so much
of me. Grow up and get help.
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Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements

[–] 0xx1 1 point 7 days ago

I don't think you realize how easily these rules set you up for a lawsuit down the line. Oh well!
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Trumps biggest mistake the past 4 years.. by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 [S] 10 points 7 days ago

Yes it is. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.

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ITT: We laugh as Reddit's newest Team Member gets absolutely REKT by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 [S] 77 points 7 days ago

One of my personal favorites:

Bullshit. I'm left wing, and you've allowed and encouraged doxxing campaigns for the past
year against the "Karens" without any repercussions. You've condoned public humiliation on a
scale never before seen in human history. And you've made a lot of money doing it.
You don't give a fuck about hate speech. You let violentacrez run wild for years posting pictures
of half naked children. You're profiteering off of social unrest to court advertisers. Nothing
more, nothing less. You betrayed everything Aaron Swartz stood for when he created Reddit so
you could keep your sleazy VC buddies and Chinese government investors happy.
Every single word that comes out of your mouth is a lie, Spez. There's a reason why Big Tech
is the most hated sector in the world, and it's because of pandemic profiteers like you. You,
Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Pichai, and Bezos are the enemies of democracy, actively destabilizing
western societies with your addictive, divisive poison. The governments of the world need to
reign you Silicon Valley mutants in before more people suffer and die. Frankly, I think you and
your billionaire pals belong in prison.
Enjoy life in your doomsday bunker, you rich freak. 3/5
7/8/2020 overview for 0xx1

EDIT: Don't buy me Gold or Silver. Stop giving Reddit your hard earned money. Use it as a
copypasta or share in other subs instead. Also, look into*
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ITT: We laugh as Reddit's newest Team Member gets absolutely REKT

62 (
submitted 7 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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Update to Our Content Policy by spez in announcements

[–] 0xx1 -13 points 7 days ago

You are so easily radicalized and unoriginal lmao. Can you use any other word to describe the
people you're referencing without those 3 buzzwords?
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When you're more likely to die from a shooting than COVID-19 by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 [S] 10 points 7 days ago

Haven't changed out their skin suit in a while

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When you're more likely to die from a shooting than COVID-19 (
25 submitted 7 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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Another scientific paper gets censored by the woke mob by umexquseme in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 1 point 7 days ago

I agree but I'm saving it anyways as proof that these papers are increasingly common in our time.
Next time someone shows me a dumb scientific paper about gender, I will respond with this one
to prove that there is a paper to support any claim.. doesn't mean we should take it as fact just
because someone with a degree published it. The problem the left has oftentimes is giving too
much reliability to someone because of their position. Black? Must know more than anyone on
how to solve black issues. Sociologist? Must know more than anyone how a society functions.
Economist? Must know how to run a perfect economy.
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Trumps biggest mistake the past 4 years.. by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 [S] 6 points 7 days ago*

It's such a simple fix. There is not a single reason why people should be against it. I always say
that this topic is the most reliable litmus test to see how brainwashed someone is. If they repeat
the same talking points of any article that disagrees with Voter ID, you know they are too far
gone. Logically it just doesn't make sense.
(This doesn't apply to ancaps by the way. I understand they disagree with voter id, but their
justification for their opinions is not based on the premise that it's racist)
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Hate against the "majority" is still allowed by mojo1513 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 29 points 7 days ago

If I am on a sub about transgender people, I am probably the minority. Can I use hate speech
against them then??
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Trumps biggest mistake the past 4 years.. (self.kotakuinaction2)

32 submitted 7 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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Reddit bans r/The_Donald and r/ChapoTrapHouse +1998 more subs by NPerez99 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 3 points 7 days ago 4/5
7/8/2020 overview for 0xx1
p y g
r/DarkHumorAndMemes was one of the best subs... damnit.
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Phil LaMarr now versus Phil LaMarr then by Chefshipwreck5897 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 9 points 7 days ago

People don't realize how they've been slowly radicalized over the past years.. man.. this is a truly
crazy thing to see. This image should be enough to put it into perspective for people. I guess
people can't accept the fact that they've been duped.
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Phil LaMarr now versus Phil LaMarr then by Chefshipwreck5897 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 2 points 7 days ago

When people don't realize how they've been slowly radicalized over the past years.. man.. this is a
truly crazy thing to see.
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