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Automatic Electropolisher for Copper

D. A. Lindholm

Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 40, 1105 (1969); doi: 10.1063/1.1684165

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NOTES 1105

transmission depends largely on the properties of the Imposition of the magnetic deflection field has a second
incoming beam. The quadrupole instrument requires beneficial effect. The voltages on the rod are relatively
lower ion energies to achieve adequate resolution and the low in the vicinity of hydrogen 1 and 2 so that heavier
monopole instrument requires a beam which is better ions are hardly deflected and have a high probability of
collimated and less divergent to achieve adequate sensi- being transmitted through the monopole filter. This causes
tivity. As such, it is somewhat unfair to compare the an increased background at the low end of the mass
instruments on the basis of the same incoming beam. scale which can be eliminated by the application of the
Identical sensitivities are quoted for both instruments transversal magnetic field.
under optimum operating conditions; the General Electric
,.. Work performed under Contract NASw 1314.
monopole 600 mass spectrometer and the EAI quadrupole 1 U. von Zahn, Rev. Sci. lnstrum. 34, 1 (1963).
250A residual gas analyzer have a claimed sensitivity of
about 100 A/Torr N 2.
However, on the basis of the theoretical considerations,
it was assumed that the monopole sensitivity could be
increased by deflecting the ion beam away from the V-
electrode by means of a weak external magnetic field Automatic Electropolisher for Copper*
normal to the axis of the monopole. The direction of this
field should be such that the beam is deflected both
away from the apex of the V-electrode and towards the University of California, Berkeley, California 94720
center of the rod electrode. It has been found experi- (Received 23 December 1968; and in final form, 11 March 1969)
mentally that the imposition of such a magnetic field in-
creases the peak heights by a factor of 5 to 10. This result A N automatic power supply control and an improved
sample mounting technique have been incorporated
might be questioned since the imposed field could have
increased the output of the Nier type ion source. The into the system described by Powers1 for electropolishing
copper disk specimens.
direction of the field is parallel to the electron beam which
prevents its spread thus improving the ion source output. In the electropolishing arrangement shown in Fig. 1,
In this case, a field in the opposite direction should have the basic modifications are as follows: (1) The disk sample
the same effect on the ion source. Actually, the peak. is glued with conducting cement (two parts powdered
heights were observed to decrease by about an order of graphite to one part Duco cement) to a pedestal rather
magnitude. This indicates clearly that the observed effect than resting on a gold foil connected through a rubber
was attributable primarily to the ion beam deflection
where it has to be expected that a deflection towards the
V-electrode should reduce the sensitivity. A bar magnet
was located near the entrance aperture of the monopole
instrument at a distance of approximately 11.4 cm from Cu wire in
(QpiUary tub. -i-i'~-.III
the axis. The field strength at the entrance aperture was
Guard rine
approximately 10 G and was observed to diminish gradu- ! IconfcrCffAul
Sampl. con'oct
ally towards the exit aperture. The ion accelerating voltage (T.flon ca.ed wiret

was 31 V, which results in an orbit curvature of 4.3 m for

ions of a medium mass 28. This indicates that a relatively
slight beam deflection is sufficient to produce the desired
effect. This deflection has to be gradual and distributed
over a large part of the beam and cannot be replaced by a
beam deflection before the entrance aperture. The op-
timum magnet location which produces the largest peak
heights is slightly mass dependent. Fortunately, position-
ing of the magnet is not critical since significant sensi- l ..... ling .crew. (31/

tivity improvements can be realized over the entire mass

range at a single intermediate magnet position. However, CrOIl ... ctionol detail Tape "~- Sampl.
of lampl. mount
the degree of sensitivity improvement is slightly mass Conducting cement Ped.ltal
Sam pl. lead /'
dependent. The magnetic field has no effect on the resolu-
tion of the instrument. However a very slight shift of the FIG. 1. Electropolishing bath. The spring loaded screws were
covered with layers of paraffin (not shown) to prevent reaction with
peaks can be observed. the electrolyte.

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1106 NOTES

(clamp) to prevent sample damage. A block diagram of

the circuit is shown in Fig. 2.
The bath power supply (Fig. 3) was designed to provide
5 V at 5 A although 3 V at 3 A is sufficient. When used in
the automatic control mode, the center tap on the manual
adjust potentiometer is positioned at the top of the 200 0
resistor. The 2N3565 transistor Q., in conjunction with
FIG. 2. Block diagram of electropolishing system. the 0.27 010 W resistor, provides short circuit protection.
When the clamp circuit is not in operation (Q2 off) the
series control element, consisting of the Darlington pair
sheet. The advantage of this arrangement is that a low of transistors 2N3714 and 2N3766, responds to the
resistance (typically 0.5 0) electrical and semipermanent transistor Ql whose base current is derived from the
mechanical connection is made to the sample. The sample amplified difference between reference and probe. If the
and pedestal can be mounted on a spark machine and clamp is actuated, a small negative voltage at the base
simply transferred to the electropolishing jig. Mter com- of Q2 causes it to conduct. In this mode, the power supply
pletion of the electropolish the sample is removed by is virtually off, since the series control element is by-
dissolving the cement bond in acetone. (2) The support passed and current from Ql is directed through Q4 to the
for the guard ring (necessary for small samples to prevent negative terminal (ground).
rounding of edges) is mounted on three spring-loaded The error signals are derived from the circuit of Fig. 4.
screws rather than being threaded into the jig neck. This In the scheme shown, the reference voltage is adjustable
allows a small angular adjustment of the guard ring with within the range -0.9 to -1.1 V and the clamp within
respect to the sample surface. Hence the guard ring can -1.2 to -1.4 V. The dual 2N3958 FET provides high
be adjusted accurately parallel to and flush with the impedance inputs for both reference and probe voltages.
sample surface even if the sample is slightly nonparallel The 2N3565 transistors provide a constant current source
to the normal to the jig. axis. for the FET and are biased differently (2.78 and 2.94 kO)
As has been previously emphasized, l the best electro- to equalize the characteristics of both arms of the com-
polish results if the anodic overvoltage (measured by a parison circuit. The probe and reference signals reach the
probe just above the sample or guard ring) is about lower operational amplifier where the amplified difference
-1 V with resPect to the cathode. In principle the over- forms the control output to the bath power supply. Al~
voltage can be kept fixed by manually controlling the though the feedback loop of this amplifier is provided
bath power supply. But this method is very inefficient with variable gain and high frequency attenuation, the
for several reasons: (1) It is difficult to track the over- circuit always worked well at full gain and minimal
voltage in the oscillating region of the polarization plot attenuation.
(see Fig. 2 of Ref. 1). (2) It may take 1 h or longer for The upper operational amplifier of Fig. 4 compares the
the bath voltage to stabilize, during which time the probe and clamp voltages. In the feedback loop of this
current density may change by a factor of 20. (3) If the amplifier, the diodes and 100 kO resistors act as a fast
overvoltage exceeds a certain critical value (about 1.3 V) recovery clamp for the amplifier, effectively limiting the
the sample is pitted by violent evolution of oxygen. To output to '" ± 7 V according to whether the probe is less
overcome these difficulties an automatic control circuit or more negative than the clamp. In the latter case, the
was designed which keeps the overvoltage fixed at a -7 V error signal results in V b.>'::: -1 V on the switching
preset value and incorporates an upper limiting voltage transistor Q2 in the bath power supply (Fig. 3), effectively

100 adj","


"311 '- -~- i- - J\~

7.5 kG
FIG. 3. Schematic of the bath power supply.
510n(ol 7W
P.<l096 ~---.-~- -- --------

L ________________ ~

0-5 A,ink

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30 Nov 2014 17:57:02
NOTES 1107

-15 V

12 kfl
+15 V Probe input
(lamp yoltage
2N39S8 ~

1 kG
10 kG

m 0-2 v r;::========-r:-~4.-:::
Ref, voltage ~ _ _-----l 0.2 V
FIG. 4. Schematic of the operational
amplifier module.

8.2 kG
1% I kn

1 kG

5,6 Iron 2.78


-15 v
+15 v

turning off the bath as described above. Nonnal control The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution "of
resumes if the output of this amplifier reverts to ",+7 V. A. J. George who designed the circuit to specifications,
The performance of the system was excellent. Within a and the support provided by Professor A. F. Kip.
few seconds after switching on the electronics the over-
voltage reached the desired value and stayed that way as t Present address: Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
long as desired. The unit has been effectively used up to * Supported in part by the U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific
two days in continuous operation. By suitable modifica- Research Grant No. AF-AFOSR 290-63.
tions of the power supply voltage and clamp voltages, the 1 R. W. Powers, Electrochem. Techno!. 2, 274 (1964).
2 See, for example, tables in W. J. Tegart, The Electrolytic ,!nd
basic circuitry could be used in the electropolishing of Chemical Polishing of Metals (Pergamon Press, Inc., Long Island CIty,
other metals. 2 New York, 1960), 2nd ed.

A Simple High Voltage Vacuum Seal* hundredths of a millimeter smaller than the inner electrode
(in our cases practically always a 6.35 rum stainless rod).
After the rod is pressed through the Teflon the assembly
Department of Physics, University of California, is chucked in a lathe and the Teflon is then cut to shape
Los Angeles, California 90024
as shown in Fig. 1. The center portion forms the seal
(Received 1 April 1969) while the remainder provides a creepage path as long as
desired to inhibit surface breakdown. At first we roughly

I Ncases
some studies with rf superimposed on dc (in some
up to 5 k V) we were bothered by faint glow
matched the Morse taper but later found that the plas-
ticity of the Teflon made this unnecessary. The seal as-
discharges on surfaces near the electrode seals. l We sus- sembly is then driven into the tapered hole, using a
pected that the cause might be vapors from O-ring seals hollow "drift" tube which approximately matches the
or surface effects due to the use of soft solder joints. To diameter of the shoulder on the Teflon cylinder. The
eliminate these suspicions and also solve a space problem Teflon flows until it conforms to the tapered hole, at
we tried the simple seal shown in Fig. 1. We have found which point the behavior is the same as trying to drive
it very useful in situations where a high voltage seal is the hollow tube into a piece of solid Teflon. We found that
needed very quickly in a restricted space. However, the it took several months for the Teflon to relax to the point
vacuum plate in which it is installed must have a thick- where one could detect further motion by repeating this
ness which is about twice the diameter of the seal. driving operation.
Construction is very simple. The first step is a hole in We have no long tenn infonnation on these seals since
the vacuum plate, followed by slight expansion with a 3° none of our studies have required continual use longer
Morse tape reamer. The insulator is a piece of slightly than six months. For example, we would frequently change
oversize Teflon stock in which a hole is drilled a few the internal electrode position by driving the center elec-

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30 Nov 2014 17:57:02

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