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Name: Natalia Zapata Rocha, 200089452

English VIII

Word Religions


1. b. Questions of page 62.

1. List the religions from oldest to youngest.

1. Hinduism (sometime between 4000 and 2500 BCE).

2. Judaism (around 2000 BCE).
3. Buddhism (535 BCE)
4. Christianity (about 44 AD)
5. Islam (622 CE)
6. Sikhism (1708)

2. What is the relationship between Christianity, Islam and Judaism?

R/. The principal relationship is these religions are Abrahamic Religions. But
the earliest is the Judaism which is the base of the others two. Abraham is the
most important figure in the Old Testament and the God of these religions.

3. What is the relationship between Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism (and to some

extent Islam)?

R/. The relationship between Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism is they believe
that the enlightenment can only be achieved by going through cycles of birth,
life and death, that is to say, reincarnation.
However, Sikhism has beliefs of Islam and Hinduism because from Islam, they
believe in a single formless God and from Hinduism, the believe in samsara,
karma and reincarnation but reject the caste system.

2. Write another short paragraph about:

a. What do you think of new religions?

R/. In my opinion, the new religions are Islam and Sikhism. Islam is a religion
where the people are very devoted and have many obligations as the Five Pillars
which seems to me, makes people not enjoy praising Allah. I think that the
persons shouldn’t be forced into anything. On the other hand, Sikhism is a
interesting religion because they take what they like most from other religions
and create their own.
b. Do people who follow a religion have a better time than those who don’t?

R/. No, all persons are free to live how they want. If some people don’t practice
religions it is because they feel happy like this, that is, they have a great time.
On the other hand, very people of us are happy practicing a religion and our life
is wonderful.

c. Do you think religion always fits our modern-day world?

R/. No, actually there are many social problems as homosexuality and early
pregnancies and the religions rejects these behaviors.

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