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Name: Carlos Empanada de la Pared

Title: #2- Instruct someone you are supervising/teaching of an important idea/concept/method

ex: Title: #2 How to avoid eat healthier to avoid diabetes (Doctor teaching a patient)

Theme 1: manage liquid Theme 2: manage high Theme 3:reduce refined

sugar consumption glycemic index (GI) sugar desserts
carbs that easily
convert to sugar
Pt1-reduce consumption Pt1-replace high GI Pt1-reduce portion size
of soda, sports drinks and white rice and pasta of refined sugar
sugar added juices for brown rice and desserts
Pt2-increase Pt2-reduce quantity of Pt2-substitute refined
consumption of water high GI potato/platano sugar desserts for
and sugar free juice and increase quantity low/natural sugar
of vegetables desserts

1. lower liquid sugar: a) reduce sugary drinks b) more water, sugar free juice
2. lower high GI carbs: a) less white rice/potato b) more brown rice/quinoa
3. reduce refined desserts a)reduce frequency/portions b) more natural sugar desserts

Mr. Gomez, we used to combat weight gain and diabetes by reducing fat and calories but now we
know the main problem is sugar as well as foods that readily convert to sugar in the body. The
easiest first step is to reduce your consumption of sugary drinks 1 such as soda, sports drinks and
juice with added sugar in favor of water or juice without sugar 2. Secondly, you can replace
carbohydrates that easily convert to sugar such as potato, platano and white rice 3 for low sugar
carbohydrates such as brown rice or quinoa 4; alternatively, you could increase consumption of
vegetables such as habichuela, ahuyama or calabazin. Finally, you can reduce the portion size of
desserts with refined sugar5 or eat lower sugar desserts such as fruits, dates or dark chocolate 6.
You may even find that after a time you enjoy the more complex texture and flavor of these
foods/drinks the same way an adult eventually prefers a good coffee, beer or glass of wine to the
soda they preferred as a child. (6 pts + intro + conclusion = 48 seconds)

====================Title: #3: Refute a common myth from your field====================

ex: Title #3 - Lead poisoning contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire (civ eng/bio)

1. constant motion = no lead absorption

2. minerals coated pipes = no lead contact
3. not all piping lead

That lead poisoning from plumbing caused public health problems in the Roman Empire is a MYTH.
First, water in the plumbing network was in constant MOtion such that the time between water
ENtry to a pipe and EXit to a public fountain was only a few minutes, not enough time for a
SIGnificant amount of lead to leach into the water. Secondly, the high MINeral content present in
northern Mediterranean water caused a rapid accumulation of calcium carbonate that COVered
the lead in most pipes. Finally, not ALL plumbing was composed of lead; in fact, many conNECtors
and FIXtures were made of BRONZE. (3 pts, 27 seconds)

Don’t forget to edit for concision! (nearly one third the words used to say the same thing! (43 vs 16 words))

original: It is a common myth that lead poisoning in the pipes and plumbing of cities contributed to grave
public health problems in the Roman Empire but this can be shown to be false for several reasons. The first
of three reasons is that
edited: That lead poisoning from plumbing caused public health problems in the Roman Empire is a myth. First,
Please make sure all four parts appear on one side of one page so I can easily compare;
I don’t mind if you use smaller margins (better) or smaller font on outline to do this.

Name: Daniela Guáqueta – 10B-11

Title: #2- Instruct someone you are supervising of an important idea/concept/method
Some advisements to live better without migraine
Step #1 – Outline your talk here
Theme 1: Sleep deeply Theme 2: Eat healthy Theme 3: Live without

Pt1- Take the adequate Pt1- Avoid unhealthy Pt1- Schedule your daily
hours to sleep (at least 8 food like junk food routine to prioritize
hours) your agenda
Pt2- Exercise at least 3 Pt2- Do not exceed the Pt2- At difficult
times per week, it will amount of food, just moments, keep calm
help you to deep placidly eat the necessary. and think the best
solution to address it in
a good way

1.: Sleep deeply a) Adequate hours to sleep b) Exercise

2.: Eat healthy a) Avoid unhealthy food b) Do not exceed eating
3.: Live without stress a) Schedule your routine b) keep calm at difficult moments

Step #2 - Transcribe your talk here

Nowadays, 15% of American people combat the migraine, and have to treat it with medicines
or activities that can’t fulfil at every place. What you actually do not know is that you can
prevent migraine episodes changing your daily habits. The first thing is giving the relevant
importance of sleep well having at least 6 hours 1 to do it deeply, and exercising three days per
week will help you to rest placidly2. Second, you must eat food that are healthy for your body.
Probably the junk food3 will alter your glycemic index. Also, do not exceed eating more that your
body can do4, he just needs the necessary nutrients. Third, being patient with your life and get
out the stress of your routine. Schedule is an easier habit that all of us have to learn to can
develop our responsibilities 5, and at those difficult moments when you don’t perceive an exit,
stop and take some minutes to find a solution 6. As you can see, you can prevent it by yourself,
those habits will avoid some brain disturbs that may provoke the beginning of migraine, and
your life will turn better without physical discomfort. (58 seconds recorded- 6 pts)

====================Title: #3: Refute a common myth from your field (mini 3 pt talk)=====
Title #3: The mass that enters a process is exactly the same that leaves it (Chem Ing.)

1. Changing the form (transform) = it is not the same structure

2. Mass being consumed = it is not the same quantity.
3. Complex process = it is hard to predict

Step #2 – Transcribe your mini talk here (should be 25-30 seconds)

All the matter that we feed in a process is the same thing that we obtain is a MYTH. First, when
you expose the mass into DIfferent physical conditions it is CONstantly changing, and its
composition will NOT be the same as the beginning of the process even more if is POssible a
contact with Other compounds. Secondly, through the process MAss can be consumed, and it
its PHYsical state can change. Thus, it is not the same aMOunt when it is transformed into
something else like ENergy. Finally, mass balance is not COMplex to understand but it is difficult
to preDICT.

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