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Q1 a) Name the following

(i) Mitosis
(i i) Euro Bharat vehicular standard
(iii) Calcium
(iv) Cretinism
(v) Chemotropism

b} Match the column

1. Thyroid cancer
2. Cro-magnon
3. Sperm
4. Cone cells
5. Somatic nervous system
c} Write the location of
(i) Sino atrial node- At the inner wall of right atrium .
(ii) Islets of Langerhans- In the Pancreas .
(iii) Uterus- Between the posterior surface of urinary bladder and rectum in
human female .
(iv) Chlorophyll- On the wall of thylakoid
(v) Nucleosome- In the chromatin {ibre

d) Differentiate
I Phenotype ratio Genotype ratio
3:1 1:2:1

Red Blood Cell White Blood cell

Circular, Biconcave Irregular/ Amoeboid

Cellophane paper Cobalt chloride paper

To demonstrate To detect the presence of water·
osmosis during transpiration '

Auxins Cytokinins
Synthesized in the Synthesised in roots
shoot apical meristems
and young leaves

Neurotransmitter Tropic Hormone

Acetylcholine Thyroid stimulating horrnone -
e) Choose the odd term
Odd term Cate or of the remainin -::-:-t-- - -
. . erms
(i) Brain VestI Ia 1 or ans
ii Knittin without lookin Natural/Inborn reflex
(iii) Illiteracy Factors responsible for incr - - .- ---J
world o ulation ease m
iv Condom Contrace tives used b Vv
(v) Variegated leaves Adaptations in plants to r on,_e_n_ _ _ -1
trans iration educe rate of
f) Soloet tho odd torm
(I) U
(II) A
(Ill) A
(iv) 13
(V) C

g) Montlo n tho function.

(I) Abscleic or.let- lt1duc~o11 nood cJomwn cy, lnhlbitn nrwd oermination ,
stim 11l o1eo clotrnrn of otonin tn,
(ii) Th yl ekold s-slto of llntit dor1or1do11t ro'l ctlon of pho'looynthoeia,
(i ii ) Cerebrospinml flu icl- rrotocta tho brnln and apinFJI cord from mechanical
(iv) Ear ossich~R- to :.,mpllfy tho sound vibrations.
(v) A drenaline- lncroasos blood supply to muscloo, accelerates heart beat

h) Arrango In logical aoquenco .

(i) A orta, , stomach , hepatic porta l vein, liver, hepatic vein,
(ii) G raafianfo llicle, Ovum,Ostium Jall opia n tube, Uterus.
(iii) Xyl em , Mesophyll ce ll s ,lntercellular space, Substomatal space, Stoma,
(iv) Receptor , Sensory Neuron ,Association neuron, Motor neuron ,Effector,
(v) Pl atelets, Thromoboplastin, Thrombln ,Flbrin ogen, Fibrin .

(i) Photolysis : It is the splitting of water molecules into hydroge n and
hydroxyl ions in prese nce of light at th e granum .
(ii) Allele- Altern ative form of a gene occupying th e same position on the
non sister chrom atid s of hologous pair of chromosomes affecting the
sa me characte ri stic in different ways,
(iii) lmbibition- It is th e phenomenon by which living or dead plant cells
absorb water by surface attraction .
(iv) Green house effect- The trapping of radiated heat from earth by the
g reen house gases like methan e, carbondioxid e which increase the
global average temperature, cause global warming , severe drought etc.
(v) Mortality- It is th e num ber of death per 1000 individuals per year.

(i) Plant cell
Presence of Cell wall , Chloroplast, La rge Va cuole.
(ii) Plasmolysed cell

cell wall
vacuole •- --
cell membrane
ch oroplast

(iii) Plasmolysis- It is the shrinkage of the protoplasm due to withd rawal of

cell membrane away from the cell wall due to exosmosis whe n the cell
is placed in hypertonic solution.
(iv) Deplasmolysis
(v) Salting/ Curing- salt used as food preservative, It prevents the
biodegradation of food due to bacterial growth eg : preparation of
pickles . .
Germs are killed when we gargle with salt water during throat infection.

Q3. a)
(i) Myopia
(ii) Elongation of eye ball from front to back, Eye lens is too curved.

Concave Lem
(iv) 3-Ciliary muscles help to alter the focal length of eye lens to view near
and distant object clearly.
4- Optic nerve- To conduct nerve impulse from the eye to brain.
(v) 2- cornea

(i) To investigate the effect of water on the growth of roots and shoot.
(ii) A- Initially the radical grows downwards due to influence of gravity of
radicle .
B- The radical moves towards the moist saw dust(water)
(iii) Roots move towards the water, shoot moves away from water
Water is more effective stimulus for roots than gravity.
(iv) Negative Hydrotropic movement; away from moist sawdust.

Q4. a)
(i) Meta phase
(ii) Chromosomes split at the centromere; daughter chromosomes move to
the opposite poles of the cell.

(iii) Diploid
(iv) 2
(v) Growth or increase in the body cells due to formation of new cell .
tissues s 1n the
Repair of the damaged and wounded tissues by renewal of the
cells. st
Replacement of the old and dead cells

(vi) Cytokinesis by furrowing of the cytoplasm from the periphery to the
centre of cell .
(vii) 1- Centromere
3-Spindle fibres.

(i) To show that oxygen gas is produced during photosynthesis.
(ii) A- Oxygen B- Hydrilla
(iii) Ensure that the level of the water in the beaker is above the level of
stem of inverted funnel.
(iv) The rate of oxygen gas evolved decreases
Rate of photosynthesis decreases with the decrease in temperature.
Enzymes are inactive at lower temperature/ cold water.

~ ~


QS a)
(i) Corpus callosum helps to transfer impulses between the two cerebral
(ii) Occipital lobe, Concerned with Vision
(iii) Cerebellum
(iv) Cell bodies of the neurons aggregate in the outer region to form grey
matter, nerve fibres aggregate in the inner region to form white matter.
(v) Growth hormone
(vi) Meninges
(vii) Thalamus, Hypothalamus

(i) Nephron
(ii) Loop of henle
(iii) Selective reabsorption: Step during urine formation in the kidney where
the proximal convoluted tubule in Nephron selectively reabsorbs water,
sodium ions from the glomerular filtrate to maintain osmoregulation.
(iv) Glomerulus.
(v) 2-Efferent arteriole
3-Afferent arteriole
(vi) Urochrome
(vii) Malpighian capsule
(viii) Potassium ions, penicillin.

Q6. a)
(i) Ganong's potometer
(ii) The movement of the air bubble indicates the rate of transpiration .
(iii) It is difficult to introduce a single air bubble in the capillary of the
Cut leafy shoot may not survive for long time .

(iv) A- Oarwins photometer
8-Garreau's Potometer
(v) A- The rate of movement of air bubble increases as the increase in
wind velocity leads to faster movement of water molecules away from
the leaf. Thus the rate of transpiration increases. . .
8- The rate of movement of air bubble decreases as the increase 1n
humidity reduces the outward diffusion of water vapor across the
stomata thus decreasing the rate of transpiration.


/fllt~ -- - - Thyroid gland

Adrenal gland _ _--,1,_j._ ~ ~ . . . i . - - - pancreas

llt 1.1.,...-+--+Mll~- Testis

(ii) Bipedal locomotion
Entirely erect posture
Well developed and prominent chin
Reduced brow ridges
Cranial capacity 1450-1600cm3
(iii) Hypertrichosis of ear; pattern baldness.

Q7. a)
(i) Vasectomy
(ii) Prostate gland secretes an alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidic
vaginal fluid.
(iii) Seminal vesicle
(iv) Epididymis
(v) 5-Scrotum
(vi) Leydig's cells
(vii) Sperms may be non motile; sperms may die due to acidic vaginal fluid;
sperms may reach the fallopian tube which does not contain ovum.
Hence to increase the chances of fertilization millions sperms are
released in a single ejaculation.
(viii) Inguinal canal.

(i) Atrial systole, Ventricular diastole
(ii) Atrioventricular valves are open
Semilunar valves are closed.

(iii) DUP
(iv) It prevents the backflow of blood from the ventricles into the atrium
during ventricular systole.
(v) Pulmonary circulation : Heart pumps the deoxygenated blood to lungs
and receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs.; Systemic
circulation: Heart pumps the oxygenated blood to the other parts of
body and receives the deoxygenated blood from the parts of the body.

Smooth mucles ~ - - narrow lumen

and elastic fibre_s_.- .....,,
1/, Connective tissue

(vi) ~ -
Cross section of an artery
(vii) It is caused due to blockage in the coronary artery

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