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Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions,Vol.

35, November2002, pp528-535

Experimental and theoretical investigation of the shear

resistance of steel fibre reinforced prestressed concrete
X-beams - Part I1: Theoretical analysis and comparison
with experiments
K. S. Elliott 1, C. H. Peaston 2 and K. A. Painea
(I) University of Nottingham, UK - (2) Arup Research, Formerly at University of Nottingham, U K - (3) University of Dundee, Formerly at
University of Nottingham, UK
Paper received:July 30, 2001; Paper accepted: October31, 2001

A B S T R A C T R I~ S U M I~

This is the second part of two papers on the experi- Cette pattie est la deuxi~me de deux articles sur les exp&iences
mental (Part I) and theoretical (Part II) resistance of steel (partie I) et la th&rie (partie II) sur la r&istance des poutres en
fibre reinforced precast concrete beams. bdton pr~fabriquO renforcOdefibres d'ac#r.
High strength steel wire, and thin amorphous metal Des aciers a haute adh&ence et de minces fibres m(talliques
fibres have been introduced into prestressed concrete X amorphes ont ~t~ introduits dans des poutres X en b~tonpr&ontraint
beams in order to study their behaviour under shear loads. pour ~tudier leur comportement sous Faction des efforts tranchants.
t 9 I . I I .

Experimental tests have determined shear strengths at the Des essais expenmentaux ont d~termtne la reststance ultime au
ultimate and cracking loads, and shown increased ductility cisaillement et les charges defissuration, et ont montr~ une hausse de
with up to 2 % fibre content. From these tests two differ- la ductilit( avec un volume allant jusqu'a 2% defibres. Sur la base
ent methods are proposed for predicting the ultimate de ces essais, deux mOthodes diff&entes sont propos&s pour la prOdic-
shear capacity - these are the fibre supplement additive tion de la r&gtance ultime au cgaillement - la m(thade des fibres
method, and the modified FlkC principal tensile stress supplOmentaires additionnelles et la m(thode de la contrainte de ten-
method. The principal tensile strength of the fibre rein- sion principale du b&n defibres d'acier. La r&istanceprincipale en
forced concrete is given as a function of compressive tension du b(ton renforc( de fibres est donn& comme fonction de la
strength and fibre volume. The mean value of the ratio of r&istance a la compression et du volume &fibres. La valeur moyenne
the calculated to the test strength is 0.89 without partial du rapport entre la r&istance calcul& et cdle donne'epar les essais est
safety factors, and, being conservative, is proposed for use de 0,89 sans facteur de majoration, et, (tant conservatrice, rile est
in design. A calculation modal is presented. propos& comme mOthodede calcul. Le modhle de calcul est pr&ent~.

1. REVIEW OF EARLIER STUDIES stressed beams (with additional rebars) failed at higher
loads than their counterparts such that r I reduced with
1.1 Shear tests on prestressed fibre reinforced increasing prestress. For beams failing in web shear ten-
concrete (PFRC) beams sion at aid = 2.0, the plain concrete beams collapsed
immediately after first cracking, while fibre reinforced
The main purpose of these tests has been to deter- beams cracked at similar loads but were able to sustain
mine the enhancement in shear resistance due to the considerable loads beyond the first crack giving r I = 40% for
presence of fibres, given by the fibre volume ratio Vf, the i_~fS=1%. Abdul-Wahab [2] recorded rl = 18% for Vf = 1%
shear span-to-effective depth ratio a/d, and the amount fibres at a/d = 2.25. Flexural shear failure~were
of prestress. Results are expressed in terms of the per- observed at aid = 3.0 by both these researchers. Lorentsen
centage increase 11 in shear load at ultimate failure Vutt to [3] recorded r1 = 50% using Vf = 1.5% HS fibres on fully
that at first crack Vc~. prestressed I-beams tested at aid = 3.7. Balaguru [4]
Narayanan and Darwish [1] tested prestressed beams recorded rl = 6% using V( = 1.5% HS fibres on PFILC T-
(PFRC) using crimped steel fibres of Vf = 0.3% to 3.0%, beams with minimum shear finks. There was an optimum
a/cl = 2.0 and 3.0, with partial and full pr~estress. Partly pre- value of/~= 0.75 %, beyond which there was an insignif-

1359-5997/02 ORILEM 528

Elliott, Peaston, Paine

icant increase in strength. It is likely that this low value of where Pwis the percentage of tension steel based on bwd,b,
r1is due to the effect of the shear links. is the net concrete width at the level of the steel centroid
Tests by Shin [5] have shown that reinforced beams andS, u/t is the ultimate tensile flexural strength of FRC.
containing shear links attain lower values of r1 with However, in general, fibres have little affect on V c
increasing Vfas those that do not contain links. Links are and therefore it can be assumed to be equal for nomi-
much moral effective at providing shear reinforcement nally identical PFRC and plain prestressed beams. The
than fibres, since even 50% of the required shear links approach taken in the ACI Building Code [10] given by
renders fibre reinforcement ineffective. Similar behav- the following equation, where a safety factor of 1.5 has
iour has been observed by FurlanJr. [6] on PFRC beams been removed, is therefore applicable:
with various amounts of shear reinforcement. In addi-
tion, fibres perform better than shear links in limiting V~= Vcc + V p = [0.4 ~-fs +O.45%p~]bwd (3)
crack widths by binding the cracks. Little advantage is to
be gained from the combined use of links and fibres, or where 0.4~f~ is a design approximation to the tensile
the use of fibres where shear links could be used. strength, and % x is the prestress at the critical section.
Balaguru [4] and Rajagopal [7] tested partially-pre- The term ~b is usually the sole measure of the
stressed beams using straight round steel fibres with 1~ = improved shear resistance due to fibres. In measuring Vb,
0.75%, and found significant increases in both Vult and the additional post-cracking shear resistance of RFRC is
Vcr These tests showed q = 71%, attributed to the crack assumed to be due to the fibres transferring tensile stress
arrest mechanism of fibres. Tan [8] tested partially pre- across a crack and not due to any additional shearing
stressed T-beams using Vf-- 1% HS fibres and found effect. Casanova [11] suggested calculating the post-
23% increases in web cracking strength. The behaviour cracking fibre tensile stressfu directly from uniaxial ten-
of these beams differed from all the other tests in that the sion tests at a critical crack width of 1% of the inner
plain concrete beams had a considerable load-carrying lever arm 0.9d. For diagonal cracks inclined at 45 ~ Vb is
capacity after web cracking. given as:
In conclusion, fibres increased the ultimate shear
strength of beams without shear reinforcement up to 1.8 Vb =f. b J (4)
times their cracking strength. ftu can be calculated theoretically as ~10 V[ z[)V accord-
ing to Lira [12], where V[is the fibre volume ffa&ion, ~s
the fibre matrix interfa~ial bond, )V is the fibre aspect
1.2 Ultimate shear capacity predictive methods ratio, and 110 is fibre orientation fac2or. It is recognised
that a crack crossed by the fibres running diagonally at 45 ~
From the various shear tests on prestressed FRC from the longitudinal reinforcement to the top of the
beams, two different methods have been suggested for beam never actually reaches the top of the beam. For this
predicting the ultimate shear capacity: reason the term 0.9d is used in preference to d.
(a) the fibre supplement additive method The 'Dramix' guidelines [13] suggest the fibre sup-
(b) the BS8 110 modified method. plement is due to a constant tensile stress acting along a
diagonal crack of height 0.%. Vb is calculated by assum-
1.2.1 Fibre supplement additive method ing the bending moment carried by the fibres is to equal
A shear supplement Vb due to the fibres is added to the bending moment due to an equivalent post-cracking
conventional equations for plain reinforced concrete flexural strength, fa e 30o Using empirical relationships
beams, such that the ultimate shear capacity of RFRC 9 . 7t, q, 9 . .

correlating thxs flexural strength to the direct areal ten-

beams is given as: sile strengthft, ox, the shear supplement is given as:
V. = Vc + Vb (1) V b =0.54fct,,,xRtbd (5)
where V~is the concrete contribution to shear capacity, a where R t is the ratio of the tensile strength before and
combination of concrete compressive resistance Vcc, pre- after cracking and is given by Nemegeer [14] as:
stressing V..
p and dowel resistance V~ u" Given that after
cracking, web shear tension in PFRC acts similarly to
shear tension in RFRC [1] it may be suitable to adopt Rt : (180C + WIEI) (6)
measures of V b previously defined for use in RFRC.
These methods have largely concentrated on the tensile where Wfis the fibre content (in kg/m 3) and C is a func-
stress provided by fibres crossing a shear crack. tion of the anchorage effect of the fibres (given as 20 for
Vd, which, depends on the tensile splitting and bond HS fibres, and 35 for straight round fibres). A compari-
strength of concrete is little affected by fibres. However, son between Equations (4) and (5) is given in Fig. 1.
it has been suggested by Swamy [9] that fibres increase The result agrees with Balaguru [4] where there is little
the stiffness of the dowel zone helping to contain dowel improvement in strength beyond a Vf of 0.75%. Other
crack growth, resulting in more efficient dowel contri- tests on RFRC beams [15-17] showed reduced improve-
bution as follows: ment beyond 1%. The appearance of an optimum Vfis
V d = Pwb,2(O.156fL,lt - 0.25) (Units offfl, ult are in N/mm 2) (2) partially due to reduced concrete workability with

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol.35, November2002

The purpose of this paper is t o examine these theoreti-
Dramix Guideline curves
compressive cube xE~
_-uatl~ (4) 2
/ cal approaches in a scientific manner, and to propose a
1.6 strength of concrete (N/ram2) f= 4,2 N/mm suitable semi-empirical theory based on the evidence
"at obtained from shear tests carried out on X section beams.

1.4 .... 25
...... 37
1.2 --- 50 ....




The test results show that the inclusion of fibres sig-

0.2 ..(.>5-" nificantly increases the capacity and ductility of pre-
0 I I I I I I I I I stressed concrete X-beams failing in shear. This increase
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
is due to one, or more, of the following contributions to
Fibre volume fraction(%) strength and ductility:
- rebars dowel action,
Fig. 1 - Comparison of the effect volume of fibre has on shear
supplement Vb. - concrete aggregate interlock,
- fibre bridging,
- concrete shear friction due to compressive resistance.
increasing fibre content. A semi-empirical equation for predicting the shear
Tan [81 derived Vb based on the following principal strength based on these effects is developed in two forms:
tensile stress-strain relationships, where the principal 1. Modification of equations in BS 8110 [18], Eurocode
stress trajectory is inclined at ct to the horizontal, as: EC2 [19] and the FIP Recommendations for Hollow
Core Floors [20];
Vb = [CYr(FRc) COt R - ~r(plain)COt Ot]bd (7) 2. Modified PCI [21] approach for the design of hollow
core floor slabs. This is also consistent with the
where % is the post-peak principal tensile stress. If approach in the 'Dramix' guidelines [13].
c~= 45 ~ then V b = [%(FRC) - CYr,qain)]bd-Furthermore,
Tan [8] proposed % = <r + ~/ft~i(1 + "42). Taking the
cracking principal tensile stressfr as equal for plain con- 2.1 Contributions to shear strength
crete and FRC gives:
2.1.1 Plain concrete contribution
V b = O.6 s bd (8) The failure of plain prestressed concrete beams in
i.e. 0.6 times the term in Equation (4). web shear tension causes a complete loss of prestress in
the wire immediately on cracking, resulting in no effec-
1.2.2 BS 8110 modified method tive compressive stress across the crack. Aggregate inter-
Although the additive method has proven suitable for lock is rendered ineffective since it is only effective in
estimating the shear capacity of P,.FRC and P F R C tension up to crack widths of about 0.3 man [22]. Post-
beams, it is inconsistent in its approach to shear when cracking resistance is therefore provided by dowel action
compared with design codes for prestressed concrete. and shear friction due to compression in the top of the
Narayanan [1] suggested a modification of the present beam9 With increasing deflection shear friction dimin-
BS 8110 [181 equation for shear capacity uncracked in ishes as the shear crack propagates into this zone, until at
flexure Vco as: a large deflection the shear is carried entirely by the
dowel forces. Further detailed are given by Paine [23].
Vco = 0 .67bh~]I..
/ w 2+ f.,spCYcp (9) Equation (10) is based on the tension softening curve
of concrete and may be used to describe the loss in the
where h is the.overall dept.h,ft,: p is the tensile strength of plain prestressed concrete shear capacity V(w) with
FRC at cracking and ~cp IS the effective prestress at the increasing crack width w:
centroid of the section.
This equation can be used in calculation of both the vIw)- Vcr
cracking and ultimate capacity. It is based on the same 1 +(w/wo) p (10)
principles as the present code design equations, which
makes it more acceptable as a design formula. where Wo is the maximum crack width at the neutral axis
Furthermore, it was shown to give very good correlation at V = V~r/2, and p describes the shape of the curves
over a wide range of shear strengths [2]. However, a shown in Fig. 2. From the X-beam tests reported in this
problem with this equation is that the use of f .Ct,Sp is paper the following values have been found to approxi-
purely empirical because the behaviour of FRC beyond mate to the average shear force-crack width curves:
cracking is not clearly understood, and is certainly not X-beams a/d = 2.0 Wo : 1.3 m m p = 1.2
related purely to tension. On these grounds it is difficult X-beams aid = 2.8 wo : 2.7 m m p = 1.2
to justify
use o f f -cresp" None of the present approaches The different values for w o show that the failures at
for estxmatlng the ultxmate shear capacity of RFRC and the higher aid ratio are less brittle than those at lower aid
PFRC beams are therefore entirely satisfactory. ratios. Also shown in Fig. 2 is the aggregate contribution

5 3 0
Elliott, Peaston, Paine

Fig. 4 - Equilibrium of tensile and compressive forces in a

cracked section.

PFRC beams with a significantly improved ductility.

Fig. 2 - Shear force vs crack width. Calculation of this compressive resistance is as follows.

2.1.3 Shear force due to compressive resistance

The additional shear force V.~ c3
carried by shear fric-
tion in the compression zone is due to fibre crack arrest.
This varies from zero at cracking to a maximum value at
a crack width of about 5 m m where many of the fibres
have pulled out and the only other resistance to shear is
by dowel action. Referring to Fig. 3, this is calculated by
first subtracting the total area under the shear load -
deflection curve (refer to Part I of this paper) of a plain
beam from that ofa FRC beam, for specified deflections
of//200,//300,//400 and 1/500, where 1is the span. This
area is dMded by the deflection to give the average addi-
tional shear force due to fibres. The average V(is com-
puted by subtracting the average fibre bridging contri-
bution Vb, given in Equation (4), from the above. The
constant tensile bridging stressf = qo Vf'~f)~f in Equation
(4) was used.
At large deflections the beam tends to hinge about the
Fig. 3 - Definition of the subtraction method.
compression zone enabling a couple of forces to be con-
sidered in the equilibrium of the vertical shear load versus
the horizontal compression in the concretef M and reac-
to shear strength by tensile bridging as derived from Li tive tension in the fibres f M- Referring to' Fig. 4, the
[24] where the contribution to shear strength is negligi- value of 0.1h for the heigh~ of the compression block is
ble. At w > 4 mm, the crack has extended through the consistent with that observed in these X-beam tests, and
compressive zone and only kinking of the reinforcement with that observed by Casanova [11]. The reactive tensile
offers shear resistance. stress is assumed constant. The total fibre contribution is
therefore the combination of a fibre bridging stress and
2.1.2 Fibre bridging the reactive tensile stress. Referring to the equilibrium of
Fibres contribute to shear strength by the fibres forces in Fig. 4,f, M and f, M are given as:
bridging across a crack formed by principal tensile
stresses. Increased ductility of the FRC beams cannot be Vci,,
explained by the fibre bridging mechanism alone, f~,M -- 0.026hZbl (11)
although the theoretical ultimate strength is similar to the
value observed in the tests. Therefore, although fibres where bfis the width of the flange, a is the shear span; and:
may increase the shear strength, there is a further action
resulting in the ability of the beams to carry shear forces Vcra
over large deflections and at large diagonal crack widths. s -- 0.468hZbd (12)
The shear crack never fully develops through the full
depth into the compressive zone as there is a crack arrest where bf is the average width of the beam in the tension
mechanism due to fibre pinching forces at the crack tip. zone.
The compressive resistance of FRC is therefore retained The values o f f M andf, M are shown in Table 1. The
at greater deformations than in the plain concrete. It is deflection at whi'ch the ultimate load occurs varies
this ability of the fibres to arrest the shear crack, and between//450 and//350. Average values calculated at
maintain a compressive resistance that provides the twice these deflections approximate to the values off, M

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 35, November2002

Table 1 - Average results for fc,M and ft,M from analysis of compressive fibre bridging, then the AVf term can be
resistance related to the average bridging stressft u = ri0
Vf'tf)vf [12] to give:
Deflection: 1/500 1/400 1/300 1/200
Tensileand compressivestresses(N/mm 2) A = 1"10.7., .zy (14)
Vf(%) a/d f~,M ft,M t,:,u ft, M fc,M ft,M fc,M Since q0 and ~,f are constants for any fibre,
ft,M a relationship bet4~veenfc, and zf can be pro-
0.5 2.0 17.13 2.68 20,81 3.26 25.17 3.94 30.6
4.79 duced by curve fitting as shown in Fig. 5.
1.0 2.0 11.95 1.87 19.14 3.10 25.75 4.03 29.6 4.64 Two additional data points are by Mansur
1.5 2.0 10.25 1.61 19.57 3.07 22.75 3.56 30.51 4.78 [25] and Fattuhi [26]. This relationship
average 13.37 2.09 19.87 3.11 24.72 3.87 30.21 4.73 between AVf and the fibre bridging stress is
0.5 2.8 17.42 2.74 18.43 2.90 24.74 3.89 24.60 3.87 substantiatedby the splitting tests performed
1.0 2.8 11.77 1.85 20.23 3.18 25.64 4.03 31.76 4.99 on the AM fibres in which the fibres rup-
1.5 2.8 2.75 0.43 13.53 1.34 18.21 2.86 25.10 3.94 tured at ultimate as opposed to pulling out.
average 12.22 1.92 17.17 2.70 23.79 3.74 27.56
The value of zf at ultimate for AM fibres is
4.33 therefore relfited to the ultimate tensile
N.B. Each value is averageoffour results. strength of the fibre rather than the strength
of the matrix. The value of A is therefore
given as:
............................................... /
/fl / "~f = 9.2 N / m m 2
8 Critical fibre-matrix interfaeial / ( 2r.fy, "~
bond strength A= (15)
7 / xf = 1.69e 0"024fcu

5 M a n s u r [251 where, r is the ratio of fibre cross-sectional area to fibre

perimeter,/f is fibre length, and 2r.~, / / f is the critical
fibre matri:~-interfacial bond strength eqfial to the value
~, * Test results of zf at rupture of the fibres. This equals 2.5 N/mm 2,
Fattuhi [26] 30 x 0.5 m m H S fibres
assuming thatJ}, = 1900 N/mm 2 as given by the fibre
i . i ~ ; i i P f manufacturers [27]. Thus A = 321 taking rl0 = 0.41. The
I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
value of A obtained experimentally from the AM fibre
fcu (N/mm2)
splitting tests equals 335, and shows that A is a measure
of the fibre bridging component.
Fig. 5 - Fibre matrix b o n d stress x f v s c o n c r e t e s t r e n g t h f c u.
For the HS fibres, the critical fibre-matrix interfacial
bond strength can be calculated in a similar manner and
equals 9.2 N/mm 2 when)), = 1100 N/ram 2. This value
andfM at ultimate. Here f, M = 4.66 and 3.97 N/mm 2 at is shown in Fig. 5, and suggests that fibres in concrete
a/d ='2.0 and 2.8, respectively, which is 0.55"~f, and with a compressive cube strength greater than
0.47~1f~u, i.e. approximately equal to the cracking tensile 70 N/mm 2 will fail by rupture rather than by pulling-out
stress observed in the splitting tests. Assuming a shear of the matrix. Using Equations (13) and (14) (rounding
crack angle of 45 ~ these values can be directly described offfrom 0.48 to 0.5)fct,5p is given as:
as the additional tensile stress carried across the crack as a
consequence of the fibres preventing propagation of the + no Z,, v,, (16)
crack into the compressive zone. The tensile stress where from Fig. 5:
across the crack is therefore a combination of this stress
and the fibre bridging stress. ,ci=f(fcu)=l.7e ~176176 (17)
The following section discusses the fibre contribu- The maximum fibre bridging stress in tension may
tion to the splitting tensile strength and a basis on which be approximated as9 0 "37fa:/l, eq, 300 [13]. Equation (16) may
the fibre reinforcing mechanism in splitting may be therefore be re-written as:
utilised in the design of prestressed F1LC beams in shear.
fc,,,p =0.5 f ~ , + 0.37ffl,eq,300 (18)
Equation (18) is compared with the experimental
2.2 Theoretical equations data obtained forft , ,fae 3oo andf~u in Fig 6 The good
9 p jt . " "

correlation suggests that~ e 300 ~s a good measure of the

9 . q , . .
The splitting tensile strengthfct, s of FRC comprising fibre bridging stress. T ~ sphttmg tensile strength of
HS fibres is given in Part I of this paper as: plain concrete can also be estimated from the flexural
cracking strength of plain concrete prisms as 0.6f/[13]
f~,.~p=O.48~u~u+ AVf (13)
to give the ultimate splitting tensile strength purely in
where A = 237 for MS fibres and 335 for AM fibres. terms offlexural properties as:
If the matrix contribution to post-cracking strength
is constant, and the increase in splitting strength is due to fct,sp = 0.6f~ + 0.37fyt,eq,30o (19)


8 mended by Girhammar [28] and used by PCI [21] as:

7 * HS fibres #O
Vco u = 0 . 5 f ~ c u + 0.37fft,eq,300 + 0.3(0.67Ocpx) (21)
[]AM fibres
Best fit-line for da~ with the shear strength of plain prestressed concrete
j' (through origin) y " given as:
Vco = 0-5 f ~ c u + 0 . 3 ~ c p x (22)

0,5 fcu~ + 0.37feteq.300= fet,~ The shear stress supplement v b due to adding fibres is
R 2 = 0.87
given as:
0 I
P b = Vcou -- P co
1 3 4 5 6 7 = 0.37f~,eq,3O o - 0.1%p~ ~ q0 "Ky "~i "Vl - 0"l~ (23)
0 . 5 fcu 05 + 0.37fct.eq.300
The shear strength of prestressed FP,.C beams can
Fig. 6 - Ultimate cylinder splitting strengthfct, sp: test values vs therefore be given by two equations. One is consistent
Equation (18). with the design of prestressed beams and hollow core
slabs in the European codes, and a second equation con-
sistent with the approaches currently advocated for
197 mm ] design of reinforced FRC beams in shear.


To determine the shear capacity of F R C X-beams

having a cross section and prestressing arrangement used
in this paper, the following methods may be used:
1. the addition method given in Equations (1) to (8);
2. BS 8110 modified equations.
~ ' ] - - - ~__ - 7 " 25.4mm
Consider the X-beam shown in Fig. 7 reinforced
F t Tt -- 7 I 25.4 mm using 1% HS fibres 30 mm long x 0.5 mm diameter, and
e-h f , = 79.5 N / m m 2, with a/d = 2.89 The analysis is to be
25.4 25.4 turn compared with beam PB7A (see Part I) where %px = 3.5
N / r a m 2.
A s = 22249 mm 2 Technical data: rio = 0.41, )~f= 60, zf. = 1.7e 0 9024 x 79 5
Z t = Z b = 1.22 x lO 6ram 3 = 11.4 > 9.2 N / m m 2. I ~ = 78.5"kg/m 3. C = 20.
I-- 678.5 x 10 6 m m 4

Fig. 7 - Cross section of x-beam used in calculation model. Method 1

For shear due to compression resistance:
Equation (3) V~ = 0.4 "]79.5 x 181 x 37 x 10-3 = 23.9 kN
2.3 Semi-empirical equations Vp = 0.45 x 3.5 x 181 x 37 x 10-3 ~ 10.5 k N
For fibre bridging, four equations are compared:
In BS 8110 and most European codes of practice the (a) Equation (4) V b = 2.26 x 37 x 181 x 10 -3 = 15.1 k N
method of calculating the shear resistance of a prestressed whereft . = 0.41 x 0.01 x 9.2 x 60 = 2.26 N/ram 2
concrete beam is to restrict the maximum principal ten- (b) Equation (5) V b = 0.54 x 0.4 ~]79.5 x 0.623 x 37 x
sile stress at the geometric axis of the section to the ten- 181 x 10 -3 = 8.0 k N
sile strength of the concrete. For PFP,.C beams, a similar where from Equation (6) R t 0.623 =

approach can be used but for these beams the maximum (c) Equation (8) V b = 0.6 x 15.1 = 9.1 k N
tensile stress that can be carried across the shear crack at (d) Equation (23) V b = [(0.41 x 60 x 9.2 x 0.01) - (0.1 x
the geometric axis is equal to the sum of the fibre bridg- 3.5)] x 37 x 181 x 10-3 = 12.5 kN
ing stress and the reactive tensile stress due to compres- Then Equation (1) gives:
sive forces at the top of the beam. The maximum prin- Maximum V u = 23.9 + 10.5 + 15.1 = 49.5 k N
cipal tensile stress may therefore be equated to f<sp to Minimum V u = 23.9 + 10.5 + 8.0 = 42.4 kN.
give the ultimate shear stress % , as:
Vcou = "]fi~,sp + 0.67 fc,,,p Ocp, (20) Equation (16)fct w = 0.5"479.5 + (0.41x 0.01 x 9.2 x 60)
= 6.72 N/ram2 compared with 7.45 N/ram2 in the test.
. ftsp, = 0.5"4fu + 0 9 37 fzj~, e.q, 30o 9 Where flexural prop-
where Equation (20)
ertms are not knownJ~,e 71 q,
3oo is taken as tl0 ")~,.~ V~ The
T'J" ) "
value of o cpx at ultimate was found to be approximately Vcou = ~22+0.67x6.72x3.5 = 7.8 N / m m 2
0 9670 cp x o f that at cracking, i n d e p e n d e n t o f V~ Vcou = 7.8 x 181 x 37 x 10 -3 = 5 2 . 2 k N
Equation (20) could also be rewritten in the form recofia-

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 35, November 2002

Table 2[a] - Comparison of theoretical and experimental using Equation (20), designers should include appropri-
ultimate shear strengths of plain beams ate factors of safety forft9 s--.
The 0.67 factor in Equation
(20) takes care of two things, (a) the reduced value o c1~~" of
a/d <Xcpx rutt Vco Vult/ Vco s.d.of at cracking, and (b) the large influence that the pr&iuct
(N/mm 2) (N/mm2) (N/mm 2) Vutt/Vcou
fccts,p o cpxhasonvc,..o .
2.0 3.5 7.23 5.27 1.37 0.20 The calculanon model is in good agreement with test
2.8 3.2 5.53 5.18 1.07 0.10 results for aid = 2.8 (< 7 % differences) but not for aid =
Average 1.22 0.21 2.0 (< 37% differences). This may be explained by the
v .r calculated flora average of all tests, vco calculated as average theoretical
arching effect due to shear compression for the smaller
value of atl tests. shear span. However, as most shear failures occur by
shear tension the proposed calculation model is suitable
for use in design.
Table 2[b] - Comparison of theoretical and experimental
ultimate shear strength of FRC beams
a/d Fibres Vf rutt Vcou Vult/Vcou s,d. of 5. CONCLUSIONS
(%) (N/ram 2) (N/ram 2) Vun/Vcou
2.0 HS 0.5 8.73 7.01 1.25 0.11 The objectives were to develop empirical design
1.0 9.60 7.58 1.27 0.09
equations to predict ultimate shear strength using the
fibre supplement additive method, and the modified
1.5 10.71 8.40 1.28 0.06
FP,.C principal tensile stress method. For the former, a
Average 1.27 0.09
shear supplement V b due to the fibres is added to con-
2.8 HS 0.5 6.97 7.01 0.99 0.11 ventional equations for plain reinforced concrete beams.
1.0 7.78 7.68 1.01 0.16 In the latter the splitting strength of concreteft is modi-
1.5 7.91 8.06 0.98 0.11 fied tOfct, =_ to take account of fibres.
ff .
AM 0.28 6.53 6.10 1.07 0.05 The main conclusions are:
0.56 6.77 6.77 1.00 0.07 1. The fibre bridging stress, which best matches
Average 1,01 0.10
experimental results, is given asfu = q0 Vr "9 5vr where
the orientation . factor
. . 110 =. 0.41,. fibre
. matrix lnterfac i al calculatedfrom average of all tests. V~o. calculated as average theoretical bond stress is the lesser of'or = 1.7e~176 or 9.2 N/ram 2,
value of alI tests.
and Vr and kr are the known volume fractions and aspect
ratio for the "fibres.
12.0 2. Semi-empirical theoretical equations were devel-
oped using the modified FRC principal tensile stress
method to predict the ultimate shear strength Vcou as:
" 8.0 t All . ~ -'*"
Vco. _ I b ~/ fct,=p: +0.67Cycpxf~t,= p
~ 6.0 Ay
J Vult= Vcou ~

2.0 ~ d e n c e limit Aa/d= 2.0 fc,,sp = 0"5"~c~ + 0.37ffl,eq,300

j - * a / d = 2.8
in which ffl,~q,300 is obtained from a standard 4-point
0.0 ! i t ~ !
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 bend test.
Voo~CR/mm2) 3. The mean value of the ratio of Vco,, / V,t t for the 34
tests carried out on FRC beams is 0.89 without partial
Fig. 8 - Comparison of the calculated shear resistance Vcou with safety factors, and being conservative is proposed for use
test values Yul t. in design.

Compared with Vult of Test PB7A = 57.7 kN and

48.3 kN = 53.0 kN average for two tests. REFERENCES
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