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the 2 International Olympiads on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2008; 19-28 August, Bandung, Indonesi


In this modern era, the world's astronomy development has been developed furiously.


Unfortunately, it's developed in our country is stagnant. The fact is most people in Indonesia
are not familiar with astronomy yet. A few communities have known it but they still think that
astronomy is an “expensive study”. For non-academic communities, this study is

“untouchable”. Jakarta Amateur Astronomy Society, as one of a few astronomical
instruments in Indonesia tries to change the paradigm by holding public based astronomical
activities. We hope that by having these activities, our goal is to “socialize astronomy” will
come true.

Pertemuan Rutin
The Beginning
No Materi Tanggal
Since Planetarium and Observatorium Jakarta was officially open for public on March 12 Goals and MissionAstronomi
The purpose of HAAJ was formed at the beginning was to accommodate the interests of small groups which were
11 Juni 2011
1, 1969, people's interests in astronomy, especially in Jakarta, has been built. One interested in astronomy, and along the way through the years since it's found, we have been tryingto socialize it to
1 Pengenalan Astronomi Amatir 08 Januari 2011
decade later, the number of astronomy's lovers had increased. Most of them thought that 13 Radio Teleskop
all kinds of communities, from different studies, professions and ages. From students, college students, 25 Juni 2011
the subjects of information they get from Planetarium had not quenched their curiosity. professionals and housewives. From children to old people. They are all gathered for one reason; hobby. This is
2 Tata Surya 1 : Matahari 22 Januari 2011
The Head of Planetarium Jakarta at that time, Drs. Darsa Sukartadiredja, saw this just the same as HAAJ's goals and 14mission,Remote &astronomy
to socialize the Mobile study.Telescope 09 Juli 2011
It needs hard works and strong
phenomenon and tried to accommodate their interests by forming a club for Amateur willing to reach our goals and mission. The mission itself is the astronomical activities based on public to grab as
3 Tata Surya 2 : Planet – Planet
Astronomy called Jakarta Amateur Astronomy Society (HAAJ). HAAJ was officially many public societies as we can. We15hope by Hisab
holding thisRukyat
activities will make astronomy even more popular for23 Juli 2011
05 Februari 2011
found on April 21, 1984. It is located in Planetarium and Observatorium Jakarta. public to study.
dalam Tata Surya 16 Asronomi dalam Islam 6 Agustus 2011
Tata Surya 3 : Penjelajah Kecil di HAAJ Routines 17 Tokoh-Tokoh Astronomi 20 Agustus 2011
4 going 19 Februari
At the beginning it's found, HAAJ Routines was only unscheduled meeting 2011
to discuss subjects relatedto astronomy and several star party activities which was held incidental. Organizationally, HAAJ was
Tata Surya
through consistency inflation. Slowly but sure, it was developed into structured routines pattern. And then, since the 18 Sistem
year 2000, HAAJ Kalender
has been having some routines and non routines activities3 September 2011
which are structured in a Routine Schedule. Generally, HAAJ activities are divided into two parts :Routine Activities and Non-Routine Activities.
5 Riwayat Hidup Bintang 05 Maret 2011 19 Astrofotografi 17 September 2011
Observasi & Koordinat Benda Routine Activities
19 Maret 2011 20 Astrofisika 1 Oktober 2011
6 HAAJ Routine Activities consists of five main activities, they are Two-weekly Routine Meeting, Star Party, Amateur
Langit Astronomy Workshop, Astro Party, and Jakarta Astronomy Week.
21 Etnoastronomi 15 Oktober 2011
7 Ekstrasolar Planet 02 April 2011 22 Astrobiokimia 28 Oktober 2011
8 Galaksi 16 April 2011 23 Fisika Kuantum 12 November 2011
9 Wahana Antariksa 30 April 2011 24 Kosmologi 26 November 2011
10 Astrorobotik 14 Mei 2011 25 Mengenal Planetarium Astro Party 10 Desember 2011
Two-weekly Routine
11 SETI Meeting 28 Mei 2011 Astro Party is held once a year in
different cultural centers in Jakarta,
This activity is held on Saturday such as Japan Foundation and Russian
every two weeks. The form of this Cultural Center. This activity is held as
activity is lecture and discussion on Amateur Astronomy Star Party Jakarta Astronomy Week
It is held four times in a year in four a form of cooperation about
Star Party
astronomy, which is given by
lecturer that is scheduled with
certain subject and it is conveyed
This activity is held to accommodate
our members who eager to learn more
different places. Usually it is located
out of Jakarta, over the weekend
This activity is a competition in
astronomy study for High School
students. It is held once every five
astronomy between HAAJ and those
countries we are cooperated with. The
from Saturday afternoon until form of this activity is talk show,
No Kegiatan
with simple explanation for public.
The participants of this activity are
about astronomy, especially for
practically subjects. The activities are
Sunday morning for two days one Tanggal
years. The purpose if this activity is
to know how far the students'
exhibition and playing astronomy
night. From the four star parties held, movies. The participants are High
most general public, from different advanced lectures, instrumental interests in astronomy, especially for
1 Star Party I (Untuk Umum)
educational background, workshops and night sky observation. Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor
one of them (the first one) is open for 26 Maret 2011
High School students and to know
School students.
professions and stage of ages. This workshop is held once in a year, public. The others are for members. how effective HAAJ activities that
2 Star Party II (Khusus Anggota) for one day length, from early in the Observatorium Bosscha 18 Juni 2011
has been done to reach our goal “To
morning until evening. Socialize Astronomy”.
3 Star Party III (Khusus Anggota) Kepulauan Seribu 24 September 2011
4 HAAJ StarNon-Routine
Party IV Activities
(Khusus Anggota) Cisarua / Anyer 19 November 2011
Besides the routines activities, HAAJ has several non-routines activities as well. It is incidentalprogrammed to help increasing the quality of the activities itself, enrich the astronomical activities, expanding
5 the Star Party
for publication and(Khusus Pengurus)
of course to reach our goal “to Socialized Astronomy”. The programs areKampung
Counseling StarLio, Depok
Party, The World Space Week, Astronomy Exhibition and Astronomical 23 Mei 2011

Star Party Counseling Astronomy Exhibition

Event Astronomi This special program is held at schools and by invitation.
The participants are teachers and students from the
As one of the astronomical instrument in Indonesia, HAAJ has
a moral responsibility to keep socializing the astronomy study
invitee. The activities are general lecture, group for public. One of the media that is used to that purpose is by
No Kegiatan
discussions, astronomical instruments workshop, night Tempat
participating in the exhibitions from related institutions. We Tanggal
sky observation, basic astronomy research. hope that the interest of public about astronomy will grow from
The Agenda of each program at each school can be these activities.
1 Astro Party personalized.
*) Juli 2011
2 Seminar Astronomi *) *)
3 The World SpaceBulan
Week Total *) Astronomical Phenomenon 15 - 16Juni 2011
The World Space Week is celebrated in many countries all There are many astronomical phenomenon from time to
4 over the Bulan
world every year. Totalwith Planetarium
In cooperation *) time, and every phenomenon is special and should 10 Desember
be 2011
Jakarta, HAAJ has a chance to participate in celebrating this socialized to public. It is our responsible to make people
5 specialPekan
event by Antariksa
holding activitiesDunia
such as seminars and SMP & SMA Madania aware of these special phenomenons. Phenomenons Oktober
to be
socialized are : Comet Appearance, Meteor Shower, Solar
exhibitions. Technically, HAAJ is participated as the
6 lectures Meteor
of the seminars
and socialized our program through *) Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Inner Planets Transit, etc. 23 April 2011
The activities include : the phenomenon observation, basic
7 Leonid Meteor Shower *) research and its documentation.
18 November 2011
Geminid Meteor Shower
8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
15 Desember 2011
9 Global Astronomy Month *) Maret 2011
Those activities are held as our effort to reach our goals ”To Socialize Astronomy” as our goals since HAAJ is found. One thing that is focused by the management of HAAJ is that this community can be counted on to ope n the public's
Our hope as the Management of HAAJ is to have all the activities we have runs well. We will not run as perfect as we mind about astronomy and knowledge generally. And as a local community in Jakarta, the Management o f HAAJ
expected as HAAJ is just a non-profit institution which is count on the management's commitment and consistency. hopes that there will be more amateur astronomy clubs are found in other cities so that the socialization of astronomy
Catatan : Management of HAAJ will always give our best in each activity we hold.
However, the can be widely spread.

1. Kegiatan dilaksanakan hari Sabtu, jam 16:30 WIB – 21:00 WIB, di Planetarium & Obsevatorium Jakarta
2. Kecuali :
a. Star Party II, III dan IV (khusus untuk anggota), kegiatan berlangsung dari Sabtu sampai Minggu,
b. Event Astronomi 2011 (khusus untuk anggota dan undangan).
3. Bagi peminat :
Bisa langsung datang ke pertemuan kelas pada jadwal di atas, (kecuali pada jadwal-jadwal : Star Party dan Event Astronomi
untuk langsung bertemu dengan pengurus HAAJ di ruang kelas Planetarium Lantai 2.
Pertemuan rutin ini terbuka untuk umum, free, Hanya dibebankan untuk membayar handouts presentasi.
4. Acara pertemuan :
a. Ceramah dan Diskusi
b. Apabila memungkinkan, selepas Maghrib akan diadakan peneropongan malam (tidak selalu), atau kegiatan lain seperti
pemutaran film astronomi.
5. Atau menghubungi :
a.Muhammad Rayhan (Ketua) : 081317566592
b Dessy Eprilya (Koordinator Pertemuan Rutin) : 08988038466
c.Indra Firdaus (Humas & Koordinator Star Party) : 08999345351

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Facebook : Himpunan Astronomi Amatir Jakarta

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