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5 ways to show clients your cleaning and safety improvements

Outline new safety measures

Whether you’re using a platform like Airbnb
UPDATE YOUR or your own website for your listings, make
sure to include an outline of the precautions
LISTING you’re taking to combat the spread of the
DESCRIPTION virus. It doesn’t need to be longer than a
sentence or two. You can also direct them to
a resource for further information, like your
website or email.

Provide more detailed info

Update your website with detailed
information about the extra cleaning and
safety procedures you’re implementing
UPDATE YOUR during the pandemic. Create a "banner" for
WEBSITE your homepage, a letter from your CEO, or a
blog post detailing your special efforts.
Many clients will appreciate a thorough run-
down of your new cleaning protocols.

Be present on social media

Use social media to address customers’
concerns about the virus. Share your
USE SOCIAL coronavirus blog post on social media. "Pin"
your COVID-19 policy to your Facebook
MEDIA page. Use photos to show how you're
making your vacation rental safer. Show
improvements like installing hand sanitizing
stations or upgrading to keyless doors.

Stock up on cleaning supplies

Provide guests with extra cleaning supplies
GIVE GUESTS to use during their stay. Supply a travel pack
of disinfectant wipes, individual packets of
CLEANING dish soap and sponges, complimentary face
SUPPLIES masks, and disposable gloves. Show your
guests that you understand their concerns
and will go the extra mile—even on top of
your own extensive cleaning measures.

Reassure guests with signs

Use visual aids to reassure guests that their
USE SIGNS TO vacation home has been thoroughly
attended to. Hang a sign on the front door
INDICATE to say the house has been cleaned and
CLEANLINESS disinfected. Inside, use signs to indicate the
cleanliness of commonly used items, like the
TV remote, kitchen sink, coffee maker, etc.
Use laminate or plastic for easy disinfecting.

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