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NONLilW EAR 0P'1' IhIlZ A T 10N.

S. D. Upadhye. Prof. Y . R. Alrc

Senior Systems Analyst, Dcpt. Of KlcctricaI Ex;.
Tata Infotech t t d . Walclratld Collcn,c 0:
Punc, India I!iiginccring, Sang!i.
400096. Iiidia. JI64IS.


Power systcm harmonics are a mcnacc xitli

disastrous consequences. A tiumber of ways tvcrc tried out io
tackle the harmonic problem poscd by nonliiicar electric
devices, but $+far. ihe most popular and quiet crfective onc
is the use of passivt filters. This provides a low impcdzncc
path to a harmonic or a group of iiarnionics as tliown in Fig.
1. Usually the AC ' m o n i c s arc odd harnionics. So ntrnimlly
/ .\
the filler combination selected is such that for thc
predominant harmonics, one or more single tuned filters arc
used, and for the rest of the harmoiiics, a high pm filtcr is
used. An altcmte :ombination is that a damped filter is uscil
Po:w j?Zt=m harmonics are a major problein :vi&
for the hvo p d o m i n a n t harmonics with the filter being tuned
disastrou :orsequenceS. These a& usually reduced
at a frequency in behveen the hvo harmonics and another
damped filter Tor ihe higher harmonics. If all thc harmonics using s k t ysjsive filters. This naoer discusses he
applicaiicn o i 3ctimization a l g o r i b to the dcsign of
arc not of v q high magnitudc thcn usually one high j x s s
film is suficient ;'or all rlic Iiariuoriics. [ 1 1 Instcad of tiic passive 5iz: :o obtain optimal dejign of these R i m s .
conventional Jes:y of thesc filters. wliicii is bnsctl OII To judgc d e ;,t:fomance of the optiml design, it is
experience cf thc dcsicncr. a bcttcr way :S to usc thc brcaal:: iivicci into three categories. The first is for
optimization 1iScc:hms io oht3in niaximrrlli pcrforinsricc maximuxi xlcc$on in Total Harmonic Distortion of
from these 5i::x. pow: qis;ex aehvork. Under th'is, magnitude of
hnrinonics p ~ c tod tlic systcni is optimizcd. llic sccund
is for ociinal :css at fuaidamciital frequenc:i. Under Ais
the losscs si :;le Siter bank and hcnce curient drawn at
fiindanezai 5e;uency is optimized. T i e third involves
oprimizxon sf Cost of the filter, vhich optimizes
running x s : 2: <Fie filter, which is-variable. A :oir.vare
. .
package zwz.cTed on this algorithm is tested using
hamonit 5 2 s collected from field. Resuits are
enumerucd mi21 magnitude of harmonies bypassed by
the filter; azG -;le magniiude passing to :he powcr system
ntnvork. ?!CS of the impedance characteristics of &e
rcspective Ira :ho enlisted.
0-7803-4509-6/98/$10.00 1998 E E E
tuning frequcncy At the resonance frequency, Duc to its good Zltering pcrforniaiicc at mocicratc losscs.
imaginav part IS equal to zero and the current die second order damped filtcr as shown i n Fig. 4 , is an
through the filter is limited by R. Since the two ideal choice for harmonic supprcssioii. Ainsworth[ I ] lias
reactances are equal at tuning frequency, introduced two factor m and f for this particular filter.
X, = n2 X, These factors detemiine its frcqiicncy rcspoiisc. Tlic
filter impedance can be given as
From this it follows that,

whcrc 0-2x1
This frequency f is an integer multiple of the system
fundamental' frequency. This integer multiple, designated by Here it is to be noted that j is not tlic tuning
*n' is called harmonic number. frequency of this filter but this is tlic frcqwiicy at which
There is another factor that influences the dcsign of the filter impedance is iiiiiiiinum and nbovc wliicli it
a single tuned fiiter. It is called Dctuning factor and is offcrs low impedance. 'Iliis I1-cqucncyfis given by
represented by 5. It represents the variations in the tuning 1
frequcncy caused by following factors. f=-
1. Variations in the system frequency. 2x cx
2. Temperature variations in the values of
capacitance and inductance The other important factor is desiznated by 111. 1I ] i t can
Another important factor that influences the be given as
dcsign of a single iuned filter is the-Filter Quality facfor Q . L
It is calculated always at the tuning frequency and can be 111 = -
given as
Fig. S(2) illustrates the effect o f variations in 111, on
the characteristics of the second order danipcd filtcr for
various valucs of ni.
\Wicrc X, is tlic renctance of inductor or capacitor at thc Tlic filtcr quality factor Q is givcn by
tuning frcqucncy. I-lcncc

and c=- 1
0 QR Where X, is the reactancc of thc filter. at frequency f.
Fig. 6[2] shows how a typical second ortier damped
filter, having a minimum inipctlniicc frequency at 10.7Ih
The value of Q usually lies in some range. The harmonic, behaves with variations in the valuc o f R and
circuit resisiance R IS usually the DC resistance of the thereby in Q. X high Q means the filtering action will be
inductor L. Tile filter impedance can be expressed in more pronounced and a low Q nieaiis very little filterins
tci-ms of Q and 5 as [ 11 action of the filter.
The chi-t design constraints Tor a Iiish pass filler
are mainly Q , f and m. If the capacitance m i bc
dctcrmincd from 111c oihcr pnramcicrs, f and hcncc 111
w i l l be dctcrmiilcd i n such :I \vny 3s to ol,ln!n n lllqll
admittance over tlic requirctl I'Icc~uci~cyI niigc. 'i\'hcii
expressed in temis of in and R. the contlrictaiice and
susceptance :enis for a sccontl ortlcr high pass :iltcr nre
given as

Whcrc S is search dircctinii iit~tlh is opiii:i\ sicp Icngtli.


x(n? x - IlfX + 1) Due to distinction of application. tlic design i. tliwtlccl

into three headings or schemes. Tlicsc arc
1. Minimum level of harmonics ill ilic systcin.
2. Mininium liltcr losscs at fwidaiiiciiial l i c c l i ~ c ~ i c y
X =-
3. kliniiiiuiii cost of tlic riiiilc I I I I C I 11:iiik.
fo AfI8Ii%liJhlL E VEL O F I I A Itil I O N I C S
f is the frequency at which the filter has minimum As the nanic suggests, this sclicnic tlcsigiis tlic filtc~s20
impedance. that the total harmonic coiitciit prcsciit in thc systciii will
be reduced as much as possible. As showii iii Fig. I , liltcr
OPTIMIZA TION A L GOiUTHMS’ USED D UIUiVG current has to be increased as far as possible, to reduce the
FILTER DESIGN: harmonic current entering the system, to niiuinium; wliicli
Optimization is a process of finding a global or true means, Z,:he total impcdancc of lil(cr kink as a wliolc, has
maximum value or true minimum value of a variable to be optimized. Hence it is nccessary to optimize IIIC
using various optimization algorithms. It is distinct from individual filter impedances. This entails ihat thc filtcrs
the conventional maximization or minimization methods sliould be optimized in such a way that they will ofrer
that obtain only nearby maxima or minima. minimum impedance at their rcspcctive tuning frcqwticics
miis sclicnie 3s coniparcd to othor sclicincs givcs lowczt
Mainly in the dcvelopmcnt process, the Interior Penalty value of TOTAL I-lARMONICS I)ISfORI’ION. [ 11[3 I
Function Method [3][4] is used. The unconstrained Sir@ Ticried Filter: As cliscusscd carltci. IIIC
function Q(x) formed thereby is optimized using impcdancc o f thc singlc tuncd fiitcr as ;I function o f ilic
Modified Cauchy’s Steepest Descent Gradient Partan filter quality factor (Q), 31 any frcqucncy is givcn as,
method. [3![4] Both thc algorithms arc briefly dcscribcd
Ipitcrii>r.Pciinliy Fttrtctiori Mcrhotl: This is a
constrained optimization nicthod whose unconstraincd
optimization equation for a constrained functionf(x) 22 (e)= Z2(Q)= R2(1+ K’Q’)
with constraints g, (x) on x is,

@(.) = f ( x ) + rkgG‘,(g,(.x)) (G)

j =I
22 (Q) is the optimization fuiiction for tlic singlc
Where the second term is called Pena!ty term. The tuned filter and Q is called tlic optiiiiizatioii variable. Q
penalty term is used to represent the constraints on x. [4] usually lies in some range, say il <: Q < b. This range
can be treated as a constraint for thc optimization
Modified Steepest D~scerifMefhod: Formulated by
variable Q. Hence the pcnalty tcriii caii Oc givcn
Cauchy in 1S47, this unconstraincd optimization method
is used 70 optimize the unconstrained equation formed by
Penalty Cmction method as above.
Tie negated gadient of 4 is used for determining the
rk 2 G, (8,(Q))
= rL(log( Q - t i ) + log(h - Q))

scat direction S . (SI

s=-v+ ’ l h s I$.tlic uncons~raiiictltipiiiiii7atioii f i i i i c l i i i i i iz civcii
Froiii an initial starting point, D step sf optimal step
length i s takcn along the search direction. Thc next point
is @en 3s follows.
= A-*,.*+ Sh

This ;3 is optimized using Steepest Descent N g o r i t l m . dependent upon all the compnncnts of tlic danipcti fiitcr
During this optimization process, rk remains constant as viz. R, L and C.
it varies during the constrained optimization. Hence Q is
SINGLE TUNED FILTER: As seen nhovc, tlicsc is
thc only variable.
not much scope for optimization of 1 . k rcsisiancc of this
If the system network angle 4%"is known, then filtcr as the parametcrs it dcpcnds 011, arc dctermincd by
according to Amllaga [I], the optimal value of Q is given by the design constraints of tlic iiidwtor that leavc littlc
scope. All that can be donc to rcducc I< is to design tlic
filter such that the value of I, is minimum. (1][37
DAA4PED Fll,7El?: ' I h icsislaiicc al
fundaiiicntal frcqucncy of a tlaiiipc'l I'iltcr is givcii hy.
1 1 1 wliicli case tlic optiiiiizatioii is a11 optional addctl
fcaturc. ,112(2111? - 21,r -I- I )
Damped F i l m : l l i e impedance of thc damped filter (12)
at its tuning frequency is given by

(11) Where 01, is that frequency at wliicli tlic filter has

minimum irnpcdancc. Tliiis 111 is the oiily vnrial>lc. ns C
can be determined froni other factois.
As C can be detenxined from other factors, the As discussed earlier, in nornially lies in soiiie range.
independent variable here is m alone. According to say a ni < b. Therefore the aini is to find such n value
Ainsworth [l], m normally lies in a range specified as of m in this range, R, will be at its miniinrim. Tlic
say a < iii < b. Thcrcforc thc aini is to find such a value penalty tenii can bc givcii by,
of m in the specified rangc that 2 2 and hence Z will bc at
its minimum. The penalty term can be given by,
j =I

T i u s (T, is given by.

73;s (T, is optimized using Stccpcst I)CSCCII~ Algoritliiii.

T h i s (I 'formed above is optimized using Steepcst K,rcmains constant as it varics i n the constrained loop;
Descent Algorithm. During this process, tk remains thus ni is the only variable.
constant as it varies in the constrained optimization loop.
Thus m is the only variable.

It is an iiidisputable fact that cost of tlic filtcr hniik is

a critical element in determining thc installation of ihc
bank itself. Tie cost of a filter consists of two parts V I Z .
For any filter, the magnitude of the current flowing Fixed capital cost and the vnriablc runniiig cost. l'lic
through it is generally maximum at fundamental capital cost largely depends upon tlic capacitor valiic
frcqucncy. Hence the filter o h m i c losscs will ( h a n k s i x ) nccdcd. As i t also tlcpcntls o i l ollicr h c ~ o i <
coricspondingly bc largcst at fui1danicnta1 frcqucncy. To iliat niay or may not bc coii~i~oi1:iI~le~ tlic liltcr riiliiiy
reduce thesc losscs, the filtcr will h a w to bc cspccially sliould h e optiiiiizcd s o t1i:it tlini riiiiiiiiig c r ~ ivill
t itc
designed so that it will offer comparativcly optimal dc iriinirnuni. :\Ithough the cost lijr at1diiioii;iI iiniis rcciiiirc'l
resistance at fundamental frequency. This means the for higher ratings. is iiot cxactly liiiear, for siinplicity i t i s
fundamental impedancc will have to be optimized. For a assunicd that tlic cost of n capacitor is pro1ioclioiial I O llic
single tuncd Slter, this resistance is mostly equal to the rating. Tlic cost of a11inductor is matlc tip of two parts
o h m i c resistance of the inductor. For a damped filter, .i* constant part arid the other variable part
the resistance at fumdainental frequency is largely proportional to tlic ratins o f tlic inductor. [ I J

SINGLE TUNED FIL7ER: For a singlc tuncd filxr, tlic IMMPEU FIL7ER: 11 tlninpctl filler Iins wiially vcry
sizc or rating in kvar can bc givcii as small valuc of Q as.coniparcd to tlic siiiglc tunctl filtcr.
As Q is given by
'A rc = - Var. I<
xc4, x, 11
-1 Q=-
Whcrc X,- and XL are respective reactances at thc
fundameiital frequency. As the aim is to optimize the This means, tlic filfcr rcsistaiicc I< is w r y siii;lil
ninning cost of the filter, it is necessary to optimize the compared to X . hciicc ncglcctiiig I<. tlic filtcr rating is,
nmiiing losscs of thc filtcr. For this tlic individrinl
' :r 11;
componcnt losses, which arc depcndent upon the total K,, =T- Wlicrc
loading of tlie componcnts, will have to bc optimized. x 11; - 111
Twiirig jk,wcticj*?/ tiic ,fiiter
Cnpacitor. losses: For calculating the total losses 1l0 =
Fitnciantentcil ji-ajiwrcy
occurring in the capacitor, total loading consisting of
fundamental as well as harmonic losses is to be Cnpncitor losscs: For calculatiiig tlic total losses
calculated. The total loss in the capacitor is occurring in the capacitor, losscs consisting of
fundamental as vel1 as harmonic losscs will linvc to bc
caicuiatcd. I Ihcsc are

~essismriceio.ssc?s: Wic iosscs 111 thc rcsistancc I<

can be given as or
Where bLis the capacitor loss factor and I, is the
current passing through the capacitor at the harmonic.
Resisfnirce losses: Urdike the capacitor, an inductor does
not have intrinsic losscs hut rathcr has extrinsic lnsscs
designated by tlie resistancc R in thc circuit. Because for
n siriglc tuncd fil:cr, Ilcticc the loss ill thc rcsistancc will

I-ieiicc the total filfcr loss from Eq5. 15.1 6 i s givcti by

Tlius the total filter loss from Eqs.13 and 14 is given by,

- 1 ) y I l ~- I n )
+ kr,(Ill tl?
112-11 112 -1

This F,,, is oytiiiiizcd li)r siicli a vnlrie 0 1 kr(: tlinf

Tliis I;,,, is optimized for such a value of k,that the loss tlic loss \vi11 be niiniiiiiiiii. A s kj,. is nn uiicoiistrniiictl
will be minimum. As k, is an unconstrained variable. variable, Floss can be optimized using Stcclmt 1 ) c s c o i t
F,,, can be optimized usins Steepest Descent uncor~strair~cd optiniization iiictl~nd.
A I go r i t h in.

For tlic siiiglc !..;:ic(lIiilci.. rCll7"' I i : i r i i i o i i i ~ : ,
L = 3.203GS 3111 ( 1 - (14.4243 }'I:
A sofhvare package was designed to implement the For the dampec 5Itcr, for tiic I I"' Iial-iiioiiic a i d aliovc.
thrcc schemes discusscd above. With ihis soltwarc R = 2.21574 5 L = 0.SX21 I O tiill (1 = 130.303
package, some field trials were carried out. For these 111:

trials, daia regarding harmonic content was collected The magnimics of various Iiamotiics cntcriiip tlic
from bulk power consumers and the results obtained Power System Network aftcr usiiig tlicsc filters arc sivcii
were analyzed. One such case is described bellow. in TABLE I.
CASE 1: Thc ncgali-Lt magiiitridcs iiitlicatc tiic rriii:iiiiiiii:
capacity to by11nis thc lnxriiioiiics. of tlic filtcr I w i i k :I$ :I
The industrial installation has 2 to 3 local gcncrating \vliolc. 'Ilic T I I D or clirrciit tlislcii t i o i l . riiitlci ~ l i c v ,
with capacitics of about 6 to 10 M V A at (3.6 kV.
circuriistarices i q rctlucccl to 0.00 (;r:iplis iii I.'ig. 7
Tlic installation has a n H.T. liiic from state electricity show tlic charac:rristics of tlicsc filtcis.
supply utility at the same voltage with a provision to co-
generate or draw power. l l i e load consistj of mainly six
pulse rectifiers and other loads. The total load is 3415 MlNlMVM LOSSES AT FUNDAMENTAL
kVA or 2800 kW at 0.82 power factor lagging. The FREQUENCY:
short circuit level is 28.4 MVA or equivalent reactance When filtcrs are designcd usiiig thc niiniiiiiitni loss desiyi
of 1.5333 n.The power factor is to be improved to 0.95 scheme for the above-nieiitioiicd data, ilic Lltcr
lagging. This requires about 1050 kvar of leading parameters obtained are summarizcd bcllow.
reactive power. [ 6 ]
For die single tuned filter, for 5'" harmonic.
It is assumed that the power supply source (namely L = 12.8385 mH C = 31.5679 pl:
the state supply network) is free of harmonic sources. For the sin9le tuncd filter, for 7Ih harmonic,
Table I illustratcs the original and filtered harmonic I, = 3.2096; inl-I C = 04.4243 ikr
niagiiitude for minimum harmonic inagnirlide. For the dampcd filtcr, for [lie I 1 ' " harnioinic aiitl ahovc.
R = 2.21834 Q L = 0.934952 nil1 C = 130.393

1 larm-onic 5 7 II 17 19 ThC magnitutlcs of various Iiariiioiiics cntcriiil: tlnc I'on.rr

Systcni Nctivork aftcr using tlicsc filters are as givcii iii
70 45 25 10 7
TABLE I. Tlic TIID for cui-rciit distortion riiiilcr thcsc
circumstanccs is reduced to 0.00 Yo. Cirqilis o f Ihc
characteristics of tlic filters arc similar to thosc i n 1,'ig. 7.
Filter bank i0.779+ 45.026 + 25.763 -+ 10.0537 7.02 +
currcnt 14.59 j0.76 j3.32 + j0.76 j0.48
-0.779 - -0.0267 - -0.763 - -0.054 -0.02
j4.59 j0.76 j3.32 - j0.76 - j0.48 When filters are dcsigncd using tlic iniiiinium cost
design scheme. :he filter paramcters are as suinniarizcd
Filter bank 70.779+ 45.026 + 25.GS8 4 10.0584 7.024 bel low.
current j4.59 j0.76 j3.44 + j0.78 + j0.49
For the single xncd filter f o r 5"' hai-nionic,
-0.777 - -0.0267 - -0.657
J4S9 1076 -j3.444
-0.058 -0.024
- j0.78 - j0.49 L = 7.2 19-3 mI-I c = 56.1353 ItI;
For the singk xncd filtcr for 7'"harmonic,
70.046- 44.996 + 24.2624 9.0963 6 998 L = S.Gli.'? ml-I C = 36.8253 111;
J1.71 jO.84 jG.39 i j l . 4 1 +j0.87 For the dan;r:,i filtcr for thc I 1'" Iinrnionic a n d abox-c.
-0.046 - 4.0043 - -0.734 -0.004 -0.002 R = 3.52952 2 L = 2.04209 nil I C = 81 .OS67 !:F
jl.71 j 0.S-l -j63 - j 1.42 - j0.87

LVlicn filtcrs arc designed using thc niinimuni harmonic
dcsign scheme, the filter data obtained is summarized
For ihc single tuncd filter, for SIh h a m o n i c ,
L = I?. 8385 in1-I C = 3 I 3 G Y &ti:

V i e magnitudes or various harmonics entering thc References:
Powcr Sysicm Network after using these filters arc as
1.J. ArriiaSa. D. A. llrntllcy atid I). S. Bndgcr.
given in table I. the THD for current distortion under
‘Power System llariiioiiics‘ 1985 John Wilcy
thcsc circumstances is rcduccd to 0.14 %. The Graphs of
& Sons Ittl. W. 93-109, 296-324.
filter Characteristics are similar to those in Fig. 7.
C Z , C, klccall, 'Design
2. Daniiin A. G O I I Z ~ ~ Joliii
From this case it can be obscrved that, minimum of Filters to Rctlucc 11:iriiinnic Dislorlioti 111
harmonics schemc is best suitcd to reduce the: harmonic Industrial Power Sgs(ciiis‘ l1X13 Tratw. oil
content as far as possible with a margin for temporary Industrial Applicatinns. vol. 1A-23. No. 3,
tluctiiatioiis. But il‘tlic rtltcr Ixi~ikpiicc has to bc justifictl h~lay/Jll;lc 1080. 1’1’. 5 0 4 - 5 I I .
against pcrforniance with somc harmonic coiitcnt 3. S. S. R n o , ‘ O p t i i i i i m ( i o ~ ~(Ilcoc-g acid
rcniaining albcil untlcr limits, thcn niinirnum cost AppIicali~iiis*Jitlic I O X a l , Wilcy 1i:irlci I I 1111.
schemc is the riglit schcnie. If the desire is to have the Sccond Edition. 1’1’. 37-38, 306-3 10. 390-39X.
better of the hvo worlds, then minimum loss scheme can 4. Donald A. Picrrc, ‘Optiiiiizntioii tlieory willi
be used. Applications’ 19G9, Jolin Wilcy LQ Soiis inc.
PP. 26-1-350.
5 . Dr. U. Gudani ‘ A New Scliciiir for llesctivc
Power Coiiipcnsitiioii. 1 lirriioriic
siipprcssion arid Daiiiliiiig or I<csoiiaiiccs‘
GRIDShl%-9S, 1iitcriiation:il Sciiiiiiar b y
Institution of Enginecrs (liidin). Jan 130G.

16 1
The losses in the resisiance R can hc ol)tniiied as follo\vs.
Vic total iosses occurring in a capacitor include the
losses at fundamental frcqucncy and tliosc at the hamioriic
frcqucncies. From cq. 4, it can bc sccn that

Therefore for a second order damped filter if V, and V, are i.Jow the losses in :hc rcsistancc a t liindariicittai I'rcqucncy
thc respective -;oltages across capacitor and the inductor, can be given as

Siinilorly tlic linrnionic loarliiig cnii bc givcn ns

The fundamcntai loading is given by,

Thus tlie tot31 loss i n tiic rcsistniice n~ill


Siniilarly tlie harmonic loading as a sum of the loading at

individual harmonics is givcn by

Thus if kCLis the loss factor of the capacitor. the total power
loss of the capacitor will be

List oifigurc captions:

I . Sonlinea: A. C. Load as a source of source o l

2. Single Tmed Fiitcr
3. Cnarac:er'itics of a single tuned fiIter
4. Second ode: high-pass fitter
S. Effect of mriations in Q of a second or&r damped
6. Characteristics showing c f k c t of variadon in m on
filter ~CCORTIJ~CC
7. CbractCr;stics of filters designed by t h paCkagC.


Fig. 1 Second order high-pass fdter

- ;\

\:-.: :.

Fig. f Single Tmcd FiItcr

Charaearistics of the fifth
16 - harmonic filter
14 7.

I! 2
<I 0
1 4
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Farmonic Multiples

Fig. 6 Characteristics Showing Effect of

Variation in m on Filter Performance

Characterisbcs of the s e v e n t h
8 -Harmonic Filter

1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
W m o n i c Multiples


Chatac!eris'jcs of Filter for

ElevenL? a n d h i g h e r

p : 3
5 2.5

x 2
d l
I 1 3 3 9 11 13 15 1 7 19
Hamonie Multiples

Fig. 7(c)

Fig. 7 C%r=c!ristics of Filters Desiqed Sy R e

Software Package.


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