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Ingles A1.


Jhon Andersson Viafara Peña.

Grupo No.900001_864.


Leydi Tatiana Minda.


Ibagué, Tolima. 1 octubre 2019.

 Preséntese dando respuesta a las preguntas de información personal en un texto o
párrafo coherente

My name is Jhon Anderson Viafara Peña, I am seventeen years old, I am from Ibague -
Colombia, I live with my dad and my uncles, I study Industrial Engineering, my hobby is to
be on the cell phone and listen to music, I do not have a favorite television program and my
sport Favorite is football.
My contact information to:
Phone number :3133775513.
Skype user name: Jhon Viafara.

 Capturas de pantalla de los ejercicios prácticos.

Practice 1.
 Construya un texto donde describa su rutina y las actividades que le gusta hacer en
su tiempo libre. El texto estará dividido en 5 párrafos, con 4 oraciones cada uno.


Parte del texto Oraciones para los párrafos

1. I am Jhon Viafara, I am 18 years old.

2. My height is 1.65 cm.
3. I have black hair and brown eyes.
Name and age and occupation Physical description
4. My occupations are soccer and

1. I wake up from 8:00 am to 9:00 am.

2. I brush and wash my face.
Activities in the morning
3. I prepare breakfast.
4. I organize the room and perform trade.
Activities in the afternoon 1. From 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm lunch.
2. I have to wash the crockery from
Monday to Friday.
3. I get ready to go to University.
4. I wait until 6:00 pm for my dad to pick
me up.

1. When I get home I change.

2. I wait for dinner to be served.
3. I start to play and check the cell phone.
Activities in the evening 4. I talk or watch TV with my dad.

1. Be on the cell phone.

2. Watch and play soccer.
3. Watch series and movies.
Activities I like doing in my free time 4. Go out with my Friends.

 Texto consolidado (con la imagen).

I am Jhon Viafara, I am 18 years old, my height is 1.65 cm. I have black hair
and brown eyes. My occupations are soccer and studying.

First I wake up from 8:00 am to 9:00 am, I brush. I prepare breakfast and
finishing the morning I organize the room and perform trade.

After 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm lunch. Then I have to wash the crockery from
Monday to Friday. I get ready to go to college and finally I wait until 6:00 pm
for my dad to pick me up.

When I get home I change, I wait for dinner. Then I start to play and check the
cell phone, and to sleep I talk or watch TV with my dad.

In my free time I like to be on the cell phone, watch and play soccer, also
watch series, movies and be with my friends.

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