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Water can help do a lot of the heavy lifting for us by reducing cravings and boosting

our metabolism. However, where most people struggle is remembering to drink

water throughout the day. After all, we all know it’s good for us. Why don’t we do it
For those reasons, instead of telling you to drink more water (you already know that)
I’m going to share some of my secrets on how!

Find a Good Electrolyte Mix

Electrolytes are essential minerals in our body, such as potassium, sodium,
magnesium, etc. When we drink plenty of water or workout, our body can get easily
depleted of the electrolytes we need and making us feel thirstier.
I can’t speak for everyone on this, but I can say that for myself when I’ve depleted my
electrolytes, drinking water feels unappealing. Adding electrolytes is a quick and easy
fix that makes water feel more quenching.
My trick is to add some electrolytes to my water bottle before I leave for the day. That
leaves me craving water MORE, and it makes water more satisfying. Of course, this
naturally leads to me drinking more water throughout the day.
One key is to make sure you find one without sugar. There are plenty of good brands
out there that sweeten theirs with Stevia or are even entirely unsweetened. My
favorite type comes in a bottle and is unsweetened.

Find a Large Water Bottle With a Straw

If it’s easy to access, we’re more likely to have it! This principle comes into play when
we try and keep the candy trays off of our desks. However, the reverse also comes
into play with things we should have!
Keeping a large water bottle nearby with a straw will make it easy to sip throughout
the day without keeping you from your work. My favorite ones are about a gallon in
size, making it easier for me to sip without even realizing it!

Step up Your Water Game

I’ll be honest, I don’t really like to sweeten my water because it tends to make me
crave more sugar. For this reason, I recommend using simple water flavors to give
your water a boost.
If you have a good cold bottle of water with some electrolyte drops and cucumber,
you probably won’t want to stop sipping away. You can even make flavored water
with berries, lemon, mint, and plenty of other great additives!
I’ve found that staying away from sweeteners entirely has made my fitness progress
way more successful.
If you absolutely HAVE to, I recommend using only water flavors that have stevia
and monk fruit in it. Sugar and most artificial sweeteners will most likely send you
down the wrong path with your nutrition.

6. Eat Frequently
Starvation diets don’t work. They will leave you hungrier at the end of the day and
will only slow down your progress.
Make eating healthy meals a priority! That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to
follow the 6 small meals rule of thumb, but it does mean that you should be careful
not to eat skimpily throughout the day only to binge at night

7. Lastly, Track Your Progress

Wait, isn’t this an article about a healthy diet for weight loss? Absolutely! But one
thing to remember is that psychology plays a huge roll in reaching your goals!
If you really want to get to where you want to be, it means keeping yourself
motivated! Set a goal for yourself that excited and motivated.
What is the one thing that excites you? What would change if you reached your goal?
How is not being at your goal affecting your life?
These are the questions you need to ask yourself and always remember before
starting on your journey.
Keep track of where you are but in moderation. The best way is to track your body fat
percentage once a week. This will keep you from getting discouraged and will show
you how much body fat you are losing, even if you might be gaining some good
weight from muscle.

Final Thoughts
I’m excited for your journey to health! Making a decision to live a healthier lifestyle is
a pivotal part of most people’s lives. I can promise you that you won’t regret it!

More Tips for Weight Loss

 3 Diet Hacks to Help You Lose 10 Pounds in 21 Days
 High Protein Diet: The Best Weight Loss Diet For Meat Lovers
 15 Healthy Recipes for Dinner (For Fast Weight Loss)

No Gym Required: How to Get Fit at Home

Do these simple resistance bands exercises at home for a full body workout!
No resistance bands? Just use robe ties or nylons and follow this workout plan.

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