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Guitars are played by several different mechanisms, either strumming with the fingers or a

plectrum, or plucking individual strings using these implements. Classical guitarists often
have very long thumb nails to accommodate single string plucking. Brian May26 famously
preferred to use a coin to play rather than a plectrum. The pitch is altered in a similar way to
orchestral strings, with one notable difference. Guitars have distinct frets built into the neck to
facilitate easier playing. An oft-used device by guitar players is the capo, which covers all the
strings on a particular fret, thus changing all of the open string tunings. The capo is essentially
a transposing device for the guitar.

The vast majority of modern guitars have 6 strings, tuned to E (sounding an octave plus minor
sixth below middle C), then ascending to A, D, G, B and E, finishing a major third above
middle C. Its range spans from the open bottom string to the B two octaves above middle C
(sounding). Alternative tunings are possible and often used, such as ‘drop D’ tuning, often
utilised in rock music.

Methods of notating guitar music vary wildly. Where conventional notation is used, music for
the guitar is always written an octave above its sounding pitch. The treble 8vb clef is used. In
many applications, guitar music can be written using slash noteheads, with written chords
indicated above the stave. Jazz players in particular are expected to interpret both these types
of notation interchangeably within the same piece.

Tablature (often abbreviated to simply tab) is a form of notation developed exclusively for the
guitar and its variations. For the guitar, six lines, representing the six strings, are used.
Numbers are written on the lines to represent the frets to be dampened. Occasionally, rhythm
is indicated above the tab stave.

The guitar, in various forms, is applicable to almost all styles of music. Usage has exploded
over the past 60-70 years in particular, with the introduction of guitar bands and electric
instruments, detailed below. Modern players often play chords exclusively, and many read
only tab, rather than conventional notation. Classical players are expected to be able to read
standard notation and, as mentioned, jazz players must be able to handle all forms of written

Acoustic Guitars

Electric Guitars
Bass guitars
Bass guitars, as the name suggests, provide the bassline in many ensembles. For this reason,
chords are rarely used, although possible. The bass guitar, unlike its higher counterpart, has
only four strings, tuned equivalently to the double bass.


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