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My experience of AutoCAD 2010 aka Gator

AutoCAD 2010 ('twenty ten') was released and shipped on Tuesday, 24 March 2009.AutoCAD 2010 Update 1 (SP1) is available.

New and/or enhanced functions

Still missing. Wish list for the next time
Existing bugs
Tips & Tricks
Updates & Service Packs
New Commands
Changed Commands
Removed or Obsolete Commands
New System Variables
Changed System Variables
Removed or Obsolete System Variables
AutoCAD 2010 training video
JTB World's software compatible with AutoCAD 2010

New and/or enhanced functions and some bug fixes.

New file format "AutoCAD 2010" and is likely to be used for AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD 2012. Last file format change was
2007. The version number is 18.0 and the internal DWG and DXF version is AC1024. It is possible to save to earlier formats down
and R12 DXF.

Initial Setup is displayed the first time you start AutoCAD 2010 and allow you to select the industry that most closely describes
Architecture or Civil Engineering for example. Depending on your choices the following will be set: the default settings of vario
functionality, including drawing templates, Autodesk® Seek filters, Autodesk Developer Network partners, the Unified Online E
portal, and workspaces. If you later want to access Initial Setup it is available via Options>User Preferences.
Application Menu has been changed a lot compared to AutoCAD 2009's Menu Browser. There is no longer access to pull-down m
here. Some name changes have been done. Publish command is known as Batch Plot and available via the Print menu. The Publ
access to Send to 3D Print Service andArchive but if you click directly on the Publish menu the publish command is launched.
The ribbon has been updated. You can drag a ribbon panel off the ribbon to display it as a sticky panel. Sticky panels remain d
when selecting a different tab, until you select the option to Return Panels to Ribbon.

The vertical ribbon has been updated to show the tab names along the side. The panel titles are displayed by default and thos
additional tools include slide-out panels. When resizing the vertical ribbon, buttons automatically flow to the next or previous r
elements, such as slider bars, automatically shorten or lengthen.

Custom dashboard panels can be converted to new ribbon panels using the Transfer tab in the Customize User Interface (CUI) E
You can customize contextual ribbon tab states which control the display of ribbon tabs and panels based on either the type o
selected in the drawing window or the active command. You can display a ribbon tab that is assigned to a ribbon contextual tab
on its own tab or with its panels merged onto each of the ribbon tabs in the current workspace. To add a ribbon tab, drag it fro
node in the Customizations In pane to the contextual tab state. For example, if you want the Home tab to become active when
an Arc object, drag the Home-2D ribbon tab to the Arc selected node under the Contextual Tab States. Select it and modify its
indicate if it should be displayed as its own tab or merged onto each ribbon tab.

The Quick Access toolbar has been enhanced with more functionality and to ensure consistency with other Windows applicatio
and Redo tools include history support and the right-click menu includes new options that enable you to easily remove tools fro
add separators between tools, and display the Quick Access toolbar above or below the ribbon.

The Quick Access toolbar includes a new flyout menu, which displays a list of common tools that you can select to include in th
toolbar. The flyout menu provides easy access to additional tools using the Command List pane in the CUI Editor. Other options
show the menu bar or display the Quick Access toolbar below the ribbon.
The Quick Access toolbar can be customized using the new Quick Access toolbars node in the CUI Editor. Multiple versions of th
toolbar can be created and added to different workspaces.

The New Features Workshop has been updated to include AutoCAD 2010 functionality.
Parametric Drawing

Parametric drawing functionality enables you to constraining drawing objects based on design intent. Geometric and dimension
help ensure that specific relationships and measurements remain persistent even as objects are modified. The tools for creatin
managing geometric and dimensional constraints are available on the Parametric ribbon tab, which is automatically displayed i
Drafting and Annotation workspace.

Geometric constraints establish and maintain geometric relationships between objects, key points on objects, or between an o
coordinate system. Pairs of key points on or between objects can also be constrained to be vertical or horizontal relative to the
coordinate system. For example, you could specify that two circles must always be concentric, that two lines are always parall
side of a rectangle is always horizontal.

Geometric relationships are defined with geometric constraints, located on the Geometric Panel of the Parametric tab of the ri
the GEOMCONSTRAINT command. When applying constraints, an icon appears next to the cursor to help you remember which co

When applying a constraint to points, a temporary marker identifies the closest valid point when rolling over an object. It gene
corresponds with points that can be used as object snaps.
Whether selecting objects or points on objects to constrain, the order and pick location affects how the objects update: the se
selected updates to satisfy the constraint. After the constraint is applied, though, either object will update when the other is m

You can significantly automate the process of applying constraints using the AutoConstrain functionality, available on the Geom
the Parametric tab. AutoConstrain automatically applies constraints to geometry that falls within specified tolerances. For exam
AutoConstrain to a rectangle consisting of four lines generates the appropriate coincident, horizontal, parallel, and perpendicu
to maintain the rectangular shape through various edits. You can control which constraints are available, in what order they are
a tolerance to determine whether constraints are automatically applied. These controls are available on the AutoConstrain tab
Constraint Settings dialog box, which you can access from the Parametric tab or using the CONSTRAINTSETTINGS command.

Constraint bars show the constraints applied to an object. You can control the display of constraint bars using the CONSTRAINTB
or the Show, Show All, and Hide All options on the Geometric panel of the Parametric ribbon tab.
When constraint bars are displayed, you can pass the cursor over a constraint to view the constraint name and the objects that

You can further control the display of constraint bars on the Geometric tab of the Constraint Settings dialog box. Options includ
to individually specify which types of constraints can be displayed in the constraint bar, apply transparency, and automatically
constraint bars after applying constraints to selected objects regardless of the current constraint bar visibility setting.

Establishing Dimensional Relationships

Dimensional relationships put limits on measurements of geometry. For example, you could use a dimensional constraint to spe
of an arc, the length of a line, or that two parallel lines are always 15 mm apart. Changing the value of a dimensional constrain
change in geometry.
You can create dimensional constraints from the Dimensional panel of the Parametric tab or with the DIMCONSTRAINT comman
seven types of dimensional constraints, similar to the different kinds of dimensions: Linear, Aligned, Horizontal, Vertical, Angul
Diameter. In fact, you can use the DIMCONSTRAINT command to convert a traditional dimension to the corresponding dimension
Dimensional constraints are assigned a name when created. The text of a dimensional constraint can display its name, value, or
expression (name = formula or equation or value). A “lock” icon appears next to all dimensional constraints to help you visually
them from regular dimensions. By default, dimensional constraints are displayed with a fixed system style that is zoom-invarian
same size relative to the screen when you zoom in and out so it is always readable.

You can control the display of dimensional constraints, including the visibility of the lock icon, from the Dimensional tab of the
Settings dialog box.

Easily edit a dimensional constraint using grips or by double-clicking on the dimension text to enter values. When you double-cl
constraint name and expression are automatically displayed regardless of the constraint format setting. You can enter just a va
and value using the format name=value (for example, Width=1.5 or Width=Length/3). You can rename dimensional constraints,
names in formulas to set the values of other constraints. For example, if you have a rectangle with constraints named “length”
you could define the value of “width” as “length/3” to constrain the rectangle’s width to 1/3 of its length.

The Parameters Manager, available from the ribbon, enables you to manage dimensional parameters as well as create and man
defined parameters. You can provide a meaningful name for the parameter and then assign a numeric value or formula as its ex
parameter’s expression can reference other parameters so that its value automatically updates when the other parameter valu

Dimensional constraints can take one of two forms: Annotational or Dynamic. Both forms control geometry in the same way, bu
their appearance and they way they are managed.
Dynamic dimensional constraints are not intended to be used as plotted annotation and they have a predefined style that canno
The display height is controlled by the BPARAMETERSIZE system variable. The visibility of dynamic constraints can be controlled
ways. First, you can show or hide all dynamic constraints with two icons on the ribbon. Second, even if dynamic constraints are
can choose to display them when a constrained object is selected, by using the checkbox in the Constraint Settings dialog or th
DYNCONSTRAINTMODE system variable. Finally, even if dynamic constraints are set to “Show All,” they will only appear if at lea
constrained objects is visible (on a layer which is On and Thawed).
Annotational constraints look just like dimension objects, and are managed the same way. They have all the same properties as
dimensions, including Style. Annotational constraints are intended to be used for plotted dimensional constraints.

You can specify which constraint form is applied by default using the CCONSTRAINTFORM system variable. Additionally, you can
constraint form when using the DIMCONSTRAINT command to create a new dimensional constraint. Even after you have created
constraint, you can easily change its constraint form using the Properties palette.

Dynamic Blocks

Dynamic Blocks supports geometric and dimensional constraints. They also support the ability to define a table of variations of

Constraint Parameters behave like dimensional constraints but also expose their name as a property for the block reference si
dynamic block parameters. You can access constraint parameters from the Dimensional panel of the Block Editor tab in the ribb
BCPARAMETER command. Constraint parameter options include Linear, Aligned, Horizontal, Vertical, Angular, Radial, and Diam

Construction geometry (BCONSTRUCTION command) enables you to convert existing objects to construction geometry. The con
geometry is visible in the Block Editor and can be constrained, but it does not display or plot in the block reference.

The Parameters Manager is available in the Block Editor. It lists user parameters, legacy action parameters, block constraint p
attributes. Using the Parameters Manager, you can control whether or not a parameter is displayed in the Properties palette fo
block reference and you can specify the order in which the parameters appear.

The Test Block tool (BTESTBLOCK command) enables you to test a block definition while authoring dynamic blocks. When you u
AutoCAD opens a temporary window, similar to a drawing window, with the block reference already inserted. The Test Block W
identifiable by the title bar, background color, and the contextual ribbon tab which includes a button to Close Test Block. Whe
test block, you’re automatically returned to the Block Editor.

The Block Table tool is accessible from the Dimensional panel of the ribbon, or the BTABLE command, it displays the Block Pro
where you can define different variations of a property set for the block reference. You can enter properties manually or copy
a Microsoft® Office Excel® spreadsheet.
Action Bars
The display and positioning of Action objects in the Block Editor is enhanced to be consistent with Constraint bars. Action objec
longer placed individually in the Block Editor; rather they are automatically grouped into Action bars based on the parameters
they are associated. You can toggle between the new and old display styles by setting the BACTIONBARMODE system variable pr
the Block Editor. When viewing the block definition with Action bars turned on, you can quickly tell which actions are associate
parameters and how many actions each of the parameters affects. You can also see which parameter has its “Chain actions” pr
enabled. If you roll over an action in an Action bar, both the associated parameter and affected geometry are highlighted.

Block Editor Settings is launched with the command BESETTINGS and enables you to control all the settings for the Block Edito
in one place. You can apply colors to objects based on their constraint status, making it easy to identify objects that are partia
over-constrained, or that have no constraints at all. The system variable BCONSTATUSMODE controls whether this shading is use
Color Selection - you can set layer colors and pick from the AutoCAD Color Index with ease. Access the Select Color dialog box
the Layer drop-down list by selecting on the layer color swatch. If the layer has a viewport color override, the color swatch has
border. The new color you select applies to the appropriate viewport color override or global color.

Behavior within the Select Color dialog box has also been improved. As you hover the cursor over a color swatch, the arrow cur
border are displayed in addition to the traditional white border making it easier to see which swatch you are about to select.
Measure Tools - The new MEASUREGEOM command enables you to measure the distance, radius, angle, area,
selected object or a sequence of points. You can access these tools from the Utilities panel of the Home ribbon tab. The defaul
Distance. However, selecting a different measure tool will set it as the default for the remainder of the AutoCAD session or unt
tool is selected.

The Distance tool enables you to measure the distance between two points. AutoCAD visually displays the distance, delta x, de
angle in the xy plane within the Drawing Editor. If you select the Multiple option, you can continue picking points and, with eac
AutoCAD displays the cumulative distance. Other options within the Distance tool are similar to the Polyline command enabling
between Line and Arc measuring modes.
You can use the Radius tool to display the radius of a selected arc or circle. The Angle tool measures the angle of a specified a
or vertex.
The Area tool enables you to specify points or select objects to display the included area. You can use the Add or Subtract opti
determine cumulative areas. As you specify points or select objects, the included area dynamically highlights so that you can se
selected! Additional options within the Area tool enable you to switch between line and arc measuring tools so that you can eas
curved spaces as well as polygonal.

You can use the Volume tool to specify boundary points with visual feedback similar to the Area option, and then specify a heig
determine the volume. Additionally, you can display the volume of selected solids or regions.
Reverse Tools - reverse the direction of lines, polylines, splines, and helixes.

Reverse is also an option in the Pedit command.

Spline Editing Tools - convert the SPLINE to a POLYLINE. If a SPLINE is selected in the PEDIT command, you get the option to co
POLYLINE. Precision can be specified between 0 and 99 where 99 is the most accurate. If PEDITACCEPT is set to 1, the SPLINE is
converted. DELOBJ system variable is honored.
To further control the accuracy when converting splines to polylines, you can use the new PLINECONVERTMODE variable to spec
method. When PLINECONVERTMODE is set to 0, polylines are created with linear segments. When it’s set to 1 (the default), pol
created with arc segments.
Purge Tools - The Purge dialog box has been updated to include an option for purging zero-length geometry and empty text ob
performing the Purge operation, AutoCAD will report how many zero-length or empty text objects it purged. The same function
available at the Command line using the -PURGE command.

Viewport Rotation Tools - The new VPROTATEASSOC variable enables you to control the rotation of a view within a layout view
you rotate the viewport with VPROTATEASSOC set to 1 (the default), the view will also rotate to maintain its orientation releva
viewport. When it’s set to 0, the view within the viewport will not rotate even though the viewport itself does.
External References - consolidated interface and increased flexibility for working with externally referenced file formats, incl
DWF, DGN, PDF, and Image files.

Attach externally referenced drawing files using geographic data. If both the host drawing and the external reference drawing
geographic location, a new option in the External References dialog box enables you to locate the attached xref relative to the
using Geographic Data. A similar option is available in the Insert dialog box.
The Reference panel on the Insert tab of the ribbon provides tools for you to attach and modify externally referenced files. Use
tool to select a DWG, DWF, DGN, PDF, or Image file and specify attachment options. Additional tools enable you to clip a select
adjust its Fade, Contrast, and Brightness, control its layer visibility, display reference frames, snap to underlay geometry, and

When you select a reference file in the drawing, a relevant contextual tab is automatically displayed in the ribbon. For exampl
a PDF underlay, the PDF Underlay tab is displayed providing you easy access to PDF underlay tools.
Easily edit the clip boundary of any reference using grips. You can even invert the clip with a simple click on the invert grip.
You can display the reference frame for each type of reference using its specific frame system variables such as DWFFRAME, DG
PDFFRAME. To quickly override these individual system variables, use the Frame tool (FRAME system variable) in the Reference
Insert ribbon tab. You can hide frames, display and plot them, or display but not plot them.
You can enable object snapping for geometry in underlay files. To control this behavior for specific reference types, use its ind
variables such as DWFOSNAP, DGNOSNAP, and PDFOSNAP. You can override these individual system variables using the Snap to
(UOSNAP system variable) in the References panel of the Insert ribbon tab.

When you open a drawing that has unresolved references, a new tool helps identify the missing files.
If you choose Update, AutoCAD opens the External References palette so you can repath the missing files. If you choose Ignore,
closes and takes no action. If you always want to ignore unresolved references, use the checkbox at the bottom to stop the war
displaying again.
This is a great improvement over previous versions, when you had to manually search for missing references by checking the co
when opening a file, scouring the drawing for the text strings identifying unresolved references, or looking in the External Refe

Sheet Sets - Sheet set functionality includes a variety of enhancements to increase productivity.

A new Sheet right-click menu option enables you to quickly specify whether a sheet should be included in the publish operation
the publish property of multiple sheets and even entire subsets, you can access the new Publish Sheets dialog box from the righ
by selecting the option to Edit Subset and Sheet Publish Settings.

The Subset Properties dialog box has a new look and feel, similar to the Sheet Set Properties and Sheet Properties dialog boxes
new control to specify if the subset should honor the sheets’ individual “Include for Publish” settings or if it, the entire subset,
excluded from the publish operation. The Subset right-click menu includes similar options. An icon in the sheet list provides a v
indication of those subsets that are excluded from the Publish operation.

Sheet List Table functionality is more flexible. In addition to creating a sheet list table for the entire sheet set, you can now in
list table for individual subsets and even individual sheets. You can access this functionality from the right-click menu in the Sh
and a new tab in the Sheet List Table dialog box enables you to control the behavior of subsets and sheets. You can specify whi
include and which subsets to track so that you are prompted when new sheets are added to that subset.

Quick Views - The preview images for Quick View Layouts and Quick View Drawings have been enhanced to include a preview i
space in addition to the layout previews.

PDF Support - PDF support has been significantly enhanced. PDF publishing provides better visual quality with smaller file sizes
even attach PDF files to a drawing as an underlay.
PDF output provides more flexibility and higher quality output than previously available. The default vector resolution has been
from 400 to 600 dpi to produce precise lineweights at a reasonable file size. To further improve the visual quality of PDF outpu
fonts are exported as text rather than as graphics. This improves the visual quality of text and also enables highlighting, search
copying text within the PDF viewer. Additional improvements enable you to specify merge control, include layer information, a
automatically preview the plotted PDF.
You can use the Plotter Configuration Editor to view and modify the PDF settings for plotted output. Select the DWG to PDF.pc3
Plot dialog box and then choose Properties. The new Merge Control option is displayed under the Graphics node and the other o
accessible when you select Custom Properties.
You can control many of the PDF output settings separately for exported, published, or plotted PDF files. A new Export to DWF/
the Output ribbon tab provides access to the Export to DWF/PDF Options dialog box where you can specify a single- or multi-sh
include layer information, and apply merge control. After applying the appropriate options, you can select PDF from the flyout
In addition to the Plot and Export functionality, PDF support has been integrated into Sheet Sets and Publish. You can specify P
including single- or multi-sheet, layer information, and merge control, in the Sheet Set Publish Options and the Publish Options
You can attach a PDF file to an AutoCAD drawing as an underlay. You can work with PDF underlays in the same way you work w
external references including DWG, DWF, DGN, and Image files. You can even snap to key points on PDF geometry using familia

File Navigation dialogs such as Open and Save now support auto-complete when typing file names.

Object Size Limits

In previous versions of AutoCAD, no single object in an AutoCAD drawing could be larger than 256 MB. In AutoCAD 2010, the obj
has been increased to at least 4 GB (depending on your system configuration), providing more flexibility. These large objects, h
not backwards-compatible, so a new compatibility option has been added to the Open and Save tab of the Options dialog box. S
Maintain drawing size compatibility option.

3D Printing - The 3D printing functionality enables you to output your 3D AutoCAD drawings directly to STL-supported 3D printi
through an internet connection. This utility will walk you through preparing your model, adjusting the scale, creating an STL fil
model, then downloading your STL file to a user-specified vendor for printing. The final 3D model will be printed then shipped
You can prepare your model for 3D printing using the 3DPRINT command or selecting Send to 3D Print Service from the output t
solid objects you want to print. Once all objects are selected, select Return, which will display the Send to 3D Print Service dia
the scale of your model, then save the model to an STL format. Once saved, you are automatically directed to a location on Au
where you can select the 3D print vendor.

eTransmit - The eTransmit functionality has been enhanced to include a new option to “include unloaded file references.” Wh
is enabled, all unloaded reference files are included in the transmittal set but will remain unloaded in the eTransmit package.
functionality includes the same option to include unloaded file references and is enabled by default.

Autodesk Seek - Previously known as “Content Search,” Autodesk Seek is a more efficient online utility that allows users to qui
product information and designs from the web and download the designs into AutoCAD. For example, if you were designing a ho
wanted to include pre-existing windows, you could look for product specifications and actual 2D and 3D design files on seek.aut
Search through the results for your desired window specifications, and then download the window file to incorporate it into you
Note: Currently Seek is focused on manufacturer-specific building products only, but is considering expanding to manufacturing
AutoCAD 2010 will also enable vendors to easily upload their designs to Seek using the Share with Autodesk Seek utility. This ut
product vendors to move their product to the market quicker than ever before, so that AutoCAD designers can specify actual pr
After an initial setup process with Seek, users can download new designs whenever they wish using the Share with Autodesk See
Conceptual and Free-Form Design

Smooth Mesh tools enable you to create 3D models that are free-form and flowing. The new Mesh Modeling ribbon tab provides
the mesh creation and editing tools. A mesh object can be incrementally smoothed to create curved shapes, even when startin
traditional primitive shape. The process of creating smooth mesh primitives is similar to creating their solid equivalents. You ca
smoothness level as you create the mesh by specifying the Settings option.
You can control the default tessellation divisions for each type of primitive using the Mesh Primitive options, which are accessib
MESHPRIMITIVEOPTIONS command or from the 3D Modeling tab of the Options dialog box.
You can further control the behavior for converting objects such as solids and surfaces to mesh objects using the Mesh Tessellat
dialog box, accessible with the MESHOPTIONS command or from the 3D Modeling tab of the Options dialog box.
You can split a mesh face by specifying two split points. You can then select and edit each new face, as well as the edges and v
they produce, using the CTRL key for subobject selection. Selecting individual subobjects enables you to further modify the sha
mesh. In addition, you can apply different materials to individual faces.
Easily extrude a face in a mesh object using the Extrude Face tool on the Mesh Edit panel. Unlike extrusions performed on solid
(which create a new solid object), mesh face extrusions extend and deform the mesh object without creating a new one.
After using the mesh creating and editing tools to create organic meshes, you can convert those that are watertight (no gaps) a
intersecting, to smooth or faceted solids. Additional tools enable you to convert meshes to smooth or faceted surfaces and you
the smoothness of objects during the conversion process. These conversion tools are available in the Convert Mesh panel of the

3D Scale Gizmo allow you to easily scale selected objects.

The 3D Move gizmo has been enhanced with longer axes, XYZ labels, and planar highlighting to make it easier for you to view a
appropriate axis or plane. Save another step using the 3D Move gizmo by picking the constraint axis or plane and the base point
operation. As you specify the second point, the 3D Move gizmo dynamically moves with the selected objects.
A new context menu, available when you right-click on a gizmo axis or plane, enables you to change the gizmo’s behavior. You
constraint to a different axis or plane, switch between the 3D Move, 3D Rotate, and 3D Scale gizmos, relocate the gizmo, and a
world UCS, current UCS, or an object face. You can further customize the location and orientation of the gizmo by manually sp
origin, direction of the X-axis, and position of the XY plane.

In addition to using the right-click menu option to switch gizmos, you can press the space bar to cycle between them. If you wa
the gizmo that displays by default when you select an object, use the gizmo flyout on the ribbon.

Subobject Selection Filters restrict the selection of subobjects to faces, edges, or vertices. You can access these filters from t
panel on the Home tab of the ribbon or from the right-click menu when no objects are selected. With the subobject selection f
vertex, for example, you can ensure that when you press CTRL and pick on the corner of an object, AutoCAD will select the ver
than the edge.

The Solid Editing panel of the Home tab includes tools to perform unions, subtractions, interferences, intersections, and imprin
tools, which were previously available only for solid objects, now work on surfaces as well.

CUIx File - the CUI file is replaced with the new CUIx file format. A CUIx file is a package file format that helps to improve per
working with the CUI Editor. In addition to typical CUI information, a CUIx file contains the custom images used by the comman
the file.

Action Macros - User interface for Action Macros have been simplified for increased usability and efficiency.
The option to “Request User Input” has been renamed to “Pause for User Input” and the corresponding icon has been updated f
with the user icons in the Action Tree. The Action tree tooltips and playback behavior are more predictable and consistent whe
default values by pressing the Enter key and when using dynamic input. In addition, the playback user messages have been stre
increased clarity.
A new command enables you to establish base points at specified locations in your action macro. You can access the new ACTBA
command as a button in the Action Recorder panel or as a right-click menu option in the Action Tree.
A new Action Macro Manager enables you to copy, rename, modify, and delete action macro files from a central location. An Op
in the lower left corner provides quick access to the Action Recorder settings on the Files tab of the Options dialog box. You ca
Action Macro Manager from the Action Recorder panel in the ribbon as well as from the right-click menu (Action Recorder>Play>
Macros) when no objects are selected.

Online License Transfer (OLT) Utility that enables you to move stand-alone licenses between computers. It replaces the Porta
Utility (PLU) used in previous Autodesk product releases. You can access OLT functionality from the AutoCAD 2010>License Tran
option in the Start menu.
From the License Transfer Utility, you can choose to export or import a license. Both options require you to log in to Autodesk.
export a license as either private or public. A private license can be imported only by the person who exported it. A public lice
imported by any user running the same product and serial number.

Find and Replace - Optional zoom to each found text string. The result or highlighted objects can create a selection set.
Multileaders - Edit the properties of individual Multileader segments by using the CTRL key to select the segment and then acc
Properties window. New grips at each corner of the leader text enable you to resize the text box in the same way you resize a
Mleader styles have been enhanced to provide you with more control over the leader connections. On the Leader Structure tab
specify Vertical attachment in addition to the traditional Horizontal attachment. On the Content tab, when a Block multileader
selected, you can specify a scale. The block scale is also displayed as a Multileader property in the Properties window. A new b
Content tab provides direct access to the Text Style dialog box enabling you to create and modify text styles without exiting th
Style dialog box.
The MLEADEREDIT command has been streamlined by eliminating the need for you to select an option to add or remove leader
leaders by default until you select the option to remove leaders.

Mtext improvements include a default column mode of Dynamic with manual height. In addition, the corner grips on mtex
now consistent with the corner grips on table objects.

Spell checking - The Check Spelling dialog box has been updated to include an Undo button, which enables you to undo actions
the previous spelling mistake. In addition, the Select Objects button has been enhanced so that you can begin selecting objects
without first having to choose the Select Objects option from the drop-down list.

Dimensions - Enhancements to dimension styles and properties provide more control over the display and placement of dimens
The Text tab of the Dimension Style dialog box has been updated with a new text placement option that enables you to positio
text below the dimension line. You can control the direction of the text using the new View Direction option in which you can s
text be displayed from Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left. The Properties palette has been updated to include these new properties
The Primary and Alternate Units tabs of the Dimension Style dialog box include new sub-unit controls for suppression of leading
can specify a sub-units factor and suffix. For example, if the unit is 1 meter, you could specify a sub-unit factor of 100 and sub-
cm. In this case, when the dimension value is less than 1, such as .96, it displays as 96 cm instead of .96 m. The new sub-units
also included in the Properties palette.

Hatch - When a hatch boundary area is not found, AutoCAD attempts to show you where the problem may have occurred. Red c
around endpoints near where any gap in geometry is estimated to be. More robust boundary detection.
Non-associative hatch objects can now be edited to change their shape.

AutoCAD 2010 running on Windows 7.

API news

New API for RibbonBar controls in the CUI.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is starting to be used for AutoCAD's user interface elements.

Overrule API is available in ObjectARX (C++) and .NET. Overruleed objects are like customized objects, rather than custom obje

Freeform Modeling API enabling to work with the Sub-division mesh object.

Autodesk TechPubs team are working on the first release of an AutoCAD .NET Developers Guide. It's expect to be available som
summer 2009.

Hardware and software requirements

SSE2 extended instruction set is supported and required so AutoCAD can use the power of modern CPUs better resulting in bette

Before you install AutoCAD 2010, make sure that your computer meets the minimum hardware and software requirements.

Whether your Windows operating system is the 32-bit or 64-bit version is automatically detected when installing AutoCAD 2010.
appropriate version of AutoCAD 2010 will be installed. The 32-bit version of AutoCAD 2010 cannot be installed on a 64-bit versio

It will be possible to run AutoCAD 2010 on Microsoft Windows 7.

See the following tables for hardware and software requirements.

Description Requirement
Operating 32bit:
system Microsoft® Windows® Vista® Business SP1
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise SP1
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
Microsoft Windows XP Home SP2 or later
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or later
Microsoft Windows Vista Business SP1
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise SP1
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate SP1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 or later

For more information on Windows Vista versions please


It is recommended that non-English language versions of AutoCAD

2010 be installed on an operating system with a user interface
language that matches the code page of the AutoCAD 2010 language.
A code page provides support for character sets used in different
Browser Windows Internet Explorer® 7.0 or later
32bit: Windows Vista: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® Dual Core,
3.0 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology

Windows XP: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon Dual Core, 1.6 GHz or
higher with SSE2 technology
CPU type
64bit: AMD Athlon® 64 or Opteron® with SSE2 technology;

Intel® Pentium® 4 or Xeon® with Intel EM64T support & SSE2

Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM
Windows XP: 2 GB RAM
1024 x 768 display with True Color
Requires a Windows-supported display adapter.
For graphic cards that support Hardware Acceleration, DirectX 9.0c or
later must be installed.
Installing from the ACAD.msi file does not install DirectX 9.0c or later.
You must manually install DirectX to configure Hardware
32bit: 1 GB free disk space for installation
Hard Disk
64bit: 1.5 GB free disk space for installation
Pointing Device MS-Mouse compliant
Media (CD ROM
Download and Installation from DVD or CD-ROM
vs. DVD)
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon, 3.0 GHz or greater;
Intel or AMD Dual Core, 2.0 GHz or greater

3D Modeling 2 GB RAM or greater

requirements 2 GB free disk space available not including installation

1280 x 1024 32-bit color video display adapter (True Color) 128 MB or
greater, Direct3D®-capable workstation class graphics card

Additional recommendations for 3D use

Hardware/Software Requirement
Operating system 32-bit
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise
Microsoft Windows Vista Business
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition (SP2)
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (SP2)
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise
Microsoft Windows Vista Business
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition (SP2)

It is recommended that non-English language versions of AutoCAD

2010 be installed on an operating system with a user interface
language that matches the code page of the AutoCAD 2010
language. A code page provides support for character sets used in
different languages.

Whether the Microsoft Windows operating system is the 32-bit or

the 64-bit version is automatically detected when installing
AutoCAD 2010. The appropriate version of AutoCAD 2010 will be
installed. The 32-bit version of AutoCAD 2010 cannot be installed
on a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows.
Intel Pentium 4 processor or AMD Athlon, 2.2 GHz or greater
Processor or
AMD Dual Core processor, 1.6 GHz or greater
RAM 2 GB (or greater)
1280 x 1024 32-bit color video display adapter (True Color) 128
MB or greater, OpenGL, or Direct3D capable workstation class
graphics card.

For Microsoft Windows Vista, a Direct3D capable workstation class

graphics card with 128 MB or greater is required 1024 x 768 VGA
with True Color (minimum)
Graphics card
Requires a Windows-supported display adapter.
For graphic cards that support Hardware Acceleration, DirectX
9.0c or later must be installed.
Installing from the ACAD.msi file does not install DirectX 9.0c or
later. You must manually install DirectX to configure Hardware
For more information about tested and certified graphics cards,
Hard disk 2 GB (in addition to the 1GB or above required for installation)

Note Adobe Flash Player is no longer installed by default. If a suitable version of Flash is not currently installed on your system,
requests that you download it from Adobe’s website. If you do not have Internet access, you can also access the Flash installer
AutoCAD 2010 product media.

Still missing. Wish list for the next time.

In dialog boxes like the Open dialog box it should be possible to save changes like column width, sorting, grouping etc.

See also old wishes found in AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD 2008

Existing bugs, defects, feature limitation or other issues.

There is an issue with Internet Explorer 8 that causes the AutoCAD Live Update to fail on 64-bit systems. "The Communication C
unable to apply the Live Update service pack. Please restart your computer, launch your application and click the Live Update
Communication Center." More info here.


XATTACH only allow to insert one drawing at a time now.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications software (VBA) is no longer installed with AutoCAD. For more information and free downl
Microsoft has stopped supporting VBA for some time now & it's not ported to 64-bit.

This dialog box will show if VBA is not installed.

The sample files are now available online and are no longer included on the AutoCAD DVD. You can access the sample files at th

Tips & Tricks

Commands and variables that are not well documented are:

• -EXPORT with options for setting the default translation format. (Dwf/dwfX/Pdf)
• TextEditor let you know if the text editor is open.
• CBarTransparency let you specify the transparency of constraint bars (see the CONSTRAINTBAR command).

For a free DWG viewer see AutoCAD DWG TrueView 2010. Autodesk TrueView also has DWG Convert built in so you can batch co
files. You can even bind Xrefs, Purge, Set default Printer to None, Audit and fix, replace Page Setups, and place all files in a Zi
specified directory.


Installation, Configuration and Hardware

Installation and Configuration

Note. You should close all running applications before installing AutoCAD 2010.
Installing from Dual CD/DVD ROM Drive Systems
Installation fails if you attempt to install AutoCAD 2010 by using different drives of a dual CD/DVD ROM drive system. You must
disc drive in order to complete the installation process.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Microsoft VBA is now made available for free download via our website at Autodesk
transition from VBA technology to VSTA and .NET support. This transition will occur over several years. During this time, Autode
documentation and other assistance to help our customers and developers migrate from VBA to this new automation technology
continue to fully support VBA in our products, including AutoCAD 2010 and all AutoCAD 2010-based industry products. Through t
download, once VBA is installed, your existing VBA-based applications should run as in previous versions of AutoCAD.

To install the AutoCAD 2010 VBA module, download its 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your operating system

For 32-bit AutoCAD2010VbaEnabler32.exe

For 64-bit AutoCAD2010VbaEnabler64.exe
Close all programs.
In Windows Explorer, double-click the downloaded self-extracting EXE file.
Unzip the file to the location of your choice, or use the default location.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
HTML Help Fails When Launched from a Network Drive

You cannot launch the Help System from a network drive. A "Page Cannot Be Displayed" warning is displayed. This limitation is
Windows Security Update #896258 from Microsoft.

DirectX Installation Using SCCM Fails

DirectX installations using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 fail on systems running Microsoft Windows XP fo
bit. Before installing with SCCM, download and install DirectX 2008 from your AutoCAD 2010 installation disc in one of the follow
directories, depending on your processor:

VC++ Runtime Installation using SCCM Forces Reboot

VC++ runtime installations using SCCM 2007 fail on systems running Microsoft Windows XP. Before installing with SCCM, downloa
VC++ 2008 SP1 runtime from your AutoCAD 2010 installation disc in one of the following directories, depending on your processo


The Help topic for the REMEMBERFOLDERS system variable is inaccurate. The correct information is as follows.

Type: Integer

Saved In: Registry

Initial Value: 1

Controls the default path for the Look In or Save In option in standard file selection dialog boxes.

0 Restores the behavior of AutoCAD 2000 and previous releases. When you start AutoCAD by double-clicking an icon, if a Start In
specified for the icon, then that path is used as the default for all standard file selection dialog boxes.
1 Specifies that the default path in each standard file selection dialog box is the last path used in that dialog box. The Start In
specified for the AutoCAD icon is not used.

Use Group Policies to Install a Deployment

The Help topic Use Group Policies to Install a Deployment is missing information. The correct information is as follows.

With group policies, you can advertize a program by assigning a deployment to users’ computers.

In order for AutoCAD to run properly, the following software must be installed on the computer where the program is being inst

Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 (available on the product disc)

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 SP1 or later (To download Microsoft Internet Explorer, visit
Microsoft Installer Package (MSI) 4.5
Microsoft Windows Media Format 9.5 (prerequisite for 64-bit)
Macromedia Flash Player 9.0 or later (not installed by default)
Autodesk Design Review 2010 (not installed by default)
VC++ 2008 SP1 and VC++ 2005 SP1 runtimes for x86 operating systems; VC++ 2008 SP1 and VC++ 2005 SP1 runtimes for x64 opera
(available on the product disc)
Microsoft National Language Support Downlevel APIs (available on the product disc)
Custom Folder in Deployments May Crash AutoCAD

The new AutoCAD 2010 Deployment Wizard - Select Installation Folder for Support Content dialog box allows you to specify a cu
which to copy support content.

In this dialog box, if you specify a folder location that permits Read Only permissions at the user level according to the Microso
Acces Control, then AutoCAD may crash. To avoid this, ensure that you have write permission on your Microsoft Vista machine w
your deployment with the Custom Folder option.

Single Shared Folder Option for Deployment Images

When using the Single Shared Folder option to create a deployment image, specify a folder name to avoid creating an invalid de
image. Do not leave the folder name as “<Shared folder path>”.


To Activate A Network License Through

If your product does not include the Network License Activation Utility, you can activate your license by going
to and following the on-screen instructions.

Running a Network License Manager on Microsoft Windows Vista

When starting the network version of AutoCAD 2010 on a Microsoft Windows Vista workstation, you may encounter licensing err
license manager is running on Windows Vista (FLEXlm server version 11.4.100). Do the following:

Install the latest service pack and updates for Microsoft Windows Vista.
If you continue to encounter errors, do the following:

On the Start menu (Windows Vista), click Control Panel Network and Sharing Center Manage Network Connections. Right-click L
Connection. Click Properties. Clear the check mark from Internet Protocol 6 (TCP/IPv6). Click OK.
FlexLM License is Created in Two Locations

The FLEXlm License Finder dialog box may not display when AutoCAD 2010 is launched for non-administrative users who are usi
Vista 64-bit. The license server path information is stored in the HLKM\STOFTWARE\Wow6432Node path, which is not accessible
administrative users.

To fix this problem, replicate the license server path information stored in the above path to go to the HKLM\software\FLEXlm
Manager path.


Graphics Card Driver Update

For the best program performance, verify and update your graphics card driver. For more information, see Graphics Card Drive

Remote Access Applications

It is not recommended that you use any type of remote access application in conjunction with AutoCAD 2010 when it is configur
hardware acceleration. Most remote access applications cannot support hardware acceleration, which can cause general displa
instability. If you need to use remote access applications, disable hardware acceleration or use the /NOHARDWARE command li
start AutoCAD 2010 in Software mode.

Hardware Certification Database

To download and install the latest hardware certification XML file, visit theHardware Certification website.

Join the Customer Involvement Program

You are invited to participate in helping guide the direction of Autodesk design software.

If you participate in the Customer Involvement Program, specific information about how you use AutoCAD is forwarded to Autod
information includes what features you use the most, problems that you encounter, and other information helpful to the future
the product.

See the following links for more information.

Learn more about the Autodesk Customer Involvement Program:

Read the Autodesk Privacy Statement:

To turn the CIP on or off

On the InfoCenter toolbar, to the right of the Help button, click the drop-down arrow.
Click Customer Involvement Program.
In the Customer Involvement Program dialog box, select a level of participation.
Click OK.

General Information

Command Versioning

Starting with AutoCAD 2009, command versioning was introduced with the Action Recorder. Command versioning allows AutoCA
which command iteration should be used when executing an action macro, script file, or CUI command macro. As a result of thi
some commands may require the use of the ^R control sequence in the CUI command macro.

The ^R control sequence forces AutoCAD to use the newest version of the command. When the ^R control sequence is not used,
version of the command is used.

For example, a CUI command macro using the FILLET command would require the use of the ^R control sequence to ensure tha
worked in the same way as AutoCAD 2008 and prior releases. The following is an example of a CUI command macro using the ^R

^C^C^R_fillet;u; r;0.1;

Some of the commonly used commands with CUI command macros that are affected by command version are:

If you are using AutoLISP, you can control which version of a command is used by preceeding the Command function with the
InitCommandVersion function. The syntax for the InitCommandVersion function is as follows:

(InitCommandVersion <version_number>)

Where version_number controls which version of the command should be used for the preceeding command being exectuted by

Configure a Database to Use With AutoCAD Drawings (dbConnect)

AutoCAD 2010 for 64-bit does not support Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider (for .MDB connectivity) and Microsoft OLE DB Provid
Drivers (for .XLS connectivity). For more information, see Substituting SQL Server for OLE DB in the Driver and Peripheral Guide

Drawing File Format Compatibility

The native drawing file format for AutoCAD 2010 is not compatible with previous releases. AutoCAD 2010 can open drawing file
previous releases; however, in order to open AutoCAD 2010 files in previous releases you will need to use the SAVEAS command
the appropriate format. The following table illustrates which drawing file formats to use when saving to a previous release.

Drawing File Format Applicable Releases

AutoCAD 2007
AutoCAD 2007 AutoCAD 2008
AutoCAD 2009
AutoCAD 2004
AutoCAD 2004 AutoCAD 2005
AutoCAD 2006
AutoCAD 2000
AutoCAD 2000 AutoCAD 2000i
AutoCAD 2002
AutoCAD 14 AutoCAD R14

API Compatibility

AutoCAD 2010 breaks binary compatibility with previous releases. Most applications will need to be recompiled and possibly cha
correctly on AutoCAD 2010. For more information, see the ObjectARX Migration Guide.

Plot Styles Folder is Installed Inside the Plotters Folder

The path for the Plot Styles folder has been moved from a sibling level of the Plotters folder to a subdirectory in the Plotters fo

Graphics Card Driver Update

You should verify and update your graphics card driver to optimize AutoCAD 2010. Use the following procedure to identify your
graphics card driver.

To identify your graphics card driver

Start AutoCAD 2010.

At the Command prompt, enter 3dconfig.
In the Adaptive Degradation and Performance Tuning dialog box, click View Tune Log.
Review the 3D Device section for information about your system's graphics card driver and driver version.
If you find that you do need to update your driver, visit to find a certified driv
graphics card. If you do not find one, visit the graphics card manufacturer's website.

Note. If the graphics card manufacturer does not have an updated driver, check the system manufacturer's website. Companies
Hewlett Packard, and Dell often supply their own system drivers.

Draw and Edit

Block Properties Table

In the Block Properties table, you cannot enter a combination of decimals and fractions. All numerical values must be either de

Autoconstrained Polylines

Autoconstraining a polyline that has many points may reduce performance and cause AutoCAD to stop working.

Dimensional Constraints Change in Previous AutoCAD Version

Dimensional constraints do not behave as associative dimensions when opened in prior versions of AutoCAD. To reassociate dim

Rotating Horizontally or Vertically Constrained Geometry

Rotating horizontally or vertically constrained geometry may give unpredictable results.

User Interface

Display AutoCAD as in Previous Releases

AutoCAD 2010 introduces a new look and user interface that changes the way you access commands. To display AutoCAD 2010 a
previous releases, do the following:

On the status bar, click Workspace Switching.

From the list of workspaces, select AutoCAD Classic.

Use Workspaces to Switch AutoCAD Interfaces

Workspaces are sets of menus, toolbars, palettes, and ribbon panels that are grouped and organized to create a task-oriented d
environment. In addition to AutoCAD Classic, the following task-based workspaces are available in AutoCAD 2010:

2D Drafting & Annotation

Displays tools specific to 2D drafting. Displays the new interface, including the ribbon and application menu.

3D Modeling
Displays tools specific to 3D modeling. Displays the new interface, including the ribbon, application menu, and Tool Palettes wi

To switch between available workspaces, do one of the following:

On the status bar, click Workspace Switching and select the desired workspace.
On the Workspaces toolbar, in the Workspaces drop-down list, select the desired workspace.

DesignCenter Online

DesignCenter Online (DC Online tab) is disabled by default in US English. You can enable it from the CAD Manager Control utility

Constraint Bar Display

When the CONSTRAINTBAR system variable is set to Showall, constraint bars will always be displayed, even if the CONSTRAINTB
system variable is set to 0.

Where to Learn About AutoCAD 2010

Use the following resources to find more information about AutoCAD 2010:

New Features Workshop (Help menu)

Help system (Help menu)
Developer Help (Help menu > Additional Resources)
Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) (Help menu > Additional Resources)
Autodesk website at
Learning Resources Page at
Tutorials at
Cue Cards at

Product Removal

To Uninstall AutoCAD 2010 [Windows XP]

On the Start menu (Windows), click Settings Control Panel Add or Remove Programs.
Select AutoCAD 2010. Click Change/Remove.
On the Installation wizard Maintenance Mode page, click Uninstall.
On the Uninstall AutoCAD 2010 page, click Next.
Click Finish.

To Uninstall AutoCAD 2010 [Windows Vista]

On the Start menu (Windows), click Settings Control Panel Uninstall a Program.
Select AutoCAD 2010. Click Uninstall/Change.
If the User Account Control dialog box is displayed, click Continue.

On the Installation wizard Maintenance Mode page, click Uninstall.

On the Uninstall AutoCAD 2010 page, click Next.
Click Finish.

Updates & Service Packs.

• Certified Hardware XML Database Update

• AutoCAD 2010 Update 2
• Autodesk Network License Manager IPv6 Support for Windows
• FLEXnet Licensing Side-by-Side Hotfix
• AutoCAD 2010 Update 1
• Regapp ID Cleanup Utility for AutoCAD 2010
• Scale List Cleanup Utility for AutoCAD 2010
• FLEXnet Licensing Hotfix for 64-bit Windows
• Register Today Proxy Licensing Hotfix
• Startup Error and Text Editing Hotfix
• Raster Design 2010 Hotfix for Licensing and Civil 3D Feature Update
• MeasureGeom Hotfix
• Hotfix: Korean AutoCAD 2010 Users Guide CHM – animations updated
• Share with Autodesk Seek Hotfix
Tips & Tricks

_VERNUM = "D.55.0.0 (UNICODE)"

Major version number for AutoCAD 2010 is R18.0

Version of the FlexNet license manager that ships with AutoCAD 2010-based products is backwards compatible and will
licenses for the Autodesk 2009-, 2008-, 2007-, 2006-, 2005-, 2004-, and 2002-based products as well as products from other ven
vendor daemon adskflex.exe version is

AutoCAD is compiled using Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1. This is the only supported compiler for ObjectARX® 2010. As a pro
also have to reference the new .lib files, which are now ‘18’ branded instead of ‘17’.

The compiler change should not have an effect on .NET applications, but you will need to reference the new AutoCAD managed
(acmgd.dll and acdbmgd.dll).

YouTube Playlist: AutoCAD 2010 Demos - Take a first look at AutoCAD 2010 with AutoCAD Insider Heidi Hewett.

AutoCAD 2010 also is referred to as ACAD2010 or ACAD 2010.


Download trial of AutoCAD 2010 here.

HTML help online

Learning resources

New Feature Workshop


Cue Cards

Between the Lines on AutoCAD 2010.

AutoCAD 2010 Free Bonus Tool Drawing Tabs.

New Commands:

Command Description
3DPRINT Sends a 3D model to a 3D printing service.
3DSCALE In a 3D view, displays the 3D Scale gizmo to aid in resizing 3D objects.
ACTBASEPOINT Inserts a base point in an action macro.
ACTMANAGER Manages action macro files.
ATTACH Inserts an external reference, image, or underlay (DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN files) in the current drawin
Applies geometric constraints to a selection set of objects based on orientation of the objects relative
BACTIONBAR Displays or hides action bars for a selection set of parameter objects.
BCONSTRUCTION Converts geometry into construction geometry.
BCPARAMETER Applies constraint parameters to selected objects, or converts dimensional constraints to parameter co
BESETTINGS Displays the Block Editor Settings dialog box.
BTABLE Displays a dialog box to define variations of a block.
BTESTBLOCK Displays a window within the Block Editor to test a dynamic block.
Crops a selected external reference, image, viewport, or underlay (DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN) to a spec
CONSTRAINTBAR A toolbar-like UI element that displays the available geometric constraints on an object.
CONSTRAINTSETTINGS Controls the display of geometric constraints on constraint bars.
DELCONSTRAINT Removes all geometric and dimensional constraints from a selection set of objects.
DIMCONSTRAINT Applies dimensional constraints to selected objects or points on objects.
Creates a DWF file and allows you to set individual page setup overrides on a sheet by sheet basis.
EXPORTDWFX Creates a DWFx file where you can set individual page setup overrides on a sheet-by-sheet basis.
EXPORTPDF Creates a PDF filewhere you can set individual page setup overrides on a sheet-by-sheet basis.
GEOMCONSTRAINT Applies or persists geometric relationships between objects or points on objects.
MEASUREGEOM Measures the distance, radius, angle, area, and volume of selected objects or sequence of points.
MESH Creates a 3D mesh primitive object such as a box, cone, cylinder, pyramid, sphere, wedge, or torus.
MESHCREASE Sharpens the edges of selected mesh subobjects.

Displays the Mesh Tessellation Options dialog box, which controls default settings for converting existin
mesh objects.

MESHPRIMITIVEOPTIONS Displays the Mesh Primitive Options dialog box, which sets the tessellation defaults for primitive mesh o
MESHREFINE Multiplies the number of faces in selected mesh objects or faces.
MESHSMOOTH Converts 3D objects such as polygon meshes, surfaces, and solids to mesh objects.
MESHSMOOTHLESS Decreases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level.
MESHSMOOTHMORE Increases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level.
MESHSPLIT Splits a mesh face into two faces.
MESHUNCREASE Removes the crease from selected mesh faces, edges, or vertices.
PARAMETERS Controls the associative parameters used in the drawing.
PARAMETERSCLOSE Closes the Parameters Manager palette.
PDFADJUST Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a PDF underlay.
PDFATTACH Insert a PDF file as an underlay into the current drawing.
PDFCLIP Crops the display of a selected PDF underlay to a specified boundary.
PDFLAYERS Controls the display of layers in a PDF underlay.
-QUICKPUB Creates a DWF, DWFx, or PDF file and allows you to set individual page setup overrides on a sheet by sh
REVERSE Reverses the order of vertices of the selected lines, polylines, splines, and helixes.
SECTIONPLANEJOG Adds a jogged segment to a section object.
SECTIONPLANESETTINGSSets display options for the selected section plane.
SECTIONPLANETOBLOCKSaves selected section planes as 2D or 3D blocks.
SEEK Opens a web browser and displays the Autodesk Seek home page.
SHAREWITHSEEK Uploads blocks or drawings to the Autodesk Seek website.
TEXTEDIT Edits a dimensional constraint, dimension, or text object.
ULAYERS Controls the display of layers in a DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN underlay.

Changed Commands:

Changed Command Description

3DMOVE In a 3D view, displays the 3D Move gizmo to aid in moving 3D objects a specified distance in a specified d
3DROTATE In a 3D view, displays the 3D Rotate gizmo to aid in revolving 3D objects around a base point.
ADCENTER Manages and inserts content such as blocks, xrefs, and hatch patterns.
ALIGN Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D.
ARCHIVE Packages the current sheet set files for archive.
-ARCHIVE Packages the current sheet set files for archive.
ATTSYNC Updates block references with new and changed attributes from a specified block definition.
AUTOPUBLISH Publishes drawings to DWF, DWFx, or PDF files automatically to a specified location.
BATTMAN Manages the attributes for a selected block definition.
CHAMFER Bevels the edges of objects.
COLOR Sets the color for new objects.
CONVTOSOLID Converts 3D meshes and polylines and circles with thickness to 3D solids.
CONVTOSURFACE Converts objects to 3D surfaces.
CUIEXPORT Exports customized settings from the main CUIx file to an enterprise or partial CUIx file.
CUIIMPORT Imports customized settings from an enterprise or partial CUIx file to the main CUIx file.
CUILOAD Loads a CUIx file.
CUIUNLOAD Unloads a CUIx file.
DGNADJUST Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a DGN underlay.
-DGNADJUST Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a DGN underlay.
DWFATTACH Insert a DWF or DWFx file as an underlay into the current drawing.
EATTEDIT Edits attributes in a block reference.
EDGESURF Creates a mesh between four contiguous edges or curves.
ETRANSMIT Packages a set of files for Internet transmission.
-ETRANSMIT Packages a set of files for Internet transmission.
EXPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects.
EXTERNALREFERENCESOpens the External References palette.
EXTRUDE Extends the dimensions of a 2D object or 3D face into 3D space.
FILLET Rounds and fillets the edges of objects.
FLATSHOT Creates a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view.
IMAGEFRAME Controls whether image frames are displayed and plotted.
IMPRINT Imprints 2D geometry on a 3D solid or surface, creating additional edges on planar faces.
INTERFERE Creates a temporary 3D solid from the interferences between two sets of selected 3D solids.
-INTERFERE Creates a temporary 3D solid from the interferences between two sets of selected 3D solids.
INTERSECT Creates a 3D solid, surface, or 2D region from overlapping solids, surfaces, or regions.
LIST Displays property data for selected objects.
MARKUP Opens the Markup Set Manager.
NAVSWHEEL Displays a wheel that contains a collection of view navigation tools.
NAVVCUBE Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube tool.
OPEN Opens an existing drawing file.
OPTIONS Customizes the program settings.
PRESSPULL Presses or pulls bounded areas.
PUBLISH Publishes drawings to DWF, DWFx, and PDF files, or to plotters.
-PUBLISH Publishes drawings to DWF, DWFx, and PDF files, or to plotters.
PURGE Removes unused items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing.
QSAVE Saves the current drawing using the file format specified in the Options dialog box.
REFCLOSE Saves back or discards changes made during in-place editing of a reference (an xref or a block).
REFEDIT Edits a block or an xref directly within the current drawing.
REFSET Adds or removes objects from a working set during in-place editing of a reference (an xref or a block).
REVSURF Creates a mesh by revolving a profile about an axis.
RULESURF Creates a mesh that represents the surface between two lines or curves.
SAVE Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name.
SAVEAS Saves a copy of the current drawing under a new file name.
SECTION Uses the intersection of a plane and solids, surfaces, or mesh to create a region.
SECTIONPLANE Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects.
SLICE Creates new 3D solids and surfaces by slicing, or dividing, existing objects.
SOLIDEDIT Edits faces and edges of 3D solid objects.
STLOUT Stores solids in an ASCII or binary file.
SUBTRACT Combines selected 3D solids, surfaces, or 2D regions by subtraction.
TABSURF Creates a mesh from a line or curve that is swept along a straight path.
THICKEN Converts a surface into a 3D solid with a specified thickness.
TRANSPARENCY Controls whether background pixels in an image are transparent or opaque.
UNION Combines selected 3D solids, surfaces, or 2D regions by addition.
XATTACH Removed ability to attach multiple drawings at a time.
XCLIP Crops the display of a selected external reference or block reference to a specified boundary.
XEDGES Creates wireframe geometry from the edges of a 3D solid, surface, mesh, region, or subobject.
XOPEN Opens a selected drawing reference (xref) in a new window.

Removed or Obsolete Commands:



New System Variables:

System Variable Description

AUTOMATICPUB Controls whether electronic files (DWF/PDF) are created automatically when you save or close drawin
BACTIONBARMODE Indicates whether the action bars or the legacy action objects are displayed in the Block Editor.
BCONSTATUSMODE Turns the constraint display status on and off and controls the shading of objects based on their cons
BLOCKTESTWINDOW Indicates whether or not a test block window is current.
BPTEXTHORIZONTAL Forces the text displayed for action parametes and constraint parameters in the Block Editor to be ho
CCONSTRAINTFORM Controls whether annotational or dynamic constraints are applied to objects.
CONSTRAINTBARDISPLAY Displays constraint bars for objects after you manually apply a constraint or autoconstrain them.
CONSTRAINTBARMODE Controls the display of geometrical constraints on constraint bars.
CONSTRAINTNAMEFORMATControls the text format for dimensional constraints.
CONSTRAINTRELAX Indicates whether constraints are enforced or relaxed when editing an object.
CONSTRAINTSOLVEMODE Controls constraint behavior when applying or editing constraints.
DEFAULTGIZMO Sets the 3D Move, 3D Rotate, or 3D Scale gizmo as the default during subobject selection.
DIMCONSTRAINTICON Displays the lock icon next to the text for dimensional constraints.
DIMTXTDIRECTION Specifies the reading direction of the dimension text.
DIVMESHBOXHEIGHT Sets the number of subdivisions for the height of a mesh box along the Z axis.
DIVMESHBOXLENGTH Sets the number of subdivisions for the length of a mesh box along the X axis.
DIVMESHBOXWIDTH Sets the number of subdivisions for the width of a mesh box along the Y axis.
DIVMESHCONEAXIS Sets the number of subdivisions around the perimeter of the mesh cone base.
DIVMESHCONEBASE Sets the number of subdivisions between the perimeter and the center point of the mesh cone base.
DIVMESHCONEHEIGHT Sets the number of subdivisions between the base and the point or top of the mesh cone.
DIVMESHCYLAXIS Sets the number of subdivisions around the perimeter of the mesh cylinder base.
DIVMESHCYLBASE Sets the number of subdivisions around the perimeter of the mesh cylinder base.
DIVMESHCYLHEIGHT Sets the number of subdivisions between the base and the top of the mesh cylinder.
DIVMESHPYRBASE Sets the number of radial subdivisions between the center of the mesh pyramid base and its perimete
DIVMESHPYRHEIGHT Sets the number of subdivisions between the base and the top of the mesh pyramid.
DIVMESHPYRLENGTH Sets the number of subdivisions along each dimension of a mesh pyramid base.
DIVMESHSPHEREAXIS Sets the number of radial subdivisions around the axis endpoint of the mesh sphere.
DIVMESHSPHEREHEIGHT Sets the number of subdivisions between the two axis endpoints of the mesh sphere.
DIVMESHTORUSPATH Sets the number of subdivisions in the path that is swept by the profile of a mesh torus.
DIVMESHTORUSECTION Sets the number of subdivisions in the profile that sweeps the path of a mesh torus.
DIVMESHWEDGEBASE Sets the number of subdivisions between the midpoint of the perimeter of triangular dimension of the
DIVMESHWEDGEHEIGHT Sets the number of subdivisions for the height of the mesh wedge along the Z axis.
DIVMESHWEDGELENGTH Sets the number of subdivisions for the length of a mesh wedge along the X axis.
DIVMESHWEDGESLOPE Sets the number of subdivisions in the slope that extends from the apex of the wedge to the edge of
DIVMESHWEDGEWIDTH Sets the number of subdivisions for the width of the mesh wedge along the Y axis.
DYNCONSTRAINTDISPLAY Displays or hides dynamic constraints.
FACETERDEVNORMAL Sets the maximum angle between the surface normal and contiguous mesh faces.
FACTERDEVSURFACE Sets how closely the converted mesh object adheres to the original shape of the solid or surface.
Sets the maximum aspect ratio for the mesh subdivisions that are created for solids and surfaces conv
FACTERMAXGRID Sets the maximum number of U and V grid lines for solids and surfaces converted to mesh.
FACTERMESHTYPE Sets the type of mesh to be created.
FACTERMINUGRID Sets the minimum number of U grid lines for solids and surfaces that are converted to mesh.
FACTERMINVGRID Sets the minimum number of V grid lines for solids and surfaces that are converted to mesh.
Specifies whether smoothness settings for objects that are converted to mesh are derived from the M
Tessellation Options or the Mesh Primitive Options dialog box.
FACTERSMOOTHLEV Sets the default level of smoothness for objects that are converted to mesh.
Turns the display of frames on and off for all external references, images, and DWF, DWFx, PDF, and
GRIPSUBOBJMODE Sets whether edge, face, or vertex grips are active upon initial selection.
IMAGEFRAME Controls whether image frames are displayed and plotted.
LARGEOBJECTSUPPORT Controls large object size limit support when you open and save drawings.
MESHTYPE Controls the type of mesh that is created by REVSURF, TABSURF, RULESURF and EDGESURF.
MTEXTCOLUMN Sets the default column setting for an mtext object.
PARAMETERCOPYMODE Controls how constraints and referenced variables are copied when replicating constrained geometry
PARAMETERSSTATUS Indicates whether the Parameters Manager palette is displayed or hidden.
PDFFRAME Determines whether the PDF underlay frame is visible.
PDFOSNAP Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in PDF underlays that are attached to the
PLINECONVERTMODE Specifies the fit method used in converting splines to polylines.
RIBBONCONTEXTSELECT Controls how ribbon contextual tabs are displayed when you single- or double-click an object.
Suppresses the display of ribbon contextual tabs when the selection set includes more than the speci
RIBBONDOCKEDHEIGHT Determines whether the docked ribbon is set to the height of the current tab or a predetermined hei
Determines whether a pickfirst selection set remains selected after a ribbon contextual tab is invoke
command is completed.
Sets whether mesh objects that you convert to 3D solids or surfaces are smoothed or faceted, and wh
faces are merged.
SMOOTHMESHGRID Sets the maximum level of smoothness at which the underlying mesh facet grid is displayed on 3D me
SMOOTHMESHMAXFACE Sets the maximum number of faces permitted for mesh objects.
SMOOTHMESHMAXLEV Sets the maximum smoothness level for mesh objects.
SUBOBJSELECTIONMODE Filters whether a face, edge, or vertex is selected with Ctrl+click.
Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DWF, DWFx, PDF, and DGN underlays t
attached to the drawing.
VPROTATEASSOC Controls whether the view within a viewport is rotated with the viewport when the viewport is rotate
XDWGFADECTL Controls the dimming for all DWG xref objects.

Changed System Variables:

Changed System
DBLCLKEDIT Controls the double click editing behavior in the drawing area.
DELOBJ Controls whether geometry used to create 3D objects is retained or deleted.
DIMTAD Controls the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line.
ENTERPRISEMENU Stores the enterprise customization file name (if defined), including the path for the file name.
IMAGEFRAME Controls whether image frames are displayed and plotted.
ISOLINES Specifies the number of contour lines per surface on objects.
MBUTTONPAN Controls the behavior of the third button or wheel on the pointing device.
MENUNAME Stores the customization file name, including the path for the file name.
NAVVCUBESIZE Specifies the size of the ViewCube tool.
PUBLISHALLSHEETS Specifies whether to load the contents of the active document or of all open documents in the Publi
REFEDITNAME Displays the name of the reference being edited.
XFADECTL Controls the fading intensity percentage for references being edited in-place.
XREFNOTIFY Controls the notification for updated or missing xrefs.

Removed or Obsolete System Variables:




Below some early public expectations of AutoCAD 2010

New and enhanced 3D functionality is to expect. Ref.

Parametrics. Ref.

Bug fixes are always expected.

Subscription Bonus Packs for AutoCAD 2009 are expected to be included as core functions in AutoCAD 2010 so you may see the f
Subscription Bonus Pack 1

The MEASUREGEOM command enables you to measure the distance, radius, angle, area, or volume of a selected object or a seq
points. It performs many of the same calculations as the AREA, DISTANCE, and MASSPROP commands.

The REVERSE command enables you to reverse the order of vertices in selected lines, polylines, splines, and helixes.

The PEDIT command has been updated to include a new Reverse option enabling you to reverse the order of vertices in the sele

The VPROTATEASSOC variable enables you to automatically rotate a view within a layout viewport by rotating layout viewport i
VPROTATEASSOC is set to 1 (the default) the view will rotate maintaining its orientation with relation to the viewport. When it
view within the viewport will not rotate even though the viewport itself does rotate.

The PEDIT command has been updated to allow the selection of a Spline object and automatically convert it to a Polyline objec

The SPLINEDIT command has been updated to include an option to Convert to Polyline.

The new PLINECONVERTMODE variable enables you to control the fit method used in converting splines to polylines. When
PLINECONVERTMODE is set to 1 (the default), polylines are created with arc segments. When it is set to 0, polylines are created

The PURGE (and –PURGE) command has been updated to include an option to remove zero-length geometry and empty text obj
mtext containing only spaces).

The DELOBJ variable has been updated to support the PEDIT and SPLINEDIT commands. When DELOBJ is set to 0, the defining sp
retained. When set to any other value, it is deleted.

Subscription Bonus Pack 2

PDF Underlays
Now you can import PDF files, attaching them as PDF underlays. Once you attach a PDF underlay, you can use a variety of tools
lines and objects, control the display of layers, move, scale, rotate, and clip the PDF underlay.

PDF Output
Key improvements have been made for publishing PDF files. File sizes have been reduced, making it easier to share designs. Tru
support has been added, giving you control over precisely how your fonts are displayed.


New system variables PDFFRAME, PDFOSNAP

Subscription Bonus Pack 3 the 3D Printing Bonus Pack

The ability to prepare and print a 3D model to an online service and get back a 3D print of the model.

STL Output
STL output had been improved with updates to the existing STLOUT and EXPORT commands. Both of these methods for produci
(stereolithography) files now enable you to select more than one solid and the model is no longer required to lie in the positive
the WCS.

3D Printing
The new 3DPRINT command, available on the Subscription tab of the ribbon, takes advantage of the improvements to STL outpu
providing you with easy access to 3D Printing support and services. After creating the STL file, AutoCAD automatically launches
window where you can request a quote from one of the featured 3D Printing Service Providers.

I hope XCLIPFRAME adds 2 to support that the frame is visible but does not plot.

Here are other things I hope to be included and fixed.

The AUGI AutoCAD Wish List usually indicates what might be included in a coming product. Here is what was presented at AU 20

• Convert PDF to DWG

• Solid Hatch Opacity Setting
• Design File Locking
• Import PDF into DWG or DXF (DONE and in the AutoCAD Subscription Bonus Pack 2)
• Lock Viewport scale While allowing panning
• Send all Hatches to Back
• Compare two drawings
• Block Manager
• Improve PLINE edit Tool
• Freeze in All Viewports except current


Techworld interview with AutoCAD product line manager Eric Stover.

For more about AutoCAD 2011.

AutoCAD 2010 training video

Looking for great AutoCAD training for yourself or your users? No previous AutoCAD knowledge and experience needed.

In this video training, expert author Brian Benton takes you through the fundamentals of A
and gives you the tools you need to be on your way to becoming an fully functioning AutoCAD user. Starting with the basics of i
Brian quickly teaches you the basics, and then dives right into applying them, with a chapter project that reviews everything yo
learned in each section. Using a hands on approach, Brian allows you to more quickly learn how to apply the material, increasin
retention and understanding of AutoCAD 2010. By the completion of this over 9.5 hour tutorial, you will be familiar and comfor
AutoCAD, and capable of drawing, decorating and annotating an AutoCAD project. Also included are work files to allow you to w
the author, and further understand what he is showing you, step by step. The training consists of 97 mini-lessons.
The video is available here as download or DVD.

The video for AutoCAD 2011 is available here as download or DVD.

(the above is an affiliated ad)

JTB World's software for AutoCAD 2010

• JTB FlexReport
• SmartPurger
• AutoCAD Automation Tools
• SSMPropEditor (edit multiple sheet properties at the same time)
• DwgNotes - Add and edit drawing notes
• DimNotes
• DwgInfoTip
• DWG Explorer Column Handler
• Sheet Set Manager Path Edit
• XClipClean
• Freeware Palette Auto-hide Speed
• Freeware: Background color changer for OSNAPZ - link.

New and Updated Commands:

The following commands are new or have been updated in AutoCAD 2011:


Reshapes, scales, and edits the tangency of NURBS surfaces.


Sets the object snap modes for 3D objects.


Sets the object snap modes for 3D objects.


Creates a new object based on the object type and general properties of a selected object.


Displays a color gradient onto a surface to evaluate different aspects of its curvature.


Displays a color gradient onto a 3D model to evaluate whether there is adequate space between
a part and its mold.


Sets the display options for zebra, curvature, and draft analysis.


Projects stripes onto a 3D model to analyze surface continuity.


Applies constraint parameters to selected objects, or converts dimensional constraints to

parameter constraints.


Removes the history from 3D solids and composite solids, and associativity from surfaces.


Bevels the edges of 3D solids and surfaces.


Changes the properties of an object.


Converts materials created in previous drawing file formats to the current format.


Converts 3D objects such as polygon meshes, surfaces, and solids to mesh objects.


Converts 3D solids and surfaces into NURBS surfaces.


Adds control vertices to NURBS surfaces and splines.


Turns off the display of control vertices for all NURBS surfaces and curves.


Rebuilds the shape of NURBS surfaces and curves.


Rebuilds the shape of NURBS surfaces and curves.


Rebuilds the shape of NURBS surfaces and curves.


Displays the control vertices for specified NURBS surfaces or curves.


Constrains the distance between two points on different objects.


Constrains the angle between line or polyline segments, the angle swept out by an arc or a
polyline arc segment, or the angle between three points on objects.


Converts associative dimensions to dimensional constraints.


Constrains the diameter of a circle or an arc.


Displays or hides the dynamic constraints associated with a selection set of objects.


Specifies whether the dimensional constraint being created is dynamic or annotational.


Constrains the X distance between points on an object, or between two points on different


Creates a horizontal, vertical, or rotated constraint based on the locations of the extension line
origins and the dimension line.


Constrains the radius of a circle or an arc.


Constrains the Y distance between points on an object, or between two points on different


Creates an Autodesk® FBX file containing selected objects in the current drawing.


Creates an Autodesk® FBX file containing selected objects in the current drawing.


Imports an Autodesk® FBX file, which can contain objects, lights, cameras and materials.


Imports an Autodesk® FBX file, which can contain objects, lights, cameras and materials.


Rounds and fillets the edges of solid objects.


Constrains two points together or a point to a curve (or an extension of a curve).

Causes two or more line segments to lie along the same line.


Constrains two arcs, circles, or ellipses to the same center point.


Constrains two arcs, circles, or ellipses to the same center point.


Locks points and curves in position.


Causes lines or pairs of points to lie parallel to the X axis of the current coordinate system.


Causes selected lines to lie parallel to each other.


Causes selected lines to lie 90 degrees to one another.


Constrains a spline to be contiguous and maintain G2 continuity with another spline, line, arc, or


Causes selected objects to become symmetrically constrained about a selected line.


Constrains two curves to maintain a point of tangency to each other or their extensions.


Causes lines or pairs of points to lie parallel to the Y axis of the current coordinate system.


Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a gradient fill.


Sets options for 3D display performance.


Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.


Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.


Modifies an existing hatch or fill.


Creates a non-associated polyline around a selected hatch.


Redefines a selected hatch or fill to conform to a different closed boundary.


Controls the starting location of hatch pattern generation for a selected hatch.


Sets the draw order for all hatches in the drawing to be behind all other objects.


Displays Help.


Hides selected objects.


Displays selected objects across layers; unselected objects are hidden.


Joins similar objects to form a single, unbroken object.


Undoes the last change or set of changes made to layer settings.


Turns on and off the tracking of changes made to layer settings.


Creates a 3D solid or surface in the space between several cross sections.


Closes the Materials Browser.


Opens the Materials Browser.


Closes the Materials Browser.


Opens the Materials Editor.


Opens the Materials Browser.


Closes the Materials Browser.


Measures the distance, radius, angle, area, and volume of selected objects or sequence of


Creates a mesh face that connects open edges.


Merges the vertices of selected mesh faces or edges.


Extends a mesh face into 3D space.


Merges adjacent faces into a single face.


Spins the adjoining edge of two triangular mesh faces.


Splits a mesh face into two faces.


Finds any legacy materials in Tool Palettes and converts them to generic type.


Provides access to navigation and orientation tools from a single interface.


Creates a planar surface.


Provides options to create and attach an indexed point cloud file.


Inserts an indexed point cloud (PCG or ISD) file into the current drawing.


Inserts an indexed point cloud (PCG or ISD) file into the current drawing.


Creates an indexed point cloud (PCG or ISD) file from a scan file.


Projects points, lines, or curves onto a 3D solid or surface from different directions.


Creates a series of dimensions quickly from selected objects.


Creates a DWF, DWFx, or PDF file and allows you to set individual page setup overrides on a
sheet by sheet basis.


Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping an object around an axis.


Adds similar objects to the selection set based on selected objects.


Creates a series of freehand line segments.


Creates a smooth curve that passes through fit points or near control vertices.


Edits a spline or spline-fit polyline.


Creates a continuous blend surface between two existing surfaces.


Lengthens a surface by a specified distance.


Creates a filleted surface between two other surfaces.


Creates a surface in the space between several curves in the U and V directions (including
surface and solid edge subobjects).


Creates a parallel surface a specified distance from the original surface.


Creates a new surface by fitting a cap over a surface edge that forms a closed loop.


Trims and combines surfaces that bound a watertight area to create a solid.


Trims portions of a surface where it meets another surface or type of geometry.


Replaces surface areas removed by the SURFTRIM command.


Replaces surface areas removed by the SURFTRIM command.


Displays previously hidden objects.


Sets layer visibility within viewports.

Removed or Obsol


New and Updated


Controls the settings for the 3D object snaps.


Controls the selection precedence of both visually and physically overlapping objects when using
3D visual styles.


Applies transparency settings to all palettes.


Sets the transparency level for new objects.


Sets shortcuts to pre-Windows AutoCAD shortcuts or Windows shortcuts.


Controls whether the geometric constraints are inferred while drawing and editing geometry.


Controls constraint behavior when applying or editing constraints.


Controls whether 3D subobjects that are hidden from view can be highlighted or selected.


Controls whether 3D objects that are hidden from view can be highlighted or selected.

Identifies digitizers connected to the system.


Controls whether reference names or reference objects are highlighted when their counterparts
are selected in the External References palette or in the drawing window.


Stores the current fillet radius for 3D objects.


Specifies whether a gradient fill uses one color or two colors.


Controls transparency level for all palettes.


Controls the frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines.


Specifies whether the grid is turned on or off.


Controls the style of grid displayed for 2D model space, Block Editor, 3D parallel projection, 3D
perspective projection, and Sheet and Layout tabs.


Controls the color of unselected grips.


Controls the color of the grip contour.


Controls the color of selected grips.


Controls the fill color of an unselected grip when the cursor pauses over it.

Specifies the access methods to multi-functional grips.


Controls the display of grips on selected objects.


Controls whether grips are automatically made hot when subobjects are selected.


Controls the display of grip tips and Ctrl-cycling tooltips.


Sets the file path for the Help system.


Controls whether a new hatch pattern is annotative.


Controls the background color for hatch patterns.


Controls whether boundary objects are created for new hatches and fills.


Sets a default color for new hatches.


Controls the display of the Hatch and Gradient dialog box and the Hatch Edit dialog box.


Controls how islands within the hatch boundary are treated.


Controls how islands within the hatch boundary are treated.


Specifies a default layer for new hatches and fills.

Controls whether to display a preview when specifying internal points for a hatch.


Sets the default transparency for new hatches and fills.


Specifies the keys for selection cycling and the behavior for Ctrl+click.


Controls the state of the Materials Browser.


Indicates whether the Materials Editor is open or closed.


Specifies the path of the materials libraries.


Indicates whether the Materials Editor is open or closed.


Identifies the number of touch points supported by connected digitizers.


Controls how MIRROR reflects hatch patterns.


Controls the display of the navigation bar in all viewports.


Controls the display of the ViewCube tool in the current visual style and the current viewport.


Controls whether hidden objects remain hidden between drawing sessions.


Controls whether object transparency is plotted.

Controls whether a point cloud is regenerated automatically after manipulation, panning,
zooming, or orbiting.


Controls the number of points displayed at once for all point clouds in the drawing view.


Controls whether an attached point cloud can be manipulated, moved, or rotated.


Improves performance by degrading the number of points displayed in the drawing view zooming,
panning, or orbiting in real time.


Specifies the visual effect used for previewing selection of face subobjects.


Sets the on or off state of Quick Properties palette.


Sets the number of control vertices when rebuilding a spline.


Sets the global degree when rebuilding a spline.


Sets the global degree when rebuilding a spline.


Sets the degree in the U direction when rebuilding a NURBS surface.


Sets the degree in the V direction when rebuilding a NURBS surface.


Controls deletion and trimming options when rebuilding a NURBS surface.


Sets the number of grid lines in the U direction when rebuilding a NURBS surface.

Sets the number of grid lines in the V direction when rebuilding a NURBS surface.


Controls the display of recovery notifications before or after opening a damaged drawing file.


Controls the transparency of a palette while the cursor moves over the palette.


Controls whether screen menus display.


Controls selection cycling and whether the Selection dialog box is displayed.


Controls which properties must match for an object of the same type to be selected with


Controls which properties are selected for the SETBYLAYER command.


Determines whether the SKETCH command generates lines, polylines, or splines.


Determines how closely the spline fits to the freehand sketch.


Stores the last-used degree setting for splines and sets the default degree setting for the SPLINE
command when specifying control vertices.


Controls the display of helixes and smoothed mesh objects.


Stores the last-used knot parameterization for splines and sets the default knot setting for the
SPLINE command when specifying fit points.

Stores the last-used spline method and sets the default method for the SPLINE command.


Controls whether surfaces maintain a relationship with the objects from which they were


Sets the dragging preview behavior of associative surfaces to increase performance.


Controls whether surfaces are automatically trimmed when you project geometry onto them.


Controls whether surfaces are created as procedural surfaces or NURBS surfaces.


Controls whether the object transparency is displayed.


Sets the value at which a surface displays as green during curvature analysis


Sets the value at which a surface displays as blue during curvature analysis


Controls which type of curvature analysis is used with the (ANALYSISCURVATURE).


Sets the value at which a model displays as green during draft analysis (ANALYSISDRAFT).


Sets the value at which a model displays as blue during draft analysis (ANALYSISDRAFT).


Sets the first color of the zebra stripes displayed during zebra analysis (ANALYSISZEBRA).

Sets the second (contrasting) color of the zebra stripes displayed during zebra analysis


Controls whether zebra stripes display horizontally, vertically, or at an angle during zebra
analysis (ANALYSISBRA).


Controls the width of the zebra stripes displayed during zebra analysis (ANALYSISZEBRA).


Sets the type of zebra display when using zebra analysis (ANALYSISZEBRA).


Makes edges on 3D objects extend beyond their intersection for a hand-drawn effect.


Specifies the color of occluded (hidden) lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport.


Controls whether occluded (hidden) edges are displayed.


Specifies the linetype of occluded (hidden) lines in the visual style applied to the current


Show what is the default brower for help.


Show if online help is used.


Help type.


Saves changes you made to a workspace when you switch to another work space.

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