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although it was too dark to see them. 'Is it you, Phil?" she whispered. "Yes, yes!"
"Where is--where is he?'' in terror. ''He cannot harm you now. He is gone."
''But I saw his face just now. Oh, you are not telling me the truth!" "You saw
Turk's face, dearest. What a time we had in finding you! But you are safe now,
thank God!'' She lay very still, striving to convince herself that she was awake
and that she was really listening to Philip Quentin's voice, hoarse and eager. Her
hand went to his face, impulsively searching for the features her eyes could not
see. Strong ringers seized it, and dry, burning lips kissed it again and again—lips
parched with fever. The heart of the woman asserted itself at once, and concern
succeeded perplexity. "Oh, Phil, you are ill--you should not be here!'' she cried, in
distress, and, before he could prevent she was on her feet, swaying dizzily. ''Then
you are not hurt!'' he cried. ''Thank God for that!'' His arm was about her waist,
and a wave of security and contentment rolled through her being. ''Take me
back to the castle, Phil," she said, simply. ''You will never know how unhappy I
have been, how I have blamed myself for running away as I did. But, oh, I thought
he was a priest, and l wanted to prove that you could not keep me there." ''You
do not have to stay there, Dorothy,'' he said, slowly. ''What do you mean?'' ''I
have been a fool, an ingrate, a brute, but I will atone if it is possible. In your note
you said you would forgive the others, I don't ask pardon for myself, but I implore
you to shield them. Perhaps it is too late; this detective has exposed us--'' ''He
swore to me that he had not, but he knows everything, and may carry the word to
the authorities" she interrupted, in distress. ''The secret is safe if he worked
alone, for he is dead. Don't be frightened; he fell over a cliff in the darkness. Turk!''
"Here, sir." ''We must get back to the castle as soon as possible. It is five miles, at
least. Try to find a trap of some sort at once. Miss Garrison cannot walk that
distance." ''But I can and will'' she objected. ''I am not hurt and I am stronger than
you." ''Nonsense! I'm all right. I will return with you to Brussels to-morrow- Your
Imprisonment is at an end. There is no need for you to think again of escape, for
you are free to go at this moment. Come back to Lady Saxondale for a while,
though, and when you are able to go with me we will take the train for Brussels.
Believe me, I am sorry, but l am not fool enough to ask you to forgive-I don't

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