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Singular I

MY you plural Complete the

YOUR he HIS sentences with the
we OUR correct possessive
she HER
it ITS you YOUR adjectives
they THEIR

1. I like _________dog. 2. My 25. I wonder where ______mobile is . 26. We

sister always forgets _______keys. 3. Most must clean ______mountain bikes each time we use
teachers enjoy ________jobs. 4. -What is them . 27. The
your name ? -_______is Sam. 5. You must write zoo is advertising ______ protection programme.
in ________copybooks in class! 28. France is well-known for ______strikes and
6. We spend a lot of time using _______ mobiles . demonstrations !!!!!
7. My tablet is on ________ desk. 29. You should cut ________hair !
8. London is famous for_____ museums. 9. Jenny 30. Jane is afraid of losing _____job.
loves ________family very much. 10. The 31. Sam, will you put _______dirty clothes in the
twins never tidy ________room. washing machine, please ? 32.
11. John always takes care of ______pets. My cats eat ______biscuits everday. 33. The
12. My parents take _______cars to go to work, Scots are proud of______haunted castles, bagpipes
because ______jobs are very far. and kilts !! 34. I have lost
13. English pupils must look after all _____files on ______hard disk. ______life is so
__________uniforms. hard !!! 35. A
14. Try this pizza, _____taste is just great ! spider has built _______web just above my bed.
15. Amazonia is precious for Earth because of 36. Dad won ____rugby match last Sunday.
_______forests. 16. 37. Kate is looking forward to _____ birthday party
Adele is a wonderful singer, I love all _____songs. soon, with all _____family. 38. You must
17.Look at this car !___design is fantatic ! polish _____shoes now !!! 39.
18. I think relaxation and yoga are good Many people are demonstrating for _______ rights
for_______ health. all over the world. 40.
19. Ireland is a famous tourist attraction because of This song is so good and _____rhythm is amazing !
______landscapes. 20.My mum 41. Emma never combs _______hair !
loves going to ___beautician’s. 21. I never walk to 42. Dammit, where are ______keys ? I have lost
_______work place. 22 . We have them again. 43. This
_______lunch break at 12.30. 23. Sally keeps garden is so beautiful.Look at all _____ flowers
forgetting ______ appointments at the dentist’s. beds ! 44._______house is
24. I brush ______teeth three times a day. not far from _____work so we can walk there .

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