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Condensed tannins: arbiters of abiotic stress tolerance?
Scott A. Harding

Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA; 2Corresponding author (

Received November 19, 2018; accepted January 9, 2019; handling Editor Sanna Sevanto

Gourlay and Constabel (2019) remind us that in temperate for- glutathione as well as various pigments and retrograde signaling
ests, condensed tannins (CTs) affect not only trophic interac- for redox control and the neutralization of harmful radicals
tions such as herbivory and leaf decomposition, but also (Kleine and Leister 2016, Smirnoff 2018). The work of Gourlay
processes intrinsic to leaf growth and development. Condensed and Constabel significantly extends in vitro work using non-plant
tannins, also known as proanthocyanidins (PAs), are non- systems where the ability of flavan-3-ols and other flavonoid
structural, polymeric end products of the flavonoid pathway. The monomers to oxidize free peroxyl radicals, prevent their chain
flavonoid biosynthetic pathway is well studied, but there are still propagation and inhibit damaging effects to cellular components
major gaps in our understanding of how CTs are formed and has already been demonstrated (Jovanovic et al. 1996, Arora
compartmentalized (Zhao et al. 2010, Brillouet et al. 2013, et al. 1998). The physiological relevance of such studies has
Wang et al. 2018). In short, the central phenylpropanoid path- been challenged in the past due in part to kinetic constraints
way gives rise to various hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids, which predict that the flavonoid concentrations required for
including flavan-3-ols, which polymerize to form the CT oligo- effective scavenging may be greater than would be achievable
mers (Figure 1). It has long been recognized that with their cap- in vivo (Forman et al. 2014). This point was suggested earlier
acity to absorb UV radiation and scavenge damaging radicals, by Stafford (1991) in tempering the idea that UV-absorbing fla-
flavonoids contributed to the survival and early evolution of land vonoids also functioned as radical scavengers in primitive plants.
plants (Stafford 1991, Agati and Tattini 2010, Albert et al. In addition, direct interactions between dietary flavonoids, gluta-
2018). In recent decades, interest has expanded into the thione and catalase have been reported (Sudheesh et al. 1999,
importance of CTs as defensive antifeedants and antimicrobials Myhrstad et al. 2002, Krych and Gebicka 2013, Majumder et al.
with additional ecophysiological roles pertinent to nutrient cyc- 2017). Given the plethora of interacting mechanisms for redox
ling (Madritch and Lindroth 2015). The report of Gourlay and control, the new findings support an interesting notion that
Constabel (2019) now steers the conversation back toward the increased CT abundance can result in a physiologically beneficial
intersection of CTs with leaf health and functional resilience gain in radical scavenging in leaves.
(Figure 1). It was perhaps fortuitous that overexpressing CT-regulating
MYB134 or MYB115 (hereafter MYB 134/115) had only a min-
or effect on the levels of other key flavonoids, especially flavo-
Condensed tannins as players in multi-tiered redox nols like quercetin (Mellway et al. 2009, James et al. 2017).
control Quercetin glycosides have broad subcellular distribution and
The authors present a novel finding that leaf CTs mediate oxida- strong radical scavenging abilities (Husain et al. 1987, Jovanovic
tive stress tolerance in vivo with physiologically relevant out- et al. 1996, Agati and Tattini 2010). In this respect, Gourlay and
comes. This is noteworthy in part because flavonoids comprise Constabel appear to have threaded a needle. While it seems intui-
only one facet of a plant arsenal based also on ascorbic acid and tive that reducing flavonol levels might lead to damage, there is

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
2 Harding

consideration for the enhanced constitutive scavenging observed

in the high-CT transgenic poplars.

Compartmentalization and localization as

facilitators of CT function
One distinguishing feature of plant compared with animal cells is of

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course the large central vacuole where flavonoids can concentrate.
Not only does the vacuole act as a flavonoid reservoir, but polymer-
ization of CTs is thought to increase in the vacuole (Figure 1), albeit
by mechanisms that remain unknown (Jiang et al. 2015, Wang et al.
2018). Additionally, at least on the basis of in vitro studies, the
enzymatic polymerization of catechin monomers increases their anti-
oxidative capacity on a per carbon basis (Kurisawa et al. 2003).
Given these contexts, demonstration of the ameliorative effects on
photoinhibition by Gourlay and Constabel provides new impetus for
exploring the partnership between compartmentalization and flavon-
oid pathway fluxes in abiotic stress tolerance. One of several ques-
tions raised by the current findings concerns the mechanism of
photosystem II (PSII) protection. Preemptive UV filtering through the
Figure 1. Suggested impacts of condensed tannin (CT) manipulation. vacuole and enhanced radical scavenging in the cytosol both remain
Sunlight as well as fluctuations in Calvin cycle capacity due to nutrient and as mechanisms (Figure 1). However, the effect of MYB134/115-
water availability can lead to reactive oxygen species (ROS) excesses in regulated CT increases on their subcellular distribution and oligomer-
the chloroplast (green) and photosystem II (PSII) damage, or photoinhibi-
tion. Reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 can also exit in the chloroplast
ization prior to vacuolar import is unclear. The so-called ‘tannosome’
or be generated in the cytosol. Condensed tannins and monomeric flavo- transport model is based on evidence that suggests a chloroplastic
nols inhibit ROS accumulation both preventively by absorbing UV radiation, origin for CTs followed by their delivery to the vacuole in tannosome
chelating reactive metals that participate in radical generation, and reac-
vesicles derived from chloroplasts (Brillouet et al. 2013). Other
tively by scavenging peroxyl radicals. By extension, CT abundance and
compartmentalization should affect ROS-retrograde signaling pathways in models support the biosynthesis of CTs and their oligomerization at
the cytosol. Retrograde signaling can trigger programmed cell death the endoplasmic reticulum (Liu et al. 2016). Ultimately, greater certi-
(PCD) and leaf senescence, itself a radical generating process that affects tude about the topology and capacity of CT trafficking will lend clarity
leaf area duration. Finally, CT accrual interfaces with that of phenolic glyco-
sides (PGs) via uncharacterized mechanisms to condition trophic interac- as to how increased CT accrual leads to decreased PSII damage.
tions important for tree fitness, perennial growth and habitat productivity. In addition to the matter of compartmentalization, future stud-
ies will need to determine whether CT localization within the leaf
is a factor in its remedial effects. Most UV filtering occurs in the
also evidence that a constitutive increase in their cytosolic abun-
leaf epidermis (Stapleton and Walbot 1994), but in quaking
dance can be damaging. Flavonols can act as pro-oxidants
aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) at least, CTs are normally
(Krych and Gebicka 2013), and in the presence of H2O2, levels
less abundant in the upper epidermis than in other cell layers
well below those thought to be required for effective intracellular
(Kao et al. 2002), including the palisade mesophyll where most
scavenging have been shown to damage DNA (Sakihama et al.
photosynthetic reactive oxygen species (ROS) occur. Altered
2002, Labieniec et al. 2003, Azam et al. 2004). Current animal
localization of CT accrual including the possibility of ectopic
system models suggest that cytosolic flavonoids provided in the
accrual in the upper epidermis needs to be considered as a pos-
diet operate at very low concentrations, less by radical scaven-
sible contributor to effects such as those reported by Gourlay
ging and more as receptor ligands for the prevention of oxidative
and Constabel.
imbalances via the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related (NRF2) sig-
naling pathway (Forman et al. 2014, Loboda et al. 2016). Plants
lack orthologs for the NRF2 signaling pathway, perhaps not sur-
Condensed tannins: important contributors to tree
prisingly since flavonols are light-regulated UV filters and prob-
ably too abundant to serve as signaling molecules. Flavonol Room for varied cell-specific and subcellular localization of CTs
levels in the cytosol are partly controlled by mitochondrial and suggests potential for dynamic interactions and tradeoffs involv-
chloroplast sensing, as well as by various transporters and ves- ing CTs, abiotic stress tolerance and defense (Figure 1). One
icular trafficking (Giraud et al. 2008, Morishita et al. 2009, De defining feature among the Salicaceae (poplars and willows) is
Clercq et al. 2013, Zhao 2015). Subcellular compartmentaliza- wide genetic diversity when it comes to foliar CT and salicinoid
tion, though as yet poorly understood, therefore deserves further phenolic glycoside (PG) levels (Orians et al. 2000, Harding et al.

Tree Physiology Volume 00, 2019

Condensed tannins 3

2005). Such variation probably serves an important purpose analysis of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha reveals that R2R3MYB
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2009, Kosonen et al. 2012). Recent work has shown a positive Azam S, Hadi N, Khan NU, Hadi SM (2004) Prooxidant property of green
tea polyphenols epicatechin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate: implica-

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Hemming JDC, Lindroth RL (1995) Intraspecific variation in aspen phyto-
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about CT accrual in the contexts of changing temperatures, pre- 2497–2504.
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Tree Physiology Volume 00, 2019

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