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Isaac Newton s-a nascut in ziua de 4 ianuarie 1643 la Woolsthorpe, in Lincolnshire.

Tatal sau a murit cu

trei luni inaintea nasterii lui. Cand avea trei ani, mama sa s-a recasatorit si l-a lasat in grija bunicii pana la
varsta de 11 ani. In sfarsit mama sa, a doua oara vaduva, a preluat educatia copilului si l-a trimis la o
coala mai buna, Grantham. Mai tarziu in vara anului 1661, a fost trimis la scoala superioara Trinity din
universitatea Cambridge. Aici profesorul de matematica Isaac Barrow l-a incurajat.

Newton si-a primit licenta in 1665. Dupa o varietate de experimente pe lumina soarelui refractata printr-
o prisma, el a ajuns la concluzia ca razele de lumina care difera in culoare difera de asemenea in
refractabilitate. Pe aceasta baza el a construit telescopul cu oglinzi reflectorizante.

Isaac Newton este renumit pentru descoperirea legii atractiei, inspirat de un mar care i-a cazut in cap.
Acest mar l-a pus pe Newton sa se gandeasca la forta care atrage marul spre Pamant. Aceasta forta este
aceasi cu cea care mentine Luna in orbita sa in jurul Pamantului si explica mathematic principiile
miscarii orbitale ale lui Johanes Keppler.

In 1684, dupa un schimb de scrisori cu Robert Hooke si o vizita a lui Edmund Halley a descoperit ca si
Soarele actioneaza cu aceasi forta asupra planetelor si a dedus si formula matematica.
Halley l-a convins pe Newton sa scrie o carte, si acesta a scris-o in 1687, numele ei fiind Philosophiae
naturalis principia mathematica. Aceasta lucrare l-a facut pe Newton sa fie cel mai mare fizician al acelor

Isaac Newton a descoperit si scris toata dinamica corpurilor. Cele "trei principii ale dinamicii" au
reprezentat bazele viitoarelor descoperiri ale lui.

Intre anii 1689 - 1701Isaac Newton a ocupat functii de conducere in parlament si la universitate. In acest
timp s-a aratat un bun administrator.

In 1704 Newton a publicat Optics, carte pe care a refuzat sa o publice pana la moartea lui Hooke, vechiul
sau inamic in ale stiintei.

Newton died in his sleep in London on 20 March 1727

Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. His father died three
months before his birth. When he was three, his mother re married and left him into his
grandmother surveillance until the age of 11. Finally, his mother, the second time widow, took
over the child's education and sent him to a better grade school, Grantham. Later in the summer
of 1661, he was sent to Trinity High School at Cambridge University. Here math teacher Isaac
Barrow encouraged him.

Newton received his license in 1665. After a variety of experiments on sunlight refracted through
a prism, he came to the conclusion that light rays that differ in color also differ in refraction. On
this basics he built the telescope with reflective mirrors.

Isaac Newton is renowned for discovering the law of attraction, inspired by an apple that fell on
his head. This apple put Newton to think of the force that draws apple to Earth. This force is the
same as that which keeps the moon in its orbit around the Earth and explains mathematically the
principles of orbital movement of Johannes Keppler.

In 1684, he discovered that the Sun also acts with the same force on the planets and deduced the
mathematical formula.
Halley convinced Newton to write a book, and he wrote it in 1687, her name being Philosophiae
naturalis principia mathematica. This work has made Newton to be the greatest physicist of those

Isaac Newton discovered and wrote all the "three principles of dynamics" were the basis of his
future discoveries.

Between 1689 and 1701, Isaac Newton held senior positions in parliament and university.
During this time he showed himself as a good manager.

In 1704 Newton published the Optics, a book he refused to publish until the death of Hooke, his
old enemy in science.
Newton died in his sleep in London on 20 March 1727.

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