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ITECH1100 Lab06

Understanding the Digital Revolution (Federation University Australia)

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1. What is the size of the file, in bytes?

Size of the file = 35,781 bytes
2. How does the size (in bytes) compare to the size of the compressed
file? Was it what you expected?
Compressed Size = 10,139 bytes
Uncompressed Size = 35,781 bytes
Yes, the compression of the file was expected as the size of the file is
found to be reduced after the compression.

3. By what percentage did compression reduce the size of the data?

Reduction Rate = ∗100 %
Compression reduced the size of the data by 71.66%.
4. Describe the “algorithm” you used. Did you scan through the list, or
jump somewhere in the middle? Did you get close and then scan?
Find the favourite food of the person with the id 77
To find the favourite food of the person with id 77. I used the
searching though the flat folder where there is the list of files with id
is done. So typing the keyword (id value) will jump to the nearest file.
After that scanning through the list will get the exact file.
And the result after exploring is mozzarella.

5. What approach did you use to find this person?

Find the date of birth of Joaquina Mccraw using the flat database
In the search tab, typing the name of Joaquina Mccraw, we can find
the file of that person. As the search tab is elastic search, on each
keyword it results the list of files. On getting the exact name we can
select that file to get the date of birth.
And the result after exploring the file of Joaquina Mccraw, date of
birth is 1974-12-21.
Find the date of birth of Vena Tarver using the by_name database
By using by_name database, we can find the file for particular person
through each letter folder exploring such as V-E for Vena Tarver.
And the resultant date of birth of Vena Tarver is 1979-09-01.

Downloaded by Rajeev Shrestha (


6. You should notice a significant difference in the steps required to

perform each task. What was your approach to finding Vena?
To find Vena, the easiest approach is to search with the indexes
of alphabet used in the by_name database. We should follow
the alphabet like V-E and then we can find the exact file of

7. What approach did you use? How could you make this task even
Using the by_food database, find the name of the person whose
favourite food is monkfish
In the by_food database, there are folders with alphabet. So with
going through the first alphabet of monkfish followed by second
alphabet, there are different results that contains the favourite food
that starts with ‘mo’. Then we can search on by on on the list as well
as using the elastic search system i.e. on the search tab to find out
the exact match.
And the result is Florentina Maskell

8. Which one is more work to update? What is the tradeoff made by

using an index?
Oh no! There was an error in the database! Person 14’s first name
is not supposed to be Verlene but should be Merlene. Fix this
error in both the by_name and flat databases.
Fixing the error on by_name database will be more as there is the
index system with alphabet. So the indexing and the file should be
updated in order to make efficient while searching. Whereas the file
and its name should be updated while using flat database.
Updating of all the indices used in the by_name as well as by_food
database on change of one alphabet of person is compulsory.

Downloaded by Rajeev Shrestha (

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