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Summary Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value - Chapter

Selling Skills (Langara College)

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Chapter 1: Relationship Selling Opportunities

Personal Selling
- when representative interact directly with a customer, providing information about
- process of adding value

- to encompass information, services, ideas, and issue

Personal Selling Philosophy

1. adopt the marketing concept
2. value personal selling
3. assume the role of a problem solver or partner in helping customers make good buying

Selling 2.0
- using modern sales practices combined with older to create value for buyer and seller

Industrial Economy Information Economy

- Major advances = manufacturing and - Major advances = information
transportation technology
- Resource = capital/ natural resources - Resource = information
- Business = factories and product - Business = customer relationship
- Sales success = sales quotas - Sales success = adding value

Value-added selling
- series of creative improvements within the sales process that enhance the customer
o by developing quality customer relationship
o identify customer needs and offer better advice/solutions for it
o provide excellent after sale

Factors to new job titles:

● shift from “selling” to “consulting” and “partnering.”
● reflect a difference in education and skill sets

Why be a salesperson?
● Salespeople can earn above average income (from base salary, bonus, or incentives) for
good performances
● Opportunities for advancements
● Opportunities for women

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Psychic income
- such as psychological rewards
- helps satisfy psychological needs (recognition and security) and motivates us to achieve
higher levels of performance

Inside salespeople
- People who perform selling activities at the employer’s location (using the telephone
and e-mail)
- Aka. customer service representative

“Inbound” inside salespeople respond to calls initiated by the customer

“Outbound” inside salespeople are telemarketers

Outside salespeople
- People who travel to meet prospects and customers in their places of business or

Goods and services flow from manufacturer to end user through a channel of distribution

Trade selling
- the sale of a product or service to another member of the supply chain

Missionary (or detail) Sales

- Manufacturer salesperson attempts to generate goodwill and stimulate demand
- for the manufacturer’s product among channel members
- serve to develop goodwill, provide information, and stimulate demand for the
manufacturer’s products
- does not sell the product but receives recognition for increasing the sale of products
- indirectly
- must be able to provide technical product information and offer sound advice in areas
including credit policies, pricing, display, layout, and storage

Field salespeople
- interact with new customers and current customers
- must be able to identify customer needs and requirements and to recommend the
proper product or service to meet the customer’s needs
- Field salespeople who provide excellent service to their customers often receive
information from their satisfied customers on new leads

Customer service representative (CSR) is used to

- describe knowledge workers who process reservations, accept orders by phone or other
means, deliver products, handle customer complaints, provide technical assistance, and
assist full-time sales representatives

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