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Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta

The Malta Government Gazette
It-Tlieta, 18 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Pubblikata b’Awtorità
Tuesday, 18th August, 2020 Published by Authority


Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern.............................................................................................. 7161

Government Notices.......................................................................................................... 7161

Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg................................................................................................. 7161 - 7162

Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 7161 - 7162

Avviżi tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 7162 - 7164

Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 7162 - 7164
It-18 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 7161


Nru. 968 No. 968



NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Onor. IT is notified for general information that the Hon. Robert
Robert Abela, KUOM, BA, LLD, Adv. Trib. Melit., MP, Abela, KUOM, BA, LLD, Adv. Trib. Melit., MP, resumed
reġa’ daħal għal dmirijietu ta’ Prim Ministru nhar it-Tnejn, duties as Prime Minister on Monday, 17th August, 2020, and
is-17 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, u l-arranġamenti magħmulin bin- that the arrangements made by Government Notice No. 942
Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 942 tal-11 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, of the 11th August, 2020, ceased to have effect accordingly.
ma baqgħux iseħħu f’dan is-sens.

Is-17 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 17th August, 2020


Nru. 969 No. 969


(KAP. 188) (CAP. 188)

Kumitat ta’ Inkjesta Committee of Inquiry

(Privazzjoni ta’ Ċittadinanza Maltija) (Deprivation of Maltese Citizenship)

NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi IT is notified for general information that the Committee
l-Kumitat ta’ Inkjesta (Privazzjoni ta’ Ċittadinanza Maltija) of Inquiry (Deprivation of Maltese Citizenship) appointed in
maħtur skont l-artikolu 14(4) tal-Att dwar iċ-Ċittadinanza terms of article 14(4) of the Maltese Citizenship Act, which
Maltija, liema ħatra tiskadi fis-6 ta’ April, 2023, huwa appointment expires on the 6th April, 2023, is composed as
magħmul kif ġej: follows:

Chairman Chairman
L-Imħallef Emeritu Geoffrey Valencia, LLD, BA Judge Emeritus Geoffrey Valencia, LLD, BA

Membri Members
Dott. Mark Simiana, LLD, BA (Legal and Humanistic Dr Mark Simiana, LLD, BA (Legal and Humanistic
Studies) Studies)
Is-Sur Kearon Bruno, B.Com. (Hons) (Econ.) (Melit.), Mr Kearon Bruno, B.Com. (Hons) (Econ.) (Melit.),
MSc. (Econ.)(Melit.) MSc. (Econ.) (Melit.)

Segretarja Secretary
Is-Sa Julianne Marie Brincat, B.Comm., MA (ISSS) Ms Julianne Marie Brincat, B.Comm., MA (ISSS)

It-18 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 18th August, 2020



Pożizzjoni tal-Avukat Ġenerali Post of Attorney General

Il-Kummissjoni tal-Ħatra għall-pożizzjoni tal-Avukat The Appointment Commission for the post of Attorney
Ġenerali qed tistieden applikazzjonijiet għal din il-pożizzjoni. General is inviting applications for this post.

L-applikant magħżul jiġi impjegat fuq bażi full-time u jkun The selected candidate will be employed on a full-time
mistenni li jmexxi l-Uffiċċju tal-Avukat Ġenerali. basis and will be required to head the Office of the Attorney
7162 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,464 

Kull min japplika għandu jkollu mhux inqas minn tnax- Applicants must have not less than twelve years of practice
il sena prattika bħala avukat f’Malta jew ikun serva bħala as an Advocate in Malta or served as a Magistrate in Malta or
Maġistrat f’Malta jew f’parti hekk eżerċita u f’parti hekk serva. have partly so practised and partly so served.

Applikazzjoni u l-Curriculum Vitae, inkluż ittra ta’ Letter of application, including a detailed Curriculum
motivazzjoni għandhom jintbagħtu sa mhux aktar tard Vitae along with a motivation letter should be submitted by
minn nhar l-Erbgħa, 26 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 sas-1.00 p.m. u no later than Wednesday, 26th August, 2020 at 1.00 p.m. and
għandhom ikunu ndirizzati lil: should be addressed to:

Is-Segretarju tal-Kummissjoni tal-Ħatra The Secretary to the Appointment Commission

c/o L-Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju Permanenti c/o Office of the Permanent Secretary
Ministeru tal-Ġustizzja, l-Ugwaljanza u l-Governanza Ministry for Justice, Equality and Governance
Auberge D’Aragon Auberge D’Aragon
Misraħ Indipendenza Misraħ Indipendenza
Il-Belt Valletta Valletta

It-18 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 18th August, 2020



B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili, Prim’Awla fit-12 ta’ By decree given by the First Hall, Civil Courts on the
Awwissu, 2020, fuq rikors ta’ Bank of Valletta plc (C 2833) 12th August, 2020 on the application of Bank of Valletta plc
ġie ffissat il-jum tal-Ħamis, 22 ta’ Ottubru, 2020, fil-ħdax (C 2833), Thursday, 22nd October, 2020, at eleven in the
ta’ filgħodu (11.00 a.m.) għall-Bejgħ bl-Irkant li għandu morning (11.00 a.m.), has been fixed for the Sale by Auction,
jsir f’Kamra numru 78 Biswit l-Arkivju, Livell-1, Qrati tal- to be held in room number 78, nearby the Archives, Level
Ġustizzja, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, tal-fond hawn -1 Courts of Justice, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta, of the
taħt deskritt: following property:

Id-dar numerata bin-numru tletin (30) ġja numru tnejn The house numbered thirty (30) previously numbered
u ħamsin (52) fi Triq Konti Ruġġieru, Ir-Rabat, Malta, fifty two (52) in Triq Konti Ruġġieru, Rabat, Malta, built
mibnija fuq żewġ sulari ’l fuq mill-livell tat-triq filwaqt on two floors above street level while completely below
kompletament taħt il-livell tat-triq hemm sular taħt l-art street level there is an undergroud floor (basement) whose
(basement) li l-aċċess tiegħu huwa direttament minn taraġ u access is directly from stairs and internal lift while on the
lift intern filwaqt li fuq in-naħa ta’ wara l-basement għandu rear the basement has direct access to the back garden free
aċċess dirett għal ġnien retropost, libera u franka bid-drittijiet and unencumbered with all its rights and appurtenances and
u l-pertinenzi kollha tagħha, inkluża l-arja relattiva u stmata including its relative airspace valued at seven hundred and
li tiswa seba’ mija u ħamsa u għoxrin elf ewro (€725,000). twenty five thousand euro (€725,000).

L-imsemmi fond huwa proprjetà ta’ Gouder Maria Gloria The said tenement is the property of Gouder Maria Gloria
(KI499159M) u Gouder Joseph (KI616356M). (ID499159M) and Gouder Joseph (ID616356M).

N.B. L-imsemmi fond jinbiegħ bħalma ġie deskritt fl-atti N.B. The said tenement will be sold as described in the
tas-subbasta 53/2019. acts of judicial sales number 53/2019.

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 17 ta’ Registry of the Superior Courts, this Monday, 17th
Awwissu, 2020 August, 2020


Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals
It-18 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 7163


B’digriet mogħti mill-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili, mill- By means of a decree given by the First Hall Civil Court,
Qorti hawn imsemmija (MH) fil-31 ta’ Lulju 2020, fl-atti by the Court herein mentioned (MH) on the 31st July, 2020,
tar-Rikors fl-ismijiet Isabella Whitmore Mizzi vs Denise in the records of the Application in the names Isabella
Chappelle et, Rikors numru 295/2020 (MH) ġiet ordnata Whitmore Mizzi vs Denise Chappelle et, Application number
s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil- 295/2020 (MH) the following publication was ordered for
konfront tal-intimata Isabelle Whitmore Mizzi, a tenur tal- the purpose of service of the respondent Isabelle Whitmore
Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12. Mizzi, in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

Permezz ta’ Rikors, ippreżentat, fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti By means of an Application, filed, in the First Hall
Ċivili, fl-atti tal-Mandat ta’ Sekwestru Kawtelatorju numru Civil Court, in the records of the Precautionary Garnishee
191/2020, fl-ismijiet Isabella Whitmore Mizzi (KI 459859M) Order number 191/2020, in the names Isabella Whitmore
vs Denise Chappelle (KI 114770M), Alexander Mizzi Mizzi (ID 459859M) vs Denise Chappelle (ID 114770M),
(KI 501263M), Maria Giovanna sive Joanna Calamatta Alexander Mizzi (ID 459859M), Maria Giovanna sive
(KI 428966M) fit-13 ta’ Mejju, 2020, ir-rikorrenti Denise Joanna Calamatta (ID 428966M) on the 13th May, 2020, the
Chappele (KI 114770M), Alexander Mizzi (KI 501263M) applicant Denise Chappelle (ID 114770M), Alexander Mizzi
u Maria Giovanna sive Joanna Calamatta (KI 428966M) ai (ID 501263M) and Maria Giovanna sive Joanna Calamatta
termini tal-Artikolu 836 (1) (b))(d) (e) u/ jew (f) tal-Kap. 12 (ID 428966M) in terms of Article 836(1) (b) (d) (e) and/ or
tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta esponew bir-rispett: (f) of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta respectfully pleaded:

1. Illi s-sekwestranta ottjeniet il-ħruġ tal-mandat 1. That the creditor acquired the issuing of a precationary
ta’ sekwestru kawtelatorju numru 191/2020, datat 5 ta’ garnishee order number 191/2020, dated 5th February, 2020,
Frar, 2020, u dan fir-rigward tas-somma ta’ erba’ mitt elf and in this regard of the sum of four hundred thousand euro
ewro (€400,000) rappreżenanti allegatament sehem is- (€400,000) representng allegedly the share of the creditor
sekwestranta mill-wirt li ħallew permezz ta’ testment il- from the inheritance that the parents of the applicants left by
ġenituri tal-kontendenti, means of a will,

2. Illi l-esponenti jiċħdu għalkollox illi huma b’xi mod 2. That the interpellants deny completely that they in any
qed iċaħħdu lis-sekwestrata milli tingħata dak spettat lilha manner denied debtor from being given that due to her from
mill-porzjon riżervat (leġittima), the reserved portion (leġittima),

3. Illi jirriżulta ċar illi tali mandat inħareġ bl-aktar 3. That it clearly results that such warrant was issued in
mod frivolu u vessatorju u dan għaliex is-sekwestranta taf the most frivoulous and vexatious manner and this because
ben tajjeb illi hija ma ġietx institwita bħala eredi bħall- the creditor knows well that she was not instituted heir like
esponeni ħutha, għalhekk ma hijiex werrieta daqshom fuq her siblings, the interpellants, thus she is not an heir as much
l-wirt inkwistjoni u kull ma huwa spettat lilha bi dritt huwa as them in the inheritance in question and what is due to her
l-porzjon riservat, is only the reserved portion,

4. Illi , in oltre u bla preġudizzju għas-suespost, l-ammont 4. That furthermore and without prejudice to the above
pretis mis-sekwestranta ma huwiex fil-fatt dovut stante kull , the amount pretended by the creditor is not in fact due
ma huwa spettat lilha bi dritt huwa l-porzjon riservat, ossija since what is due to her by right is the reserved portion , or
porzjon ta’ 1/12 mill-assi ta’ decujus ġenituri tagħhom, rather the portion of 1/12 from the assets of the their decuus
liema assi ma jammontawx għal għal iktar minn erba’ parents, which assets do nopt amount to more than four
mija u għoxrin elf ewro (€420,000) in toto li minnhom bla hundred twenty thousand (€420,000) in toto from which
preġudizzju hemm kont li jrid jitħallas lill-Gvern ta’ Malta, without prejudice, there is a bill which is to be paid to the
Government of Malta,

5. Illi l-esponenti qed issofru preġudizzju bla bżonn u 5. That the interpellants are suffering prejudice without
dan stante li għandom il-kontijiet bankarji rispettivi tagħhom necessity and this since there respective bank accounts were
iffriżati bla bżonn, seized without necessity,
7164 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,464 

… omissis … … omissis …

10. Illi għalhekk ir-rikors tas-sewestranta sar bi skop 10.That thus the application of the creditor was
malizjuż u illi l-ħruġ tal-mandat ta’ sewkwestru kawtelatorju maliciously made and the issuing of the issuing of the
kontra l-esponenti ma huwiex ġustifikat u bla ebda mod precautionary garnishee order against the interpellant is not
ragonevoli, justified and in no way reasonable,

11. Illi huwa ċar li din l-Onorabbli Qorti m’għandha qatt 11. That it is clear that this Honourable Court has no right
tittollera tali abbuż tal-proċedura, to tolerate such abuse of procedure,

… omissis … … omissis …

14. Illi għar-raġunijiet premessi jirriżulta b’mod mill- 14. That for the reasons premised it results most clearly
aktar ċar illi l-mandat ta’ sekwestru kawtelatorju bin-numru that the precautionary garnishee order with number 191/2020
191/2020 ma għandux jinżamm fis-seħħ, are no longer in force,

Għaldaqstant, in vista tas-suespost l-esponenti jitolbu illi Thus, in view of the above the interpellants pray that
prevja kwalunkwe dikjarazzjoni u/jew ordni neċessarja fiċ- saving any declaration and/or necessary order in the
ċirkutanzi din l-Onorabbli Qorti, circumstances this Honourable Court,

i) Tisma’ r-rikors odjern b’urġenza ai termini tal- i) Hear the present application urgently in terms of
Artikolu 836(4) tal-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni Proċedura Article 836(4) of the Code of Organisation and Civil
Ċivili (Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), Procedure (Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta),

ii) Tordna t-tħassir u revoka tal-mandat ta’ sekwestru ii) Order the cancellation and revocation of the
kawtelatorju bin-numru 191/2029 fl-ismijiet premessi b’mod precautionary garnishee order with number 191/2029 in the
sħiħ jew parzjali, names premised in a full and partial number,

iii) Tikkundanna lis-sekwestranti sabiex iħallsu penali iii) Condemn the creditor to pay the penalty of not less
ta’ mħux inqas minn (€1,164.69) u mhux izjed minn than (€ 1,164.69) in the and not more than (€ 6,988.12).

iv) Tiddikjara lis-sekwestranti responsabbli għal danni li iv) Declare the creditors responsile for the damages
l-esponenti ġarrab minħabba l-ħruġ tal-imsemmi mandat ta’ that the interpellant suffered due to the issuing of th said
sekwestru, garnishee order,

v) F’każ illi din l-Onorabbli Qorti ma ssibx li għandha v) In case that this Honourable Court does not find
tilqa’ t-talbiet surreferiti torbot lis-sewkwestranti b’għoti that it should uphold the above mentioned demands bind
ta’ garanzija suffiċjenti għall-ħlas ta’ penali li tista’ tkun the creditors by the giving of a sufficient guarantee for the
imposta jew għall-ħlas tad-danni u mgħax li l-esponenti payment of a penalty which may be imposed or the payment
jista’ jġarrab u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu 838A tal-Kap. 12 of damages and interest that the interpellant may suffer and
tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, dan taħt dawk il-kundizzjonijiet kollha this in terms of Article 838A of Cap 12 of the Laws of Malta,
li din l-Onorabbli Qorti jogħġobha timponi fiċ-ċirkustanzi. and this under all those conditions that this Court deems fit
to impose in the circumstances.

Notifika Intimata: View Point 5, Five Arched, Triq Notifiky Respondent: View Point 5, Five Arched, Triq
Snajjin, Il-Mellieħa Snajjin, Mellieħa

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 17 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Registry of the Superior Courts, today 17th August, 2020


Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta

Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC® — Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC® certified paper

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