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Rule 1: Singular Plural

Noun + s→bags Woman → Women

Rule 2: Man → Men

s, ss, sh, ch, x, o + es→ foxes Child → Children

Rule 3: Person → People

Consonant +y → ies babies Tooth → Teeth

Rule 4: Foot → Feet

f/fe →ves knife -knives Mouse → Mice

Sheep → Sheep

Fish → Fish
Cuando hablamos de materiales o sustantivos incontables (café, chocolate, agua, azúcar, plástico, vidrio)
vamos a usarlos únicamente en singular.

A) Fill in the correct plural forms of the words:

1. I see three __________ (woman) there.

2. There are two __________ (knife) on the table.

3. My __________ (foot) aches.

4. There are a lot of __________ (mouse) there.

5. I like to eat __________ (apple).

6. There are ten __________ (child) in our class.

7. There are many __________ (tomato) in the salad.

8. I don’t like __________ (fish).

9. There are many __________ (butterfly) here.

10. I have a lot of new __________ (dress).

11. Look at this __________ (bus). It’s orange.

12. These __________ (cherry) are sweet.

13. There are three __________ (book) in my bag.

14. My __________ (tooth) are white.

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