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In Jumanda K
0818 0205 4292
 Temperatur/suhu merupakan parameter fisik yang
banyak digunakan sebagai parameter kondisi operasi
pada suatu proses.
 Suhu merupakan ukuran derajat aktivitas termal partikel
dalam material.
 Satuan temperatur dalam SI: oC dan K
 Satuan temperatur dalam British: oF dan R

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 2
 Pengukuran suhu menggunakan termometer
memanfaatkan pemuaian/
pemuaian/penyusutan cairan
akibat kenaikan/
kenaikan/penurunan suhu
 Pembacaan suhu dilakukan melalui pembacaan
tinggi permukaan cairan pada pipa kapiler.

 Cairan dalam temperatur dan rentang


Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 3
Respon Dinamik Thermometer

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 4
 Prinsip Kerja Thermocouples
– Seebeck in 1821 discovered that thermal
electromotive force (t.e.m.f.) is generated in a closed
circuit of two wires made of dissimilar metals if two
junction are at different temperatures.
– One junction is inserted into a measuring media, and
it is called a hot or measuring junction.
– Another one, called a cold or reference junction, is
kept either at 0 °C or at ambient temperature and is
connected to a measuring instrument (millivoltmeter).

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 5

1 - hot junction;
2 - metal A;
3 - metal B;
4 - connection head;
5 - extension wires;
6, 7 - positive and negative terminals, respectively, of a measuring
8 - measuring instrument.
Measurement Fundamental - IJK &
Temperature Measurements team 6

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 7
Thermocouples Assembly

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 8
 Tipe Termokopel
Tabel Tipe termokopel Menurut Standard Instrument Society Of
America (ISA)

Tipe Bahan Rentang Suhu GGL (V)

B Platina, 6% Rodium (+) 0… 1820 0… 13,814
dan Platina, 30% Rodium (-
R Platina (+) -50… 1768 -0,226… 21,108
dan platina, 13% Rodium ((--)
S Platina (+) -50… 1768 -0,236… 18,698
dan platina, 10% Rodium ((--)
J Besi (+) dan Konstantan (-
(-) -210… 760 -8,096… 42,922
K Khromel (+) dan Alumel (-
(-) -270… 1372 -6,458… 54,875
T Tembaga (+) dan Konstantan (-
(-) -270… 400 -6,258… 20,869
E Khromel (+) dan Konstantan ((--) -270… 1000 -9,835… 76,358

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 9
Experimental curves
thermal electromotive force vs temperature.
Thermal electromotive force, mV



Type K
30 Type J
Type T
Type S


-300 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800

Temperature, C

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 10
Pembangkitan Tegangan

Persamaan Termokopel

E = α (T1 − T2 ) + β T − T ( 1

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 11
Pembangkitan Tegangan

Termokopel menghasilkan GGL sebesar
12 mV pada suhu titik dingin 20oC. Jika α
adalah 3,5 x 10-2 dan β adalah 8,2 x 10-6,
hitung berapa suhu titik panas

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 12
Pembangkitan Tegangan

Diketahui konstanta material termokopel
α = 3,5 x 10-2 dan β = 8,2 x 10-6.
Tentukan tegangan termokopel (mV) jika
titik panas 220 oC dan titik dingin 20 oC.

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 13
Resistance Temperature
Detectors (RTD)
 The principle of resistance temperature
detectors (RTD) is based on the variation of
electrical resistance of metals with temperature.
 For this purpose several metals are used,
namely, platinum, copper, nickel.
 When temperature increases the resistance of
these metals increases.
 Temperature function of resistance for metals in
a narrow temperature interval can be expressed
by a relationship:

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 14
Resistance Temperature
Detectors (RTD)
 The principle of resistance
temperature detectors (RTD) is
based on the variation of
electrical resistance of metals
with temperature.

 When temperature increases the

resistance of these metals

 For this purpose several metals

are used, namely, platinum,
copper, nickel.
Measurement Fundamental - IJK &
Temperature Measurements team 15
 Temperature function of resistance for metals in a
narrow temperature interval can be expressed by a

Rϑ = R0 (1 + αϑ

 Rϑ and R0 - are the values of electrical resistance of a

metal conductor at temperatures
 α - thermal coefficient of electrical resistance,

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 16
Resistance vs temperature for
Platinum and Copper RTD.

Platinum RTD
Copper RTD

R, Ohm





-300 -100 100 300 500 700 900
t, C

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 17
Platinum and Copper RTD
 Platinum RTDs are used for temperature
measurements from -220 to 850 oC
 copper RTD - from -50 to 150 oC, and
Nickel RTD - from -215 to 320 oC.

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 18
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi


(Resistance Temperature Detector, RTD)

R = Ro (1 + αT )
R = Ro 1 + α T − β T 2
Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 19
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 20
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi

Sensor PT-
PT-100 memiliki hubungan antara suhu
dan resistansi sebagai berikut.

R = 100 + 0,385 T

Jika R pada suhu T 111,3 ohm, berapa suhu T?

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 21
Sistem Termal Isian
(Filled Thermal System)

 Sistem termal isian bekerja berdasarkan prinsip

pemuaian fluida.
 Piranti ini dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu berdasar
perubahan volume dan tekanan.
 Pada jenis pertama, sensor berisi cairan. Pada jenis
kedua, sensor berisi gas atau campuran uap dan cair.
 SAMA (Scientific Apparatus Makers Association)
memberikan klasifikasi sistem termal isian.

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 22
Sistem Termal Isian
(Filled Thermal System)
Tabel Klasifikasi SAMA untuk sistem isian
Klasifikasi Uraian
Liquid –filled volume –change (selain merkuri)
I IA – Full compensation
IB – Case compensation
Vapor-filled pressure-
Vapor- pressure-change
IIA – Dirancang untuk suhu di atas suhu lingkungan
II IIB – dirancang untuk suhu dibawah suhu lingkungan
IIC – Dirancang untuk suhu diatas dan bawah suhu lingkungan
IID – Dirancang untuk seluruh suhu
Gas-Filled pressure
Gas- pressure--change
III IIIA – full compensation
IIIB – case compensation
Mercury-filled volume change
IV VA – full compensation
VB – case compensation
Measurement Fundamental - IJK &
Temperature Measurements team 23
Sistem Termal Isian
(Filled Thermal System)
 Sistem Isian Cair

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 24
Sistem Termal Isian
(Filled Thermal System)
 Sistem Isian Uap
Kelas IIA Kelas IIB

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 25
Sistem Termal Isian
(Filled Thermal System)
 Sistem Isian Gas
Kelas IIC Kelas IID

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 26
Filled Thermal System

 small dimensions of thermal bulb.

 narrow temperature range, from -50 to 300 °C;
 slow response time (time lag) of about 20
 non--uniformity of the temperature scale.

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 27
Saturation (vapour pressure) curve
for methyl chloride.
Vapour (saturation)

2.5 Methyl chloride

pressure, MPa



0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature, C

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 28
Termometer Bimetal
(Bimetallic Strip Thermometer)
 Bekerja dengan prinsip bahwa logam akan memuai
jika dikenai panas dan koefisien pemuaiannya untuk
setiap jenis logam akan berbeda.
 Elemen yang sensitif terhadap suhu adalah campuran
antara dua jenis logam yang dikeraskan menjadi
lempengan berbentuk pita.

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 29
( ‘thermally sensitive resistor’).
 If semiconductors or heat-
heat-treated metallic oxides
(oxides of cobalt, copper, iron, tin, titanium,
etc.) are used as the materials for producing
temperature sensitive elements.
 These oxides are compressed into the desired
shape from the specially formulated powder.
 After that, the oxides are heat-
heat-treated to
recrystallise them.
 As the result of this treatment the ceramic body
becomes dense.

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 30
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi

 Termistor terbuat dari bahan semikonduktor
 Koefisien negatif: NTC
 Koefisien positif: PTC
 Hubungan antara R dan T,

R = A eB/T

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 31
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 32
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi

 Keunggulan Termistor
– Ukuran sensor cukup kecil.
– Tidak ada problem resistansi kawat penghubung
(sebab resistansi termistor cukup tinggi
– Perubahan resistansi sangat besar (kira
kira--kira 10 kali
– Tahan goncangan.

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 33
Pengaruh Suhu pada Resistansi

Kelemahan Termistor
 Hubungan resistansi termistor terhadap suhu sangat
tidak linier
 Hanya dapat digunakan untuk rentang suhu yang
sempit (dibatasi suhu maksimum semikonduktor yang
rata--rata sampai 150 oC).

Process Variable
Measurement Measurement Fundamental - IJK&team 34
 Pirometer digunakan untuk mengukur suhu berdasar
prinsip radiasi termal yang dipancarkan benda.
 Kelebihan pirometer adalah
adalah,, tidak menyentuh objek
 Dengan demikian pengukuran hampir tidak
mempengaruhi suhu benda.
 Pirometer banyak digunakan untuk mengukur lelehan
besi dan suhu tanur pembakaran.

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 35
Perbandingan Beberapa Metode
Sensor Type Limits of Accuracy1,2 Dynamics: Advantages Disadvantages
Application (°C) t (s)
type E: ±1.5 or 0.5% for -good reproducibility
-100 to 1000
chromel-constantan 0 to 900 °C -wide range -minimum span of 40 °C
type J: -temperature vs. emf
0 to 750 ±2.2 or 0.75% see note 3
iron-constantan not exactly linear
type K: -drift over time
0 to 1250 ±2.2 or 0.75%
chromel-nickel -low emf corrupted by
type T: ±1.0 or 1.5% for noise
-160 to 400
copper-constantan -160 to 0 °C
-good accuracy -self-heating
RTD -200 to 650 0.15 + 0.2|T| see note 3 -small span possible -less physically rugged
-linearity -self-heating error
-highly nonlinear
-good accuracy -only small span
Thermister -40 to 150 ± 0.10 °C see note 3
-little drift -less physically rugged
-low cost
Bimetallic - ± 2% - -local display
-physically rugged
-not high temperatures
-simple and low cost
Filled system -200 to 800 ± 1% 1 to 10 -sensitive to external
-no hazards

Measurement Fundamental - IJK &

Temperature Measurements team 36
Measurement Fundamental - IJK &
Temperature Measurements team 37

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