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Choose The Path Of A Champion.

John Chi
A man of determination will not have peace of mind unless his mentor is in the bible and not among this world.

Worldly honor is a glittering thing. Our cares must be that we may have wisdom and grace to know how to suffer with
Jesus and to trust Him in everything and to know what the degree of our glory shall be.

God loves His children and will only give His children what is good for them. If you're one of His children, then you must
be best among equals. You cannot posses what you're unwilling to pursue. Champions are not crowned for desiring to
be crowned, they're crowned because they passed their test. When you pass your test, your test will qualify you for a
promotion and your promotion will qualify you for a reward and your reward is what makes you one with a difference.

Everyone in your life is more preoccupied, more busy, more committed to themselves, therefore: you must know more
about yourself than anyone who'll ever meet you.

It's not what men say about you that really matters in this life, it is what you believe about yourself that counts. Jesus
Christ was slandered, He was falsely accused, they said He was possessed with demons, countless actuations were
hurled like stones against Jesus everyday of His life, but it never affected Him. Jesus Christ knew the truth, He knew
who He was and what He was about, He believed in Himself, He believed in His product, but today when trial comes, you
abandon your post.

The Apostle of old were men of credibility and they paid for their faith in Christ Jesus. They were able to accomplish all
they did, because they have an understanding of God's ability inside them. The more they sensibly they felt the beatings,
insults, persecution, intimidation, blackmail, the greater improved they become in their relationship with Jesus.

As a Christian, pastor, bishop prophet, Apostle, evangelist, the genuineness of your calling must be tested and confirmed
in the college of humiliation, persecution, blackmail, name calling, slanderous remarks. No one can maintain his position
of honor without knowing what it takes to be dishonor. Without graduating from the college of humiliation, persecution,
blackmail, slanderous remarks, your degree in praises will be questionable. No one can be promoted without test. The
bible says those Christ intends to honor He first humbles in other to prevent them from becoming conceited, proud when
eventually honor comes.

Always remember that in the college of God, however brilliant you may be, you'll not be given double promotion, you
must take every course, because each course serves a purpose. If you want to obtain the best knowledge you can get it
in the college of God.
Jesus taught us by example to be positive in our words, thoughts and deeds, undermining our enemies and critics, you
must not allow what others say about you change your personal opinion of yourself, never! Jesus did not.

Jesus Christ was accused of being filled with demons, He paid no attention to His critics, He simply continued to cast
out demons, He never begged anyone to believe in Him, He knew that integrity can not be proven it must be discerned,
He never wasted time with critics, He kept His attention in His goal, He stayed focus because He had a vision.

When you're doing what you love to do best, nothing can stop you, no matter the opposition, criticism persecution,
blackmail, intimidation, slanderous remarks, you'll continue to go to on and on. The greater a man is, the worse he's
thought of by his rivals. Everything good in you is the cause of envy, the effects, results, the consequences of envy is
everything bad.

People may try to downgrade you and paint you black in the eyes of men, but one thing is clear; the wisdom and grace of
God upon your life cannot be taken away from you. They may strip you of outward beauty and prestige, but the wisdom
and the grace of God cannot be taken from you, because it is not given by men. Stay true to your purpose in life despite
snow or rain, when your purpose is clear, your life will have meaning.

God's children bear a likeness to their father in heaven by being good and by doing good, knowing that the words we
speak, the conversation we have with people, the sermons we preach, are part of the talents we're entrusted with, they
shall be either for or against us on the last day.

Jesus Christ taught us by example to be positive in our words thoughts and deeds, undermining our enemies and critics.
You must not allow what others say about you to change your personal opinion about yourself. Jesus never strived to be
good, He simply was good, He did not labor to appear truthful, He was truth, He did not struggle to have good reputation,
He had character. Only your character can testify to your confession of Christ.

Do good not because you want to be appreciated by men, but because God commands us to do so, do good not
because you want praises, applause, appreciation from men, but because you love and obey God.

Choose the path of a champion.

Apostle John Chi

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