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UPCAT Math Coverage.

 When reviewing for UPCAT, internalize, don’t

memorize.  Understand the math behind every formula. If you
The Mathematics subtest of the UPCAT contains questions from just memorize math formulas, you’ll fall victim to formula
different topics you learned in high school. Although UPCAT blindness, a phenomenon wherein students fail to solve a
questionnaires vary every year, Math questions will most likely come problem because they assume the question is asking for a
from the following subtopics: specific formula when in fact it requires something else. To
prevent this, review how math formulas are derived so you
a. Arithmetic and Number Sense. won’t be misled to use a formula in a problem that deceptively
asks for another similar formula.
b. Algebra.  Familiarize yourself with the Filipino translations of common
math terms, shapes, and measuring units (see table below).
 Signed Numbers Questions in Filipino may appear in all subtests not just in
 Algebraic Expressions Language Proficiency and Reading Comprehension.
 Equations and Inequalities
 Quadratic Equations
 Systems of Equation
 Polynomials
 Functions and Relations
 Fractions and Rational Functions
 Cartesian Coordinate System (Graphing)
 Word Problems
 Exponents and Logarithms
 Radicals
 Sets and Set Notation
 Complex Numbers
 Sequences and Series

c. Geometry.

 Reasoning
 Definitions, Postulates, and Theorems
UPCAT Science Coverage.
 Angles
 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines The UPCAT will test your stock knowledge on the general scientific
 Triangle Postulates and Theorems (ASA, SSS, etc.) concepts related to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and
 Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons Astronomy. To ace this subtest, brush up on the following potential
 Area and Volume topics under each category:
 Circles
a. Chemistry.
d. Trigonometry.
 Precision and Accuracy
 Basic Trigonometric Functions  Conversion of Units
 Basic Identities  Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
 States of Matter
e. Statistics.   The Periodic Table
 Electronic Configuration and the Quantum Numbers
 Measures of Central Tendencies (mean, median, mode)  Nuclear Reactions
 Factorials  Chemical Reactions
 Counting, Permutation, and Combination  Stoichiometry
 Probability  Gas Laws
 Redox Reactions
 Basic Organic Chemistry
UPCAT Math Review Tips and Tricks.
b. Biology.
 Focus on the basics. Advanced math topics like calculus are
 The Ecosystem
nice to learn but don’t expect them to appear in the UPCAT.
 Classification/Taxonomy
Students with a good grasp of the fundamental math formulas
and principles can handle even the most complex math  Biogeochemical Cycles
problems.  Plants and Photosynthesis
 Trigonometry questions may appear but in only a few items.  Animal Biology
Review trigonometric ratios and basic applications.  Cell Biology
 Since calculators will not be allowed on the day of the exam,  Genetics and Heredity
make sure you know how to compute by hand or through  Human Anatomy
mental math techniques. Brush up on the multiplication table.
Practice solving long division problems. You can also c. Earth Science and Astronomy.
download a PDF copy of Speed Math for Kids if you’re still
struggling with basic calculations.  Rocks and Minerals
 Supplement your math review with free YouTube tutorials.  The Layers of the Earth and its Composition
Channels like PatrickJMT provide clear, easy-to-follow math  Land Formations and Bodies of Water
lessons you might have missed in school.  Plate Tectonics
 Master solving math problems involving fractions. Learn how  Earthquakes, Volcanoes
to do the four basic operations on similar and dissimilar  Climate, Weather, and the Atmosphere
fractions as well as how to express your answers in lowest  Fossils
 Answer as many practice tests as possible. You may not be d. Physics.
able to cover every single math topic on your review but you’ll
develop problem-solving skills that are essential in passing  Scalar and Vector Quantities
UPCAT. Besides, you can remember math formulas better with  Laws of Motion
repeated testing/application than with rote memorization.  Relative Velocities
 Force
 Work, Energy, and Power  Unless you’re a gifted speed reader, it’s impossible to read all
 Fluid Mechanics the passages/stories within the allocated time of roughly 30 to
 Light, Sound, and Waves 40 minutes. So instead of reading them from start to finish, go
 Electricity and Magnetism straight to the question and use the clues you can find to zero in
 Thermodynamics on the answers embedded in the stories/passages.
 Learn how to read fast while maintaining 100%
  comprehension. Practice with both English and Filipino
reading materials. Master the art of skimming and scanning to
UPCAT Science Review Tips and Tricks. understand important information without reading the entire
blocks of text.
 Download or create your own flashcards to help you remember  As you can see from the “Coverage” section above, the
key terms, concepts, and formulas. Reading Comprehension subtest may include questions that
 As with the math subtest, don’t just rely on memorization when will ask you to analyze a wide variety of reading pieces
studying scientific formulas. Understand them by heart and ranging from essays, lines in plays, and poems to articles
practice applying them to test questions with real-life containing graphs and charts similar to those appearing in the
scenarios. Science subtest.
 Challenge yourself by answering difficult questions containing
graphs and data from scientific research. These often appear in SOURCE:
the actual UPCAT.
 There are relatively fewer questions from Physics than from REVIEWERS:
other scientific subjects but this may vary from year to year.
Use critical thinking skills to analyze situations and come up chemistry-exam-reviewer.html
with the best answers.
UPCAT Language Proficiency Coverage.
The UPCAT Language subtest is comprised of questions in both Prep.pdf
English and Filipino. It will measure your fluency in both languages.
Although we can’t predict what type of questions will appear in the
actual exam, they most likely will come from the following topics:

a. Vocabulary.

 Word Meanings
 Spelling
 Synonyms
 Antonyms
 Confusing Words

b. Grammar.

 Parts of Speech
 Correct Usage
 Punctuation
 Capitalization
 Subject-verb Agreement
 Sentence Construction
 Modifiers
 Finding Errors/Sentence –Correction
 Voice (active and passive)

UPCAT Reading Comprehension Coverage.

The UPCAT Reading Comprehension subtest is all about speed

reading and quick thinking. Expect to encounter long essays that can
easily consume a lot of your time if you’re not careful.

This subtest includes questions in both languages (English and

Filipino) and may contain the following question types/formats:

a. Essays
b. Getting the Main Idea/Topic Sentence
c. Appropriate Title of Selection
d. Poetry
e. Short stories
f. Speeches
g. Comic Strips
h. Figures of Speech (simile, metaphors, etc.)
i. Author’s Point of View
j. Meaning Through Context Clues
k. Drawing Conclusions
l. Inference
m. Fact and Opinion

UPCAT Reading Comprehension Tips and Tricks.

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