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Decisions shape our lives. It affects on how we solve a problem in our daily life.

helps us to make a right decision. It helps us to face the uncertainty that is presented right in
front of us, weigh the alternatives, clarify them, envision those alternatives and their
consequences to help us make a good and right decision. For example, crossing a road of busy
traffic. We work out how fast the cars go and whether we have time to get across (some people
gets it wrong and just takes the chance and ends up running across.)

Mathematics affected me in making my decision in taking my course despite the challenges we

are facing in this time of pandemic by making me think deeper what course suits me the best.
Despite the pandemic, it gave me ample time to think and plan. I have to find what great
aspects I have that fits for that course. By using Mathematics, it helped me to weigh down the
choices placed in front of me so I won't mess up. It helped me to see a clear pathway for
reaching my career. It helped me to evaluate my choices. For example, many people told me
some courses I should take. Some of them told me to take engineering and some told me to
take medicine. I evaluated these options. I'm not really into engineering for I don't have the
passion for it so no to that. And in medicine, I'm into science so it's a go. I also evaluated the
opportunities presented at that time. And that is why mathematics is everywhere, and everything
we do.

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