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Paper accepted for presentation at 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference, June 23th-26th, Bologna, Italy

Impact and Limitation of Wind Power

Generation in an Island Power System
F. Fesquet, P. Juston, I. Garzulino, EDF, France

reliable as other power sources. That is why a power system

Abstract—The consequences of massive wind generation in a cannot rely on wind power exclusively. So a limit has to be set.
power system depend on many different parameters linked with One interesting question is to determine at which level this
the generation installation as well as with the power system they limit should be set.
are connected with. In the case of island networks, this article
To progress on that subject, this article proposes an
presents an assessment method of the maximal admissible
quantity of wind generation, regarding power system dynamic inventory of the parameters that should be ideally taken into
constraints. This wind power rate depends on several parameters, account. An evaluation method of the admissible wind power
including load dynamic, operating rules and wind generator rate is then explained, and some particular cases are
technology. developed.

Index Terms—wind power generation, power system stability, III. IMPORTANT PARAMETERS
power system simulation
The parameters impacting the maximum admissible
I. CONTEXT quantity of wind generation on a system are quite numerous.
The choice made in this article is to divide them into three
The amount of wind energy is sharply increasing in the
parts : the ones related to the wind generation installation, the
world. This is particularly true in some islands. But the impact
ones related to the power system and the ones linked with the
of this new generation on those non-interconnected power
interface between generation and network. This separation has
systems has to be considered carefully, because the network is
an arbitrary aspect, as most of the separations, because many
weaker than an interconnected system. The quantity of wind
parameters are strongly linked, and the category they are put in
generation should be limited, but the threshold depends on
could be discussed. In fact, this separation has been chosen in
many parameters. Some of them are easy to study (substation
order to highlight the number of different parameters and
of the wind farm connection, protection threshold…), other are
actors in this problematic.
much more difficult to assess (wind profile, changes in the
conventional generation…). The objective of this article is to A. Parameters Related to the Wind Generation Units
recapitulate the most influent parameters, and to deal with 1) Wind Generation Technology
some of them. Whatever the technology may be (squirrel cage induction,
doubly fed induction, direct drive synchronous…), its dynamic
II. WHY LIMITING THE WIND POWER PENETRATION has to be taken into account, and mainly : its dynamic in
The idea of limiting the connection of wind power in a normal condition (reactive power consumption, dynamic
system can seem surprising in an era of high development of response to wind changes…) ; its reaction to normal
this technology and of major concern about environment. disturbances (frequency and/or voltage changes) ; the way it
Nevertheless the idea is quite natural after thinking at the supports (or not) faults or voltage sags. The quality
following points. First of all, wind is not a stable resource. perturbations (flicker, harmonics…) it could send to the
With wind turbine, when there is wind, there is energy, network shall also be taken into account.
otherwise nothing. So a power system cannot rely only on 2) Compensation Means
wind power, there must be another way to supply electricity, Compensation means can be associated with wind
other production means or eventually storage. Secondly, their generators. It is important to know whether they are static or
participation to frequency and voltage is limited with the dynamic, and other characteristics, as response time, reactive
presently available technologies, and whatever the technology power range (absorption / generation)…
may be, a wind turbine cannot increase its production in case 3) Control Strategy
of a frequency decrease, if the wind does not change. Third, This concerns the wind turbines as well as the
the presently available technologies are voltage sag sensitive. compensation means. The way they are controlled directly
In case of a fault, they will disconnect in cases when other impacts their integration into the grid. For example, the
generation means would not. So wind power is not as much possibility to turn on/off turbines in case of wind changes
should be considered, as well as the voltage / reactive power
control (constant reactive power, constant voltage…).

0-7803-7967-5/03/$17.00 ©2003 IEEE

B. Parameters Related to the Power System the Wind Farm is C. Parameters Related to the Interface Between Generation
Connected Into Site and Network
1) Wind Conditions As said preliminarily, the parameters classification is
Wind is a parameter that is linked with the geographical somehow arbitrary, because many parameters are strongly
situation of the electrical network. That is why it is considered linked. Two of them are difficult to put on the wind farm or on
here as a parameter of the power system, even if it is not taken the power system size. That is why they are mentioned here.
into account in the way power systems are presently planed 1) Protection Devices and Settings
and operated. Their type and settings represent an important issue. Their
Two types of variations should be studied, changes in time goal is to protect the production installation against damages
and distribution in space. On the one hand, it is important to that could be caused by network incidents, and to protect the
consider possible wind changes during one minute, one hour… network consumers from problems internal to the production
between night and day, between summer and winter… On the site.
other hand, it is interesting to know if the wind is different or In fact, their settings depend on many parameters :
similar at different substations at the same time, if the windy regulation, wind turbine technology (its sensitivity to voltage
areas are well spread over the power system, if they match sags for instance), type of interface, wind manufacturer
with conventional production areas or with consumption recommendations… The device technology has also an impact.
areas… For example, on an asynchronous machine, a mechanical
2) Network Strength speed sensor fixed on the rotor will get a different
The impact of an event, for example a short circuit, depends measurement from the one given by a sensor located at the
on the shape and size of the network. Moreover, the depth and nearest substation.
length of the possible voltage sags will impact the wind Usually, the network operator installs protection devices,
generator reaction to the event. That is why these parameters and the independent producer also. The settings of the first one
are significant. It is also important to know whether a fault on depend on the type of network, and particularly, the
transportation line can be detected at all the substations or only over/underfrequency protection thresholds are adapted for
few of them. island networks, because the frequency variations are much
Congestions should also be considered, because they could larger than on an interconnected network.
be either attenuated or amplified by the wind production. The producer protection settings shall be chosen so that the
3) Conventional Generation Units installation will not disconnected until it has reached the
The location of the conventional generation sites as well as network operator limits. So they should also be adapted to
their technical constraints (technical minimum generation island conditions.
requirement, droop, availability…) and their control will have 2) Grid Connection
an impact on wind integration. And of course these The voltage level and the short circuit power at the
characteristics should be taken into account not only for the connection substation are important. Whereas the feeder is
presently generating units, but also for the future production only for the wind farm, or is also used by consumers is also
means. significant. The eventual already existing voltage problems
4) Load Variations should also be taken into account.
Load characteristics and modelling is also a significant
aspect of this study. Its variation in time should be known : The parameters that have an impact on the wind power
how it changes during the day, between day and night, between integration in an island power system are quite numerous.
summer and winter… And its dynamic should be studied, Some of them are rather connected to the power system, other
particularly how the active and reactive power consumption have stronger links with the production installation itself.
will change in case of frequency and/or voltage variation, and Ideally, a penetration rate study should consider all these
on faults. parameters. But most of the time, it is not feasible in real
5) Operating Rules cases. That is why we chose the method described in the next
Operating rules have to be taken into account, and part.
particularly : spinning reserve policy, under frequency load
shedding settings, production planning management, quality IV. METHOD
rules (impact of defaults on clients) and power quality The method used consists in assessing the impact of several
requirements ? parameters independently. This choice has been made in order
6) Data Availability to find which parameters are the most important. These results
This is not really a parameter technically related to the
should help to know if generic studies are meaningful in the
power system, but it should not be forgotten. It is important to
case of isolated network. They should also enable to focus data
know if data is available about the real performance of the
searching and further work on the highlighted points.
production units, about loads and their dynamic, about wind…
and also if it is up-to-date and what its precision is. A. Hypothesis and Modelling
The impact of following parameters has been studied in
priority : wind turbine technology, load level, load dynamic and analysed before setting a limit on wind power rate.
and spinning reserve. The main hypotheses of this work are the 3) Wind Generation
following : Three different wind turbine technologies have been
1) Power System studied. The first one is a squirrel cage induction machine with
Generally speaking, the modelled power system is typical capacitors bancs. It is the technology that is presently used in
of a French overseas island : generation units' type and size, the French overseas islands. This choice is linked not only
network voltage level, load level and operating rules. with the cost, but also with the fact that these wind turbines
Most of the conventional production units are thermal. A can be laid down, that is particularly useful in these tropical
minority is hydraulic. The spinning reserve is at least 11 % for areas with cyclones. The second technology is a doubly fed
conventional units. induction wind generator, which is controlled in such way that
The voltage level of the transportation network is 63 kV, it does not produce nor consume reactive energy from the
and two different networks have been considered : one with network. The third technology is a direct drive synchronous
only two lines and two nodes (one with wind generation, and machine. Of course, there are different ways to control a
the other one with the other production units and the load), and doubly fed or a synchronous generator, especially because
the other typical of a French island. their electronic interface enables some flexibility in voltage /
The events considered are the loss of the largest unit (30 reactive power control. In this study, only one control strategy
MW) and a short circuit on a transportation line, eliminated by was used : compensating the reactive power generator
opening of one line end after 80 ms, and the other one consumption, so that no reactive power is delivered by the
afterwards. network to the wind farm.
The under frequency load shedding scheme is typical of a The models used have been developed on Eurostag
French tropical island. software.
2) Load For the simplified network, wind production is modelled as
The consumption level has been set at about 100 MW for a unique wind turbine, whose size is chosen to realize the
light load and 200 MW for peak load. Two main load type wished wind power rate. Considering a unique wind turbine is
have been used, one named “static”, and the other “dynamic”. equivalent to assume that all the wind turbines will have
Combinations between the two are also possible. exactly the same reactions. In particular, it supposes that the
"Static" load active and reactive consumptions are linked wind is exactly the same at all the wind farms and all the wind
with voltage and frequency by the following equations : turbines. This simplification would not be acceptable
a c concerning a large interconnected network, but it is rather
U   f 
P = P0   
U   f 
 (1) acceptable for an island, as a first approximation : the size of
an island is more limited, so the climate will be rather uniform.
 0  0 Moreover, in most of the cases, one part of the island has the
b d most favourable conditions to wind power production, so most
U   f 
and Q =Q0  
U 
 
f 
(2) of the wind farms will be located in one limited area. With the
realistic network, one wind farm is represented by a unique
 0  0
wind turbine.
where P0 Q0 U0 and f0 are the active power, reactive power, The wind power delivered to the grid is set to the nominal
voltage and frequency related to a nominal conditions ; P, Q, power of the wind turbine, except in some cases, for each it
U and f are the same growth in the present conditions ; a, b, c will be explicitly mentioned. The impact of the operating point
and d are coefficient typical of the load. will be considered separately for one of the technologies.
"Dynamic" load consists of asynchronous motors that The protection devices are not taken into account, so the
correspond to industrial loads, or some tertiary or residential wind turbine is considered as connected as long as it does not
load (air conditioning…). lose its stability.
The power system load can be either static or composed of B. Criteria
both type (one part static and the other dynamic), or eventually After having defined these hypotheses, another question has
several motor types and a part of static load. to be handled : if the objective is to know what the maximum
penetration rate is, how will this maximum level defined ? In
With this modelling, it is obvious that the number of load other words, what are the criteria that enable to say that a
combination is huge. In some cases, measurements have been situation is acceptable or not ?
made and it is possible to describe precisely the load dynamic : This is off course a key issue. In this study, it has been
motor proportion and type, and static parameters a, b, c and d. considered that the global power system reliability should not
But most of the time, especially for small networks, little data be weakened by the wind generation with the present operating
is available. rules. So the same type of outage should not lead to worse
So one of the objectives of the study is to assess whether consequences than in the present situation.
the maximum wind power rate depends on the load dynamic or But it is obvious that this deterministic description is not
not. If the answer is positive, measurements should be realised
enough : if a type of outage is rare in the present situation, and of the parameters listed at the beginning. The first thing to do
becomes more frequent with wind production development, was to define the right parameter to describe the quantity of
will the same level of disturbances still be acceptable ? wind production.
This article uses only the deterministic approach. Of course,
A. Wind Power Rate
this should be completed by probabilistic considerations. But
the reader should keep in mind that the objective of this study To characterise the wind power penetration in a power
is to highlight tendencies, and not to have a perfect analysis of system, it is more pertinent to define a ratio, in order to get a
one particular case. value that can be compared with the situation in other power
So for this study, it has been considered that a given wind systems. The installed capacity ratio is a possibility : it can be
generation level is acceptable if the network has an acceptable defined as the ratio between the total capacity of installed wind
frequency and that the voltage at the consumer substations is turbines and the conventional units' global capacity or the total
within the operating range after the stabilisation. So depending installed capacity. The ratio that has been chosen here is
on the case, this verification can be done several seconds after different. It is an instantaneous one : the wind power rate has
the events or one minute later. been calculated as the ratio between wind power delivered to
the network and consumption.
C. Realisation With this choice, simulation results demonstrate that the
The cases are simulated with Eurostag software. Each case maximal wind generation rate does not really depend on the
consists of a network, a load level, a load dynamic, a wind load level. If a certain amount of wind generation makes a
turbine technology (induction, doubly fed induction or short circuit lead to a black out at peak load, the same event
synchronous machine) an event (short circuit or loss of will lead to the same consequence for half this amount of wind
generation), and a starting production plan (conventional and power and half this load. It is coherent with the fact that
wind). The wind production is then increased (increasing of conventional generation and spinning reserve will also be
the size of the wind turbine) and the conventional units halved.
production adjusted. The other parameters of the case remain It shows that the ratio between wind production and
constant. So the impact of the event can be assessed for consumption is a reliable index to express the supplementary
different wind generation rates. constraint imposed by wind generation on a power system.
Hereunder is an example on Fig. 1. The simulated event is a This could imply that, from a certain global amount of
short circuit. It begins at time zero, and is completely installed wind power, the global wind production should be
eliminated at time 150 ms by opening of the second line end. not only wind by also load dependant.
The plotted curves represent the voltage level at the wind unit
B. Short Circuits Impact
substation in two different cases. The only difference between
the cases is the amount of wind power, and the other With a given wind power rate, a short circuit can lead to a
generation units' starting plan, which is necessarily adapted to blackout, whereas the loss of the biggest generation unit would
wind generation. In one case, the voltage comes back to an not. This was expected on the very simplified network,
acceptable value after 2,5 s. In the other one, the stabilisation because the default line is connected to all the generation units.
is not possible. The conventional units' protection devices So all the units will be strongly impacted by the fault, which
disconnect them from the network, the shed load is not consequences are probably exaggerated by the simplified
sufficient to balance this production loss, and it leads finally to network. But with the realistic network, similar results can be
a blackout. observed. That is why the following analyses focus on short
25 circuits.
On most islands, one area (most of the time, it is one coast)
20 is windier than the other parts of the island. And most of the
wind farms future grid connection should occur in this region.
Voltage (kV)

15 So if a fault occurs in this region, it will impact strongly the

voltage at all the substations of the region, because the size of
10 the island is limited. So a short circuit in another area of the
power system will nearly have the same impact as before the
5 wind farms installation, but a short circuit in this area will
imply the loss of stability of the wind farms, which means a
0 loss of production. In this case, there is a coupling between
0 2 4 6
Time (s) line fault and significant loss of generation on several
Fig. 1. Voltage curve at the wind unit network substation in case of a short substations.
circuit. Solid line : with an acceptable wind power rate. Doted line : with a Two points can be deduced from this observation : first, a
non-acceptable rate. short circuit (N-1 line) is a more constraining event than a loss
of generation (N-1 generation unit). So maximal wind power
rate assessment should take this event into account in priority.
With the previously described method, we analysed several Second, the coupling of some line fault and loss of a large part
of the wind farms should be taken into account in network and
production planning for power systems with large wind
C. Wind Turbine Technologies
As said in the hypotheses, three generator technologies
were studied : squirrel cage induction, doubly fed induction Fig. 3. Voltage profile in case of a short circuit for 28 MW of wind power
and direct drive synchronous. In the context of the French produced in the first case by wind farms at their maximum operating point
and in the second case by wind farms functioning at 50% of their maximum
island department, the first one is the only one that is used so operating point.
far, and also in the next project. So this technology has been So for the same amount of generated power, the smallest
studied more in detail. installed power will lead to the greatest perturbation.
1) Squirrel Cage Induction Machine Besides, this phenomenon emphasizes the fact that for a
This technology is the only one that is presently used in the given wind park, the maximum operating point is the most
French overseas islands. One of the main constraints of this unfavourable to the system stability. This nominal
technology is its important reactive power consumption after a configuration corresponds not only to a higher wind power
short circuit. During the short circuit, the resistive torque is rate, but also to a greater reactive consumption after the fault.
suddenly sharply reduced, so the slip increases. When the 2) Doubly Fed Induction Machine and Direct Drive
voltage comes back to a significant value, the induction Synchronous Machine
machine needs reactive energy to reduce its slip and come There are several way to control these wind farms,
back to normal operating conditions. The amount of the especially because their electronic interface enables some
temporarily needed reactive power comes from the network to voltage / reactive power control. In this study, only one control
the wind generator. In fact, the other generation units produce strategy was used : compensating the reactive power generator
it. But the more induction wind generator there are, the more consumption, so that no reactive power is delivered by the
reactive power they will need, and the less the other generation network to the wind farm (Tan (ϕ)=0).
units will be able to provide it, because they are less numerous. With this hypothesis, the maximum wind power rate with
So the reactive consumption will decrease the voltage, or more doubly fed generators is similar as with squirrel cage induction
precisely, it will prevent the voltage from coming back rapidly machines.
to its normal value. And this phenomenon will become more The synchronous machine dynamic is quite different. The
pronounced as the wind power rate increases, as shown on Fig. power system could accept more than 10% more wind power
2. with direct drive synchronous technology than with others two.
But this result considers only the machine stability. For this
technology, the fragility is not this point but the sensitivity of
the power electronic interface. During the short circuit, the
current increases in this interface. This intensity could damage
the electronic, so a protection device disconnects it at a certain
threshold. As said, these devices have not been taken into
account in this study. So these higher performances of the
synchronous machine should be completed by considerations
related to power electronic.

Fig. 2. Voltage curve at the wind unit network substation in case of a short Concerning the wind turbine technologies, the synchronous
circuit for different wind power rates.
machine stability is better than the one of the induction
machine. But this advantage does not assure that the maximum
As said in the hypotheses, the previous simulations consider
wind power rate of this recent technology will be higher,
that the wind turbines are working at their nominal power. But
because its interface is voltage sag sensitive.
it is not only the case. That is why it is interesting to compare
Another important point is that the operating point has an
the two following situations : one the one hand, 28 MW
impact on the stability. The maximal power output is very
installed wind generation units, working at their nominal
unfavourable to stability.
power ; on the other hand, 56 MW installed wind generation
units, working at half their nominal power. So in both cases, D. Load Dynamic Parameters
the actual wind generation will be 28 MW and the wind power 1) Motor Load Part
rate will be the same. Fig. 3 presents the result of this The part of motor load is a major parameter. They are
comparison : the voltage recovers an acceptable value in a asynchronous, so in case of a short circuit, they slow down,
shorter time if the wind turbines are working at a lower because the electrical torque is temporarily very low. As a
operating point. consequence, the slip increases. When the voltage and the
electrical torque come back, the reactive power absorption of
the asynchronous load is very high, until the slip and the motor consumption while the voltage is low, and a rather small
speed come back to their normal operating value. values for b, in order to reduce the consumption increase
That is why the impact of a short circuit is stronger on a linked with the frequency increase.
power system with a high proportion of motor load. The simulation do confirm these assumption and shows that
For example, in our study with the simplified network, with even quite little variations in these parameters, like those
a certain amount of wind power, a short circuit led to a indicated in [1] car change the situation : in one case, the
blackout when the motor load rate was 60 %, whereas the power system will withstand the short circuit, and in the other
power system supported the same even without damage with one, the same event will lead to the blackout.
only 40 % motor load.
Fig. 2 presents two simulated cases that differ only from the It is important to notice that the load dynamic on an island
motor load proportion : in one case, only "static" load, not power system is generally different from an interconnected
induction motors ; in the second one, motors represent half the situation. Moreover, a precise knowledge of its parameters is
consumption. even more important in this case, particularly concerning the
200 impact of frequency variations.
Speed (Hz)

150 Nevertheless, if a complete description of the load is not

available, the motor load proportion should be measured as a
E. Spinning Reserve and Conventional Generation Units
The spinning reserve is necessary for a safe network
Voltage (kA)

20 operation. It is an ancillary service that is paid by the network

15 operator. Its size is defined by the operating rules of the
10 network.
5 In this study, only thermal units contribute to the spinning
0 reserve. So the impact of the nature of this reserve has not
0 2.5 5 7.5 been studied.
Time (s) 1) Natural Variation in Spinning Reserve
Fig. 2. Voltage and frequency curve at the wind unit network substation in As said in the hypothesis, the minimum spinning reserve
case of a short circuit. Solid line : with 50 % static load and 50 % dynamic
load. Doted line : with 100 % static load.
has been set at 11 %. In fact, it was not possible to chose a
In this comparison, the voltage comes back to an acceptable fixed spinning reserve ratio, because the conventional
value 2,5 s after the beginning of the short circuit; whereas it generating units are similar for all the cases. For example, if a
cannot reach a correct value with the motors connected. Of production plan enables to have exactly 11% spinning reserve,
course, in real operating conditions, the motors would be then this reserve will increase of 1 MW as soon as 1 MW wind
disconnected by protections because they don't succeed in power is added, because a 1 MW generation increase does not
speeding up. So a stabilisation of the voltage at half its permit to stop one conventional unit. So, when upgrading the
nominal value would not happen. Nevertheless, even with a wind power ratio, the spinning reserve increases until one
correct voltage after disconnection, this situation would not be thermal unit can be stopped. At that moment, the spinning
acceptable, because it load has been disconnected. reserve ratio is back to 11 %. This cycle is repeated as long as
As a result, a certain wind power rate can be acceptable wind generation is added.
with a certain motor load proportion, and not with another one. This phenomenon creates naturally a discontinuity, and the
A power system with a higher motor load proportion will maximum wind power rate will often coincide with the stop of
admit less wind power for the considered criterion that the a supplementary diesel unit.
power system reliability should not be weakened. It shows that 2) Voluntary Increase of Spinning Reserve
the maximum wind power rate assessment should take into Simulations show that an increase of the spinning reserve
account the motor load proportion. ratio implies an increase of the maximum wind power ratio
2) Static Load Parameters acceptable by the network. This was expected, because the
Four parameters characterise the static load : a, b, c and d. higher the spinning reserve level is, the more conventional
On an interconnected power system, the frequency variations units are connected. So the global active/reactive power
are very limited, so the values of the frequency exponents c control capacity range is wider, and this configuration allowed
and d do not need to be known precisely. On the contrary, on a quicker system stabilisation after an outage. Nevertheless,
an island power system, they cannot be neglected. the quantity of spinning reserve that should be added to
Concerning the stability in case of a short circuit, the increase significantly the wind power ratio is quite high.
phenomenon is the following : a short-circuit implies usually
not only a voltage sag but also a frequency positive deviation. VI. CONCLUSION
That is why the most favourable parameter values will be a big A power system cannot rely only on wind power to feed its
value for a, which correspond to a reduced active power load. A possible way to limit the natural decrease in reliability
linked with this uncertain and nearly unpredictable generation [7] N. Hatziargyriou, J.A. Pecas Lopes, J. Stefanakis, E. Karapidakis, M.H.
Vasconcelos, A. Gigantidou “Artificial Intelligence Techniques applied
mean is to limit the wind generation penetration. to Dynamic Security Assessment of Isolated Systems with High Wind
A reliable index to describe this penetration is the ratio Power Penetration,” 2000 Session of CIGRE, Paris, August 2000
between wind production and consumption. It means that a [8] J.G. Slootweg, S.W.H. de Haan, H. Plinder, W.L. Kling, "Voltage
higher wind production can be afforded by a power system Control Capabilities of Various Wind Turbine Concepts", 2000

when the consumption and the conventional production are

Many factors have to be taken in account to assess the
maximum wind power ratio. They concern the wind power Floriane Fesquet received her degree from the Ecole
Centrale Paris in 1997. She has been working for EDF
installations as well as the network, the conventional units and Research and Development since 1999. She is a Research
the operating rules. Engineer in the field of power system dynamics. Her
The load dynamic characteristics and the wind generator experience lies in the area of island power systems and
wind power integration. E-Mail :
technology are two major factors that have been studied.
Others will be considered in the on going work. Philippe Juston is Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité graduated. He has been
Concerning the technology, the maximum wind power rate working for EDF Research and Development for more than fifteen years. He
is higher for a synchronous machine, if its electronic interface is an expert in power systems dynamics. E-Mail :
has been designed and dimensioned to support a certain level
Irina Garzulino has been working for EDF Research and Development since
of over current. For asynchronous machines, their operating 2001 as a Research Engineer in the field of power system dynamics. Her
point has a great impact on their robustness to short circuits, experience lies in island power systems planning and wind power grid
and more generally on the power system stability. connection. E-Mail :
Concerning the load dynamic, the motor load proportion
should be taken into account, as well as the frequency
dependent load variation, which can be neglected in
interconnected networks, but not in an island.
Finally, wind power integration in small network depends
on a lot of parameters related either to geography (wind…) or
to wind farms (technology, control…) or to the power system
(load characteristics, conventional units…). So, ideally, a
reliable assessment of the maximum acceptable wind power
penetration should be made for each case with geographers as
well as wind generator specialists and network operators. Their
conclusions about stability constraints should then be
interpreted depending on the quality requirements and grid
connection studies.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of
J.L.Fraisse and G.Maugein for their work and interest in that

Books :
[1] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, EPRI Power System
Engineering Series, 1993
[2] T. Burton, D. Sharpe, N. Jenkins, E. Bossanyi, Wind Energy Handbook,
Wiley, 2001

Papers :
[3] I. Garzulino, P. Juston, F. Fesquet, J. L. Fraisse, G. Maugein, " Impact
of Wind Farm Generation into Island Systems", CIRED 2003
[4] M.P.Papadopoulos, N.G.Boulaxis, "Perspectives and Prerequisites for
RES Development in Greece", MedPower 2002, Athens, Greece
[5] G.Betzios "Integrated Energy Supply System for Green Islands (RES
penetration up to 100 %)", MedPower 2002, Athens, Greece
[6] N. Hatziargyriou, J. A. Pecas Lopes, E. Karapidakis and M. H.
Vasconcelos “On-Line Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems
in Large Islands with High Wind Power Penetration”, 13th Power
Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Trondheim, Norway, June

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