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No one is perfect, each of us has flaws,imperfections, and weaknesses that we

need to accept and overcome. We had set boundaries and limitations on certain
things and also within ourselves. As individuals, we can be limited in our self-
concept, abilities and also behaviour. These personal limitations can be changed by
self-awareness,self-discipline and also education.
I myself has set boundaries and limitations. I have restricted myself from my
hobbies like playing online games, playing basketball,hanging out with friends, and
drinking liquor.Now, I prefer spending most of my time focusing on my studies,doing
my obligations at home and also in school. I rather stay at home than hangout with
my friends.I’ve also learned how to control my anger and emotions.I’ve limited
using vulgar words and cursing.These are just some of my limitations.There are ways
in order for me to transcend the limitations I have and to achieve this. I must be
optimistic, I must have have positive outlook in life.Avoid negative and toxic
people.Don’t listen them, if they are discouraging and degrading you and your
capabilities then make that as a motivation to prove to them that they are wrong
and to transform yourself into the best version that you could ever be.When you can
learn to avoid negativity then you are free to aim highest.Focus and be committed
on your goal.Stop being lazy.Overcoming limitations can be done by realizing that
life is short and every moment counts.When you maximize your day,you put yourself
in the habit of reaching for your full potential which happens to be far outside
tour perceived limitations.And lastly, I must strive harder.In order to achieve my
goal I must work hard for it. It may be a long process but in the end I’ll be able
to attain it.Setting limitations on certain things is good but you must know if it
is for your own good or not.
I have faced different battles and challenges in life.It may be hard and
difficult but I am obliged to face it and overcome all of these to reach my goals.
one of these is to become genuinely happy and free from problems.It may be hard but
I should not give up.Even though I fail yet I must get up and try harder.Let your
failure fuel and fear you in a positive way.These obstacles in life test my faith
in God.Thus, I/ you should not lose hope and faith in God.Trust im him and in the
process.It may be long but it will be worth it in the end.
Work harder to surpass all of these things. Do not let your problems drag you
down.Be determined and strong enough to face it.Believe in yourself that you will
be able to overcome it.Have a positive outlook and look for the brighter side.No
matter what life throws at me, I know that I have the power to fight and pick up
the pieces that was shattered, I can be the better person that I’ve always wanted
to be.Just never give up.

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