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Sports Fitness Exercise

Ready.Introduction , Benefits , Safety

Sports also have a huge impact on your health. ... Besides eating better, sports have innumerable
physical health benefits, such as improved cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, increased life
expectancy, and prevention of various cancers. Lastly, sports can improve your mood and your attitude.
Research shows that playing sports boosts blood flow to your brain. This enables your body to build
more connections between nerves within the brain. This improves memory, stimulates creativity, and
helps your brain develop better problem-solving skills. One study found that playing sports can improve
brain function.
Another vital component to team sports is competition. Working together as a team breeds a healthy
competitive edge that can only bode well for the team and each individual within it. Teamwork in sports
allows your members to work together to achieve a common goal.
That's why we often feel so at ease and things are clear after exercising and eventually happy. At the
same time, endorphins, another chemical to fight stress, is released in your brain. ... So, endorphin is the
reason exercise makes us feel so good.
Exercise doesn't just make you look younger. ... Researchers have found that exercise can keep DNA
healthy and young. Telomeres, the caps at the end of our chromosomes that are responsible for aging,
get shorter as we get older.
What's more, when you're exercising, your body produces endorphins, which are a natural mood
booster that can fight stress and depression. ... Research has found that teens who participate in sports
often have fewer feelings of depression and stress, as well as improved mental health.
Benefits of Sports
 Health
 Self-confidence and self-esteem
 Teamwork
 Leadership
 Social Skills
 Discipline
 Brainpower
 Career and passion
 Improved energy levels
 Managing emotions
Originally called 'Mintonette', the game of volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G Morgan, in
Holyoke, Massachusetts at a YMCA. ... However, Alfred Halstead later renamed it to volleyball because
the objective of the game was to volley the ball back and forth over a net.
Volleyball. ... Volleyball, game played by two teams, usually of six players on a side, in which the players
use their hands to bat a ball back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball touch the court
within the opponents' playing area before it can be returned.
The volleyball techniques - serving, passing, setting, hitting, blocking, and digging - are the six major
volleyball skills players must develop.
The benefits of playing volleyball stimulates coordination and concentration; improves speed, skill, and
reflexes; reinforces thigh and abdominal muscles; and the formation of a group synergy within the team.
Volleyball has very few disadvantages. As there is no physical contact with others, it is a fairly safe sport.
 Effort: we believe in rewarding and praising effort, regardless of outcome.
 Passion: we instill love for the sport that encourages volleyball for life.
 Respect: we promote ethical behavior, fair play and respect for the game and all its participants.
 Integrity: we act in a fair and consistent and transparent manner

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