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Fractional Exponents Worksheet Name:

Algebra 1 Hour:

Translate each rational exponent expression to a radical expression. Simplify

the radical if possible.

1 1 3 7
1. x 4 2. y 5 3. 16 4 4. 4 2

Simplify the expression by creating a common denominator in the exponent.

2 1 1 3 5
5. a 3 g 4 e 2 6. w 7 n 3

Translate each radical expression to a rational exponent expression. Be sure

your exponents are in simplest form. Do not leave parentheses in your answer.

7. 3
20 8. 4
c3 9. 5 xy 10. 6 12 3 x 2 y 4

Use the rules of exponents to simplify the following expressions.

1 1
x2  2 4 1
11. a ⋅ a 3 4
12. 1
13.  x 5  14. (3 x 2 y )3
x 4  

1 2
2 3
x3  1 5
 2
15. 6a ⋅ 2a 5 4
16. 1
17. 16 x 6  18. (4 x −2
y − 8 )9

2  

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