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DIRA: First character of being a finest pharmacist is

To maintain professionalism as a pharmacist, we must take care of our
1.Good image
Do you know about the halo effect? To put it simply, it is a beauty bias
based on our first impression. In this case, it is hygiene, cleanliness and
look presentable. We as a human being has this hard wiring that make
us attracted to well presentable look. It is beneficial in all social
interactions which makes its fundamental in building trust.
Dira tunjuk gambar and explain example: Imagine you as a patient
attend a counselling session, which pharmacist will you choose? Both is
well-educated pharmacist. But what makes them difference is

Next component is
1.Critical and rational thinking
Critical thinking is ability to balance between good judgment and
decision maker when working. While rational thinking is ability to
balance between personal and work matters. Let’s watch the video.

Lastly is
2.Detail oriented
As a pharmacist we cannot be perfect but we cant do mistake also.
There is no room for error as a attention details is literally a matter
between life and death.
As pharmacists are responsible for ensuring accuracy of the
prescriptions they fill, they must be able to find the information that
they need to make decisions about what medication are appropriate for
each patient because improper use of medication can pose serious
health risks. Attention to detail is literally a matter of life and death –
and there is no room for error!

Example…… LASA

Pass baton

RANIA: Pharmacist must be a all/well rounded _____ in every aspect
for example they must keep themselves updated with any recent
development of new drugs or new technologies to ensure that the best
services can be delivered efficiently to the patient.

Teacher and front-line educator

As someone that is well educated in the field of medications, it is

become part of our responsibility as a pharmacist to assist with the
health education of public specifically about drugs. Participating as a
teacher not only imparts knowledge to others.
For example, Siti Hawa, alex baker, timothy aungst

Technological Adapt
Pharmacist rely heavily technology to help them to do task that are
often complex such as prescribing drugs.

Example: table counting machine, In KPJ hospital, KCIS system are

medicine electronical record that allows pharmacists to access the
prescription from the doctor in order to dispense the medications
which could minimize the error as compared to handwritten
prescription-causes misinterpretation physician’s handwriting.

Lifelong learner and researcher
All the knowledge and experience needed to pursue a life-long career
as a pharmacist. The concepts, principles and commitment to life-long
learning must begin while attending pharmacy school and must be
supported throughout the pharmacist’s career

Example: An ever-expanding range of new, more complex drug

products that has created the need for a specific professional to be
designated to correct this openly and comprehensively because only
then can a specific individual be held accountable for its management.

Pass baton
Other essential qualities of being a finest pharmacist is having a good
communication skills.

Why is this important? It can enhances the productivity of relationships

between the patient and the pharmacist and between pharmacist and
other health care provider (two way communication) and also
establishing a productive and positive environment especially on
conducting medicine reviews, motivate patient to adhere to medicine
and health promotion to improve patient quality of life.

What type of communication? Written, verbal and nonverbal

communication skills will be needed.

1.Good counsellor
Once the pharmacist have a good communication skills, the pharmacist
straight away can become a good counsellor. Pharmacist must give
counselling and advice on right medications, how to use the instrument
or device correctly and can motivates patient to adhere to their
medication’s regimes. Effective communication by pharmacist is vital to
improve the use of medications by patients and ensure optimal
therapeutic outcomes.
For example, during Respiratory MTAC session which is a Medication
Therapy Adherence Clinic, the pharmacist will assist and teach how to
use the device correctly which is the placebo inhaler to ensure effective
delivery of inhaled medications. Ineffective inhaler technique can lead
to serious consequences.
2.Attentive and friendly
Second, pharmacist can show attention to the patient so that they feel
Let me give you one situation, as a retail pharmacist, when the patient
comes as a customer. The pharmacist must welcome and engaged with
the customer. Hi Good morning sir, how can I help you, how are you
feeling today?
so, the pharmacist can able to gain information about their problems so
that we as a pharmacist can provide the patient’s need on the right
medications through appropriate strategies.

The clearer your message, the easier it gets for the patient or other
health care providers. While this sounds obvious, most communication
pitfalls originate from lack of clarity. Start with a clear communication
goal and accurate thought. Clear communications build on exact
terminology and concrete words, to  reduce ambiguities and confusion
in the communication process.

To illustrate, when dispensing, pharmacists must gives a clear and

accurate instructions so the patients would not
misinterpret/misunderstand to avoid any errors as the patient might
get complications.
If my tone is lower down or I speak too fast, like this
It’s hard to understand right? So it is crucial to talk as clear as possible.
In a nutshell, communication isn’t always the key. Comprehension is.
You can communicate all you want but if they don’t understand you,
you won’t reach them they way you need them to.
INTAN: It is crystal clear that pharmacist should be care about their
patient. The pharmacist
Pharmacist must implement integrated and continuous care with
patient to ensure the highest quality of therapeutic treatment that
being provided to them.
For example, In Malaysia we have 13 MTAC (Medication Therapy
Adherence Clinic) services. This program have their own specific
modules. For instance, the pharmacist need to follow up with their
patients in case there’s any changes that need to be made on the
medication either the dose needs to be altered, if there’s any adverse

In medical world, confidentiality between patient and pharmacist is
crucial to ensure there is no disclosure of information of any patient’s
personal information such as their medical condition, social

Gambar macam comic

Example: In retail pharmacy, if customer comes asking for vaginal
fungal infection medications, the pharmacists must not disclose the
information to others.
Patient as ultimate decision maker
This approach requires the pharmacists to treat patients as a partner in care
planning, and always as the ultimate decision maker experiences the ultimate
consequences of drug therapy to prevents the patient from being seen as a
repository for drugs to be studied and also precludes the patient from being
defined as a conglomerate of organ systems and drug reactions.

For example:
In retail pharmacy, the pharmacists will explain all the available options of
the products and it’s their side effects however in the end the decision is on
the patient to choose the among them.

Aini :
Interpersonal skills
In the healthcare settings, there will always be regular or frequent
interactions between patient as well as other healthcare professionals
so being a pharmacist which is considered to be a professional
occupation, we need to have excellent interpersonal skills such as show
courtesy, empathy and teamwork.

So, what is actually meant by courtesy?

Courtesy is the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behavior

towards others. When encountering a situation, pharmacists should
know how to tackle or handle the probs ………ly
For instance, AINI’S EXAMPLE

Being empathic means listening to the total communication that
include words, feeling and gestures. Letting the patient know that you
are really hearing what she is saying.
Using phrases like “Tell me more” or “It’s okay to be upset” can be
helpful for better understanding a patient’s condition and also develop
a pharmacist-patient relationship.

Giving patients encouragement can also make them feel more

comfortable talking about their condition or asking questions.

“It’s really important that pharmacists do not ignore the emotion

simply because it can be a little uncomfortable,”

Some ways to show respect include introducing yourself, explaining

your role, measuring the patient’s comfort before getting started (“Is
now a good time for you?”), and letting patients know they have been
heard (“Let me see if I have the story straight”),


Pharmacist must able to cooperate with others such as in pharmacy

setting there will be a lot of task to do so if the pharmacist works alone,
he or she would not be able to complete all the tasks, right? And need
help from pharmacy assistant. Scope of pharmacist acquire a good
teamwork so that the delivering of medications, counseling session,
and assistance to their patients happen smooth and effectively as they
cooperatively working together.


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