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Critical points that you MUST understand and remember for ENG 1103 final exam:

1. Argumentative essay is similar to debate. Therefore you MUST state your stand, do
agree (support) or disagree (oppose) with the topic. State your stand VERY
CLEARLY in the thesis statement.
2. In argumentative essay, there is a refutation paragraph. In this paragraph, you need to
present an opposing point AND counter it by elaborating on its weakness.
3. You must read and UNDERSTAND the topic given and what is the main issue which
relates to the topic. Your arguments must be discussed within the topic. In presenting
your main ideas, you MUST also relate them to the topic. By doing so, your essay
will be cohesive / unified.
4. After you have identified the main topic and issue, invest at least 10 minutes to
brainstorm for ideas.
5. Next is to select and arrange the main points. You need 3 main points or ideas for
body paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. Also, select 1 opposing point for the refutation paragraph.
6. After choosing your main idea, you have to support them by giving 2 supporting
details for each main idea.
7. For each supporting details, you MUST elaborate it by giving sufficient explanation
and examples. Each elaboration however, is not limited to1 sentence ONLY. You may
present your elaboration in 3 – 5 sentences and then, add an example for each
supporting detail.
8. For the essay outline, please understand that:
a. thesis statement, topic sentences and concluding sentence must be written in
ONE (1) COMPLETE sentence
b. all supporting details MUST be in point forms only
9. Use transitional words to join ideas WITHIN as well as BETWEEN paragraphs. With
transitional words, the various points discussed will flow in a logical order as opposed
to a disjointed/choppy or even a haphazard arrangement.

Topic: Social media is not changing the communication for the better
Develop an outline for the above topic based on the format below.

Thesis Statement (full sentence) (2 marks)
Even though social media is perceived as the biggest revolution in the history
communication, it has unfortunately brought more adverse impacts on human

Topic Sentence (full sentence) (2 marks)
To begin with, social media has decreased the quality of inter-personal communication.

Supporting Detail 1 (1 mark)

(elaboration & example)
dependence on social media  less spontaneous creates minimal interaction
e.g. become hesitant in expressing oneself vs. emoticons usage

Supporting Detail 2 (1 mark)

(elaboration & example)
shorten attention span & less attentive in actual communication
e.g. being on line during a real-life conversation

Topic Sentence (full sentence) (2 marks)
Secondly, many social media users have low confidence in face-to-face communication

Supporting Detail 1 (1 mark)

(elaboration & example)
lack of social engagement  difficulties to react to social/nonverbal cues  futile
communication  not confident
e.g. multicultural social exchange

Supporting Detail 2 (1 mark)

(elaboration & example)
less control & less predictable outcome in real communication  face reality
e.g. no option to block users/individuals as safety shield

Topic Sentence (full sentence) (2 marks)
Finally, the informal language of social media has impacted the standard of language
Supporting Detail 1 (1 mark)
(elaboration & example)
need of fast information  acronyms and slang usage  led to incorrect
spelling, grammar  cause the deteriorating of language skills
e.g. evidently in academic writing

Supporting Detail 2 (1 mark)

(elaboration & example)
made language skills simpler and lessen the ability to communicate deep thoughts
e.g. social media language used mainly in daily & mundane environment

Refutation Sentence (full sentence) (2 marks)
On the contrary, social media is sometimes perceived a powerful tool that connect
people to the gateway of information.

Argument _________ (1 mark)

high capacity of data sharing and its speed have bridged all gaps

Counter Argument (1 mark)

creates information overload  confusion/anxiety, poor decision making

Concluding Sentence (full sentence) (2 marks)
In conclusion, although social media today has become an integral part of our lives,
numerous studies prove that it negatively affect our communication skills.

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