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Jadual kursus Medical First Responder (MFR) dan Pengelolaan Bencana

Day 1 - Monday,
09:00 - Lesson 1 Course Introduction Or.$uryadi Soedarmo
09.15 - Lesson 2: EMS and MFR Dr.Suryadi Soedarmo
10.00 - Break
10.30 - Lesson 3: Infectious Diseases Dr.Arya
11.00 - Lesson 4: The Incident Dr.Suryadi Soedarmo

Day 2 - Tuesday
08: 15 - Lesson 5: Anatomical References Dr.5uryadi Soedarmo
09:45 ~Lesson 6: Patient Assessment Dr.Arya
10:45 - Break
11:00 - Lesson 6 : Patient Assessment (cont) Dr.Arya
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Lesson 6: Practical Station 7 kelompok, instruktur
14:30 - Break
14.45 - Lesson 6 : Practical Station (cont) 7kelompok

Day 3 - Wednesday

08.15 - 1st Interim Test, Post-Test 2,3,4,5,6

09.00 - Lesson 7: FBAO Dr.Arya
10:00 - Break
10.15 - Lesson 7: FBAO cont.) Dr.Arya
11: 15 - Lesson 7 : (Practical Station FBAO) 7 kelompok
12.45 - Lesson 7 : (Practical Station.FBAO cont) 7 kelompok
13.45 - Lunch
14.45 - Lesson 7: CPR Dr.Ganda

Day 4 - Thursday
08.00 - Lesson 8 - Oxygen Therapy Dr.Yasmin
09.00 - Lesson 8 (Practical Station: Oxygen Therapy) 7 kelompok

Day 5 - Friday
08.00 - Lesson 9: Haemorrhage and Shock Dr.Andre
08:30 - Lesson 10: Soft Tissue Injuries Dr.Andre
10: 15 - Lesson 11 : Musculo Skeletal Injuries Dr.~1 Yeyp,-»I-)_
11:45 - ISHOMA
12:30 - Lunch
13.:30- Lesson 10 -11: (Practical Stations) 7 kelompok

Day 6 - Monday

08.00 - Lesson 10 -11: (Practical Stations, cont) 7 kelompok

19.00 - Lesson 10 -11: (Practical Stations, cont) 7 kelompok
11:45 - Lunch
12:45 - Lesson 12: SkuH, Spinal and Chest Injuries
13:35 - Lesson 12: (Practical Station)
Day 7 - Tuesday

08: 15 - Lesson 12: (Practical Stations, Cont)

09:00 - Lesson 13: Bums and Environmental Emergencies Dr.Suryadi
10:30 - Break
10:45 - Lesson 14: Poisoning Dr.Yasmin
12: 15 - Lesson 15: Medical Emergencies I Dr.Arya
13: 15 - Lunch
14.15 - Lesson 16: Medical Emergencies II Dr.Arya

Day 8 - Wednesday

08: 15 - Lesson 17: Medical Emergencies III Dr.Arya

09:45 - Break
10:00 - Lesson 17: Medical Emergencies III (cont) Dr.Arya

12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Lesson 18: Lifting and Moving Patients Dr.Suryadi
14: 15 - Lesson 18: (Practical Stations)

Day 9 - Thursday
09: 15 - Lesson 19: Child Birth Emergencies .S? ~ljtvvt rJ~ _. Dr.Tigor
10:30 - Break rro~
10:45 - Lesson 19: Child Birth Emergencies (Cont) , Dr.Yanuar
11:45 - Lunch
12:45 - Lesson 18: (Demonstration) Dr.Tigor
14:00 - Lesson 18: (Demonstration) or.Tigor

Day 10 - Saturday
09.15 - Bencana
10: 15 - Break
10:45 - Gempa bumi dan bangunan runtuh Dr.Suryadi
11:45 - Lunch
12:45 - TeIjebak bangunan runtuh dan CSSR (USAR) Dr.Suryadi

Hari 11 - Sen in

08:00 - BENCANA & MUSIBAH MASAL Dr.Suryadi S

09:45 - Break
10:00 - Incident command system Dr.Tunggul

Hari 12 - Selasa

08: 00 - Penanganan cedera di tempat bencana Dr.Suryadi S.

09:00 - Break
09.30 - Triase
Hari ke 13 - Rabu
08:00 - Manajemen Bencana di Indonesia Dr.Siswo
10:00 - Break
10.30 - Penanganan di tempat bencana Dr.Siswo

Hari ke-14 Kamis :

08:00 - Persiapan Gladi Lapangan 1
10:00 - Gladi Lapangan-l
12.00 - Debriefing

Hari ke-15 Jumat :

08: 00 - Persiapan Gladi Lapangan 2
10:00 - Gladi Lapangan-2
12.00 - Debriefing

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