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Assessment 01-part A
01. GEI Test

Figure 01.1: Screenshot of the online Global Emotional Intelligence test result

02. Instances of stressed or negative emotional

Although I had many jobs to complete, my supervisor offered me another job
I remember it was a busy period and I had a lot of work to do. When I got a new job,
I felt that I needed more time and energy. So I felt like I couldn't do it and that I couldn't do
it. But I ignored my guardian's guidelines. With great stress and tension, I managed my
On the second day of my first job, my supervisor told me to manage my team and improve
I have no experience managing people. I was not familiar with the product they were
producing. So I couldn’t try to manage them and let my team work at their discretion. But
due to the influence of top management, my team had to delegate responsibilities. I failed
many times and eventually quit this job because of my poor management.

The meeting was addressed to me for the first time.
. It was a bad time, as the company's productivity declined. I had to call 20 team
members to figure out how to increase and what benefits we could get afterwards. I was
very nervous and I had no positive emotion and confidence to address.
I believed that I lacked good communication skills. But I've seen product
management express his ideas and I've tried to emulate it. Finally, I addressed a group of 20
members with great confidence.

03 Emotional triggers
Reminding common mistakes and how to get rid of those mistakes in the workplace.
Remind the employee that mistakes are being made. Help them focus on problem solving.
Workers usually make costly mistakes in the workplace. Often, blame the employee
and question his or her ability to do the job properly. As a result, workers receive a negative
response from the workplace. It affects productivity . Errors can be minimized by using the
above triggers.
It is the responsibility of people to remind workers that mistakes are made and to focus on
problem solving. Then the productivity is fixed and increased.
03.2 Remain calm, task-focused, and respectful.
When I and an employee disagree on work-related issues, the employee feels
frustrated and angry. The triggers mentioned above can help you manage a situation such as
staying calm, task-focused, and respectful.
First I pause the conversation and then accept what I see. Then I ask, “Tell me what's
going on. Why are you nervous? “I will not continue to emphasize my point and take a
hostile tone. Let me say something honorable.

Assessment 01-part B
01 360 feed back

This person has a positive attitude. He

always tries to motivate his team and
maintain a positive attitude with others

Commitment and trust are the hallmarks of

leadership. That quality helps him become a
better leader. He has a great commitment.he

He is always straight forward. Before he

makes his decisions, he thinks twice. In doing
so, he rarely changes his decision

He is an honest man. Honesty is an

important part of being a good leader.
Therefore, team members believe in the
leader. He has a positive attitude and self-

Figure 1B.1: 360 feedback form of me and a supervisor

As a process worker, she has great
strengths like never give up, good

She needs empathy to be a good

leader. She often follows a dictatorial
style and ignores empathy. She must
understand the feelings of others

She insists on the main responsibility and

hands over the rest. She then empowers her
followers and delegates the task to others
She is lacking creativity and innovation. So to
be a leader, she needs to think outside. Then
she can make the goal a reality

feedback form of Madusi and a Thakshila

This person has the strengths of decision making
skills, empathy and teamwork and empowerment

The way he works with them makes their team

members easier to work with. He makes a
meaningful contribution and encourages the team.

Figure 1B.3: 360 feedback form of Frank

02. Summery of the insight part a and 360 feedback

As I mentioned in Part A, I have a goal that is not realistic. I can't complete my job. When I
got a new job, I felt that I needed more time and energy. So I felt I could do it and I couldn’t. But I
neglected my guardianship. With great stress and tension, I was able to control my emotions
without showing them to others.

Second, I had no experience in people management. It was confusing and I did not
know well the product they are manufacturing. However, my manager told me to manage
my team to increase productivity. So I was nervous and I didn't try to handle them and I let
my team work as they wanted. But the pressure that came from top management forced
me to delegate responsibilities to my team. I failed many times and finally quit this job due
to my bad management. As a third problem, I had to address 20 team members on how to
increase and what are the benefits we can get after that. I was very nervous and I had no
positive emotion and confidence to address them. I thought I didn't have a good
communication skill. But I had seen how production managed to express its ideas and tried
to imitate it. Finally, I addressed the team of 20 members without much confidence.

As a leader, I have to model behaviors in the workplace that demonstrate the

handling of emotions because I set the tone and standard for the behavior of the rest of the
team. Not only must I set the standard on which the organization models its own behavior, I
will also have to deal with the consequences of inappropriate emotional responses and
behaviors of my subordinates and possibly complaints from clients or clients that exhibit
intensified emotions. If I can't handle the scenarios, I will exacerbate the situation. I will
need to learn to control my emotions by separating myself from the problem, not taking it
personally, instead of hiding my emotions. By remaining impartial and indifferent to the
situation, I will be in a very objective position to deal with it effectively and fairly.
My team looks at this behavior because it is up to the manager to help my team
members and those around me manage the situation, manage the situation, and address
them in a logical and calm manner. If the manager is upset or cannot control their emotions,
this can create panic among the staff and / or cause the staff to lose respect for the
manager, which could adversely affect the authority and management of the manager.
The workplace is a very challenging place like the factory. Working with co-
workers or subordinates who engage in abusive and hostile behavior can be stressful.
Keeping up with such people can lead to a lack of job happiness. Strictly respond to the task,
the person involved, and leave the organization. Fear of workers, lack of productivity,
absenteeism, and turnover can increase the costs of the organization.I have identified 3
areas that can grow in my own way.
1. I would utilize an assertive style of communicating
2. I am is practicing self-awareness
3. I am practicing Empathy
High communication goes a long way toward earning respect without being too
aggressive or passive. Emotionally intelligent people know how to communicate their ideas
and needs to others.
The second is to practice self-awareness. When I lack awareness of myself, trying to
control my emotions is like sitting in a small boat without a sail over the sea of my own
emotions, completely at the whim of the currents of whatever is happening moment by
moment. I have no idea where I'm going or how to get there. And all I can do is scream and
scream for help. At first, once I pay attention to how I feel, it could scare me. I could realize
that I am often quite sad or that I am an angry person with many people in my life.
The third is to practice empathy. In its simplest form, empathy is the ability to
recognize emotions in others and understand other people's perspectives on a situation. In
its most developed form, empathy allows me to use that vision to improve the mood of
another person and support them in difficult situations. Empathy is often confused with
sympathy, but they are not the same. Sympathy is a feeling of concern for someone and a
feeling that they could be happier. Unlike empathy, sympathy does not imply a shared or
emotional perspective, it may have difficulties to show empathy initially; I could be nervous
about emotionally compromising or feeling unable to do so. But this does not mean that you
are doomed to failure! To use empathy effectively, I need to set aside my own point of view
and see things from the perspective of the other person. Then, I can recognize behavior that
at first sight seems to be too emotional, stubborn or unreasonable as simply a reaction
based on a person's knowledge and previous experiences.
In my opinion, emotional intelligence can be learned, as long as an individual can
recognize what they need to do to improve their emotional intelligence. Learning new ways
to deal with emotions will lead to better coping mechanisms in high stress and emotional
situations and, therefore, can increase your emotional intelligence. For example, if someone
is too emotional a person and recognizes their high emotional state
Emotional intelligence is equally important for employees, managers and leaders of
the organization to work towards the goal of the organization and meet the needs of
workers. From my previous experiences, I have used the lack of emotional interference
strategies in my work life. But I remember some of them I have used as motivation for
myself, empathy and self-awareness
Having high emotional intelligence is important not only in leadership, but also in our
personal life. Learning what areas we need to improve for the development of superior
emotional intelligence will lead to better problem solving while keeping emotions under
control. Higher emotional intelligence will help people recognize the situation instead of
acting on impulse, regardless of the situation. Sometimes, emotions can work emotionally,
but it is not always the best answer, having high emotional intelligence will help to act
rationally during these moments. Understanding this will lead to great leadership and social

Assessment 02
Scenario A
Obviously the store manager is already in a very stressful situation. She already got
nervous and out of control. We have discussed self-awareness before. Self-awareness is the
ability to understand and interpret their own moods, emotions and internal impulses, and
how they impact other people. Eventually we can realize that she lacks her self-awareness.
Finally, she yelled at the other managers because of her weak emotional intelligence.
Consequently, other employees disappoint and may try to leave the company. As a result,
revenues will decrease rather than increase.
At the meeting, the store manager shouted at the other managers. So she doesn't respect
others. Leaders treat everyone with common courtesy. But given her status here, story
management is less self-aware. She cannot control her emotions alone before and during
the meeting.
She can manage stress release from work by exercising, meditating, talking to
friends, and other hobbies or interests while planning a meeting. The key is to encourage
managers to work as a team and discuss the current situation and how to increase and
productivity. In the end, it leads to increase productivity.

 Current situation of the productivity and the sale demand.

 Last few year data of sale demand and productivity.
 Identified reasons of revenue deficit of last few year.
 Discuss how last few years increased the revenue with those issues.
 Discuss what the issues impact to the current revenue are.
 Presenting a few positive ways how to encourage employees and increase the
 Discuss how the moral can be lifted
 Discuss how responsibility can be delegated

Improved productivity
When the morale of the staff is high, everyone is doing well. In general, productivity is
increased when staff are willing to come to work. You may find that some people arrive
early or are delayed without seeking benefits. If you want a workplace with high
productivity, work with your staff to enjoy the workplace

Improved performance and creativity

People perform better when the morale of the staff is high. When the morale of the staff is
high, try to hold a brainstorming meeting to solve a project, and you will be surprised at
how quickly creative solutions come up. Have a one-on-one meeting with a group of
depressed, lazy or careless employees, and the meeting will be dragged into an unanswered
Reduced number of leave days
The biggest cost to any business is the number of holidays the staff has. If your morale is
low, it's easier to take a day off instead of dragging yourself to the workplace. Positive staff
morale fills with illness and staff enjoy working, less willing to participate and less likely to
leave the group. When someone is sick or on leave, you have to pay for that person's
vacation, replacement and loss of productivity.

 First and second, the most important thing is self-awareness. Therefore, first, the
situation must be clearly identified and viewed from a positive perspective.
 As a manager, I must understand my emotions, and because of this, I don't let my
feelings govern me.
 Apparently, the current situation is very stressful. It can be led to negative attitudes.
Then self-motivation is very important in this situation. I motivated myself to face
the difficult situation.
 Before discussing with managers, I realize the current situation and the solutions
that I consider.
 As a first thing, try to raise team morale and motivate. Then discuss the current sale
and productivity of the company.
 Then find a way to increase revenue and delegate responsibility to each person.

Assessment 02-Scenario B
Emotionally effective people have a direct impact on productivity and high efficiency. If not.
Inversely increases productivity of emotional employees. Therefore, the relationship
between beneficial employees and business objectives is significant.
We all know that our emotions affect our decisions. Emotions also impact teamwork. That is
a great reason why emotional intelligence is one of the strongest predictors of success at
work. And the biggest problems arise when team decision making and emotions collide.
When it comes to making decisions, some emotion is good, even if the emotions seem
inherently unpleasant or unproductive. Feeling a little fear, sadness or irritation can help
generate motivation or broaden the search for alternatives.
Therefore, when we work with our team to make a decision, it is essential to be aware of
how the emotional state of the people around the table affects the team's approach to the
decision. This is especially true when emotions are running out or when everyone in the
group feels the same.
In this case it is mentioned to increase the objectives where there is capacity and some
programs will be delayed. Then we can see that managers have already considered the
emotional impact in this situation. Because while they are increasing capacity, they have
delayed some programs to improve and maintain the current motivation. So now managers
can be moral employees and can get directly involved to increase productivity.

 Work health and safety.

 Anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity.
 Occupational Health and Safety.
 Use of company property.
 Use of social media.
 Drug and alcohol use.
 Employee performance management and discipline.
Under the law, employers are responsible for health and safety management. It is
the duty of employers or managers to protect the health, safety and welfare of their
employees and others who may be affected by their business. Employers or managers must
do what is reasonably possible to achieve this. This means making sure that workers and
others are protected from anything that can cause harm, effectively controlling any risk of
injury or health that may arise in the workplace. Managers have duties to implement under
the health and safety law. Therefore, managers must identify risks or any health and safety
problems before implementing any decision in the business.

Assessment 02-Scenario C
Emotional signals can be in the form of facial expressions. So let's take a look at these facial

 Confusion
 Surprise
 Seduction
 Anger
 Disappointment
For example, if the employee is confused, I will respond to reduce confusion. By doing so I
can easily control the situation.

It is more important to discuss teamwork and why it is important to the company.
When incorporating teamwork strategies, you become more efficient and. This is because it
allows them to share tasks, reduce the pressure on individuals, and ensure that tasks are
completed within a set time frame. It enables you to achieve goals, optimize performance,
improve job satisfaction and increase work speed.
In addition, individuals can expand their skill sets, find fresh ideas from new
colleagues, and find more effective approaches and solutions for the task at hand. This
active intervention generates future expression, encouragement and innovative ability to
solve problems and generate ideas more effectively and efficiently.
The group mainly works with different cultural people. Therefore, it is very important
to understand how diversity in the team affects sales. Combining different cultures and
experiences will give you a broad understanding of what the customer needs. So here I
encourage all team members to share their culture with others.


 First do a research.
 Interviewing few team members with specified questions.
 Make an evaluation system to calculate the awareness of the each cultures
 Encourage all team members to identify varies cultures.
Emotional intelligence is the main key to leaving the feeling isolated from our life.
Social awareness is the only strategy that allows us to recognize and interpret the mainly
nonverbal cues that others constantly use to communicate with us. These signals let us
know how others really feel, how their emotional state changes from one moment to
another and what is really important to them. When groups of people send similar
nonverbal cues, we can read and understand the dynamics of power and the shared
emotional experiences of the group. In short, we are empathic and socially comfortable.
Working well with others is a process that starts with emotional awareness and our
ability to recognize and understand what other people are experiencing. Once emotional
awareness is activated, we can effectively develop additional social / emotional skills to
make your relationships more productive and fulfilling.


 The employee engagement is improved

 The cultural insights is improved
 The company reputation is improved
 The productivity is increased
 Improving the creativity.
 Increasing the profits.
 Reduce the employee turnover.
The newcomer came to the workplace and is very quiet. He doesn't talk too much, but he
answers the question in five words. He had just arrived in Australia from another country.
But he works properly. So the other employees thought he was not humble. But the main
reason is that he is a newcomer to Australia and has a new culture nerve. As a counterpoint,
the new employee is isolated and no one tries to talk to him. He then quit his job quickly.
Personally I was afraid to speak to a person of another culture. When I got my first job, I had
to communicate with people of different cultures. I felt that each had different tastes or
specific words to communicate. So I always try to stay quiet. Sometimes I felt lonely. I tried
to work hard but communication was poor so I could not complete any task.

Assessment 02 -Scenario D
After much effort to build a culture of teamwork without any backlash, I would like to take a
deep breath and come up with new ideas for building it. Employee needs to be self-aware
but team awareness is not on their mind.
In my opinion, leaders need to understand people's personalities, communication
styles, learning styles and motivators and recognize their impact because this information is
the basis of their leadership strategy.
Personal differences can cause communication problems if there is no evaluation of the
needs and contributions of different types and people. It is important to remember that
different personality styles require different treatments, and this tolerance for diversity is a
critical part of a leader's character.
There are five identified personality traits that are stable components to assess one's
personality and provide information about their core personalities, which are: openness to
experience, a trait of imaginative, creative and independent people; conscience, a trait of
careful, persevering and reliable people; extroversion, a feature of sociable and outgoing
personalities; kindness, a trait of good heart, generosity and good nature; and neuroticism,
a trait associated with anxious, emotional and temperamental personalities. I think it is
important to assess personality traits comprehensively and remember the perspective of
others when judging basic personality traits. What a person sees as a strength can be seen
as a weakness in the eyes of another, and vice versa.
Understanding someone's personality style is a component of the person's understanding,
and understanding someone's motivators is equally important to further assess what
motivates them and how their personality plays with their goals. Taking motivation into
account is a way of understanding why people behave the way they do. Like the five great
personality traits, there are five basic levels of motivators: survival needs, security needs,
membership needs, respect needs and satisfaction needs. Being able to determine which of
these levels motivates a person provides awareness about their behaviors and these points
can also explain the complicated relationship between personality and behavior. After
understanding someone's personality traits and their motivators, a leader must recognize
individual learning styles and be aware of how his followers learn to develop others
effectively. This statement is based on Manning and Curtis' report that "effective leaders
recognize the importance of developing others. In addition, for a learning environment to be
optimally effective, it must capitalize not only on the learning context, but also on the
characteristics While assessing all these dynamics may seem daunting and overly complex,
knowledge and understanding of personality styles, communication styles and learning
styles are critical to good leadership, as it provides insight from the leader in the unique
dynamics of his followers and allows an ordinary leader to grow into a solidarity leader

While emotional intelligence and team cohesion refer primarily to interacting with other
people, there is a critical component that must arise internally before it can communicate
with others: self-awareness.
Self-awareness describes how accurately you can monitor and evaluate your own emotions.
It implies the important ability to take a step back and consider how it responds to
situations and contexts. Simultaneously, self-awareness involves monitoring how others are
responding to be able to self-correct any problem.
When team members are aware of themselves, they are confident and can handle job
challenges, including criticism from colleagues or management, and control their own
emotions. This finally creates a basis for greater social awareness and self-management.

Social awareness
Social awareness is an essential skill to develop and show empathy. These competent
people are able to manage team dynamics, stay organized and aware of the long-term
strategic objectives of a business, inspire change, and influence others more effectively.
Developing this skill allows team members to use empathy to respond to a situation. A
socially aware person always knows what is right to say, because they can feel the feelings
of each other and of others in a group. They work within the values and priorities of the
group and inspire others to work out a solution and achieve the desired outcomes.
Adaptive, initiative-oriented, and optimistic staff are well-equipped and strengthen
teamwork, resulting in high levels of performance and achievement.
People with this skill are able to control their emotions while being transparent and
adaptable. You can identify people with high levels of self-management in the way they
react or respond to situations. For example, consider the value of an employee who stops
using critical thinking before responding to a negative email or inappropriate situation.

Relationship management
Team members who develop the Relationship Management component of Emotional
Intelligence can work with others in different groups as a leader and collaborator. When the
journey is difficult, you can negotiate with others through conflicts and crises. Managing
relationships allows managers and team members to influence and motivate colleagues to
work together for common collaboration goals.
By targeting these four essential elements of emotional intelligence in your team building
activities and personal development plans, you can easily lead your team to a more
integrated approach to effective and creative teamwork.

Communication is as much about listening as it is about speaking. Make sure you’re listening
to fellow team members and actually considering their thoughts before offering your own
solutions and input.
There are so many ways to reach each other in the modern age. Try to use the most
suitable tool to communicate for your specific needs, whether that’s email, a chat tool,
phone call, or face to face. We’ve got an article that’ll help you decide which communication
tool is best for what.
Touch base:
Encourage informal meetings, information sharing, and huddles between team members.
People shouldn’t have to wait for a weekly catch-up meeting to get together. Collaborative
team members are comfortable communicating as and when they need to.
Collaboration tools:
These enable workers to connect across the world, or across the office, in a group or one-
to-one conversation. They also make progress on group projects at the times that are most
convenient for them.

Assessment 03 -Part A
Planning the team development workshop
Clarify the purpose / vision of your team and what actions, behaviors and responsibilities
are required to achieve your strategy. Working effectively as a team achieves commitment,
performance and results. Improve your team's ability to achieve common goals, through
improved communication, shared understanding and purpose. Recognize individual
strengths, styles and interact with colleagues on a different level, while having fun but with
a purpose and relevance. Team development workshops can be customized according to
the needs of your team and your business, and can be done on or off site.
Key content can include:
• Stages of team development
• Characteristics of effective teams
• Building trust, communication and a successful team
• Clarification of team strategy, purpose, and how to achieve this
• Goals and values – aligned to the individual, team and organization
• Current vs. future state – where are we now, where do we want to be, strategies to
address the gap
• Understanding different individual styles and strengths
• Improved team processes, team meetings and celebrations
• Shared understanding of individual and team responsibilities
• Reflect on strengths/areas for improvement individually and as a team
• Team building activities
Time Workshop part Content Activity Resources
9.30-9.50 Introduction Welcome and Ask people to introduce Presentations
introduction themselves: Video
• Their name
Development of • Their role
emotional • Amount of time with the
intelligence with in organization and the team
the team
9.50-10.30 Topic Discuss of their Begin by asking each person -
1:Current performance and to present his or her
team discuss how to expectations for the day:
performance improve those thing • What they would like to
within the achieve from the Workshop
workplace • What concerns or fears do
they have
• What they will do to
ensure that they get the
best out
Of their time at the
• Previous experience of
10.30- Topic Emotional •Listening activities to Presentation
11.00 2:Emotional intelligence increase the communication Computer
Intelligence strategies and skills Projector
practices •Practicing to maintain
positive ideas
•Ask their own strategies
•Ask their own Weaknesses
and development methods
11.00- Develop Find out EI • Ask each member to write A4 sheets
11.30 awareness of strengths and own weakness and A pen
individual weakness strengths.
emotional •Ask the team to swap and
intelligence discuss with group to
strengths and develop common weakness

11.30- Topic 4: Importance and • Ask each person to

12.00 Culture misunderstanding demonstrate another
diversity of cultures cultural greeting methods
•Discuss how the cultural
diversity is important in an

12.00- Topic 5 : Feed back •Discuss the problem Printed

01.00 Options and And ending feedback
Ideas and •filling the Feed back form
5. Drafting and distribute the workshop overview
I am supposed to deliver the message of workshop through emails. All participants
are using email. So it is the best communication method. I have selected team leaders, team
members and the student in the class room to do the workshop.


Dear all,
I am pleased to invite you to develop an Emotional Intelligence Workshop. We need
to develop the following point in the workshop.

 Development of emotional intelligence with in the team

 Emotional intelligence strategies and practices
 Find out your emotional intelligence strengths and weakness
 Importance and misunderstanding of cultures
Our workshop will be held on October 25, 2019 at 2:00 pm. The event will take place
from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm at 420 William Street in Melbourne. GEN INSTITUTION has
volunteered to organize the event and we invite you to attend. We hope you will be
interested. If you need more information please call 0432299933. We look forward to
hearing from you. You are welcome to invite an additional team member from your

Gen Institution
Assessment 03 -Part B Conducting workshop
01 Appendix 3.2
Time Workshop part What was discussed
9.00- Introduction participant Importance of the participated the work shop.
9.30 expectations Develop and identify the own weaknesses

9.30- Agreed workshop Emotional intelligence

10.50 guidelines Basic of Emotional intelligence was discussed

10.50- Current team Overall the team has an average performance of

11.15 Performance leadership.

11.15- How their performance is Averagely they are good. But they felt they need to
11.30 making them feel develop strengths and eliminate their weakness.

11.30- Effects their current Current Emotional intelligence level of the team
11.45 emotions and behaviors What are the outcomes of current emotional intelligence
could be having on team Advantages and dis advantages of outcomes

11.45- Discussion: strengths and As strengths : self-awareness , positive attitudes

12.00 weaknesses. development
areas Weakness : self-awareness ,Self-motivation , Self-learning-
emotional control
12.00- Common Strengths As a common strength they had good communication
12.13 skills. All members try to answer and discuss the their
strength and weakness,
12.13- Common development Commonly they are lack of self-awareness. .So Self-
12.20 areas awareness is one of main thing belongs to emotional
intelligence. Commonly they are underestimate of their
own strengths.
12.20- Develop document plan Discuss to implement the development plan
12.30 Discuss to share the cultural diversity
1st we focused to developed the common weakness such as
Then we discussed other weakness of each person has.
Finally we made a development plan to eliminate the

12.30- Cultural diversity Misunderstanding of each cultural diversity

12.40 How cultural diversity is important
Mainly we discussed the main problems of cultural

12.40- General observations Feedback was very good

12-55 Hope all understood the importance of the emotional
Appendix 3.3
Appendix 3.3
Part B Answer of the questions.
The workshop really helps me identify my strengths and weaknesses. I have had a
negative mindset since the day the work shop was planned. I have lost my ability. But
motivation and self-emotional control directly helped me conserve the goal.
As I mentioned above, I used many strategies when organizing and organizing the
workshop. When performing certain activities. I felt like I had no self-awareness. So the
workshop helps me to develop my self-awareness in the work life.

 As a practice take few time to make a decision.

 To control emotions, count 10 to 01
 Increase the monitoring capacity
 When emotional like anger is in mind, take time to express feeling.

 Keep learning
 Teach others what you know
 Give yourself break
 Leave work at work place
 Build relationship with co-workers
 Participate in after-work activities
 Make your workplace nice
 Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes

 Concentrate on one thing at a time.

We have a lot of things on our To Do list, but concentrating on one thing at a time will help
us be more motivated and focused. If we stay on task until it’s finished, we won’t lose time
by multitasking or changing course from one topic to another. By concentrating on one
thing at a time, you also are more likely to complete more tasks fully, instead of doing bits
and pieces of a bunch of different projects but not finishing any.
 Set attainable goals.
Instead of setting our sights on the moon, set attainable goals. It's nice to dream, but if we
don't dream big and make it, we can get discouraged from accomplishing other goals. If we
set and reach our goals, we will be more motivated to set goals that we can reach.

 Use your imagination.

Don't limit our business to simple business practices - just use our imagination! Take a
creative approach to our projects and presentations, think outside the box

Assessment 03 -Part C
Assessment 03 -Part D Self-reflection
Appendix 3.5 Self-reflection from

Yes I modeled the emotional intelligence in the work shop
Representing an event, being able to recognize people displays feelings of anger when they
are not angry at you. I understand how to manage emotions such as regulating emotions,
responding properly and consistently
Yes I was aware of the impact of my behavior throughout the workshop.
Yes, I felt this is helping to improve the positive working relationship
This is because most of our work is shared in the workshop. The workshop was encouraged
to speak positively about the people you work with, especially your manager. Encourage the
development of your interpersonal skills by supporting the work of others. In doing so, we
are encouraged to get involved in other projects or activities.
Yes, I was tried to model emotional management
I have negative feelings while doing lazy jobs that lack integrity and variety. So I used
emotional intelligence and self-motivation to control my emotions.

I lack self-awareness. I get depressed quickly during busy times. I am out of my
control. Such a situation is completely different to my behavior. By thinking twice, I used to
make quick decisions. So I want to change this behavior.
In the event of a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication, I feel that it is best
to explain before responding. Also, take some time to make a decision.
When someone on my team has a suggestion, try my best to adopt it whenever
possible. Obviously it would be silly to assume every idea that people have. However,
showing my team that I am willing to change my approach based on someone else's idea is a
powerful reinforcement of open communication. If someone has a suggestion that I don't
think can be adopted or that doesn't work for some reason, I will explain the reasons. If I
don't accept the idea, thank them for coming and then ignore it completely. They will only
take that as a sign that I really don't care what they have to say. When someone has a great
idea and is successfully implemented, I publicly credit him for it.

I would like to explain how it affects workplace emotions. I take a general example or
event to illustrate each behavior and emotional control in the workplace. I hope to focus
below the criteria.
Anger. Workplace anger can result from frustration, interpersonal conflicts with bosses or
coworkers, and unfair treatment. Anger at work can lead to irrational behavior, such as
explosive outbursts, or threatening to, or actually quitting one’s job. One key for managing
workplace anger is to remove yourself from the situation and letting your anger subside.
Then, when calmer, you can take more rational steps in dealing with the situation that made
you angry in the first place.

Envy. It is very common to envy the accomplishments and rewards given to fellow
coworkers. Equity theory says that we are all motivated by a sense of fairness/equity, and
that this can spur us to work harder so that we also can earn those rewards, like pay raises
and promotions. Unfortunately, workplace rewards aren’t always distributed fairly, and this
can lead to negative emotional reactions, including envy. The key in dealing with envy is to
analyze the situation and make sure that when you are comparing yourself to others that
you are using the right “comparison others.” For example, you can’t compare yourself
directly to someone with more experience, education, or service time.

Fear. It’s disconcerting to think that fear would be common in the workplace, but risk of
losing a job can cause fear and uncertainty. Keeping your resume up-to-date, and exploring
other employment possibilities may help keep fear at bay. A punitive supervisor or
workplace bully, can also cause fear and high levels of distress in the workplace. Here are
some tips on dealing with workplace bullies.

Guilt. If we feel guilty because of an unfinished assignment, or because we have somehow

offended a colleague, guilt can actually be a positive, motivating force in the workplace. The
best way to eliminate guilt is to meet (or exceed) your demands, and take steps to patch up
interpersonal conflicts in the workplace.

Helplessness. A sense of helplessness at work, or a sense of anxiety, is a warning sign that

should not be ignored. A sense of helplessness or hopelessness can signal that you are
concerned about your career and where it is going, or it could be a sign of depression. In
any case, don’t ignore these feelings if they persist. Seek counseling – either to help with
managing your feelings, or to help you find a more fulfilling job or career.
Here I am trying to give the team a deep knowledge of this part. Emotional self-
control is the way we manage or effectively manage our emotions. People who have strong
emotional self-control are able to stay compact and ready even in times of stress. For
business leaders, this is an important skill to develop, and a team usually reflects the
leader's behavior.
If a leader often loses his or her anger, this can ultimately create an atmosphere of
fear that hinders the team's productivity. In contrast, if a leader is not under pressure, the
leader's calm reaction can create a positive and supportive environment for creativity.
I wish to discuss with the team especially below criteria.

 Remain aware of feelings

 Keep a journal.
 Pay attention to “self-talk”.

The best time to practice emotional intelligence is at work. There are two major
rewrites. Increases productivity and emotional intelligence.
 Conduct a workshop for team members
 Encourage them to practice those strategies at the work place
 Appreciate and give credits to team members who fallow those strategies.
Workplace is the most suitable place to practice the positive intelligence strategies.
A positive attitude is an optimistic mindset that focuses on the good, while a negative
attitude promotes fear and a narrow. There are few ways can use to improve the positive

 Fill your mind with positive input.

The same way that the people you are around change you to be more like them, so is what
you feed your mind. Listen to positive music with headphones. Listen to uplifting audio
books on the drive into work. Read books that are encouraging. Watch videos and listen to
podcasts that are positive or help you improve skills. If you are what you eat holds true for
your body, your mind is what you feed it. Focus on the bad.

 Don’t rely on an outside source of positivity.

Carry a positive attitude with you. Think of a positive attitude like a survival tool: carry it
with you at all times for emergencies. Whether you rely on a phrase that you repeat over
and over when times are stressful or you have some other trick to help resurrect and keep a
positive attitude, be sure to come up with a mechanism that doesn’t rely on someone else
or a specific situation.

 Create high points in each day and week.

One of the best parts of an exciting vacation is the days leading up to it, when you have it to
look forward to. Knowing something good is coming can make otherwise dreary days more
bearable. You can create the same effect by creating small “high points” in each day to help
you get through projects or days that
Might otherwise seem draining. This is why taking breaks is important, but not every break
is as valuable as they could be.

It doesn’t matter how efficient and productive y my team is, there are always ways
that I can help to make it even more productive and efficient. But, we need to do things in a
way that is going to show our team that we care about more than just the bottom line, and
that we care about them as well. I doing so the performance of the team goes higher than
expected. These are the few way I am willing to implement.

 Know their strengths and weaknesses

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses at work. The more you know about your
employees, the easier it will be for you to match the right employees with certain tasks. For
instance, if you have an employee who likes to think outside of the box, let them use their
creativity to pitch new ideas to client

 Give them incentives

Everyone works better when they know that there are extra incentives involved. Sure, it
may be a part your role but it is nice to be rewarded for a job well done once in a while.
Offering incentives will help increase productivity.

 Eliminate excess
When employees have small, tedious tasks to take care of, they don’t spend enough time or
thought on the more important tasks. Try not to give them a lot of small tasks that aren’t
really necessary and give them time to focus on the important tasks.

 Be a good example
As you lead your team, it is important to set an example and show them that you are
ultimately a member of the team. Don’t be afraid to take on the little jobs that you might
want to assign to others. Do the work, get your hands dirty, and your employees will respect

 Delegate responsibility
Don’t be afraid to have other team members take care of certain jobs when you have a busy
schedule. Let them utilize their talents and take on some tasks that you would normally do.

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