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Villiers Mk. 25C Villiers Mk. 15 & 25

These engines a r e l u b r i c a t e d by These engines a r e l u b r i c a t e d by

t h e p e t r o l - o i l system t h e w e t s u m p system

This i s carried out by mixing The petrol tank must be filled with
thoroughly one part of oll t o sixteen a good quality petrol, and please note
parts of petrol, equivalent t o plnt that oil Is N O T mixed with the petrol
of oil t o 1 gallon of petrol. for the above engines.

W e recommend Castrol XXL oil.

I W e recommend Castroi GTX oil.

Petrol and oil must be mixed Before starting the engine, check
together before filling the tank. the o i l level in the sump.

D o not, under any circumstances, This should be up t o the top

put neat petrol Into the tank. and do of the filler plug hole. If it is not,
not add oil direct t o the tank, o r block- then top up with the recommended
age o f the petrol filter may occur. grade above.

The useful life and good service o f your

engine depends upon the above simple instructions
being carried out.

The petrol tank holds Q gall. of fuel.

Always use a good grade of petrol
This is carried out at one main point only. See Fig. Ibelow.
The machine is dispatched from the W o r k s filled w i t h the correct amount
and grade o f oil.
To check the oil level in the machine, stand the machine on level
ground and remove the oil level plug. If oil comes from this hole, no more
oil i s necetsary and the oil level plug should be replaced. making sure that it
i s screwed back tightly.
If no oil flows from this hole, remove the filler plug and pour oil in
slowly until it flows from the oil level hole, replace both plugs and tighten up.
It i s not advisable t o check the oil level immediately after the machine
has been running as the oil will be frothed up.
Use Castrol XXL oil. O n no account must grease o r very thick oil be



Keep the cutting mechanism oiled when not in use with an oil-can.
Particular care should be paid t o cleanlng down and oiling the cutting blade
after use, t o prevent rusting. The Control Jolnts on the machine should
receive a little oil occasionally. Use same quallty oil as for engine.
Do not oil cutting mechanism while actually working as oil only collects
g r i t and causes undue wear.

See that the petrol tank Is full. See page 2.

See that the drive clutch Is out o f

gear. The clutch hand lever should
be clear o f the notch on the
trlgger, and the machlne free to
move forwards o r backwards. See
Fig. 2.

Turn on the petrol tap.

Qpen throttle wide by presslng the

control on the left-hand handle-
bar fully downwards

Close strangler on the air cleaner.

Flood urburetter by presslng the

tickler button on the carburetter
until the petrol flows out.

Fig. 3
W r a p the starting cord round the
engine pulley i n r clockwise
direction. See Fig. 4.
Stand on the right-hand side of
the machine, facing forward.
Spin the engine as fast as possible. -
using both hands on the starting

cord and giving r firm pull and .
accelerating sharply towards the
end, pulling the cord across the
Fig. 4
body at about waist height.

Open t h e Strangler flap as soon as

the engine starts up.

W h e n r e s t a r t i n g a w a r m englne
open throttle wide, but do n o t flood
t h e carburetter o r close t h e

The Mk. 25 two-stroke englne is fitted with a governor, which cuts out
the ignltion at an englne speed of approximately 2,400 revolutions per minute,
causing the englne t o fire intermittently, thus keeping the speed within safe
limits. I f this happens it Is an lndlcation that the throttle i s open too much
and closing the throttle a little will allow the engine t o run steadily when under
In order t o obtain the best efficiency and t o economize in petrol, the
throttle should only be opened enough t o allow the englne t o develop
sufficient power for the work being carried out.
Start t h e englne as Instructed.

Ease t h e machine f o r w a r d at the

same time lifting the clutch hand
lever up lnto the notch In the
trigger. See Fig. 6.

O p e n t h e t h r o t t l e according t o the work being undertaken.

Keep t h e c u t t e r b a r In light contact with the surface of the ground, the
roughest of growths can be tackled with ease this way.
Saplings up t o 9" are cut easily, larger ones up t o 1)" may be cut by easing
the machlne forward wlth the clutch disengaged.
A n a u t o m a t i c safety slip c l u t c h i s fitted In the machlne t o prevent damage
In the case of obstructlons which cannot be cut.
W a l k comfortably, upright, in between the handlebars.
D o not push the machine, it has ample power.
D o n o t overlap y o u r previous cut. The cut materlal, no matter how tall,
will pass easlly beneath the machlne. as the speclal tread tyres take It
back from the cutters.
C u t t i n g blader should b e rharpened every f o u r o r flve w o r k i n g hours.
A keen blade means good work, free from choking and tearing.
Keep t h e tyres pumped up really hard. (40 Ibs. p.s.1.).
T o stop t h e machine pull trigger right back, and hold until clutch hand lever
falls lnto neutral.
T o s t o p t h e engine Just close the throttle.
D o n o t t o u c h any part of the cutting mechanlsm when the englne Is runnlng.
A t t e n t i o n t o cleanllness, lubrication, sharpnew and correct settlng of knives
I s essentlal If the best results are t o be rnalntalned.
Bad c u t t i n g Is usually due t o the followlng causes :-
Blunt Knlfe Sections.
Worn and rounded edges of the Flnger Inserts.
The Knife Bar Pads not presslng suficlently on the Knlfe Sectlons t o
ensure even contact between them and the steel Inserts In the Fingers.
Operator uslng the machine correctly.
N o t e the comfortable walking posltlon.

Finger bar in Ilght contact with the

ground, leaving a short even stubble.

Flg. 7 Correcr.

Fig. 8. Incorrect.

Operator attempting to push the machine, making hard work. Handle-

bars pressed down, thereby raking the finger bar from the ground and leaving
a long uneven stubble.
The Easy Turn Ratchet Drlve is fitted t o enable the ALLEN MOTOR
SCYTHE t o be turned round sharp corners and manauvred with ease. T o
obtain this advantage one Ratchet on each wheel Is held out of gear
by means of the small catch.
To prevent the machine over-runnlng on slopes it IS necessary to release
these small catches so that the two pawls on each wheel engage with the
ratchet centres. Thls setting can also help In keeping the machlne on a
straight course when cutting over rough surfaces.
Be sure t o reset the pawl on both wheels when the machlne Is required
for ordinary use.
Lubricate the wheels by means of the oll-can through the oll holes on the
hub of each wheel.


Remove the t w o Knlfe Bar Pads

in one side only of the Cutter Bar.
Prise the Rocker Sprlng out of the
Knife Bar Lug with the Spring Lifter
provided in the Tool K i t and slide the
Knlfe Bar out on the side from which
the pads have been removed. To
avold injury t o the operator It Is
advisable t o use a spanner t o slide the
Knife Bar out, as shown In Flg. 9.

When replaclng the Knife Blade, llft the Rocker Spring as above and
sllde the Blade Into posltion, letting the Rocker Spring drop into the Knlfe
Bar Lug. Refit the Knlfe Bar Pads In their correct posltion and tighten up
the nuts.
O n machines fltted with Offset Cutting Unlts there is no need t o remove
any of the Knlfe Bar Pads.
Remove t h e Knife Blade as Flg. 9.
Hold It in a vice by the Knife Bar so
that the Knlfe Sections are laying flat
and pointing away from the operator.
The Knife Sectlons can then be filed
sharp by means o f the special file pro-
vided in the Tool Kit. A square car-
borundum stone may be used i f pre-
Make sure that the origlnal angle
of the cutting edge is maintained.
Flg. 10
W h e n the flat t i p o f the Knife
Sectlon has w o r n t o a point it is an Indication that this particular section i s
worn o u t and it should be replaced by a new section at once.
Hard spots are sometlmes found on Knife Sections; this Is only surface
scale and can be removed w l t h a rubbing stone. It is false economy t o use
badly w o r n blades o r fingers. Renew i n good time and maintain cutting

These are the four Pads whlch keep the Knlfe Sections in contact w i t h
the hardened steel Inserts of the Fingers.
The correct adjustment of these pads Is one o f the most important polntr
requiring regular attention.
To maintain effectlve cutting it is absolutely essential that they make
llght but flrm contact with the backs of the Knife Sections, thus keeping
the knives in close contact w l t h the hardened steel inserts o f the Flngers.
In order t o obtain a clean shearing action.
Adjustment o f the pads Is readily carrled out by easing off the holding
down nut and then screwlng in the slotted screw with a screwdriver, o r
readjustlng Hexagon head screw under rear of pad until the front of the pad
presses lightly without pinching on t o the backs o f the sections when the
holdlng down nut is tightened.
Neglect o f this slmple settlng w l l l result I n unnecessary wear t o the whole
cutting assembly.
When left- or rlght-hand is mentioned, this is always determined by
looklng from the back of the machine (operator's posltlon between the
handle-bars) towards the front of the machine.
The ALLEN MOTOR SCYTHE is so designed that the user has a cholce
of three cuttlng posltions, either Central shown in Flg. 12, or left-hand Offset
as shown in Flg. 13, o r right-hand Offset.
The Finger Bar Is drilled so that it can be used In any of the three posltions
and the only extra part requlred t o change from one position t o another is
a spare Knife Blade complete, either parts number 422, 449 R.H. o r 449 L.H.
ucordinq t o the positlon deslred.


Remove the two rlght-hand Pads and take out the Knife Blade as descrlbed
on page 8.
Tap the rlght-hand outside Pad Bolt out of its hole and fit It in the vacant
rquare hole In the centre of the Flnger Bar, see Flg. 12. Replace both Pads,
the Inside right-hand one in Its orlginal position and the outslde one in Its
new positlon in the centre o f the Finger Bar.
Undo the three nuts that hold the Finger Bar t o the Gear Case foot,
remove the Flnger Bar and replace it in a left-hand Offset position so that the
three holes in the right-hand end of the Finger Bar mate up wlth the three
holes in the Gear Case foot, replace nuts and tighten up. Lock washers are
necessary t o keep the nuts tight, If broken they should be replaced by new ones.
Slide a left-hand Blade, Part No. 449 L.H., into positlon. letting the Rocker
Spring into the drlvlng Lug.
To change to right-hand Offset follow the above instructions, reading

right-hand for left-hand and vice versa and use Knlfe Blade, Part No. 449 R.H.

Swath Boards are supplied either right- or left-hand, Part Nos. 698 R.H.
o r 698 L.H and are not interchangeablefor either hand.


Flg. 12. Central Cut.

A separate leaflet describes the Swath Board and Its fittlng.

Fig. 13. Ldr-hand OHsrt Cut shown In position.

Note.-Alternatlve complete Cutter Assemblies are available, namely :-

2 ft. 0 In. wide for confined places.
4 ft. 0 in. wlde for cilltlvated crops.
The Fingers should be replaced by new ones as soon as the edges over
which the Knife Sections slide become rounded or the guards over the
Knives broken.
Correct adjustment of the Knife Blade and the Knife Bar Pads will save
excessive wear of the Fingers.
The part of the Fingers over which the Knives sllde must all be in line so
that the Knives press evenly on all the Fingers at once. Keep the points on the
Flngers sharp so that they may part the grass without dragging.
A set of Fingers for a standard three-foot Finger Bar consists of nine
Single Fingers, Part No. 6, one right-hand double Finger, Part No. 6 R.H.,
and one left-hand double Finger, Part No. 6 L.H.

The Servo clutch Is set correctly on assembly, and should not need any
attention for many months.
The correct setting is for the clutch hand lever (854) t o be just free of the
notch in the clutch release trigger (846) when the clutch i s felt t o be fully
engaged. When in this position the set screw in the pawl lifting lever (849)
should be set t o leave 1/16 In. clearance between its end and the base of the
ratchet pawl (845). The clutch hand lever ( 8 9 ) can now be sprung llghtly Into
the retaining notch of the clutch release trigger (846) and the trigger (846)
released without undue pressure.
The tyres fitted t o the ALLEN MOTOR SCYTHE are specially designed
t o prevent clogglng with the cut grass.
They will only work effectively if fitted t o the machine the right way round
wlth the studs on the outside.
Tyrer must be kept inflated hard. (Approx. 40 Ibs. p.s.1.).
In the event of a puncture, it i s nor usually necessary completely t o remove
the tyre o r the road wheel from the machine. It will often facllltate the repair
of punctures If the cutting unlt Is removed completely, thus enabling the
machine t o be turned over on Its side with the damaged tyre uppermost.
In the event of r tyre bslng damaged beyond repair It Is advisablr t o
replace It by a slmllar speclal tread tyre whlch can be obtained from our


The two.stroke englne fitted t o the ALLEN MOTOR SCYTHE i s of the

m x t slmple and robust design, there being only three main moving parts in the
whole englne.
Startlng should be easy under all condltions provldlng the lnstructlons on
pages 4 and 5 are noted. If the englne does not start after a reasonable number
of trials, check f l r s t of all t o see If there i s an ample flow of petrol t o the
carburetter when the tlckler button i s pressed. If fuel does not flow freely,
check the filters In the petrol line and the vent hole In the petrol tankcap. There
Is unlikely t o be anythtng further wrong wlth the englne itself, but a check
may be made of the ignition. The sparklng plug should be unscrewed and lard
on top of the englne, taklng care that the termlnal does not touch the cylinder.
When the englne Is rotated with the starting cord, a spark should appear at the
plug polnts. If there i s no spark the plug should be dlsmantled and thoroughly I
cleaned and the gap between the polnts set t o ,015 of an inch, This i s about the
thickness of an ordinary postcard. If there Is s t i l l no spark the high tenslon lead
should be checked t o see that It Is not chafed o r burnt through and that it has
not become loose In the vulcanlte termlnal on the magneto. This terminal
may be unscrewed, and it wlll be seen that at the end there is a small carbon
finger which Is spring loaded and stands out about r. This forms the T.V.
suppressor and should press flrmly on t o the brass disc on the high tension toll
in the magneto whlch should be qulte clean. The end of the carbon finger I S
copper plated, and should It be damaged in any way It Is better t o replace the
whole hlgh tenslon lead complete. If you should st111 get dlfnculty In obtalnlng
a spark It will be necessary t o remove the starter pulley and fan cowllng so as t o
expose the contact breaker box, the cover of whlch i s held In place by a ~ p r l n g
nut. Removal of this will disclose the contact breaker points which on rotation
of the fly-wheel should open about .OlS of an Inch. If they do not open suffi-
ciently, adjustment can be obtalned by releaslng the large hexagon nut wlth the
box spanner In the tool k i t and moving the contact bracket t o glve the deslred
openlng. Thls should be checked wlth the points In the open posltlon. The
points themselves must be qulte clean, If dlrty or olly a slip o f card dlpped into
cleanlng fluld should be placed between the polnts and the fly-wheel rotated so
the polnts close on t o the card whlch may then be! wlthdrawn, cleanlng off any
011 or dlrt. Care should be taken t o leave the polnts qulte clean. The spark Is
timed t o take place # before top dead centre. These are the normal Items
whlch can be checked, and If a spark stlll cannot be obtalned It wlll be advlsable
t o call In one of our Dealers.
The carburetter itself does not need frequent adjustment but should be kept
clean. After a long period of runnlng a certain amount of wear can take place
on the fuel needle and seat, Increasing sllghtly the height of the petrol level In
the float chamber. The needle should be renewed t o correct thls. The taper
needle In the end o f the throttle sllde wlll also wear sllghtly In the centre plece
and jet. Lenghenlng the taper needle wlll compensate for thls wear. Thls Is
carrled out by screwing down In a clockwlse dlrectlon the screw found In the
top centre of the throttle sllde. Eventual renewal o f these t w o parts may become
Dlfflcult starting when the englne Is hot usually lndlcates wear o f the parts
mentioned above causing an over-rich mlxtore.
If the englne has been choked when hot wlthdraw the throttle sllde from
the carburetter, start the englne and then replace the throttle sllde whlle the
engine Is runnlng. Keep throttle control on handlebar wide open.
The sllencer and exhaust port should be kept clean, and decarbonlzlng of
the englne only undertaken when this Is felt t o be absolutely necessary. The
only polnt t o take care of when decarbonlzlng Is t o see that the cyllnder Is
llfted straight off the plston and replaced In the same manner. Vwlsting round
may cause breakage of the plston rlngs.
The Mark 25c two-stroke englne on the Allen Scythe has a speclal form of
governlng o r speed llmitlng device. Thls Is by means of a centrlfugal sectlon
on the boss o r centre o f the fly-wheel whlch operates the make and break
mechanism. A t a speed of approximately 2,400 thls sectlon raises agalnst the
control spring and cuts out the ignition for one or two revolutions. thus keeping
the speed within the prescribed limits. This governor mechanism should not
require any adjustment except perhaps when the engine needs a complete
overhaul by one of the manufacturer's accredited Dealers. With a wlde open
throttle on a light load the governor will operate which will be indicated by
unsteady firing. An increase in the load or alternatively closing the throttle
will allow the englne t o run smoothlv.


Before starting the engine be careful t o check the oil level in the sump.
This should be up t o the top of the filler hole. The correct oil t o use is shown
on page 2. The petrol tank must be filler1 with a good quality petrol and please
note that oil i s not mixed with the petrol. The oiling system on this engine Is
entirely separate.

Starting the engine i s by nieans of a cord which Is wrapped round the starter
pulley In a clockwise dlrection. Before rotating the englne the petrol tap
should be opened and the strangler on the air cleaner closed and the carburetter
flooded by pressing the tickler button on top of the float chamber. The englne
Is pulled over sharply uslng both hands on the starting cord and acceleratlng
sharply a t end of pull at about waist height. When the engine starts up open the
choke gradually until the engine runs smoothly with the choke fully open. When
startlng a warm englne the same procedure should be adopted, but do not strangle
or flood the carburetter. This Is unnecessary and may make startlng difficult.
Failure t o obtain a ready start may be due t o failure In the fuel supply and It
should be checked t o see that the petrol tap is open. If the petrol does not flow
freely t o the carburetter when the tickler button i s pressed the petrol filters
should be checked. One may be found where the petrol pipe joins the
carburetter and the other fitted to the petrol tap and projecting upwards Into
the petrol tank.
The ignition should also be checked, and this may be done by removing the
sparking plug and reconnecting the high tension lead t o the sparking plug which
may be laid on top of the engine, taking care that the terminal does not touch the
cylinder. When the engine is rotated a spark should appear at the plug polnts.
If there i s no spark the plug should be dismantled and thoroughly cleaned. The
gap between the potnts being set t o .015 of an inch. This Is about the thickness
of an ordinary postcard. If there is still no spark the high tension lead should
be checked t o see that it i s not chafed or burnt through and that it has not
become loose in the vulcanite termlnal. on the magneto. The correct type of
sparking plug is a Lodge CB3.
If you should s t i l l get difficulty In obtaining a spark the same procedure
should be applied as mentioned on the previous page in reference t o the magneto.
The same also applies t o the carburetter.
This engine being a four-stroke, it is fitted wlth an inlet and exhaust valve
and when occasion arises for decarbonizing these valves should be lifted off
the seats and checked whether they require regrinding. When the valve
springs are compressed the split tappet collars which hold the bottom spring
seat in place can be removed thus allowing the valves t o be taken out. All
traces of grinding compound must be removed before reassembly of the valves.
A suitable grade of valve grinding compound is Carborundum No. 360 fine.
When the valves are closed there must be a clearance between the end of the
valve stem and the tappet cap. Shims are fitted between the tappet cap and may
be added or removed t o provide necessary adjustment. Clearance should be
between .006of an inch and ,010.
The magneto timing on this engine i s set so that the spark occurs of an
inch before top dead centre.
The governor on thls engine Is of the centrifugal type with an external
adjustment. This Is set t o give an engine speed o f 2,400 r.p.m. which gives a
satisfactory speed for all normal cutting purposes and is set t o give the correct
speed for operating various attachments. It should not be altered. If any
alteration Is made great care should be taken t o reset the governor before any
of the attachments are used, particularly with the Generator, as damage may be
caused by generating excess voltage.
Care should be taken t o see that the oil level Is maintained and, if necessary,
topped up with the recommended grade of oil. The sump must be level when
checking otherwise an incorrect amount of oil may be put in. After every 100
hours' operation drain all the old oil from the sump by removing the small slotted
plug fitted at the side. Thls is best done when the engine is warm as the oil
will then run freely. Refill the sump with clean new oil o f the correct grade. If
the above operation is not carried out at the proper intervals the operation o f
the engine may be affected due t o excessive wear.


This engine forms an alternative power unit for the Allen Scythe for those
users who prefer a four-stroke engine. I t s weight, speed and power are for all
practical purposes identical t o the standard two-stroke. Thls engine is fitted
with overhead valves and sump lubrication. Petrol only should be used in the
petrol tank. The lubricating oil Is In the si!mp and should be kept up t o the
t o p of the filler hole. O n no account should oil be added t o petrol. The
correct grades of oil are shown on page 2.
The starting and running instructions for this engine are similar in most
respects t o those given relating t o the Villiers Mark 25 four-stroke. Any diffi-
culty in starting should be given a similar routine. Checking the method of
governing and maintenance is also the same.
The breather valve which i s fitted into the side of the top cover should be
taken apart and cleaned in petrol after approximately 200 running hours. The
pad should be softened in the fingers before being replaced. The valve clearance
on this engine should be .006 of an Inch for the exhaust valve and .003 for the
inlet. These clearances refer t o a cold engine. The magneto is timed so that
the contact breaker points commence t o open when the piston is of an inch
before t o p dead centre.
-- - - - -
376 I Pinion
417 I Petrol cock
417A I Petrol cock filter
4 18 I Filler cap and measure (up t o M/C.
No. 5 1,680)
51 1 I Sparking plug
516 I Washer for petrol cock
562 I Throttle cable clip
593 3 Self-tapping screws for machine number
plate (2) and cllp 562 (1)
594 I Shield transfer
64 1 I Felt washer for englne register (MIC.
No. 40,000 and up)
644 i 25C Engine, complete w i t h carburetter,
silencer, pinion, felt washer and cable
clip (M /C. No. 40,000 and up)
645 I Carburetter " Junlor " and air cleaner
(M/C. No. 40,000 and up)
652 I Silencer (M /C. No. 40.000 and up)
663 I Petrol pipe and unions (flexible)
718 I Petrol tank
732 I Transfer (Clutch Instructions)
740 I Flller cap and measure (M/C. No. 51,681
and up)
D.758 1 I Inlet manlfold (curved)
V.496 I A l r cleaner
V.611E 1 A l r cleaner adapter
V.326 I Body cllp
V . 1 0 7 ~16 I Body clip scrcw
V.234B/DQ I Control cable complete
E.422 I N u t for drivlng shaft
E.424 I Spring washer for drivlng shaft
E.1130 I Sllencer cllp
E.435 I Silencer clip bolt
E.364 I Sllencer cllp bolt nut
M.205 I I Felt strip for fan cowl
494 I High tenslon lead 17" complete
M.4 I Waterproof plug cover
E.7 100 I Bolt inlet manifold
E.6902 I Stud inlet manifold
Joint washer inlet manlfold

E.6965 I
E.40 1 I Nut +" I
--- -
83 A I Nut for cutter crank )"
85 I Split pin I" x 4" for cutter crank
89 6 N u t for engine stud and bell crank bolt
124 4 Washer for engine stud
. 220 2 Washer for petrol tank set screw
285 I Crank die
288 2 Ball bearing for cutter crank
289 I Bolt and nut for balance weight
289A I Spllt pin I"x Q" for balance weight
3 14 2 Bolt and nut for rocker spring
3 14A 2 Lock washer for rocker sprlng bolts
373 I Worm
?77 I Gear wheel
378 2 Frlction plate
379 I Slip clutch sprlnp
380 I Cutter crank
385 3 Bolt and nut for gear case cover
386 4 Englne stud
387 I Balance weight
3 89 I Rocker fulcrllm
39 1 I Back dlstance piece
3 92 I Front distance piece
395 I Gear case
3961425 I Gear case cover and fulcrum bush
400 I Gear case cap
406 I N u t for bell crank bolt
408 I Rocker spring
410 4 Handlebar keep
424 2 Axle bush
425 I Rocker fulcrum bush
428 8 Set screws for gear case cover and petrol
tank fixing
429 8 Stud and nut for handlebar keep
430 I Lock washer for balance weight bolt
433 I Felt washer for rocker fulcrum
434 I Oil filler plug
435 I O i l level plug
437 I Bolt for bell crank
455 2 Circlip
502 I Washer for cutter crank
503 I Split pin 1"x &" for bell crank fulcrum
504 2 Dowel pin for axle bush




Road wheel (key fitting)

194 2 Outer cover
195 2 Inner tube
206 2 Key for road wheel No. 193
372 I Worm wheel
3 74 I Drlven dog
375 2 Tab washer for axle
38 1 I Axle (for key fittlng wheels)
3 82 I Brldle
393 I Spring for brldle
4 15 I Bell crank
42 1 4 Set screw for road wheel (key fitting)
426 I Road wheel (cast Iron tread)
477 I Long axle 3 ft.
478 4 Collar for long axle
55 1 I Axle for ratchet drive

The following tools are supplled with a new machine and, except
where otherwlse Ilrted, are shown on Plate No. I.



452 I Llfter for rocker sprlng

E.3815 I Tubular box spanner
E.3816 I Tubular box spanner tommy bar
M. 1665 I Screw driver and gauge magneto polnt
0.2497 I Sparklng plug spanner
62 I 011can
421A I Wrench for set screw (shown on Plate

3 48
3 49
qd" x QI spanner (not shown)
94 I Starting cord
94 A I Handle for startlng cord
453 I Reaper file
When ordering Spares, please quote Part Number and
Machine Number


546 4 Pawl stud split pin I"x 4"
547 2 Pawl catch
548 2 Pawl catch washer
549 2 Pawl catch fulcrum pin
550 2 Pawl spring
55 1 I Axle for ratchet drive
552 2 Ratchet centre
553 2 Ratchet centre key
554 2 Road wheel only, ratchet drive for 4"
676 2 Road wheel only, ratchet drlve for b"
555 2 Set screw for ratchet centre and long
axle collar
556 2 Springwell oil-cup

542 4 Pawl with 1" hole IMPORTANT

544 4 Pawl stud f" dla. Machines up to
545 8 Pawl stud washer '4 hole N O * i . ~ ~ ~ , u s e
685 4 Pawl stud nut 4" B.S.F.
667 4 Pawl with f " hole
668 4 Pawl stud #" dla. Machine No.
44,236 and u p
669 4 Pawl stud nut 8" B.S.F. ,ds
670 8 Pawl stud washer #" hole pawls

677 2 Steel washer for axle on ratchet drive


I I2 Knife section
5 I 3-ft knife bar
6 9
6 RH I
6 LH I
73A 4
73 B 20 Rlvet (short) for knife section
75 B 16 Bolt for finger and tlnger bar fixing
75 D 3 Lock washer for above
246 4 Knife pad
249 4 Bolt and nut for knife pad
28 1 I Knlfe bar lug
282 I 3-ft. Flnger bar
409 R I Handlebar, r l ht-hand
409 L I Handlebar, left-hand
4 13 I Clutch lever
414 I Clutch dra link
422 I %,
3-ft. Spare lade, central
446 I Throttle control
449 R I 3-ft. Spare blade, right-hand offset
449 L I 3-ft. Spare blade. left-hand offset
45 1 I Clutch lever pln
456 I Clutch tri ger
457 I Trlgger f u k r u n bracket
458 I Clutch trigger pin
512 I Clutch trlgger sprlng
514 4 Split pln Q"x for clutch lever pln and
drag link
515 I Spllt pin Q"x&" for clutch trlgger pin
50 1 I 3-ft. Standard Central Cutting
559A 2 SplIt pln I t " x &' for throttle boss
560 13 Ledger plate
56 1 13 Rlvet for ledger plate
564 I Cft. Standard Cutting Assembly
597 I 4-ft. Spare blade, central
36 1 I 4-ft. Finger bar
362 I 4-ft. Knife bar
569 I 2-ft Standard Cutting Assembly
607 I 2-ft. Spare blade, central
567 I 2-ft. Knife bar
568 I 2-ft. Finger bar
698 R 1 Swath board, right-hand
698 L I Swrth board, left-hand


89 Nut, Q-in.
124 Bright flat washer
406 Nut for bell crank bolt
410 Handlebar keep
45 1 Clutch lever pin
458 Clutch trlgger pin
514 Spllt pln
539 Set screw key
550 Sprlng
677 Steel axle washer
778 Adjustable knlfe bar pad
778A Adjusting screw
840 Plate
84 1 Pawl llftlng lever pivot
842 Ratchet pawl pivot bush
843 Saw tooth ratchet
844 Spacing collar
845 Ratchet pawl
846 Clutch release t r l ger
847 f
Clt~tchoperating ever
Handlebar, right-hand
849 Pawl !iftlng lever
850 Push rod
85 1 Servo drag llnk
852 Clutch release trigger spring
853 Road wheel axle
854 Servo clutch lever
855 Guard, rl ht-hand
856 f
Guard, le t-hand
857 Stud, short
858 Stud, long
859 Key for 843
860 Set screw for ratchet
86 1 Pawl stop set screw
862 Pawl pivot bolt
863 Brlght flat washer
864 Nut, *-In.
870 Bridle. +-in.
87 1 Fulcrum bolt
a72 Adjusting screw
- )-in. shakeproof washer
- &-In. shakeproof washer
- #-In. shakeproof washer

Driving shafts should only be taken apart by a skllled mechanic. Special

tools are required for ensuring alignment when reassembling, and as the makers
have these facllitles, repalrs can be undertaken by them at the lowest cost.

It Is Important that air leaks sholrld be avoided at the following points:-

(a) Between inlet plpe and cyllnder.

(b) Between inlet pipe and carburetter.

(c) Between cyllnder base and crankcase.
( d ) Between the two halves of crankcase.

When decarbonizing the engine It is very important that silencers and

exhaust pipes are also cleaned out.

Avoid all sharp bends In the carburetter control cables.


When ordering spare parts, please quote the part number (see Parts
Book) together with the machine number. The machine number will be
found stamped on the oval brass plate on the left-hand side near the top of
the engine cowling.
Always use genuine Allen Parts.
Should any difficulty arise which is not dealt with in this handbook, please
communicate immediately with your local dealer or with us direct:-


HE goods supplied by the Company shall be accepted by the purchaser
subject t o the conditions hereinafter mentioned and subject t o the
following express warranty, which excludes all warranties, conditions
and liabilities whatsoever. whether statutory o r otherwise, which might exist
against the Company, but for provision, viz.:
In the event of any defect being disclosed In any part o r parts of the goods
and i f the part o r parts alleged t o be defective are returned t o the Company's
works carriage paid within six months after delivery, the Company undertakes
t o examine same, and should any fault due t o defective material o r workmanship
be found on examination by the Company, It will repair the defective part o r
supply free of charge a new part i n place thereof.
The Company's responsibility is limited t o the terms of this guarantee, and
i t shall not be answerable for any contingent o r resulting liability. o r loss arising
through any defects.
Thls guarantee does not relate t o defects caused by wear and tear, misuse o r
neglect, o r t o the defects in any parts which have been altered after leaving the
Company's works.
JOHN ALLEN & SONS (OXFORD) LIMITED issue no warranty of the goods
except as stated herein. This warranty is limited t o the despatch t o the pur-
chaser without charge except for transportation of the part o r parts, whether
new o r repaired, In exchange for those acknowledged by the Company t o be
defective. The purchaser shall send t o the Company's Works such part o r parts
as are alleged o r claimed t o be defective promptly on discovery of the claimed
defect. Transportation is t o be prepaid by the purchaser, and said part o r parts
t o be properly packed for transit and clearly marked for identification with the
name and full address o f the purchaser and with the maker's number of the
machine from which the said part o r parts were taken.
The purchaser shall post t o the Company at its works on o r before despatch
of such part o r parts alleged t o be defective, a full and complete description of
the claim and the reasons therefor.
- The Company does not guarantee the specialities of other firms, such as
magnetos, carburetters, etc.
The judgment of JOHN ALLEN & SONS (OXFORD) LIMITED in all cases o f
claims shall be final and conclusive, and the purchaser agrees t o sccept its decision
on all questions as t o defecqs and t o the exchange of part o r parts. After the
expiration o f six days from the despatch of notification of the Company's decision,
the part o r parts submitted may be scrapped o r returned, carriage forward. by
the Company.
- -
L24754 4/69 2MX) Church Army P w . C o w l ~ Oxford.
, England. 7193

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