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Unit 6: How do they do it? Unit 6: How do they do it?

Student A Student B
1 Read the sentences. Your partner will finish them 1 Your partner will read out some incomplete
with one word. sentences. Complete them using the following
1 The film wasn’t just funny, it was … words: delighted, hilarious, sense, enormous, way.
2 The house wasn’t just big, it was … Now read the following sentences. Your partner
3 They weren’t just happy, they were … will finish them with one word.
4 I don’t understand why; it just doesn’t make … 1 The flat wasn’t small, it was …
5 You don’t need to drive me home; I can make my 2 The film wasn’t just good, it was …
own … 3 Good luck with your test; I hope you do really …
Now complete your partner’s sentences using the 4 I want a job which I will enjoy and I don’t care if I
following words: money, amazing, well, tiny, time. don’t make much …
5 You really should make … to read this book - it’s
2 Make sentences in the passive using the prompts
below. Tell your partner if you think they are true
or false. Your partner will check your answers. 2 You are an expert on the production of tea.
How tea leaves are produced Read the following paragraph. Then check your
partner’s sentences, correcting them if necessary.
1 tea / grow / in Africa and Australia
Tea is grown in China, Africa, India and Sri Lanka.
Traditionally, the leaves are picked by hand but
2 tea leaves / not pick / by hand
nowadays machines are also used. The leaves are taken
to a nearby factory to be dried. Then the leaves are
3 they / take / to a factory to be dried rolled or chopped to dry them out further. Finally,
they are dried with hot air. Black and green teas are
4 they / heat / in a cooking stove all made from the same plant. Sometimes spices such
as cinnamon or ginger are added to create special
flavoured teas.
5 green and black tea / not make / from the same plant
3 Make sentences in the passive using the prompts
below. Tell your partner if you think they are true
6 spices / sometimes / add / for flavour
or false. Your partner will check your answers:
Food farming in the future
3 You are an expert on food farming in the future. 1 In the future / food / grow / in water
Read the following paragraph. Then check your
partner’s sentences, correcting them if necessary:
2 farms / locate / in the ocean
In the future, food will be grown in water, instead of
soil. Layers of plants will be placed on top of each
other and fed with water and nutrients. These vertical 3 chemicals / not use
farms will be built on top of buildings or underground.
Some chemicals will be needed to sterilize the water, 4 more water / need / than in traditional farming
and artificial light will be needed to make the plants
grow, but pesticides will not be needed and far less
5 salads and herbs / produce / much faster
water will be wasted. This method will mainly be
suitable for salads and herbs which will be produced
in greater quantities and more quickly than by

traditional farming methods.

Think Level 3 Unit 6 Communication PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018

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