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SF[m3/t] = stowge factor (indice de stivuire)

Weight [kg] = masa marfii din magazine = V/SF

VCG [m]= centrul de greutate vertical (aflat din stability loading manual)

VCG’ [m]= centrul de greutate vertical corectat pt efectul suprafetelor libere

LCG [m]= centrul de greutate longitudinal

TCG [m]= centrul de greutate transversal

FSM – free surface moment ( Free surface effects should be considered whenever the filling level in a tank is less
than 98%)

Vertical moment [tm] = moment de inertie vertical = Weight * VCG

Longitudinal moment [tm] = moment de inertie longitudinal = Weight * LCG

Transversal moment [tm] = moment de inertie transversal = Weight * TCG

MCT = moment to change trim 1 cm

LCB [m] = centrul de plutire longitudinal

GG’= corectia pentru suprafetele libere

GM(solid) = inaltimea metacentrica

G’M (lichid) =gm corectat pt efectul suprafetelor libere

GZ (G’N sin ϴ) = bratul fortei de revenire

ϴ (fi) = unghiul de inclinare

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