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eNursing Care Plan 33-1

Patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Nursing Diagnosis*
Impaired Cardiac Output
Etiology: Altered contractility, altered heart rate and rhythm
Supporting data: Decrease in BP, elevation in HR, dyspnea, dysrhythmias, diminished
pulses, peripheral edema, pulmonary edema

Patient Goal
Maintains stable signs of effective cardiac output

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Tissue Perfusion: Cardiac Cardiac Care: Acute
 Angina ___  Monitor cardiac rhythm and rate and trends in BP and
 Dysrhythmia ___ hemodynamic parameters to monitor for changes in
 Tachycardia ___ cardiac output, BP, and heart rhythm, which may lead to
 Bradycardia ___ coronary hypoperfusion.
 Profuse diaphoresis ___  Auscultate lungs for crackles or other adventitious
 Nausea ___ sounds that can indicate pulmonary edema.
 Vomiting ___  Monitor effectiveness of oxygen therapy (e.g., pulse
oximetry) to determine O2 of myocardial tissue and
Measurement Scale prevent further ischemia.
1 = Severe  Monitor serum cardiac biomarkers (troponin, CK-MB
2 = Substantial levels) to determine myocardial injury and recovery.
3 = Moderate  Monitor neurologic, renal, and liver function to evaluate
4 = Mild blood perfusion to vital organs.
5 = None

Nursing Diagnosis
Acute Pain
Etiology: Imbalance between myocardial O2 supply and demand
Supporting data: Patient’s report of chest pain and tightness with radiation of pain to the
neck and arms, increased cardiac biomarkers, ECG changes supporting ST-elevation MI

Patient Goal
Reports relief of pain

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Pain Control Cardiac Care
 Uses preventive measures  Evaluate chest pain (e.g., PQRST [see Table 33-7]) to
___ accurately evaluate, treat, and prevent further ischemia.
 Uses analgesics  Monitor vital signs frequently to determine baseline and

*Nursing diagnoses listed in order of priority.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 33-2

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

appropriately ___ detect ongoing changes.
 Reports uncontrolled  Obtain 12-lead ECG during pain episode to help
symptoms to health care differentiate angina from extension of MI or
professional ___ pericarditis.
 Reports pain controlled
_____ Pain Management
 Provide optimal pain relief with prescribed analgesics
Measurement Scale because pain exacerbates tachycardia and increases
1 = Never demonstrated BP.
2 = Rarely demonstrated  Consider the type and source of pain when selecting
3 = Sometimes demonstrated pain relief strategy because angina responds to opioids
4 = Often demonstrated
and measures that increase myocardial perfusion.
5 = Consistently demonstrated

Nursing Diagnosis
Etiology: Perceived or actual threat of death, pain, possible lifestyle changes
Supporting data: Restlessness, agitation, states concern over lifestyle changes and
prognosis, such as patient’s statement, “What if I die? Everyone relies on me”

Patient Goal
Reports decreased anxiety and increased sense of self-control

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Anxiety Level Anxiety Reduction
 Restlessness ___  Observe for verbal and nonverbal signs of anxiety to
 Verbalized apprehension identify signs of stress and intervene appropriately.
___  Identify when level of anxiety changes because anxiety
 Difficulty concentrating increases myocardial O2 consumption.
___  Use a calm, reassuring approach to avoid increasing
 Distress ___ patient’s anxiety.
 Teach patient on the use of relaxation techniques (e.g.,
Measurement Scale relaxation breathing, imagery) to enhance self-control
1 = Severe and reduce anxiety.
2 = Substantial  Encourage caregiver(s) and family member(s) to stay
3 = Moderate with patient to provide comfort and support.
4 = Mild
5 = None  Encourage verbalization of feelings, perceptions, and
fears to decrease anxiety and stress.
 Provide factual information concerning diagnosis,
treatment, and prognosis to decrease fear of the

Acceptance: Health Status  Coping Enhancement

 Recognizes reality of health  Provide the patient with realistic choices about certain
situation ___ aspects of care to support decision making.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 33-3

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

 Adjusts to change in health  Assist the patient in identifying positive strategies to
status ___ deal with limitations and manage needed lifestyle or
 Makes decisions about role changes.
health ___  Help the patient to grieve and work through the losses
of chronic illness to provide support.
Measurement Scale
1 = Never demonstrated
2 = Rarely demonstrated
3 = Sometimes demonstrated
4 = Often demonstrated
5 = Consistently demonstrated

Nursing Diagnosis
Activity Intolerance
Etiology: General weakness due to decreased cardiac output and poor lung and tissue
Supporting data: Patient’s report of fatigue with minimal activity, inability to care for self
without dyspnea and/or increased heart rate

Patient Goal
Achieves a realistic program of activity that balances physical activity with energy-
conserving activities

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Activity Tolerance Cardiac Care
 O2 saturation with activity  Monitor patient’s response to cardiac medications
___ because these drugs often affect BP and pulse.
 Pulse rate with activity ___  Encourage alternating activity and rest periods to avoid
 Ease of breathing with fatigue and to increase activity tolerance without
activity ___ rapidly increasing cardiac workload.
 Walking pace _____
 Ease of performing ADLs Energy Management
___  Assist the patient to understand energy conservation
principles (e.g., the requirement for restricted activity
Measurement Scale or bedrest) to conserve energy and promote healing.
1 = Severely compromised  Teach patient, caregiver(s), and family member(s)
2 = Substantially compromised techniques of self-care that will minimize
3 = Moderately compromised O2consumption (e.g., self-monitoring and pacing
4 = Mildly compromised techniques for performance of ADLs) to promote
5 = Not compromised
independence and minimize O2 consumption.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 33-4

Nursing Diagnosis
Lack of Knowledge
Etiology: Lack of knowledge of disease process, risk factor reduction, rehabilitation,
home activities, and medications
Supporting data: Questions about illness, management, and care after discharge

Patient Goal
Describes the disease process, measures to reduce risk factors, and rehabilitation
activities necessary to manage the therapeutic regimen

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Knowledge: Cardiac Cardiac Care: Rehabilitative
Disease Management
 Usual course of disease  Encourage realistic expectations for the patient,
process ___ caregiver(s), and family member(s) to promote realistic
 Signs and symptoms of decision making.
worsening disease ___  Teach patient, caregiver(s), and family member(s)
 Strategies to reduce risk about prescribed and over-the-counter drugs to promote
factors ___ compliance with drug regimens.
 Importance of completing  Teach the patient and caregiver about cardiac risk
cardiac rehabilitation factor modification (e.g., smoking cessation, diet,
program ___ exercise) to increase patient’s control of the illness.
 Benefits of following a  Teach the patient self-care of chest pain (e.g., take
low-fat, low-cholesterol sublingual nitroglycerin every 5 minutes three times; if
diet ___ chest pain unrelieved, seek emergency medical care).
 Benefits of regular exercise  Teach the patient and caregiver about the exercise
___ regimen, including warm-up, endurance, and cool-
down, to reduce cardiac risk factors.
Measurement Scale  Teach the patient and caregiver on wound care and
1 = No knowledge precautions (e.g., sternal incision or catheterization
2 = Limited knowledge site), if appropriate, to prevent infection and promote
3 = Moderate knowledge healing after invasive therapies.
4 = Substantial knowledge
5 = Extensive knowledge
 Teach the patient and caregiver how to access
emergency services available in their community to
enable them to obtain immediate care if needed.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

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