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OpenTouch Multimedia Services

OpenTouch Client Administrator Manual

Release 2.6 - March 2020

8AL90638USAH Ed. 01
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While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this
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Compatibilities, Product Limits, Software Policy and Feature Lists, please refer to the accurate
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Table of
contents OpenTouch Client Administrator

Chapter 1
Reference documents

Chapter 2

2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................12
2.2 About this document..............................................................................................................12

Chapter 3
Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

3.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................13
3.2 Deployment use cases......................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Deployment procedure overview............................................................................... 17
3.4 Configuring the firewall....................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Configuring the DNS server............................................................................................ 18
3.5.1 Public DNS configuration rules.................................................................................................... 18
3.5.2 Configuring the public DNS server............................................................................................. 18
3.5.3 Configuring the private DNS server........................................................................................... 19
3.6 Configuring the conferencing service on OpenTouch..........................20
3.7 Configuring a reverse proxy...........................................................................................21
3.7.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................21
3.7.2 Declaring the reverse proxy on OpenTouch.......................................................................... 23
3.7.3 Configuring certificate....................................................................................................................... 24
3.8 Configuring an OpenTouch Session Border Controller...................... 25
3.8.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................25

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Table of
contents OpenTouch Client Administrator

3.8.2 Declaring the OTSBC on the OpenTouch...............................................................................26

3.8.3 Associating the OTSBC profile to the OTC client applications ................................... 29
3.8.4 Installing and configuring an OTSBC........................................................................................32
3.8.5 Configuring the OpenTouch to allow OpenTouch users to access conferences
off-site....................................................................................................................................................... 32
3.9 Upgrading the OpenTouch ecosystem, removing the OTES..........32
3.10 OpenTouch user profiles....................................................................................................34
3.10.1 Profile with NOE/UA deskphone as main set........................................................................34
3.10.2 Profile with SIP deskphone as main set.................................................................................. 35
3.10.3 Profile with PC and smartphone.................................................................................................. 36
3.10.4 Profile with PC in standalone mode...........................................................................................37
3.10.5 Profile with smartphone in standalone mode........................................................................ 37
3.10.6 Profile with DSU and OTC smartphone as main device..................................................38
3.10.7 Profile with DSU and OTC PC as main device.................................................................... 40

Chapter 4
Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

4.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................43
4.2 About this section.....................................................................................................................43
4.3 Available features......................................................................................................................44
4.4 Interface overview.....................................................................................................................45
4.5 Topologies........................................................................................................................................ 52
4.5.1 On site topology...................................................................................................................................52
4.5.2 Off site topology (remote worker)................................................................................................52
4.6 Deployment procedure overview............................................................................... 54
4.7 Centralized management for OpenTouch Conversations
4.8 Configuring the OTC PC..................................................................................................... 56
4.8.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................56
4.8.2 Configuring the Nomadic GSM for OpenTouch users with an office phone...........56

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Table of
contents OpenTouch Client Administrator

4.8.3 Configuring the Nomadic SIP for OpenTouch users with an office phone..............60
4.8.4 Configuring the OpenTouch users to access CCD services from the OTC PC... 62
4.8.5 DeskSharing right for OpenTouch users with an office phone......................................63
4.8.6 Configuring the OTC PC for SIP extension users...............................................................66
4.8.7 Adding an OTC PC as secondary set for a multi device user.......................................73
4.8.8 Configuring video for OpenTouch users.................................................................................. 75
4.8.9 Limitations applying to OpenTouch users with a SIP deskphone as main set..... 76
4.8.10 Deleting a secondary device......................................................................................................... 77
4.9 Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem............................................................. 78
4.10 Installing the OTC PC on client computers......................................................79
4.10.1 Installing the OTC PC application on computers as standalone client.....................79
4.10.2 Installing the OTC PC on computers with collaboration clients................................... 95
4.11 Installing the OT Conference on client computers as standalone
client..................................................................................................................................................... 110
4.11.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................110
4.11.2 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................................110
4.11.3 Installing the OT Conference application on an single client computer................. 112
4.12 Using certificates for OpenTouch access authentication................116
4.13 Launching the OTC PC.......................................................................................................119
4.13.1 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................................119
4.13.2 Connecting to the OpenTouch server......................................................................................119
4.14 Displaying the type of user logged in..................................................................121
4.15 Configuring the multi-tenant settings on OTC PC.................................. 122
4.16 Configuring the OTC PC extension in Microsoft Outlook............... 123
4.17 Uninstalling the OTC PC from client computers...................................... 125
4.18 Migrating an OTC PC One to an OTC PC......................................................... 125
4.19 Accessing logs.......................................................................................................................... 125
4.20 Troubleshoooting: OTC PC integration............................................................. 126

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Table of
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Chapter 5
Implementing OTC smartphone

5.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................129
5.2 About this document............................................................................................................129
5.3 Available features....................................................................................................................129
5.4 Interface overview...................................................................................................................131
5.5 Dual mode (Wi-Fi/cellular) within company premises.........................134
5.6 VoIP communications outside company premises................................135
5.7 Topologies...................................................................................................................................... 136
5.7.1 On-site topology.................................................................................................................................136
5.7.2 Off-site topology for OpenTouch users with VoIP............................................................. 136
5.7.3 Off-site topology for OpenTouch users without VoIP ..................................................... 137
5.8 Deployment procedure overview............................................................................. 138
5.9 Configuring the OTC smartphone...........................................................................138
5.9.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................138
5.9.2 Prerequisite and information required.....................................................................................140
5.9.3 Configuring the OmniPCX Enterprise for mobility.............................................................140
5.9.4 Configuring OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings on OpenTouch.....................146
5.9.5 Associating an OTC smartphone to OpenTouch users.................................................. 151
5.9.6 Granting the right to off-site mobility to OpenTouch users............................................156
5.10 Centralized management for OpenTouch Conversations
5.11 Updating the binary of OTC Android Smartphones.............................. 159
5.11.1 Creating a binary package............................................................................................................159
5.11.2 Deploying the binary package.................................................................................................... 160
5.12 Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem........................................................... 160
5.13 Configuring the Apple Push Notification (APN) service on
5.14 Installing the OTC smartphone application on smartphones......161

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5.14.1 OTC Android Smartphone context........................................................................................... 161

5.14.2 OTC iPhone context........................................................................................................................ 162
5.15 Generating a QR code for OTC smartphone first startup................ 162
5.16 Importing the certificate used to connect to the reverse proxy 163
5.16.1 OTC iPhone context........................................................................................................................ 164
5.16.2 OTC Android Smartphone context........................................................................................... 166
5.17 Launching the OTC smartphone.............................................................................. 167
5.18 Modifying the connection parameters to the OpenTouch server
5.18.1 OTC Android Smartphone context........................................................................................... 169
5.18.2 OTC iPhone context........................................................................................................................ 170
5.19 Uninstalling the OTC smartphone...........................................................................172
5.19.1 OTC Android Smartphone context........................................................................................... 172
5.19.2 OTC iPhone context........................................................................................................................ 172
5.20 Accessing logs.......................................................................................................................... 173
5.20.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................173
5.20.2 Accessing logs using the application...................................................................................... 173
5.20.3 Accessing logs from a computer............................................................................................... 175
5.20.4 Accessing logs using a SysLog server...................................................................................176
5.21 Generating a QR code or NFC tag for call routing and switching
5.21.1 Generating a QR code....................................................................................................................178
5.21.2 Generating a NFC tag.....................................................................................................................179

Chapter 6
Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

6.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................180
6.2 Available features....................................................................................................................180
6.3 Interface overview...................................................................................................................182

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6.4 Topologies...................................................................................................................................... 186

6.4.1 On site topology.................................................................................................................................186
6.4.2 Off site topology (remote users)................................................................................................ 186
6.5 Application deployment and configuration................................................... 187
6.6 WebRTC configuration....................................................................................................... 188
6.7 List of supported operating systems and browsers.............................188

Chapter 7
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

7.1 Deployment and features supported....................................................................190

7.2 Citrix..................................................................................................................................................... 191
7.2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................191
7.2.2 Computer requirements................................................................................................................. 191
7.2.3 Restrictions.......................................................................................................................................... 192
7.3 Deployment on an RDS environment.................................................................. 192
7.3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................192
7.3.2 List of the operations required for the OTC PC deployment on an RDS
environment ........................................................................................................................................193
7.3.3 Restrictions.......................................................................................................................................... 195
7.4 VMware Horizon........................................................................................................................ 195
7.4.1 OpenTouch Conversation on a virtual desktop.................................................................. 195
7.4.2 OpenTouch Conversation as a published application.....................................................196
7.4.3 VMware Horizon client....................................................................................................................196
7.4.4 Restrictions.......................................................................................................................................... 198
7.5 Installation...................................................................................................................................... 198

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1 Reference documents

The OpenTouch documentation consists in separated documents, each corresponding to a specific

aspect of necessary and optional installations/administrations.
The full set of all available documents is updated every week and can be accessed on the BPWS TDL.
In the present document, cross-references are identified by the number in the first column of the table
Part numbers are given in the last column, where the first two xx correspond to the language code of
the document, and yy to the incremented edition of the document.
The documents for OpenTouch are:

table 1.1: OpenTouch documentation structure

Documentation title Part number

[2] OTMS Installation Manual on a Physical Machine 8AL90512xxyy

Summary: this document describes the software layout of an Open-
Touch Multimedia Services on the provided hardware. Hardware and
software installation are explained in detailed procedures. Post installa-
tion, connection and the basic configuration are also described with
procedures. Software major and minor updates are explained and trou-
bleshooting guidelines are provided.

[3] OTMS Administrator Manual 8AL90505xxyy

Summary: this document describes all the necessary procedures to im-
plement an OpenTouch Multimedia Services system: from user configu-
ration to advanced applications, devices (including video devices), con-
ferencing and collaboration features, as well as call restriction manage-
ment. CAC management, backup and restore procedures and IP flows
are also detailed.

[4] Installation Manual on a Virtual Machine 8AL90507xxyy

Summary: this document describes prerequisites and topologies for an
installation of the system on a virtual machine. The installation proce-
dure is described in detail for every system element. License manage-
ment and license updates are also explained. Appendixes provide
guidelines on the recommended software installation tools.

[6] OpenTouch General Architecture 8AL90509xxyy

Summary: this document presents the available systems in relation to
the actual customer needs. Topologies and software architectures are
presented for OpenTouch Multimedia Services, and the native contact
center. Hardware compatibilities are detailed per system.

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[7] OpenTouch System Documentation 8AL90510xxyy

Summary: this document describes the services and applications spe-
cific for OpenTouch users, including the One Number Service. It also in-
cludes up-to-date recommendations on system security, certificates,
encryption and best practices.

[8] OpenTouch Maintenance and Supervision 8AL90511xxyy

Summary: this document describes the available tools to monitor and/or
troubleshoot the OpenTouch and its ecosystem. This document also
provides guidelines on the maintenance portal and the supervision of
server(s), devices and calls. A list of useful maintenance command is
included, with explanations and examples.

[11] Description of IP flows in OpenTouch solution 8AL220303381xxy

Summary: this document describes the IP flows involved for the sys-
tem. This allows to configure firewall rules precisely, to open the optimal
amount of ports required for an operating OpenTouch system, accord-
ing to customer requirements.

[12] OpenTouch Web Services Technical Overview 8AL90532xxyy

Summary: this document describes how to develop, integrate and de-
ploy third party applications with an OpenTouch, via API. This docu-
ment includes a description of the available web services as well as in-
formation on authentication and licensing.

[15] OpenTouch Client Administration Manual 8AL90638xxyy

Summary: this document describes the implementation of an Open-
Touch ecosystem for clients connecting from remote locations. It also
provides deployment and configuration procedures, for each client on
PCs, smartphones, or from the web.

[16] OTMC Installation Manual 8AL90120xxyy

Summary: this document describes the installation of an OpenTouch
Message Center server on a physical server or on a virtual machine.
Procedures detail the various steps of installation, as well as post-in-
stallation, initial configuration on an OmniPCX Enterprise, TUI configu-
ration and software upgrades.

[17] OTMC Administrator Manual 8AL90121xxyy

Summary: this document provides all the necessary configuration pro-
cedures to implement an OTMC, from voice mail and user profiles, to
mailboxes, e-mail, sms notifications, automated attendant, VPIM, IMAP
and backup/restore.

[20] OpenTouch Conversation for PC User Guide 8AL90631xxyy

[30] OpenTouch Conversation for iPhone Release User Guide 8AL90884xxyy

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Chapter 1 Reference documents

Documentation title Part number

[31] OpenTouch Documentation Note 8AL90911xxyy

This document lists all the modifications and updates since the previous
documentation release.

[34] ALE NFC Extended OXE Mobility Administration 8AL90614xxyy

Summary: this administration manual describes the implementation of
transparent call shifts from a device to the other via NFC tags. NFC tag
generation is detailed with screenshots from the application.

[36] OpenTouch Session Border Controler Configuration Guide 8AL90065xxyy

Summary: this document describes the implementation of this server to
control media (voice/video) communications between OpenTouch client
applications used off-site and the OpenTouch server, so as to secure
the system. Installation, configuration and maintenance procedures are
detailed in this document.

[37] OpenTouch Suite for MLE in virtualized environment, overview TBE031

This pre-sales document describes the OpenTouch Suite for MLE prod-
ucts virtualization capabilities and the main principles regarding FlexLM

[38] Virtualization Design Guide TBE043

This pre-sales document describes the deployment of OpenTouch Suite
for MLE products in a virtualized environment

[39] S.O.T. 8AL90559xxyy

Summary: this document describes the implementation of this deploy-
ment tool in the various compatible topologies. This documents in-
cludes requirements and procedures to install each software, among
which the OpenTouch solutions. Software deployments and updates
are explained for physical and virtual machines.

[40] OXE System: Dedicated Sets 8AL91024xxyy

Summary: this document provides a detailed description of the propriet-
ary sets and generic sets (including heavy-duty sets), available for the
OmniPCX Enterprise.
These telephones sets can be TDM, IP or mobile. Ergonomics, environ-
mental constraints, power supply, initialization and configuration are ex-
plained for each set.

[41] User Services 8AL91003xxyy

Summary: this document describes how to implement basic telephone
features such as broker call and transfer, as well as more advanced
collaboration features such as call pick-up, conferences and twin sets.
Each feature is presented in a separated chapter providing a descrip-
tion, the necessary configuration and, if need be, how to operate it.

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2 Overview

2.1 Overview
The OpenTouch® solution offers client applications that combine voice, video and data services through
a user-friendly graphical user interface:
• OpenTouch Conversation for PC (OTC PC and OTC PC One)
• OpenTouch Conversation for smartphones (iPhone and Android smartphone)
In addition, the OpenTouch solution provides an application for conferencing. The OTC Web allows
anonymous users to join an OpenTouch conference using a browser. The establishment and support of
audio flows between OTC Web and other devices can be handled by the WebRTC technology,
provided this technology is implemented and embedded in the browser.

2.2 About this document

The following paragraphs are intended for people in charge of configuring and commissioning the
OpenTouch client applications on customer sites.

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3 Implementing OpenTouch

3.1 Overview
The OpenTouch ecosystem consists of the network elements that exist independently of systems
provided by ALE International, but interacting with the OpenTouch server and OpenTouch Conversation
client applications. The network elements are used to control media and data transmission between the
OpenTouch Conversation client applications outside the company (off-site) and the company intranet
network (LAN).
If you are outside the company (off-site), you can connect to the company LAN either:
• Over a VPN connection:
IPsec VPN is supported for OTC PC and OTC iPhone, when such a VPN connectivity is provided by
the user device and the company network.
• Via a secured network infrastructure including the following network elements:
• A reverse proxy (RP), which provides:
• Mobility for all remote workers
• Access to OpenTouch conferences for anonymous users
• Access to conference services such as desktop sharing for remote workers
The reverse proxy controls all data communications (web services, device management and
conferencing services) through HTTPS connections
• An OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC), which handles VoIP communications
performed from OpenTouch Conversation client applications running off-site, and from browsers
with VoIP capabilities, for anonymous users
The OTSBC controls media (voice/video) communications through SIP/TLS signaling and SRTP
flows, or SIP over WebSockets Secured signaling and DTLS-SRTP flows if conference access is
via WebRTC
The network elements to consider depend on the deployment use case selected by the customer
(see: Deployment use cases on page 14).

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Company network

Remote corporate workers

using an OpenTouch client application
DMZ Company LAN


Firewall Firewall
OpenTouch server

OmniPCX Enterprise

Anonymous users
using an OpenTouch Conversation
for Web application (Conferencing service)

Figure 3.1: OpenTouch ecosystem example

3.2 Deployment use cases

In the OpenTouch ecosystem, the Reverse Proxy (RP) handles the following use cases:
• Mobility is provided to remote workers only. They have access to all OpenTouch services from their
OpenTouch Conversation client application, including desktop sharing (for the client applications
that support this feature). In this use case, anonymous users have no access to the OpenTouch
• Only anonymous users have access to OpenTouch conferences. In this use case, mobility is not
provided to remote workers
• Mobility is provided to the remote workers. Anonymous users have access to OpenTouch
To address these use cases, the RP provides two virtual interfaces:
• A Connected users interface which provides mobility to remote workers. This interface is used to
control the flows between the OpenTouch Conversation client applications used by the remote
workers and OpenTouch server. It also authenticates the OpenTouch Conversation client
applications when they connect to the RP. This interface is reachable from the internet via the
OpenTouch public FQDN ( in the figure below), which must be declared in
the RP parameters specified in the OpenTouch, and also in the RP via redirection rules (see:
Configuring a reverse proxy on page 21). The public DNS server must resolve the OpenTouch
public FQDN into the RP IP address.
The Connected users interface monitors port 443 and port 8016, and addresses the web services,
events and collaboration flows between the OpenTouch Conversation client applications running off-
site and the OpenTouch server. It also relays the Device Management traffic, between the OTC PC
and OpenTouch, when the OTC PC is associated to a SIP extension user (see: Configuring the
OTC PC on page 56).
• A Web collaboration interface, which allows anonymous users access to OpenTouch conferences,
and remote workers access to web collaboration features on other OpenTouch nodes in case of
OpenTouch networking. This interface monitors port 443 and does not perform any authentication
when anonymous users join OpenTouch conferences. Filtering rules must be applied to restrict
access to conferencing traffic. The Web collaboration interface can be reached from the internet

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

via a conferencing service FQDN ( in the figures below), which must
be configured in the OpenTouch server and also in the RP via redirection rules (see: Configuring a
reverse proxy on page 21).
The conferencing service FQDN must be available for:
• Office workers, for which the private DNS server must resolve the conferencing service FQDN
into an IP address different from the OpenTouch IP address (called conferencing service
IP address in the rest of the document). This IP address must be located in the same
subnetwork as the OpenTouch IP address
• Anonymous users/remote workers, for which the public DNS server must resolve the
conferencing service FQDN into the RP IP address

Company network


Connected users interface
OpenTouch server
Internet RP
Web collaboration interface OT private FQDNs


Figure 3.2: RP virtual interfaces overview

In addition to the RP, an OTSBC can be deployed in the OpenTouch ecosystem to allow remote
workers to handle VoIP communications from their OpenTouch Conversation client application, and
anonymous users to handle VoIP communications from browsers with VoIP facilities. This interface can
be reached from the internet via the OTSBC public FQDN ( in the
figure below).

Remote corporate
workers Company network


OpenTouch server

Internet RP

Anonymous users
(Conferencing service) LAN

Figure 3.3: OpenTouch ecosystem overview

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

The RP and OTSBC components of the OpenTouch ecosystem can be shared between several
OpenTouch nodes in the case of a multi-OpenTouch deployment. Such a topology is applicable if the
customer DMZ is centralized for all back-end OpenTouch/ OmniPCX Enterprise nodes.

Remote corporate
workers Company network

OTSBC OpenTouch1 server

OpenTouch2 server RP

Anonymous users

(Conferencing service) LAN

Figure 3.4: OpenTouch ecosystem overview in a multi-OpenTouch deployment

In case of multi-site deployments with a dedicated DMZ, several instances of RP and SBC components
can be deployed to cover for geographic constraints.

Company network
Site 1
DMZ Site1
Remote corporate workers
OpenTouch1 server


Site 2
DMZ Site 2

OpenTouch2 server
Anonymous users
(Conferencing service)

Figure 3.5: OpenTouch ecosystem overview in a multi-site deployment

In OpenTouch R2.3, OpenTouch ecosystem deployments with OTES are no longer supported. When
upgrading an OpenTouch ecosystem with OTES from R2.x (or lower) to R2.3 (or higher), you must
reconfigure the current RP to handle access to OpenTouch conferences for anonymous users. This
consists in configuring the Web collaboration interface of the RP (see: Upgrading the OpenTouch
ecosystem, removing the OTES on page 32)

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

OTES 2.x

RP (reconfigured)
Upgrade from
RP R2.x to R2.3 (or higher)


Figure 3.6: OpenTouch ecosystem upgrade example

3.3 Deployment procedure overview

The following procedure describes an OpenTouch ecosystem deployment with RP and OTSBC
network elements. It consists in:
1. Configuring the firewall protecting the intranet (company LAN). It must allow access to the
OpenTouch server ports (see: Configuring the firewall on page 17)
2. Configuring the public DNS server used to resolve the FQDNs of the RP and OTSBC network
elements, when the OpenTouch Conversation client applications used by the remote workers/
anonymous users connect to the OpenTouch server (see: Configuring the public DNS server on
page 18). Within company premises, the private DNS server must be configured to resolve the
FQDNs of OpenTouch server and conferencing service (see: Configuring the private DNS server on
page 19)
3. Configuring the conferencing service on OpenTouch on page 20 to provide conferencing services
for anonymous users
4. Configuring a reverse proxy on page 21, to address the following use cases:
• Remote workers only
• Conferencing services for anonymous users only
• Or remote workers and conferencing services for anonymous users
5. Configuring an OpenTouch Session Border Controller on page 25

3.4 Configuring the firewall

Configure the corporate firewall to enable access to the ports used by the RP and OTSBC network
elements. For the complete list, refer to [11].

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem




Reverse proxy

Remote corporate workers Firewall

and anonymous users
(Conferencing service)

Figure 3.7: Firewall configuration

3.5 Configuring the DNS server

3.5.1 Public DNS configuration rules
The FQDN configuration must comply with the following recommendations:
• The private FQDN of the OpenTouch server (for intranet access) and the public FQDN of the
OpenTouch server (for internet access) must be different.
• The private FQDN of the OpenTouch server and the public FQDN of the SBC must be different.
• The private FQDN of the OpenTouch server must be impossible to resolve from the internet.
• When access to OpenTouch conferences for anonymous users is implemented, the conferencing
service FQDN must point to the RP IP address on the internet, and the conferencing service IP
address on intranet. This ensures that the OpenTouch conferences URLs are reachable from the
internet and the intranet.
• Public FQDNs must be configured on the public DNS server only, and private FQDNs must be
configured on the private DNS server only (enterprise private DNS server).

3.5.2 Configuring the public DNS server

Outside company premises, when there is no VPN, the OpenTouch Conversation client application
must connect to the RP and OTSBC network elements. The public DNS server must resolve the public
FQDN of these network elements. It must resolve:
• The OTSBC public FQDN ( in the figure below), into the
OTSBC public IP address. This FQDN must be declared on the OpenTouch server and associated
to OpenTouch Conversation clients with the OmniVista 8770 (see: Declaring the OTSBC on the
OpenTouch on page 26). This information is then pushed to OpenTouch Conversation client
applications via the device management application of the OmniVista 8770
• The OpenTouch public FQDN ( in the figure below), into the RP public IP
address. This FQDN must be communicated to remote workers. Remote workers must enter the
public and private OpenTouch FQDNs when they connect to their OpenTouch Conversation client
• The conferencing service FQDN ( in the figure below), into the RP
public IP address

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Public DNS
server <=> SBC public IP address <=> Reverse proxy public IP address <=> RP public IP address

DNS request/answer


Reverse proxy
Remote corporate workers
and anonymous users
(Conferencing service)

Figure 3.8: Public DNS configuration example

In all cases, the public DNS server must be configured to resolve the corresponding element network
FQDN into its IP address.
Once configured, verify that DNS resolution is correct:
1. From a computer connected to the internet, open a command-line interface
2. Type the nslookup command followed by the corresponding element network FQDN
If the OpenTouch public FQDN is, enter: c:>nslookup pub-

3.5.3 Configuring the private DNS server

Within company premises, the OpenTouch Conversation client application connects to the OpenTouch
server through the company intranet network. In this situation, the OpenTouch client application
connects with the private FQDN of the OpenTouch server. The intranet DNS server must resolve:
• The OpenTouch server private FQDN ( in the figure below), into its private IP
• The conferencing service FQDN ( in the figure below), into its IP
address, that must be different from the OpenTouch server IP address

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Private DNS
server <=> OpenTouch server IP address <=> Conferencing service IP address

DNS request/answer
Customer network

Company workers


OpenTouch servers

Figure 3.9: DNS configuration within company premises

To verify that the DNS resolution is correct:

1. From a computer connected to the intranet, open a command-line interface
2. Type the nslookup command followed by the OpenTouch server private FQDN or IP address
If the OpenTouch server private FQDN is and its IP address is,
3. Launch also the command on the OpenTouch server

3.6 Configuring the conferencing service on OpenTouch

This is mandatory to provide access to OpenTouch conferences for anonymous users. It consists in
declaring the conferencing service FQDN and its IP address on the OpenTouch server.
ACS Cluster is mandatory for all use cases (Mobility only, Guest Users only, Mobility and Guest Users).
This operation can be performed either at post-installation of the OpenTouch server or after OpenTouch
installation, via the rehosting operation. You can verify if the conferencing service is already configured
on the OpenTouch server with the ACS administration console of the OpenTouch server:
1. Go to a computer that has access to the OpenTouch and open a browser
2. In the address line, enter the URL address to access the OpenTouch server, followed by WebAdmin,
(for example,

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A login screen is displayed.

3. Log in using an administration login ID and password, as defined at OpenTouch software installation
4. Select Users and devices > Conference server
The ACS administration console is displayed.
The ACS administration console can also be opened from the OmniVista 8770 as follows:
1. Start the Configuration application
2. Expand the tree structure and select the target OpenTouch
3. Right click and select WBM
The ACS administration console is displayed.
5. Select Configuration > Domains
6. Click the Edit button in the Settings column
The Edit Domain page is displayed
7. Review the following attributes:

Cluster Name Displays the conferencing service FQDN (for example: confer-

Cluster address Displays the conferencing service IP address

If the conferencing service FQDN and IP address are not configured, use the re-hosting operation as
1. Open a root session on the OpenTouch console
2. Enter the --rehost command
The rehosting wizard is displayed.
3. Click Next until the screen including the area called Conferencing Service Address
4. Select Yes, and complete the following attributes:

Hostname Enter the hostname of the conferencing service

Domain Name Modify the domain name, if different from the OpenTouch domain name

IP address Enter the conferencing service IP address. It must be different from the
OpenTouch IP address
This IP address must be located in the same subnetwork as the Open-
Touch IP address
5. Click Next, then Finish on the last screen

3.7 Configuring a reverse proxy

3.7.1 Overview
For OpenTouch Conversation client application deployment requiring a reverse proxy, you can use the
OpenTouch SBC software provided with an embedded reverse proxy. If you do not have an OpenTouch
SBC, ALE International recommends to use the reverse proxies proposed in the Alcatel-Lucent
Application Partner Program (AAPP). Reverse proxies tested and certified by AAPP are the Blue Coat®
reverse proxy, NGINX reverse proxy, and AudioCodes reverse proxy.

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If mobility is provided for remote workers, the Connected users interface of the RP must be
configured, with the following requirements:
• WebSockets tunneling must be enabled on the RP interface to allow the RP to handle all
conferencing and collaboration flows, including desktop sharing. WebSockets are supported by Blue
Coat and NGINX
• Cookies rewriting must be applied to this RP interface, to cover cases where the internal domain is
not the same as the public domain (for example: company.local versus, and
ensure remote OpenTouch Conversation clients correctly send OpenTouch cookies (for example:
ACS domain cookie) when they use the public FQDN located on a domain other than the
OpenTouch server domain. This rewriting feature is also a standard feature of reverse proxies
• Redirection rules must be created on the RP interface to define mapping between the requests
received by the reverse proxy and the requests forwarded to the OpenTouch server:
• OpenTouch server public IP address => OpenTouch server private IP address for device
management traffic
• <OpenTouch server public IP address>:8016 => <OpenTouch server private IP address>:8016
• Reverse Proxy buffering must be disabled
Example: => (*) => (*)
(*): the FQDN can be replaced by the OpenTouch IP address

If access to OpenTouch conferences is provided to anonymous users, the Web collaboration interface
of RP must be configured, with the following requirements:
• Filtering rules must be defined to prevent access to:
• Data or services that are not related to conferences
• Conference data for users who are not invited to conferences
• A redirection rule must be created on the RP interface to define mapping between the requests
received by the reverse proxy and requests forwarded to the conferencing service of the
OpenTouch server:
Conferencing service FQDN (internet side) => Conferencing service FQDN (intranet side) or IP
Example: => or its IP address

The two interfaces (Connected users and Web collaboration) must be configured when the customer
wants to provide mobility to remote workers, and access to the OpenTouch conferences for anonymous
The use of reverse proxies or others systems, non validated by ALE International, is authorized under
strict conditions. They must be compliant with the architecture tested and technical requirements
described in the Inter-Working Report (IWR) documents written for the ProxySG appliance of Blue Coat
and the NGINX Plus product. These IWR documents are available on AAPP.
These requirements are:
• HTTPS Reverse Proxy service configured to associate a certificate with a public IP address
• Importing SSL keyrings and CA
• Hostname or domain name based SSL certificates

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• Proxy supports portal mode optimization

• HTTP basic and cookie based Authentication using an AD/LDAP or RADIUS (authentication is
highly recommended)
• Powerful and flexible CPL policy
• HTTP header rewriting
• Cookie sharing between the different FQDN
• SSL rule modification to ignore hostname mismatch
• Use filtering to prevent connection to administration services
However, if you encounter an issue, ALE International will check the same operation on a reverse
proxy supported in AAPP such as the Blue Coat, and with the same client/server version provided by
ALE International.

3.7.2 Declaring the reverse proxy on OpenTouch

To allow a client application to connect to the OpenTouch server through a reverse proxy (off-site
mobility), a public URL must be configured for each concerned service of the OpenTouch server.
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of OmniVista 8770, select System services >
Topology > Reverse proxy

Figure 3.10: Reverse proxy configuration window example

2. Review/modify the following attributes:

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Display name Enter a display name

API Enter the following URL: https://<public FQDN of the Open-

Touch server>

EVS Enter the following URL: https://<public FQDN of the Open-

Touch server>:8016

ACS Enter: https://<public FQDN of the OpenTouch server>

DMS Enter the following URL: https://<public FQDN of the Open-

Touch server>

3. Click the validate icon to save your modifications

3.7.3 Configuring certificate

As the RP can provide several FQDNs, because the Connected users and Web collaboration
interfaces must be reachable from the oustide, and/or because the RP relays traffic to several
OpenTouch servers, it must include a digital certificate, verifying the different identities/FQDNs. This
can be done in any of the following manners:
• Using a wildcard certificate (possibly shared with OTSBC) for the subdomain that RP and OTSBC
offer to remote users. This solution provides flexibility, because adding new FQDNs, presented on
edge components (adding an OpenTouch), does not require updating the RP certificate. A wildcard
certificate certifies an entire domain, that is several servers. If one server is compromised, results
on the whole domain are compromised. To limit the impacts of the wildcard certificate trust being
compromised for some reason, use a subdomain specific to the OpenTouch solution (for
example:, so that other servers of the domain are not
affected by the certificates that must be revoked.
If the following FQDNs are defined:
• Connected users interface FQDN (OpenTouch public FQDN) =
• Web collaboration interface FQDN (OpenTouch conferencing service QFDN) =
Then the wildcard certificate must be generated with CN set to *, and no SAN extension
needs to be declared
• Generating a certificate where all the FQDNs presented by the RP are declared as SAN extensions
(OpenTouch public FQDN for Connected users, Web Collaboration/Conferencing service FQDN),
and the OpenTouch public FQDN declared as Common Name (CN). This solution requires renewing
the RP certificate each time a public FQDN is modified or added (adding web collaboration, or
adding an OpenTouch).
If RP = and web collaboration/conferencing FQDN =, the certificate must contain:
• CN =
• SAN =,

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Alternatively, the RP may support delivering one specific certificate per presented FQDN, if for some reason the
customer’s PKI provider does not deliver SAN based or wildcard certificates, or if the customer prefers managing
certificates this way. NGINX supports specific certificates per virtual server.
Use a public certificate authority already known by the browser (such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, or
Firefox) to prevent the display of certificate error messages when the user connects.

3.8 Configuring an OpenTouch Session Border Controller

3.8.1 Overview
The OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC) does not depend on the OpenTouch solution. The
OTSBC can be included in a secured network with or without OpenTouch. The OTSBC runs on
CentOS and cannot be installed on the same server than the OpenTouch solution.
The OTSBC is used to secure communications between OpenTouch and WAN. Between OpenTouch
Conversation client applications and the company LAN, the secured flows are SIP/TLS and SRTP

OmniPCX Enterprise
Internet Intranet
Signaling (SIP/TLS) SIP

Audio/video (SRTP)
OpenTouch RTP
client application OTSBC


Figure 3.11: Off-site mobility with signaling and media encryption (SIP/TLS and SRTP)

In case of conferencing access via WebRTC, communications to secure between OTC Web
applications and the company LAN are SIP over WebSockets Secured and DTLS-SRTP flows.

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Intranet OpenTouch
Signaling (SIP over WebSockets) SIP

OpenTouch OTSBC
Conversation for Web


Figure 3.12: Off-site mobility with signaling and media encryption (SIP over WebSokets and DTLS-

3.8.2 Declaring the OTSBC on the OpenTouch

According to the types of connection to secure, the following must be declared:
• An OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP connections with OTC applications used off-site (required
for conferencing access): Declaring an OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP connections with OTC
applications used off-site (required for conferencing access) on page 26.
• An OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP connections with OTC applications used off-site by
OpenTouch users (remote workers): Declaring an OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP
connections with OTC applications used off-site by OpenTouch users on page 27.
This profile is highly recommended to secure connections between OTC client applications
associated to OpenTouch users and the company LAN.
• An OTSBC profile for SIP over WebSockets and DTLS-SRTP connections (conferencing access via
OTC Web/WebRTC): Declaring the OTSBC profile for conferencing access via OTC Web/WebRTC
on page 28. Declaring an OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP connections with OTC applications
used off-site (required for conferencing access)
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Eco system > IT Server
2. Right click and select Create > SBC Server

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Figure 3.13: OTSBC configuration window example

3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Name Enter a display name used to identify the OTSBC in the OmniVista 8770

FQDN Enter the public FQDN of the OTSBC

Network type Use the drop-down menu to select WAN

Transport protocol Leave TLS (default value)

Port Enter the SIP/TLS port required for conferencing access via OTC appli-
cations used off-site (recommended port: 5263/default port: 5061)

URI Schema Select SIP (default value)

SRTP mode Select Strict

4. Click the validate icon to save your modifications Declaring an OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP connections with OTC applications
used off-site by OpenTouch users
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Eco system > IT Server
2. Right click and select Create > SBC Server
The OTSBC configuration window is displayed (see: Figure 13)
3. Review/modify the following attributes:

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Name Enter a display name used to identify the OTSBC in the OmniVista 8770

FQDN Enter the public FQDN of the OTSBC

Network type Use the drop-down menu to select WAN

Transport protocol Select TLS (default value)

Port Enter the SIP/TLS port required for OTC applications used off-site by
OpenTouch users (remote workers) (recommended port: 5261/default
port: 5060)

URI Schema Select SIP (default value)

4. Click the validate icon to save your modifications Declaring the OTSBC profile for conferencing access via OTC Web/WebRTC
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Eco system > IT Server
2. Right click and select Create > SBC Server

Figure 3.14: OTSBC configuration window example

3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Name Enter a display name used to identify the OTSBC in the OmniVista 8770

FQDN Enter the public FQDN of the OTSBC

Network type Use the drop-down menu to select WAN

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Transport protocol Select WSS (only displayed when Network type is set to WAN) (default
value: TLS)

Port Enter the port used to connect to the public SIP interface of the OTSBC
(default port: 8061). This port is used for audio communications via

URI schema Leave SIP (default value)

SRTP Mode Select Strict

DTMF mode Leave RFC2833 (default value)

4. Click the validate icon to save your modifications
Once the OTSBC is declared on OpenTouch, associate the OTSBC to the WAN SBC field available in
the collaboration configuration:
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select System services >
Applications > Collaboration > Collaboration configuration
2. Select DEFAULT
The collaboration configuration window is displayed
3. In the properties area, select the WebRTC conferencing access tab
4. Review/modify the following attributes:

WAN SBC Use the drop-down menu to select the OTSBC configured for conferenc-
ing access via WebRTC

Session refresh re- Enter the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that can occur between
quests interval(s) two session refresh requests in a dialog before the session is considered
as timed out.
Default value: 3600.

Session timer re- Select the process used to perform session refresh.
Default value: UAC.
5. Click the validate icon to save your modifications

3.8.3 Associating the OTSBC profile to the OTC client applications For OpenTouch users referred to as SIP extension users
The following operation applies to OpenTouch users declared as SIP extension on the OmniPCX
1. From the Users application, click the Users tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the Windows Desktop device associated to the corresponding
SIP extension user
3. In the properties area, select the Security tab

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

Figure 3.15: Configuration window example for a SIP extension user

4. Review/modify the following attributes:

SBC address Enter the public FQDN of the OTSBC

SBC port Select the port number used to connect to the public SIP interface of the
OTSBC (recommended port: 5261/default port: 5060)

SBC URI Scheme Select SIP (default value)

SBC protocol Select TLS (default value: UDP)

SBC security level Select Encrypted only

SBC SRTP Select the check box
Audio_Crypto_Suites Access the contextual menu and select Add
_Security []
New option line is added

Audio_Crypto_Suite_ Select AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80


For OTC PC clients, these parameters can also be defined in OTC PC profiles that can be applied to OTC PC
clients when they are created and associated to SIP extension users.
5. Click the validate icon to save your modifications

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

This operation adds OTSBC information in the device configuration file. For OpenTouch users other than SIP extension (Nomadic SIP)
The following operation applies to OpenTouch users declared on the OmniPCX Enterprise other than
SIP extension. To allow these OpenTouch users to use the OTC PC outside company premises, the
Nomadic SIP feature is required. In this case, the OTSBC must be declared for all SIP devices
declared on the OpenTouch and reserved for the Nomadic SIP feature.
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of OmniVista 8770, select System services >
Topology > OXE callservers > OXE SIP subscriber
2. Select each SIP device of the pool reserved for the Nomadic SIP feature
3. In the properties area, select the Security tab

Figure 3.16: Configuration window example for OXE SIP devices

4. Review/modify the following attribute:

SBC WAN Double click and use the drop-down menu to select the OTSBC used for
connections with OpenTouch Conversation applications used off-site by
OpenTouch users (remote workers) (see: Declaring an OTSBC profile for
SIP/TLS and SRTP connections with OTC applications used off-site by
OpenTouch users on page 27)

SBC SRTP Select the check box

5. Click the validate icon to save your modification

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

3.8.4 Installing and configuring an OTSBC

The installation and configuration of an OTSBC are described in the document [36]. This document
provides all procedures and screens of the configuration wizard used to deploy an OTSBC.

3.8.5 Configuring the OpenTouch to allow OpenTouch users to access conferences

The OTSBC profile for conferencing access from off-site must be declared in the OpenTouch SIP
configuration to allow OpenTouch users to connect to a conference from outside.
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of OmniVista 8770, select the OT tab and go to: System
services > Applications > Telephony settings > SIP configuration

2. Review/modify the following attribute:

SBC WAN Double click and use the drop-down menu to select the corresponding
OTSBC (see: Declaring an OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP
connections with OTC applications used off-site (required for
conferencing access) on page 26 )
3. Click the validate icon to save your modification

3.9 Upgrading the OpenTouch ecosystem, removing the OTES

Desktop Sharing may not work well during the upgrade.
When upgrading an OpenTouch ecosystem including an OTES from R2.x (or lower) to R2.3 (or higher),
you must reconfigure the RP to handle both mobility for remote workers and access to OpenTouch

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conferences for anonymous users. This configuration enables to remove the OTES from the
OpenTouch ecosystem. It consists in:
1. Updating the RP certificate to address the conferencing service FQDN. This might not be necessary
if the RP certificate is a wildcard certificate
2. Updating the RP configuration (Connected users and/or Web collaboration interfaces), according
to the use cases to deploy (see: Deployment use cases on page 14)
3. Updating the RP settings in the OpenTouch configuration to change the ACS public URL from the
ACS cluster FQDN to the OpenTouch public FQDN. Once this operation is performed, connected
clients only communicate with the RP (see: Declaring the reverse proxy on OpenTouch on page 23)
4. Updating the public DNS to resolve the conferencing service FQDN into the RP public IP address,
instead of the public IP Address of OTES. Once this operation is performed, no more traffic from
remote clients goes through OTES
5. Removing the OTES from the stack defined in the OpenTouch configuration (see document [13]).
This operation requires an OpenTouch server reboot
6. Uninstalling the OTES server

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3.10 OpenTouch user profiles

3.10.1 Profile with NOE/UA deskphone as main set

SIP extension

SEPLOS Softphone

Main Main Secondary

Secondary Secondary


OTC Smartphone
Figure 3.17: Example of profile with NOE/UA deskphone as main device

OpenTouch users are within company premises. They can receive calls from any of their devices:
NOE/UA deskphone, OTC PC (with VoIP), or OTC smartphone (cellular mode or VoIP).
They can monitor all of their devices from their OTC PC.
Overflow on Secondary is not activated when Main Set is put out of service by prefix or by setting its address to
255 in the configuration tool, so that Automatic Forward for Out Of Service (AFOOS) is not activated on Secondary
A TDM set can be seen as Out Of Service for the following reasons:
• The TDM phone set is physically unplugged.
• The TDM phone set is put out of service logically by system configuration/maintenance tool/CSTA

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

• The TDM phone set is put out of service using the Out of service/In service prefix. This feature
does not work for sets put in OOS state using this prefix.
This configuration (TDM phone out of service) can be used for OpenTouch users with smartphone in
standalone mode. In this case, call routing rules are:
• Incoming calls: handled in smartphone through remote extension
• Outgoing call: handled in 3PCC mode from smartphone
• Routing rules: smartphone only, forward
• Routing profiles displayed on smartphone: deskphone, deskphone & mobile, other & mobile
• Route my call to displayed on smartphone (call forwarding): voice mail, user, number
For example, this configuration can be used with IPDSP or desk sharing user.

3.10.2 Profile with SIP deskphone as main set

SIP extension


Main Main Secondary

Secondary Secondary Secondary


OTC Smartphone
Figure 3.18: Example of profile SIP deskphone as main device

OpenTouch users are within company premises and they have a SIP deskphone (8008 DeskPhone,
8018 DeskPhone, or 8028s Premium DeskPhone) as main device. They can receive calls from any of
their devices: SIP deskphone, OTC PC (with VoIP), or OTC smartphone (cellular mode or VoIP).
They can monitor all of their devices from their OTC PC.

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Call routing on other number (routing profile defined on OTC PC) is not available with this configuration
because the main device is not a NOE/UA deskphone.

3.10.3 Profile with PC and smartphone

Figure 3.19: Example of profile with PC and smartphone

SIP extension

SEPLOS Softphone

Main Main Secondary

Secondary Secondary


OTC Smartphone

OpenTouch users have an OTC PC (with VoIP) and OTC smartphone (cellular mode or VoIP).
The call routing rules are:
• Incoming calls: handled in smartphone through REX, and VoIP on OTC PC application
• Outgoing call: handled in 3PCC mode from smartphone, or from PC
• Routing rules: PC only, PC + smartphone, smartphone only (PC off), forward
• Routing profiles displayed on smartphone: personal computer and mobile, personal computer
• Route my call to displayed on smartphone (call forwarding): voice mail, user, number
• Routing profiles displayed on PC: personal computer
• Route my call to displayed on PC: voice mail, forward to (*)
Routing profiles on smartphone and PC are not the same, and the display differs on the two devices.
The following PCX options (access path: Classes of service > Phone Features COS) must be
validated to have permanent call routing to smartphone:

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

• Forward if set is out of service

• Ring all its secondar. If main oos
• Ring secondary REX in parallel
In case of twin sets (tandem), the PCX option Overflw to sec tandem if main OOS must be validated
(access path: System > Other System param. > System Parameters).
Nomadic cannot be used in this configuration.
Desk sharing is not compliant with this profile.
(*): Forward to Home, Colleague, and Personal mobile are visible when they have been declared by
the OpenTouch user in the OTC smartphone application (that is phone numbers configuration), or
through My Profile web interface.
Call routing on other number (routing profile defined on OTC PC) is not available with this configuration.

3.10.4 Profile with PC in standalone mode


Figure 3.20: Example of profile with PC in standalone mode

Figure 3.21: Supported profile with PC in standalone mode

• No tandem used in this case

• Conference = optional conference license

3.10.5 Profile with smartphone in standalone mode

The OTC smartphone (cellular and/or VoIP) is configured as the unique and main device for
OpenTouch users.
As of OpenTouch R2.6, it is no longer necessary to associate the OTC smartphone to OpenTouch
users via a multi-device configuration: the OTC smartphone is directly associated to OpenTouch users
with the device type set to remote extension in OmniPCX Enterprise.
It is not authorized to mix both deployment configurations on the same OpenTouch, with SIP extension as main
device and remote extension as main device.

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If an administrator decides to keep the existing configuration with SIP extension as main device, all new users
must still be created with this configuration.
After upgrading OpenTouch to R2.6, existing users with SIP extension profile as main device with OTC
smartphone will not be modified. This profile based on the SIP extension as main device will still be
supported on OpenTouch R2.6.
It is recommended to delete and recreate those users with Remote Extension as main device to
benefits from this evolution. However, end users will lose their favorites, conferences, voice messages,
avatars and call log history.


SIP device

OTC Smartphone
Figure 3.22: Example of profile with smartphone in standalone mode

In standalone configuration, the call routing rules are:

• Incoming calls: handled in smartphone through remote extension
• Outgoing calls: handled in 3PCC mode from smartphone
• Routing rules: smartphone only, forward
• Routing profiles displayed on smartphone: mobile
• Route my call to displayed on smartphone (call forwarding): voice mail, user, number
Call routing on other number is not available with this configuration.

3.10.6 Profile with DSU and OTC smartphone as main device

OpenTouch users are Desk Sharing Users (DSUs). They can use their OTC smartphone (cellular mode
or VoIP). They can take control of another device from their OTC PC running in RCC mode. They do
not log on a Desk Sharing Set (DSS).
This configuration relies on the Flex Office which limits the multi-device configuration to two devices
(main and one secondary).

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Chapter 3 Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem

(RCC mode)


Main Secondary
Main Secondary


OTC Smartphone
Figure 3.23: Example of profile with DSU and OTC smartphone as main device

In the following configuration, OpenTouch users can also use a meeting room deskphone, in addition to
their OTC smartphone (cellular mode and/or VoIP). All devices ring on incoming calls.
They control the meeting room deskphone from their OTC PC.

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Other number

OTC Smartphone

OTC PC activates
Nomadic mode


Main Secondary

OTC PC starts the NOE emulation

to put the DSU in service REx
(in service)

3.10.7 Profile with DSU and OTC PC as main device

OpenTouch users are Desk Sharing Users (DSUs). They can use their OTC PC (with VoIP) and OTC
smartphone (cellular mode or VoIP).
They can log on a Desk Sharing Set (DSS), but the OpenTouch Flex Office features (logoff from OTC
PC and Nomadic activation) are not available.
Call routing on other number (routing profile defined on OTC PC) is not available with this configuration.

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SIP extension

Main Main Secondary

Secondary Secondary


OTC Smartphone
Figure 3.24: Example of profile with DSU and OTC PC as main device

OpenTouch users log on the DSS. All devices ring on incoming calls.

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SIP extension

Main Main Secondary

Secondary Secondary



OTC Smartphone

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4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC

One/OT Conference

4.1 Overview
The following paragraphs are intended for people in charge of configuring and commissioning the
OpenTouch Conversation for PC (OTC PC) available for OpenTouch users.
The OTC PC includes an embedded SIP softphone, and can be installed in a user desktop
environment, either:
• On a computer where no collaboration application is installed.
In such a configuration, the OTC PC application is installed on the computer as a standalone client.
It can run on computers with any of the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows OS or
Apple MAC OS
• On a computer where a collaboration application is already running (Skype for Business or Teams)
In such a configuration, the OTC PC application is installed into the collaboration client and they
operate as a unified user interface. When this occurs, OTC PC services are available when the user
logs in the collaboration client.
This configuration is only offered on computers with Windows OS. It is not offered on computers
with MAC OS.
Extensions of the OTC PC can also be installed on the e-mail client (Microsoft Outlook) present on the
computer with Windows OS, and on which the OTC PC must run. These extensions provide services
such as: messaging, telephony, Instant Messaging (IM), and presence. Extensions cannot be installed
on computers with MAC OS.
For details on the compatible versions of the collaboration application (Skype for Business or Teams)
and e-mail client (Microsoft Outlook), refer to the Feature List.
As of R2.3, when installed on a computer as standalone client, the OTC PC can run without a desktop
license. In this case, it runs as a lighter client, offering a limited number of services. The OTC PC
started without a desktop license is called OTC PC One. It can run on computers with Microsoft
Windows or an Apple MAC OS.
In the following paragraphs all mentions of OTC PC apply to OTC PC One, unless specified otherwise.

4.2 About this section

The following paragraphs detail:
• The list of available OTC PC features (see: Available features on page 44)
• A quick overview of the OTC PC screens (see: Interface overview on page 45)
• Details on the OTC PC network infrastructure (see: Topologies on page 52 )
• The configuration of the OTC PC for OpenTouch users (see: Configuring the OTC PC on page 56)
• The ecosystem configuration required for OTC PC use (see: Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem
on page 78)
• The OTC PC installation on client computer (see: Installing the OTC PC on client computers on
page 79)
User operations are described in a dedicated user guide.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

4.3 Available features

The OTC PC supports business communication features such as:
• Multimedia services:
• Audio call
• Video call
• Instant Messaging (IM)
• Web presentation
• Ad-hoc and scheduled conferences
• Call routing profiles
• Conversation history
• Business event notifications:
• Missed calls
• Missed IMs
• New voice messages
• Directory lookup (UDA)
• Management of favorite contacts
• Rich presence (user and phone)
• Basic calendar presence
• Visual Voice Mail (VVM)
OpenTouch users have no access to VVM from OTC PC One.
• CCD agent features (log-in/log-off, CCD call handling)
• Use the OTC PC to log in or log out the user's deskphone from a hunt group, and display hunt
group state information (OmniPCX Enterprise telephony feature). This feature is available from OTC
• Installed on computers as standalone clients, or into collaboration clients (Skype for Business
and Teams integration)
• Associated to OpenTouch users with desktop license
OpenTouch users can belong to a hunt group and an OpenTouch supervision group at the same
This applies to:
• Deskphones belonging to sequential and circular hunt groups
• Only main deskphones in a multi-device configuration ( secondary devices are not part of the
hunt group)
• Use the OTC PC to mute/unmute the ringing tone of the user's main deskphone (OmniPCX
Enterprise telephony feature)
• Collaboration services:
• Instant Messaging (IM)
• Web presentations
• Desktop sharing
• Desktop remote control
• Features available from a Microsoft Outlook client:
• Voice messages (play, record, hang-up)
• Audio call (click-to-call)
• Instant Messaging (IM)

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• Presence (favorite contacts)

• OpenTouch conferencing (launched via the Outlook meeting feature)
This feature is also available from Microsoft Office 365 with Outlook PC client. It is not available
from Microsoft Office 365 with Outlook online.
• Desktop sharing
From a contact card, or in a peer to peer communication (audio/video), or video conference (Ad hoc
or scheduled), OpenTouch users can launch a desktop sharing
OpenTouch users cannot launch a desktop sharing from OTC PC One.
• Exchange Instant Messaging (IM) and presence with external users on a collaboration client such
as Skype for Business or Teams
• Narrowband audio (G.711 A-law/µlaw, G.729 Annex A) codecs with SIP signaling for
communications between client computers
• SIP TLS/SRTP (with Reverse Proxy and SBC network elements) for communications between client
• Call recording (available on request. Each call is stored as a voice message in the voice mail
system). Call recording can apply to conference calls (do not forget to enable the right to call
recording in the OmniPCX Enterprise Phone Feature COS of OpenTouch users: Conversation
Recording field set to 1)..
• Multiline capabilities:
• Forth/resume
• Ad-hoc conference services
• Desk sharing provided by the OmniPCX Enterprise. Desk sharing users can, from their OTC PC, log
off from their desk sharing set.
Nomadic desk sharing is not supported for OpenTouch users outside company premises. They
cannot handle calls from a device other than their desk sharing set.

4.4 Interface overview

The OTC PC home page opens immediately after login.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Personal area

Applications area

Conversation wall

Figure 4.1: OTC PC home page example

The OTC PC home page consists of:

1. A Personal area which displays information on the user profile, such as: picture, first and last
names, presence status with personal message associated (if configured), and current routing
profile (indicates the devices to which calls are routed and the device used to make calls).
No personal message can be associated to the presence status on OTC PC One.
2. An Application area used to access the OTC PC applications:

Icon Application Select, to: Available operations

Favorite Access the list of favorite contacts. • Display the favorite contact
contacts card
Favorite contacts are indicated by a
star icon on the conversation wall. • Make an audio call

Conversa- Access the conversation history and • Call back the other party
tion history the list of missed events. • Read the IM
and missed
A counter indicates the number of
unacknowledged missed calls and
missed IMs

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Icon Application Select, to: Available operations

Voice mail Access the new voice messages • Listen to a voice message
and callback requests. • Delete a voice message
A counter indicates the number of • Delete all voice messages in
new voice messages one go

Accessing the Visual Voice Mail from the
OTC PC One is not possible. The voice
mail icon provides access to the TUI on
the controlled device.

Conference Access the list of planned conferen- • View scheduled conference

ces (scheduled and reservationless) details
and conference invitations from oth- • Delete a conference
er users. • Join a scheduled conference
Create new conferences

Keypad Open the dialing keypad • Make an audio or video call

Settings Access the application settings • Change your application



The icon only appears when you are member of a supervision group, and logged in to this group. The
number in a red circle indicates the number of active supervisors in the group. When you click the icon, a
window opens with the list of group members. This window allows you to modify your group options.

Click the icon to access application settings:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.2: Application settings page example

The available menus are:

• Start: to select the OTC PC starting mode, the servers to which the OTC PC connects (private or
public), connection parameters for mobile clients (QR code generation), and as of R2.3, the
presence status at logon (Available, Busy, Be right back, or Offline)
• The presence status when signing in is not available when the OTC PC is installed into a collaboration
client such as Skype for Business or Teams.
• The presence status when signing in is not available if users have the collaboration feature disabled in
their settings
• The QR code generation and presence status at logon are not available on OTC PC One.
• General: to define the GUI language, the color of the interface (theme), and the keyboard
shortcut to make a call
The selection of a keyboard shortcut to make a call is not available on OTC PC One.
• Phone numbers: to define user professional and personal phone numbers
Colleague and fax numbers are not available on OTC PC One.
• Routing profiles: to create/modify/delete routing profiles (each profile indicates the devices to
which calls are routed and the device used to make calls)
• Overflow: to specify the destination to reroute incoming calls when the user is unavailable
and/or does not answer
Alerts and sounds: to select the ringing tone

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• Audio device: to configure computer audio settings

• Video device: to configure computer video settings
• Support: to generate and send logs to your support team
The overflow, video and audio menus are not available on OTC PC One. There is no access to online help.
3. A Conversation wall presenting past conversations, current conversations and the conferences to
come. Click a card to display the corresponding contact/conference/conversation window on the

Figure 4.3: Contact card example

On the stage, the available operations are:

• For a contact card:
• Make a new audio or video call
• Send an Instant Message (IM)
• Share a document
• Send an e-mail
• Add or remove the contact to your favorite contacts list
• Schedule a conference
• Remove the contact card

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• For a conference card:

• Join the conference (with all medias, audio only or without audio)
• Send an e-mail to the participants
• Modify/delete the conference
• Remove the conference card
• Removing a contact card from the Conversation wall entails that all conversations (audio/video), Instant
messages, and voice mails associated to this contact are removed. In the same way, all cards present on
the Conversation wall can be removed in one go. But this deletion does not concern the conferences to
• Only send an IM and make an audio call are available on OTC PC One. Calendar presence is not
In the example below (contact card), click the arrow (left or right) successively to display the
conversation history and contact details:

According to your needs, the OTC PC home page can be resized using the icons available at the
bottom of the home page:

Icon Select, to:

Display the conversation history and favorite contacts in a vertical view

Either display the conversation history or favorite contacts in a reduced vertical

view. You must use tabs to switch from the favorite contacts (default view) to the
conversation history, and vice-versa

You cannot resize the home page of the OTC PC One: The conversation history and favorite contacts
are only displayed in a vertical view.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.4: OTC PC home page resizing examples

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

4.5 Topologies
4.5.1 On site topology
Within company premises, the OTC PC relies on the company intranet network (LAN) for media (voice/
video) and data transmission. The OTC PC can connect to the company intranet network using a wired
connection (Ethernet cable) or a wireless connection (Wi-Fi network).
The OTC PC uses:
• SIP signaling and RTP connections to perform VoIP and video communications
SIP and RTP are not encrypted within the company intranet network (no SIP/TLS and SRTP connections).
• HTTPS connections to exchange data with the OpenTouch server (for example: web services and
OmniTouch ACS services)

Wi-Fi Network
OmniPCX Enterprise
Signaling (SIP)
Audio (RTP)
OTC PC al ing (

io (R


Figure 4.5: On site topology example with OpenTouch users

4.5.2 Off site topology (remote worker)

Outside company premises, the OTC PC can rely on any of the following:
• If configured, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to control data transfer, SIP signaling and
media flows (VoIP and video communications through RTP).

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference


Signaling (SIP)
OmniPCX Enterprise
Data (HTTPS)

Internet Intranet
VPN link
VPN client VPN server
Audio/video (RTP)


Figure 4.6: Off-site topology with VPN

• If a VPN connection is not configured, the internet network (also called WAN) for data transfer, SIP
signaling and media flows (VoIP and video communications)

Enterprise DMZ


Internet OmniPCX Enterprise
Data (HTTPS)
Signaling (SIP/TLS) RTP
Session Border
Audio/video (SRTP) (*) Controller



Figure 4.7: Off-site topology with a reverse proxy and OTSBC

In this configuration, a secured network infrastructure is required for media and data transmission
between the OTC PC and the company intranet network (LAN). This is achieved by the following
network components:
• A reverse proxy, which controls data flows (web services, device management, and conferencing
services (as of R2.1.1)) through HTTPS connections

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• A Session Border Controller (SBC), which secures VoIP and video communications through
SIP/TLS and SRTP connections

4.6 Deployment procedure overview

The OTC PC deployment consists in:
• Configuring the OTC PC on page 56
• Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem on page 78
• Installing the OTC PC on client computers on page 79
• Launching the OTC PC on page 119

4.7 Centralized management for OpenTouch Conversations customized

Some features from OpenTouch Conversation can be customized for customer needs (for example:
disabling the audio conference recording, or enabling routing profile for selected users). This can be
achieved using Custom attributes defined at the user level (via user profiles or mass provisioning in
case of a large number of users) and/or OpenTouch server level (access path: System services >
Global parameters > Miscellaneous tab). This addresses to OpenTouch users using OpenTouch
Conversation applications (OTC PC and OTC smartphone).
The Custom attributes are free attributes made of a key and value which are synchronized between
the OpenTouch server and OpenTouch Conversation applications.
To configure a Custom attribute at the user level:
1. From the Users application, click the Users tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the user to modify (user with an associated OpenTouch
Conversation application)
3. In the properties area, select the OT configuration tab, then select the Miscellaneous tab

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.8: Custom attribute configuration window example

4. Click the Custom attribute [] field and use the contextual menu to select Add
New option lines are added
5. Review/modify the following attributes:

Enter the name of the feature (for example: OTC_ROUTING_PROFILE)

The name entry rules are:

Name • The name cannot be empty

• Length is limited to 64 characters
• Allowed characters are: A..Z, a..z, 0..9, '_'and '-'
• The name cannot start with the character '_' or '-'

Enter the value applied to the feature (for example: true)

The value is limited to 255 characters
6. Click the validate icon to apply your modification
7. To add or remove a Custom attribute, click the Custom attribute field, and perform any of the
• Access the contextual menu and select the corresponding option: Add a value or Remove a
• Select the plus or minus button to the right of the window
8. To change the order of Custom attributes, select a Custom attribute and click the up or down arrow
to the right of the window

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

4.8 Configuring the OTC PC

4.8.1 Overview
The configuration differs according to the OpenTouch user profile:
• OpenTouch users who have an office phone and the right to the Nomadic GSM feature. Off-site,
OpenTouch users can activate the Nomadic GSM on the OTC PC, by selecting another phone
number than their office phone. The phone number can be a mobile number, home phone number,
or any other directory number. On site, the OTC PC provides Remote Call Control (RCC) of the
office phone.
For configuration, refer to: Configuring the Nomadic GSM for OpenTouch users with an office phone
on page 56.
• OpenTouch users who have an office phone and the right to the Nomadic SIP feature. Off-site,
OpenTouch users can activate the Nomadic SIP on the OTC PC, by selecting the personal
computer as current phone. The SIP softphone embedded on OTC PC is used to make incoming
and outgoing calls. On site, the OTC PC provides Remote Call Control (RCC) of the office phone.
For configuration, refer to: Configuring the Nomadic SIP for OpenTouch users with an office phone
on page 60
• OpenTouch users working on personal computer without office phone. They use the SIP softphone
embedded on OTC PC to make incoming and outgoing calls. These OpenTouch users are declared
as SIP extensions on the OmniPCX Enterprise (referred as SIP extension users): the configuration
consists in associating the OTC PC device to the SIP extension users and granting them the right to
use the OTC PC (see: Configuring the OTC PC for SIP extension users on page 66)
• The OTC PC One does not support VoIP.
• SIP extension users cannot access the OTC PC One.
• OpenTouch users with a multi-device configuration. To add an OTC PC as secondary set of an
OpenTouch user configured with a main set, refer to: Adding an OTC PC as secondary set for a
multi device user on page 73).

4.8.2 Configuring the Nomadic GSM for OpenTouch users with an office phone Overview
The Nomadic GSM feature is intended to users who have a home office phone. In this case, the
Nomadic GSM license must be validated and Nomadic ghosts Z must be available.
The following applies to OpenTouch users whose main set is a TDM (9 Series or 80x9 Premium
DeskPhone) or IP NOE (8 Series or 80x8 Premium DeskPhone) deskphone.
The Nomadic GSM feature is not available for OpenTouch users declared as SIP extensions in the
OmniPCX Enterprise.
The Nomadic GSM requires ghosts Z. They are used to redirect the calls, initially intended to the office
phone, to the phone used by OpenTouch users (phone number selected on OTC PC).
The Nomadic GSM feature configuration consists in:
1. Configuring the ghosts Z on the OmniPCX Enterprise on page 57
2. Declaring the ghosts Z on the OpenTouch server on page 58
3. Granting the right to the Nomadic GSM feature to OpenTouch users on page 59

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference Prerequisite
OpenTouch users must be declared on the OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch. For more
information, refer to the chapter User creation and administration of document [3].
If OpenTouch users have an analog set as main set, for the application to work after login, you must
change their set type to Analog with 4980 on the OmniPCX Enterprise. Configuring the ghosts Z on the OmniPCX Enterprise

Virtual resources (also called Ghosts Z) are required to use the Nomadic GSM feature.
To create a Ghost Z:
1. From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Users
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create

Figure 4.9: User configuration window example on the OmniPCX Enterprise

3. In the General Characteristics tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Directory Number Enter the directory number of the Ghost Z

Shelf Address 255

Board Address 255

Equipment Address 255

Set Type Select: Analog

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

The Ghost Z does not have a physical connection.
4. In the Facilities tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Ghost Z Select the check box

Ghost Z feature Select Nomadic

5. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
Do not forget to configure the correct connection class of service of Ghosts Z, which must offer the
same right as for OpenTouch users.

• Create more or less virtual resources depending on the mode assigned to the OpenTouch users.
• If, for example, the system has a potential of 50 users using the OTC PC:
• If these users are home-workers and need the Nomadic GSM feature with no service interruption, you must
create 50 virtual phone sets (one per user)
• If some of these users only require the Nomadic GSM feature temporarily, and if this service is not critical,
you can create a pool of 10 virtual phone sets only (there is no strict rule for the dynamic mode) Declaring the ghosts Z on the OpenTouch server

1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select System services >
Topology > OXE CS > OXE resources
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create

Figure 4.10: OmniPCX Enterprise resource configuration window example

3. Review/modify the following attributes:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Display name Enter a display name for the Ghost Z range of numbers. This name is
used to identify the Ghost Z range of numbers in the OpenTouch con-
figuration window

OXE Application server Use the drop-down menu to select the OmniPCX Enterprise on which
the Ghosts Z have been configured

Z ghosts min value Enter the first directory number of the Ghost Z range

Z ghosts max value Enter the last directory number of the Ghost Z range
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Granting the right to the Nomadic GSM feature to OpenTouch users
To grant OpenTouch user the right to the Nomadic GSM feature:
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Users and devices >
2. Select the OpenTouch user to modify

Figure 4.11: Users configuration window example

3. In the Licenses tab, review/modify the following attribute:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Nomadic GSM Select the check box to allow OpenTouch users to use another de-
vice than the office device. This solution addresses to remote work-

Desktop Select the check box to start the application as an OTC PC applica-
If the check box is not selected, the application starts as an OTC PC
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modification

4.8.3 Configuring the Nomadic SIP for OpenTouch users with an office phone Overview
The following applies to OpenTouch users associated to an office phone (analog, TDM or IP set) on
OmniPCX Enterprise.
The Nomadic SIP feature does not apply to OpenTouch users declared as SIP extensions in the OmniPCX
The Nomadic SIP feature configuration consists in:
1. Configuring SIP external devices on the OmniPCX Enterprise on page 60
2. Declaring SIP external devices on the OpenTouch server on page 61
3. Granting the right to the Nomadic SIP feature to OpenTouch users on page 62 Prerequisites
• OpenTouch users must be declared on the OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch. For more
information, refer to the chapter User creation and administration of document [3].
If OpenTouch users have an analog set as main set, for the application to work after login, you must
change their set type to Analog with 4980 on the OmniPCX Enterprise.
• Ghosts Z must be declared on the OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch, in the same way as for the
Nomadic GSM (see: Configuring the Nomadic GSM for OpenTouch users with an office phone on
page 56). Configuring SIP external devices on the OmniPCX Enterprise

A pool of SIP devices must be created on the OmniPCX Enterprise. A device of this pool is used for
each OpenTouch user who has the right to the Nomadic SIP feature.
The number of devices to be created in the pool depends on the number of users and on traffic.
1. From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Users
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create
The user configuration window opens
3. In the General Characteristics tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Directory Number Enter the directory number of the SIP device

Shelf Address Enter 255

Board Address Enter 255

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Equipment Address Enter 255

Set Type Select SIP device

4. In the SIP tab, review/modify the following attributes:

URL UserName Enter the URL user name, for example, the directory number of SIP

SIP Passwd Enter the password

Video Support Profile Select Un Restricted if video is offered on this SIP device
5. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
Do not forget to configure the correct connection class of service of SIP devices, which must offer the
same rights as for OpenTouch users. Declaring SIP external devices on the OpenTouch server

For each SIP device of the pool created on the OmniPCX Enterprise, create an OXE SIP subscriber
on the OpenTouch:
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select System services >
Topology > OXE CS > OXE SIP Subscriber
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create

Figure 4.12: OmniPCX Enterprise SIP subscriber configuration window example

3. In the General tab, review/modify the following attributes:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

SIP nomadic device Enter the directory number of the SIP device created on the Om-
number niPCX Enterprise

Maximum number of Set this attribute to 1 if video is offered on this SIP device

OXE CS Select the OmniPCX Enterprise on which SIP devices have been cre-

SIP Login Enter the value set in the URL UserName field for SIP device config-
uration (see: Configuring SIP external devices on the OmniPCX En-
terprise on page 60)

SIP Password Enter the value set in the SIP Passwd field for SIP device configura-
The SIP password entered in this field must be identical to the SIP
password configured on OmniPCX Enterprise (see: Configuring SIP
external devices on the OmniPCX Enterprise on page 60)
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Granting the right to the Nomadic SIP feature to OpenTouch users
To grant OpenTouch user the right to the Nomadic SIP feature:
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Users and devices >
2. Select the OpenTouch user to modify
The Users configuration window (see: Figure 3)
3. In the Licenses tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Nomadic SIP Select the check box to allow OpenTouch users to use the softphone
embedded in the OTC PC instead of the office phone. The Nomadic
SIP is incompatible with the Flex Office feature.

Desktop Select the check box to start the application as an OTC PC.
If the check box is not selected, the application starts as an OTC PC
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modification

4.8.4 Configuring the OpenTouch users to access CCD services from the OTC PC
As of OpenTouch R2.4, CCD agents can use the OTC PC application to access basic CCD services,
such as:
• Log in/log out to CCD distribution
• Handle incoming CCD calls (take call, call hold, call recording, call transfer)
• Specify agent information on the OTC PC settings (secret code, list of processing groups used,
automatic processing group assignation)
This feature addresses CCD agents configured on the OmniPCX Enterprise with associated Pro-ACD
sets (fixed agents). They use the Pro-ACD set either for business activity when logged out, or CCD
activity when logged in. The Pro-ACD set can be single line or multiline.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

The Pro-ACD set cannot belong to a twin-set/multi-device configuration, as main or secondary device.
CCD agents must be configured without multiline keys, and access right to the CCA application (the
CCA Operations field must be set to False).
For CCD configuration on OmniPCX Enterprise, see the CCdistribution System Documentation
R10.x (reference: 8AL91301).
On the OpenTouch:
• The pro-ACD sets must be declared as OpenTouch users.
OpenTouch users can only have one office phone, that is the pro-ACD set (no twin-set/multi-device
configuration). The pro-ACD set must be supported by both the CCD and OpenTouch users.
Devices such as SIP extension, remote extension, smartphone and DECT handset are not
For more information on OpenTouch user configuration, see the chapter User creation and
administration of document [3].
OpenTouch users can also have the right to the Nomadic SIP feature (see: Configuring the Nomadic SIP for
OpenTouch users with an office phone on page 60).
• OpenTouch user settings must be completed with the directory number of the corresponding CCD
agent , and the right to the desktop license:
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Users and devices >
2. Select the OpenTouch user to modify
3. In the Contacts tab, review/modify the following attribute:

Agent directory number Enter the directory number of the corresponding CCD agent
The OpenTouch users configured with an agent directory number
(agent line) cannot belong to OpenTouch supervision groups.

4. In the Licenses tab, review/modify the following attribute:

Desktop Select the check box to start the application as an OTC PC

A CCD agent cannot use OTC PC One to access CCD services.

5. Click the validate icon to apply your modification

The directory number of the corresponding CCD agent is displayed in the device list of the
OpenTouch user (Devices tab).
Once configured, CCD agents can connect to OTC PC applications with OpenTouch user credentials,
and log in to the CCD distribution with their CCD agent credentials. The OTC PC provides Remote Call
Control (RCC) of the Pro-ACD set for CCD activity.
The Nomadic SIP only applies when the OTC PC is used for business activity.

4.8.5 DeskSharing right for OpenTouch users with an office phone

From OpenTouch R2.2.1, it is possible to associate the OTC PC application to a DeskSharing User.
To support the OTC PC application on a DeskSharing User:
1. Validate the FlexOffice license:
a. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Users and devices >

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

b. Select the OpenTouch user to modify

c. In the Licenses tab, review/modify the following attribute:

Flex Office Select the check box to enable the DeskShar-

ing User to associate to the OTC PC applica-

Figure 4.13: Licenses tab page example

d. Click the validate icon to apply your modification

2. Disable the ring all its secondar. If main oos parameter in the phone feature COS of the
DeskSharing User:
a. From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Classes of
Service > Phone Features COS
b. Select the corresponding phone feature COS
c. In the ring all its secondar. If main oos field, select the check box
d. Click the validate icon to apply your modification
Once the setting is set and the user is logged on the Desktop Sharing Set, they can log out from the
Desktop Sharing Set: in the systray of the OTC PC, select the Release Business Phone option.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

This usage is compatible with the Nomadic SIP or Nomadic GSM mode, to switch the routing to
Personal Computer device or Home Phone/Personal Mobile device.
With the routing mode, the user must log out from the Desktop Sharing Set or the following error
message is displayed.

Once the user is logged out, the application remains on Deskphone routing and an icon notification is
displayed to indicate that audio/video services are not available.

It is now possible to switch the routing Personnal Computer device or Home Phone/Personnal Mobile
device to restore the audio/video services.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

4.8.6 Configuring the OTC PC for SIP extension users Process overview
The OTC PC One cannot be used by OpenTouch users declared as SIP extensions in the OmniPCX
Enterprise (SIP extension users).
The OTC PC configuration for SIP extension users consists in:
1. Declaring the OmniVista 8770 Device Management Server on page 66
2. Configuring OpenTouch user profiles for the SIP extension user creation on page 67
3. Creating the SIP extension users and their OTC PC on page 68
4. Granting the SIP extension users the right to use the OTC PC on page 72 Declaring the OmniVista 8770 Device Management Server

The Device Management Server (DMS) is required for OpenTouch users declared as SIP extensions in
the OmniPCX Enterprise. The DMS is used to configure and deploy a large number of SIP devices via
a centralized management application. The DMS located in the OmniVista 8770 server must be
declared on the OpenTouch server.
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of OmniVista 8770, select Eco system > IT server
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create > Device Management Server

Figure 4.14: DMS configuration window example

3. In the General tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Name Enter a display name to identify the DMS in the IT server list

FQDN Enter the FQDN of the computer on which the OpenTouch server is run-

Port Enter the Port address of the server (default port: 443).
The port number configured must match the configuration on the reverse

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

4. Click the validate icon to save your modifications Configuring OpenTouch user profiles for the SIP extension user creation
OpenTouch profiles simplify the SIP extension user creation with OpenTouch properties.
To configure an OpenTouch user profile:
1. From the Configuration window, expand the organization structure to select the OpenTouch
system entry
2. Right click the OpenTouch system entry and select Configure from the contextual menu
3. From the OpenTouch configuration window, click the Profile tab
4. Expand the tree structure as follows: Users and devices > User
5. Access the contextual menu and select Create
An instance record is displayed in the properties area
6. In the Profile name tab, complete the Name field with the profile name
7. In the General tab, complete the following fields:

TUI language Select the language to use when users access a TUI application
If you leave Default value, the TUI language configured in Global pa-
rameters is used.

Category Select ACU-OXE

Time zone Select the users' time zone

If you leave Default value, the Time zone configured in Global parame-
ters is used.

GUI language Select the language to use when users access a GUI application.
If you leave Default value, the GUI language configured in Global pa-
rameters is used.

Department Select the department to which the users belong

Dialing rules Enter the dialing rule used by users

8. In the Licenses tab, complete the following fields:

Nomadic SIP This check box must be disabled for SIP extension users

Nomadic GSM This check box must be disabled for SIP extension users

Desktop Users can use the OTC PC when this right is set to true
Users can use the OTC PC One when this right is set to false

Voice mail Users can use the voice mail when this right is set to true

Off site mobility Users can use a mobile phone when this right is set to true

Conferencing Users can use N-party multimedia conferencing (audio/data/video) serv-

ices when this right is set to true
9. In the Devices tab, ensure that the SIP extension type field is set to Softphone

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

10. If necessary, complete the other tabs

11. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
12. From the Configuration application, perform a manual synchronization between the OpenTouch
and OmniVista 8770 to retrieve the OpenTouch user profile in the OmniVista 8770
13. Verify that the OpenTouch user profile is displayed in the Profiles tab of the Users application
For details on parameters, refer to the chapter User creation and administration of document [3]. Creating device profiles for OTC PC configuration

Device profiles can be used to create and associate OTC PC applications to SIP extension users. The
device profiles must be created on each OmniPCX Enterprise where OTC PC applications are to be
deployed and associated to SIP extension users.
To create a device profile for OTC PC configuration:
1. From the Devices application of OmniVista 8770, select the Parameters tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the OmniPCX Enterprise where OTC PC applications are to be
3. In the device list, select OTC PC, access the contextual menu and select Create Device Profile
4. In the Profile name tab, review/modify the following field:

Name Enter a display name used to identify the device profile in the OmniVista
5. In the Video tab, complete the following fields:

Enable Select the check box to allow OpenTouch users to access to peer to peer
video communications from their OTC PC application
If the right to video is disabled, the OpenTouch user can still join scheduled
OpenTouch video conferences.

Profile Use the drop-down menu and select the level of video quality: Low,
Medium or High (default value)
IP TOS Enter the ToS value used for video RTP packets
SBC encryption Select the check box to activate video encryption through a Session
Border Controller (SBC). This applies to video communications to or from
OpenTouch users moving outside the company (remote workers)
Cipher suite 1 and These fields are used for remote worker configuration through SBC once
Cipher suite 2 encryption is activated. The values listed in these fields match the
requirements for SBC implementation
6. Complete other parameters according to customer needs, in particular the security parameters
(Security tab) allowing SIP extension users to use their OTC PC application off-site (remote
7. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Creating the SIP extension users and their OTC PC

The SIP extension users and their OTC PC can be configured from the Users application of OmniVista
8770. The following paragraphs present the configuration from the Users application.
To create a SIP extension user and his/her OTC PC:
1. From the Users application of the OmniVista 8770, click the Users tab
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create User

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

User parameters are displayed in the properties area. The General tab is the only tab displayed.
The other tabs are grayed and are available after user creation only

Figure 4.15: User configuration window example

3. Click the Users tab, and complete the following fields In the Common Attributes frame:

User type Click and use the drop-down menu to select the OXE type allowing to
create a SIP extension user

Salutation Use the drop-down menu to select the user title

Last Name Enter the user name

First Name Enter the user first name

User ID Modify if necessary the displayed user's identifier

The user identifier is built with the name and first name

Email address Enter the user e-mail address. This field is mandatory when the user has
OpenTouch properties.
When the user is invited to a scheduled conference, he/she receives a
notification to this e-mail address. A mailbox must have been created on
your mail server before user creation, if you plan to use this mailbox as
voice mailbox

A new frame appears in the properties area to configure SIP extension user parameters
4. In the OXE attributes frame, complete the following fields:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

OXE ID Click and use the browser to select the desired OmniPCX Enterprise

OXE directory number Enter the user's directory number

Device Type Click and use the drop-down menu to select SIP extension

OXE Profile Click and use the drop-down menu to select the desired profile to apply
to OpenTouch user

SIP password Enter an alphanumeric password of up to 10 characters.

This password is used by the OTC PC when used as softphone.
For security purposes, it is recommended to enter a strong password. If
this field is left empty, the default password is used (0000).

OXE Mailbox directo- Configure the voice mail system of the OpenTouch user
ry number

Applications Click and use the drop-down menu to select the OT option. This option
provides access to the OpenTouch properties of the SIP extension user

Selecting the OT option opens a new frame for OpenTouch configuration

5. Complete the following fields in the OT Attributes frame:

OT Instance Click and use the drop-down menu to select the desired OpenTouch sys-

Login Enter the authentication login to access OpenTouch applications

GUI password Enter the authentication password to access OpenTouch applications.

If the Allow trivial GUI passwords option is disabled in the Password
management section of the OpenTouch configuration window (access
path: System services > Security > Password management), the
password must contain at least:
• One letter in uppercase
• One letter in lowercase
• One symbol
• One digit
For more information, refer to the Configuring the password policy for
all users section of document [3].

Directory number Enter the directory number of the SIP extension user in the OpenTouch

SIP URI Leave this field blank

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

SIP password Enter an alphanumeric password of at least 5 characters

This password is used for OpenTouch user with OTC smartphone oper-
ating either in Wi-Fi only, or dual mode (Wi-Fi/cellular). It is used by the
OpenTouch to automatically create the SIP device on the OmniPCX En-
If this field is left empty, the OpenTouch generates automatically a strong

Site Click and use the drop-down menu to select the geographical location of
OpenTouch user with OpenTouch properties.
The site is associated to one single OmniPCX Enterprise used as a
PSTN gateway for OpenTouch users belonging to this site.
If there is only one site associated with the OmniPCX Enterprise selected in the
OXE ID field, this site is automatically displayed and cannot be modified.

OT user profile Click and use the drop-down menu to select the desired profile to apply
to the SIP extension users with OpenTouch properties (see: Configuring
OpenTouch user profiles for the SIP extension user creation on page 67)

Voice mail server Configure the voice mail system of the SIP extension users with Open-
Touch properties.
This operation allows to create and associate a voice mailbox to a user
in one single step.
The e-mail address specified in step 3 is used to create voice mailbox.
The mailbox must be created on your mail server before user creation.

VM profile name Click and use the drop-down menu to select the desired voice mail pro-
file to apply to the SIP extension user with OpenTouch properties
6. To create and associate an OTC PC to the SIP extension user, click the Devices tab, and complete
the following fields in the OTC PC attributes frame:

Profile Click and use the drop-down menu to select a device profile enabling
to associate an OTC PC to the user (see: Creating device profiles for
OTC PC configuration on page 68)
Directory number Enter the directory number of the OTC PC
This number must be a free number defined on OmniPCX Enterprise

OXE profile Click and use the drop-down menu to select the OXE profile to apply
to the OTC PC declaration on OmniPCX Enterprise
Main device flag If set to Yes, the OTC PC is declared as main device of the user,
provided that the Device type field is set to SIP extension in the user
parameters (OXE attributes frame).
If set to No, the OTC PC is declared as secondary set of the user
7. Click the validate icon to apply your modification
The SIP extension user is declared in the database of OmniVista 8770 and the corresponding
communication servers

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

The OTC PC is created and associated to the corresponding SIP extension user. It is displayed
under the SIP extension user in the tree structure of Users application
When the OTC PC is associated to a SIP extension user, a configuration file is automatically
created on the OpenTouch server. It is placed in the OpenTouch server in the directory: /opt/
The device configuration file is identified by the SIP URI of the SIP extension user as follows:
<directory number>@<OpenTouch server FQDN>.xml. It contains the attributes required for
OTC PC installation on a client computer.
8. From the OpenTouch configuration window of OmniVista 8770, select Users and devices > Device
9. Select the device associated to the SIP extension user
10. In the General tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Auto answer Select False

11. Click the validate icon to apply your modification Granting the SIP extension users the right to use the OTC PC
The computer license may have already been added while creating users and configuring their profile.
This operation is only required if the right to use the OTC PC has not been configured in the
OpenTouch user profile associated to the SIP extension users (see: Configuring OpenTouch user
profiles for the SIP extension user creation on page 67).
If it is not the case, grant SIP extension users the right to access the OTC PC application:
1. From the Users application, click the Users tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the corresponding SIP extension user
3. In the properties area, select the OT configuration tab, then select the Licenses tab

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.16: User right configuration window example

4. Complete the following field:

Desktop Select the check box to allow the SIP extension user to use the OTC PC.

The Nomadic SIP and Nomadic GSM check boxes must not be selected.
5. Click the validate icon to save your modification

4.8.7 Adding an OTC PC as secondary set for a multi device user

Declaring an OTC PC as secondary set for an OpenTouch user is an alternative to Nomadic SIP.
Nomadic SIP is incompatible with the declaration of OTC PC as secondary set.
After migration of the OTC PC from Nomadic SIP to SIP extension, the Nomadic SIP license is
automatically disabled in the OpenTouch user settings (see: Granting the SIP extension users the right
to use the OTC PC on page 72).
A set of profiles can be used to add an OTC PC as secondary set for OpenTouch users:
• An OXE user profile (refer to the Configuring OXE user profiles section of document [3])
• An OXE device profile (see: Creating device profiles for OTC PC configuration on page 68 )
This section applies to OpenTouch users belonging to a multi-device configuration. A SIP extension
user can be associated to up to five devices, including the main deskphone, an OTC smartphone (if
configured at user creation), and secondary sets.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

To configure an OTC PC as secondary set for an OpenTouch user:

1. With the Users application of the OmniVista 8770, create and associate a SIP extension to the
OpenTouch user:
a. From the Users application, click the Users tab
b. Expand the tree structure and select the corresponding OpenTouch user
c. Access the contextual menu and select Associate SIP Device > New > OTC PC

Figure 4.17: Secondary device configuration window

d. Complete the following fields:

OXE directory Enter the directory number of the OTC PC

Device type Click and use the drop-down menu to select SIP extension
OXE device profile Click and use the drop-down menu to select an OXE profile
For more information on OXE profile configuration, refer to the Configuring
OXE user profiles section of document [3].

Secondary device Enter a value or use drop-down menus to specify:

• A secondary directory number or free numbering range
• The corresponding OXE User profile

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

SIP password Enter the SIP authentication password used for registration on the SIP
If no password is specified, a default password not secured is gener-
e. Click the validate icon to save your modifications
A SIP extension device is created in the OpenTouch server and associated to the
corresponding OpenTouch user. This SIP extension is displayed below the user in the tree
structure of Users application
If the OpenTouch user has the right to the desk sharing feature (see: DeskSharing right for OpenTouch users with
an office phone on page 63), it is not possible to add other secondary devices such as deskphone, handset or
OTC smartphone.

4.8.8 Configuring video for OpenTouch users

This consists in:
1. Configuring a new DAS rule for video in OpenTouch mode with scheduled conferencing: s/^\
This DAS rule must be placed after the rule s/^\+M/M/ and before the rule adding the country
specific string for external international outgoing calls. For more information on the DAS rule
configuration, refer to document [3].
This operation reboots the ACS component of the OpenTouch server.
2. Configuring the following SIP settings on OmniPCX Enterprise:
a. From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of OmniVista 8770, select: System > Other
System Param. > SIP parameters
b. Review/modify the following attributes:

SIP video transit mode According to your needs, select:

• Local type: Video can be negotiated locally on this node
• Network type: Video can be negotiated locally and in an
ABC-F network (provided all nodes are in R11.2 or later
Any modification of this value requires a reboot to create or
update the internal table used to store video information.

Enhanced codec ne- gotia- This attribute interacts with the SIP video transit mode attrib-
tion ute, as detailed in table: Table 1

Private SIP transit mode Select Full call handling mode.

table 4.1: Video/multi-codec compatibility table

Enhanced codec negotiation

SIP Video transit mode Not available Local type Network type

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Not available No Multi-codec Multi-codec: local Multi-codec: network + local

No video No video No video

Local type Not allowed Multi-codec: local Multi-codec: network + local

Video: local Video: local

Network type Not allowed Not allowed Multi-codec: network + local

Video: network + local
c. Confirm your entries
d. Select SIP > SIP Ext Gateway
e. Review/modify the following attribute:

Video Support Profile Select Un Restricted

f. Confirm your entry
g. Select SIP > SIP Proxy
h. Review/modify the following attribute:

TCP when long messages Do not select the check box

Reset of SIPMotor is required to take into account the change.

i. Confirm your entry

j. Reboot the OmniPCX Enterprise server to take the new values into account
3. Configuring video for SIP devices:
• For each SIP device of the pool of resources SIP Nomadic created on OmniPCX Enterprise, set
the video profile to unrestricted (see: Configuring SIP external devices on the OmniPCX
Enterprise on page 60)
• For each OmniPCX Enterprise SIP subscriber created on OpenTouch, verify that the video
capability parameter is selected and the number of lines is set to 1 (see: Declaring SIP external
devices on the OpenTouch server on page 61)
4. Configuring video for SIP extensions.
This addresses OTC PC applications defined either as main set for OpenTouch users (referred to as
SIP extension users), or secondary sets when OpenTouch users belong to a multi-device
From their OTC PC, OpenTouch users can access peer to peer video communications or join
scheduled OpenTouch conferences. For more information, refer to the Video section of document
To configure OTC PC video settings:
a. Create a device profile and define its video settings (see: Creating device profiles for OTC PC
configuration on page 68)
b. Enter this device profile at the OTC PC creation and its association to an OpenTouch user (see:
Creating the SIP extension users and their OTC PC on page 68)

4.8.9 Limitations applying to OpenTouch users with a SIP deskphone as main set
As of OpenTouch 2.3, it is possible to associate an OTC PC to OpenTouch users with a SIP deskphone
as main set. In this configuration, the OTC PC provides Remote Call Control (RCC) of main SIP

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

OpenTouch users must not have the rights to Nomadic SIP and Nomadic GSM features. A dedicated
OpenTouch user profile must be created with the rights to Nomadic SIP and Nomadic GSM disabled.

Figure 4.18: Example of OpenTouch user profile configured with the rights to Nomadic SIP and
Nomadic GSM disabled

As of OpenTouch 2.3.1, it is possible to associate an OTC PC to SIP extension users (see: Configuring
the OTC PC for SIP extension users on page 66). By selecting the Personal computer option in the
OTC PC routing profile, it is possible to use the OTC PC for audio and video communications.

4.8.10 Deleting a secondary device

The following procedure only applies to OpenTouch users belonging to a twin set/multi-device configuration.
1. From the Users application, click the Users tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the device to delete

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.19: Example of OTC PC secondary device before deletion

3. Access the contextual menu and select Delete

A confirmation window opens
4. Click Yes to confirm deletion
The secondary device is removed from the multi-device configuration and deleted from the system.
It disappears from the tree structure under the corresponding user.
After deleting the secondary device:
• Multiline keys are still configured on the main device
This operation cannot be performed from the Devices application.

4.9 Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem

The OpenTouch ecosystem consists of the network elements that exist independently of systems
provided by ALE International, but interacting with the OpenTouch server and the OTC PC. The
network elements to consider are:
• The firewall protecting the intranet (company LAN)
• The DNS servers (internet and intranet), used to resolve the FQDNs of the network elements
• The reverse proxy, used to control data flows (web services, device management, and conferencing
services (as of R2.1.1)) between the OTC PC and OpenTouch server

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• The OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC), used to control VoIP communications
between the OTC PC and OpenTouch server
To allow OpenTouch users to handle conferences and communications from their OTC PC from the outside
(remote workers), the OTSBC must be declared in the OpenTouch SIP configuration.
See Configuring the OpenTouch to allow OpenTouch users to access conferences off-site on page 32
To configure these network elements, refer to: Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem on page 13. This
also includes the VPN configuration when it is used instead of these network elements.

4.10 Installing the OTC PC on client computers

4.10.1 Installing the OTC PC application on computers as standalone client Overview
OTC PC may either be installed on client computers from the client computers themselves (see:
Performing a single client installation on page 82), or deployed on several computers in one go (see:
Performing multiple client installation (mass provisioning) on page 89).
On client computers with Windows OS, the OTC PC can be installed using any of the following:
• The Windows administration tools of GPO or SCCM (mass provisioning)
• The OTC PC installation package downloaded from the OpenTouch server (single client installation)
On client computers with MAC OS, the OTC PC can only be installed using the OTC PC installation
package downloaded from the OpenTouch server (single client installation). Mass provisioning does
not apply for OTC PC installation on client computers with MAC OS.
Extensions of the OTC PC are also installed when the Microsoft Outlook client is present on the
computer. No specific extension installation is required. Installation is performed at installation of the
OTC PC on the computer: the OTC PC installation program automatically detects the presence of
Microsoft Outlook on the client computer. If present on the computer, extensions are installed
transparently. This applies to single or multiple client installation (mass provisioning).
To enable users to handle their voice messages from a Microsoft Outlook client, it is required to
implement a Unified Messaging voice mail system using a Microsoft Exchange server. To implement a
Unified Messaging voice mail system, refer to the section Configuring voice mail services of document
Calendar presence is available on OTC PC provided that a dedicated account has been created on the
Microsoft Exchange server, and provided the rights to the privileged account have been assigned to
user mailboxes. To configure this dedicated account, refer to the sections Configuring a dedicated
account on the Microsoft Exchange server and Assigning rights to the privileged account on
user mailboxes of document [2]. Prerequisites Prerequisite for MAC OS
You must have the OTC PC installation package (OpenTouchConversation.msg).
The current version is provided with the installation file (*.iso format) of the OpenTouch core: edit the
second *.iso file and select Clients_softwares > Single_client > MAC >
The version can also be downloaded from the OpenTouch server using the following URL:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

https://<OpenTouch server FQDN>/OpenTouch_conversation_mac_update/

OpenTouchConversation.msg Prerequisites for Windows OS
• You must have local administration rights on the target computers to install or uninstall the OTC PC
• In case of single client installation, you must have the OTC PC installation package
The current version is provided with the installation file (*.iso format) of the OpenTouch core: edit
the second *.iso file and select Clients_softwares > Single_client > Windows >
The version can also be downloaded from the OpenTouch server using the following URL:
https://<OpenTouch server FQDN>/OpenTouch_conversation_update/
The msi package is signed with a digital certificate purchased from the Digicert commercial
certificate authority. You can check the digital signature in file properties.

Figure 4.20: msi file digital signature

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.21: Certificate used to sign the msi package

• The Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package must be installed on computers.

• In a single client installation: OTC PC installation also includes the installation of the Microsoft
Visual C++ redistributable package, provided that it has not been installed previously on
• In a multiple client installation (mass provisioning): this package must be installed manually on
computers before installing OTC PC.
The minimum version required is Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable. It is available from the
Microsoft web site:
• The Microsoft.NET Framework must have been installed previously on computers.
The minimum version required is Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. The Microsoft .NET Framework
3.5 is required when Conference Scheduling for Microsoft Outlook is installed. This version is
available from the Microsoft web site:
A control is performed during OTC PC installation on client computer. A warning message is displayed if the
Microsoft .NET Framework is not installed. If it is the case, the installation process is stopped.
• The Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime (VSTOR) must be installed on computers only
when an extension of OTC PC is installed in Microsoft Outlook.
The minimum version required is Microsoft VSTOR 10.0.40219. This version is available from the
Microsoft web site:
• If running, the Microsoft Outlook must be stopped on computers before installing OTC PC
A control is performed during OTC PC installation on client computer. A warning message is displayed if MS
Outlook is running.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference Performing a single client installation

To install the OTC PC on an single client computer:
1. From a computer with Windows OS, double click the OTC PC setup file (for example:
OpenTouchConversation.msi) or use the following command line: msiexec /i <access
From a computer with MAC OS, double click the OTC PC setup file (OpenTouchConversation.msg).
Installation process is almost the same, except the extension and integration mode are not offered.
This displays the installation wizard welcome page

Figure 4.22: Welcome window example

2. Click Next
The license agreement window is displayed

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.23: License agreement window example

3. Read and accept the terms of the license, and click Next
A directory location selection window is displayed
• The installation package searches for a previous version of OTC PC on the target computer. When a
previous version is found, the setup process offers to delete, repair or remove the software.
• The installation mode selection is not offered on computer with MAC OS: the OTC PC can only be installed
as standalone application on the target computer.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.24: Installation directory selection window example

4. If desired, change the installation directory and click Next

An installation mode selection window opens

Figure 4.25: Installation mode selection window example

5. Select the installation mode:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• Standard installation: This option enables to install both the OTC PC as standalone application
on the target computer, and all OpenTouch features on Microsoft Outlook, if present on the
• Advanced installation: This option enables to install the OTC PC as standalone application on
the target computer, and select which OpenTouch features must be deployed on Microsoft
Outlook, if present on the computer.
6. Select the installation mode and click Next
If the Standard installation option has been selected, go directly to step 9.
If the Advanced installation option has been selected, follow the instructions below
An additional installation mode selection window opens

Figure 4.26: Additional installation mode selection window example

7. Select the As a standalone application option, and click Next

If Microsoft Outlook is present on the computer, the installation wizard allows to select OpenTouch
features to deploy on Microsoft Outlook, such as scheduled conferences.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.27: OpenTouch feature selection window example

By default, all available OpenTouch features are installed on Microsoft Outlook if present on the
This selection window is not offered on computers with MAC OS.
8. According to your needs, enable or disable the OpenTouch features that must be deployed on
Microsoft Outlook and click Next
A server information window is displayed

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.28: Server information window example

9. Complete the following parameters:

• Server's private address: Enter the private FQDN of the OpenTouch server. This allows the
OTC PC to connect to the OpenTouch server within company premises (see: On site topology on
page 52)
• Server's public address: Enter the public FQDN of the OpenTouch server. This allows the OTC
PC to connect to the OpenTouch server when outside company premises (see: Off site topology
(remote worker) on page 52)
10. Select your desired type(s) of shortcut and click Next
The shortcut creation window is displayed

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.29: Shortcut creation window example

11. Click Next

The installation confirmation window is displayed

Figure 4.30: Installation confirmation window example

12. Click the Install button to start installation

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

If necessary, click the Back button to change any option previously configured.
At the end of the process, the installation wizard finalization window is displayed

Figure 4.31: Installation wizard finalization window example

13. If desired, select the check box to automatically launch the OTC PC after the installation wizard is
closed, and click Finish
This closes the installation wizard Performing multiple client installation (mass provisioning)

Standard deployment tools are available to install several clients simultaneously from a remote
computer on the network. This feature does not apply to computers with MAC OS. It only applies to
computers with Windows OS.
These tools rely on command lines. For an OTC PC installation with the msi package, the command
line used is: msiexec /i <access path>\OpenTouchConversation.msi /qn where:
• /i specifies the msi package to run
• <access path> specifies where is located the msi package
• /qn requests installation to run silently
The command line can include additional options such as:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Option Value Meaning

INSTALL_VCREDIST2013 0 or 1 If set to 0, the Microsoft Visual Studio C+

+ 2013 Redistribuable package installation
(execution of vcredist.exe) is disabled

OTC_TARGET_DIR Any valid path Specify the installation folder where the OTC
PC must be installed
The default path is: files>

OTC_DESKTOP_ICON True or False If set to True (default value), a shortcut to

OTC PC is added to the computer

OTC_START_ICON True or False If set to True (default value), a shortcut to

OTC PC is added to the computer start
In the two cases, a shortcut is automatically
placed in the following path: Start >
Alcatel-Lucent > OpenTouch

OTC_SERVER_NAME Any valid FQDN Specify the private FQDN of the OpenTouch
(no IP address) server (on-site mobility)
This field is optional (can be left empty) and
has no default value.

OTC_PROXY_NAME Any valid FQDN Specify the public FQDN of the reverse
(no IP address) proxy used by the OTC PC to connect to the
OpenTouch server outside company prem-
ises (off-site mobility)
This field is optional (can be left empty) and
has no default value.

OPTIONAL_FEATURES 0 to 3 In addition, the OTC PC installation can in-

clude the installation of OpenTouch features
in Microsoft Outlook:
• 0: no feature
• 1: Instant Messaging (IM), presence and
• 2: Telephony and voice messaging
• 3: all features (default value)

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Option Value Meaning

CONFERENCE_ADDIN 0 or 1 If set to 1, the OTC PC installation also in-

cludes the installation of the conference fea-
ture in Microsoft Outlook (scheduled confer-
Default value: 1

AUTORUN_APP 0 or 1 If set to 1, the OTC PC automatically starts

after installation
Default value: 0 (if the installation is per-
formed in silent mode)

SKYPE_MODE 0 or 1 If set to 1, the OTC PC services are integra-

ted into the Skype for Business client
present on the computer
Default value: 0

INTEGRATED_MS_TELEPHONY 0 or 1 This option only applies to the Skype for

Business integration mode. If set to 0, the
Skype call context menu entry is disabled
Default value: 1

INTEGRATED_IPDSP 0 or 1 This option activates this mode when the ap-

plication and IPDSP are installed on the
same target machine.
Default value: 0

INTEGRATED_OT_VIDEO 0 or 1 This option only applies to the Skype for

Business integration mode. If set to 0, the
OpenTouch video call context menu entry is
Default value: 1

INTEGRATED_OT_SHARING 0 or 1 This option only applies to the Skype for

Business integration mode. If set to 0, the
OpenTouch sharing is disabled
Default value: 1

INTEGRATED_OT_MEETING 0 or 1 This option only applies to the Skype for

Business integration mode. If set to 0, the
OpenTouch conferencing is disabled
Default value: 1

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Option Value Meaning

NOVOIP 0 or 1 If enabled, the OTC PC is deployed without

the VoIP capability. The client is:
• Unable to activate softphone in SIP
• Unable to manage audio devices

NOVIDEO 0 or 1 If enabled, the OTC PC is deployed without

the video capability. The client is:
• Unable to make or receive a video call or
to join a meeting in video
• Unable to manage webcams

VDI_PUBLISHEDAPP 0 or 1 If enabled, the OTC PC is deployed with

specific behavior matching constraint of a
“publishing app” deployment:
• The OTC PC works in a “standard
windows Frame” mode
• This option disables the capability to
display search bar in the Windows

IM_PROVIDER 0 to 2 Enable/disable the OTC PC IM Provider

and/or override the user prompt.
Available values are:
• 0: displays the prompt to select the
default IM Provider
• 1: no prompt is displayed, and no
activation of the OTC PC IM Provider
• 2: no prompt is displayed, but the OTC
PC IM Provider is automatically activated
Default value: 0

NOSTATISTICS 0 or 1 If set to 1, statistics are disabled and no

prompt is displayed when the OTC PC
Default value: 0

ALLOWREPAIR 0 or 1 If set to 1, the maintenance and repair mode

is enabled.
Default value: 0

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Option Value Meaning

DISABLE_URL_ACCESS 0 or 1 This option allows to enable/disable the

FQDN modification from the OTC PC login
If set to 1, the FQDN modification is disabled
If set to 0, the FQDN modification is enabled

QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM warp, d3d9 or This option allows to force the OTC PC to

d3d11 use either direct 3D 9, direct 3D 11 or warp
(software rendering).
IGNORE_CRYPTED_SIGNED_EMA 0 or 1 This option allows to prevent the Outlook
ILS add-in to handle encrypted and/or signed
emails, and prompt users to enter their
credentials for authentication:
0: The Outlook add-in handles encrypted or
signed emails (DEFAULT).
1: The Outlook add-in does not handle en-
crypted or signed emails.

LANGUAGE See (1) This option specifies the user language in

components requesting a language
CALL_HOTKEY Keyboard keys This option defines a value for the keyboard
shortcut used to make a call.
Default value: F4

CALL_HOTKEY_MODIFIER Keyboard keys This option defines a value for the keyboard
shortcut modifier used to make a call.
Default value: empty

HIDE_AUDIO_TOAST 0 or 1 If set to 1, the Hide incoming audio

call toast parameter is added in the
OTC PC settings (General tab). This
parameter allows to display or hide a toast
when an incoming call is presented on the
OTC PC. This toast provides:
• Information on the caller
• Actions for call handling (take the call,
transfer the call, send an instant message
or e-mail)

HIDE_BALLOONS 0 or 1 This option allows to hide balloon popping up

and shown when connection gets lost or
active again.
Default value: 0

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Option Value Meaning

SIP_LOST_TIMER Number of When sip connection is lost, the OTC PC

millisecond to wait waits a certain time before changing
connection status, so that the user is not
disturbed by transitory states like stopping
sip and connecting to another server.
Default value: 15000. 0 means no delay

APPLICATION_LOST_TIMER Number of When connection to the server is lost, the

millisecond to wait OTC PC waits a certain time before
changing connection status, so that the user
is not disturbed by transitory states.
Default value: 15000. 0 means no delay

PROCESS_GROUP_HISTORY (ACD Comma separated Use this option to put default values in the
Agent ) list of processing “processing group” combo box for ACD
group number by agents. If no default value is provided, the
default “processing group” combobox in the ACD
logon/logoff form contains nothing. If you
need to pre populate it with values, indicate
a string containing the list of values
separated with commas “,”. Example:
Default value: empty

S4B_STRIP_PLUS_ON_PHONE_W It installs a new key in the Windows registry.

When the call is made from Skype for Busi-
ness, the OTC PC dialer takes this registry
key value into account: if the dialed number
is +XXXXX where the number of digits is be-
tween 1 and registry key value, the + charac-
ter will be removed from the number that
OTC PC will dial

These additional options must be entered in upper case (mandatory).

msiexec /i D:\soft\OpenTouchConversation.msi /qn OTC_TARGET_DIR=C:\Program\Alcatel-Lucent
\OpenTouchConversation OTC_DESKTOP_ICON=False

(1) Accepted "Land code” or “Lang id” values for the LANGUAGE option:

Language Lang code Lang id

Czech cs_CZ 1029
Danish da_DK 1030
German de_DE 1031
English (default) en_US 1033
Spanish es_ES 1034

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Language Lang code Lang id

Finnish fi_FI 1035
French fr_FR 1036
Hungarian hu_HU 1038
Itialian it_IT 1040
Korean ko_KR 1042
Dutch nl_NL 1043
Norwegian nb_NO 1044
Polish pl_PL 1045
Portuguese pt_PT 2070
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR 1046
Russian ru_RU 1049
Swedish sv_SE 1053
Turkish tr_TR 1055
Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN 2052
Chinese (Traditional) zh_TW 1028

There is no option to configure Automatic start of application at window session logon.
After an installation with wizard, automatic start is enabled by default: at the end of the installation, the following
key is created for the logged in user to automatically start OTC PC when the window session is opened:
After a silent installation, automatic start is disabled.
Each new user on the PC has to set this option to true in OTC PC settings.

4.10.2 Installing the OTC PC on computers with collaboration clients Installing the OTC PC in Skype for Business integration mode
To install the OTC PC with a Skype for Business client on the same computer, perform the following
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, declare the Skype for Business
server in OpenTouch parameters:
a. Select: Eco system > IT Server
b. Access the contextual menu and select Create > Skype for Business Server

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.32: Skype for Business Server creation window example

c. In the General tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Name Enter the Skype for Business server display name

FQDN Enter the FQDN for Skype for Business

Port Enter the origin port used by the OpenTouch server

Type Not required, do not modify
MOC port Enter the destination port used on Skype for Business server
Location Not required, do not modify
Skype integration mode Select Pane attached or Pane detached
d. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
The Skype for Business server is created in the server list
2. For each OpenTouch user, configure the presence ID (the presence ID must be the same as the
collaboration ID, that is the user company e-mail address):
a. From the Users application of the OmniVista 8770, select an OpenTouch user
b. In the OT configuration tab, review/modify the following attribute:

Presence ID Enter the user company e-mail address.

c. Confirm your entry
3. On the Skype for Business client computer, install the OTC PC client solution using any of the
following options:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

• Installation via a command line. In this case, launch the following command line:
msiexec.exe /i <access path>\OpenTouchConversation.msi SERVER_LOCATION=<OpenTouchFQDN>

Additional options can be included to the command line:

Option Meaning

INTEGRATED_MS_TELEPH- If set to 0, the Skype call context menu entry is disabled (de-
ONY fault value: 1)

INTEGRATED_OT_VIDEO If set to 0, the OpenTouch video call context menu entry is dis-
abled (default value: 1)

INTEGRATED_OT_SHARING If set to 0, the OpenTouch sharing is disabled (default value: 1)

INTEGRATED_OT_MEETING If set to 0, the OpenTouch conferencing is disabled (default

value: 1)

• Installation via the setup file. In this case, perform the following operations:
1. Double click the OTC PC setup file, for example:
An installation wizard welcome page opens
2. Click Next to start the installation
The license agreement window is displayed
3. Read and accept the terms of the license, and click Next
A directory location selection window is displayed
4. If desired, change the installation directory and click Next
An installation mode selection window opens
5. Select the Advanced installation option and click Next
A selection window is displayed with the available installation types (standalone or integrated
to a collaboration client)

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

6. Select the Integrated with Microsoft Lync/Skype for Business option and click Next
A Skype for Business feature selection window is displayed

7. According to your needs, disable the options that must be hidden in the Skype for Business
client, then click Next
The OpenTouch video option must disabled for OpenTouch profile.
8. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the installation

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference Installing the OTC PC in Teams integration mode Overview
As of OpenTouch R2.6, the OpenTouch Conversation application provides an integration with Microsoft
Teams by the delivery of a dedicated PowerApps.

Microsoft Cloud Internet flow

One-way command (e.g. make call)
OpenTouch flow

MS Teams client
Telephony integration
a OpenTouch
m server
VoIP s
OTC PC OTC PC and Smartphones

User desktop
(Windows PC) Phones

The features available for Telephony integration are:

• Extended directory search/Make call (VoIP or Phone control)
• Incoming call notifications/Take call (VoIP or Phone control)
• Call routing/Call history
• Soft keys, Supervision/Pick-up, Manager/Assistant, Hunting groups
• Voice messaging/Unified messaging (with Microsoft Exchange online)
The OTC PowerApps needs the following rights:
• Office 365 Outlook
• Office 365 Users
• Office 365 Groups
The OTC PowerApps interface is displayed within a Teams group:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Microsoft Teams OTC PowerApps

Teams tab

desktop PC

One-way control (e.g. “call=+1 2345 6789”)


ALE OTC pane for Teams server
Phone Control

The OTC PowerApps can also be integrated as a Teams application in the Microsoft Teams client:

Microsoft Teams

OTC PowerApps

User desktop PC Requirements
The OTC PowerApps application is only compatible with the Microsoft Teams thick client for Windows

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

PowerApps is included in OTC PC licences: Connection User + Universal Client Option. Installing the OTC PowerApps
The OTC PowerApps is available with the software delivery on the Business Partner web site as zip
file: OpenTouchConversation_[version].zip.
You are asked to upload the application and then share the application to a Teams user or group:

Microsoft cloud

ALE space Client space User actions:

Internet Nothing to install,
as they inherit the PowerApps

Users 1..n

Administrator action:
- Upload the PowerApps
- Provides rights

Administrator actions:
- Create local Teams
- Add the PowerApps

To install the OTC PowerApps, perform the following operations:

1. Import the OTC PowerApps:
a. Open a web browser and enter:
b. Click Apps, then select Import canvas app
c. Select Upload, then the app package file:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

d. Once the package has been uploaded you will need to review the package contents
e. Once you have provided all the required information, select Import
When import is complete, you are automatically redirected to a page that outlines whether or not
the import operation was successful.
Detailed process is described in:
2. Give the application access right to your organization members (per group, or user by user):
a. Open a web browser and enter:
b. Click Apps, then the symbol represented by 3 points (…), and select Share
c. Add user per user, a group, or all the organization
d. Click the Share button to validate configuration

Add user per user, a group,

or all the organization

3. Deploy the OTC PowerApps for all user accounts, using one of the following solutions:
• Solution 1: Installation as a Power app in the Teams:
1. Create a new Team:

2. Add members to your teams:

This operation is not required if organization was selected previously (see step 2 above).

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

3. Add a tab for the Power app, and select the Power app:

Add a tab
for the PowerApps

Add the PowerApps

using the search tool

If the PowerApps is not visible,

import it with PowerApps dev tools:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

The package is now available in Teams client. All team members have now access to the
OTC PowerApps:

• Solution 2: Installation as a Teams application:

1. Download the OTC PowerApps to Microsoft Teams client:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

2. From the Microsoft Teams client, install the OTC PowerApps for all Teams members or

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Step 1: Step 2:

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Step 3:

Step 4:

3. After installation, pin the OTC PowerApps application:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference Installing the OTC PC in Teams integration mode

To install the OTC PC with a Microsoft Teams client on the same computer, perform the following
1. For each OpenTouch user, configure the presence ID (the presence ID must be the same as the
collaboration ID, that is the user company e-mail address):
a. From the Users application of the OmniVista 8770, select an OpenTouch user
b. In the OT configuration tab, review/modify the following attribute:

Presence ID Enter the user company e-mail address

c. Confirm your entry
2. On the Teams client computer, install the OTC PC client solution:
a. Double click the OTC PC setup file, for example:
An installation wizard welcome page opens
b. Click Next to start the installation
The license agreement window is displayed
c. Read and accept the terms of the license, and click Next
A directory location selection window is displayed
d. If desired, change the installation directory and click Next
An installation mode selection window opens
e. Select the Advanced installation option and click Next
A selection window is displayed with the available installation types (standalone or integrated to
a collaboration client)

f. Select the Integrated with Microsoft Teams option and click Next

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

If Microsoft Outlook and Office are present on the computer, the installation wizard allows to
select OpenTouch features to deploy on Microsoft Outlook and Office, such as scheduled
conferences for Outlook application.

By default, all available OpenTouch features are installed on Microsoft Outlook and Office, if
present on the computer.
g. According to your needs, enable or disable the OpenTouch features that must be deployed on
Microsoft Outlook and Office, then click Next
h. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the installation Customizing the OTC PC frame in Skype for Business integration mode
As of R2.3.1, the logo displayed to the right of the OTC PC frame (in Skype for Business integration
mode) can be changed.

The logo file must abide by the following rules:

• File format: png
• File name: logo.png
• Size: 100 x 30 pixels
To replace the current logo:
1. Connect to the OpenTouch server
2. Copy the desired logo file in: /var/data/slides/d.DEFAULT/logo/
3. Restart the OTC PC
The new logo is displayed in the OTC PC frame
In an OpenTouch network, repeat this procedure for every node (the logo is not automatically copied
between nodes).

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

To revert to the default logo:

1. Connect to the OpenTouch server
2. Remove the logo file previously added to the folder: /var/data/slides/d.DEFAULT/logo/
3. Restart the OTC PC

4.11 Installing the OT Conference on client computers as standalone

4.11.1 Overview
The OT Conference is a separate application dedicated to the conference management in Microsoft
Outlook environment. It embeds an instance of the OTC PC application and the Outlook add-in for
conference management.
Associated OpenTouch users only require the Conferencing license on their OpenTouch profile.
The OTC PC software component is deployed in background mode as a system service during the OT
Conference installation.
To install the OT Conference, run its setup file (OpenTouchConference.msi).

4.11.2 Prerequisites
• You must have local administration rights on the target computers to install or uninstall the OT
• You must have the OT Conference installation package (OpenTouchConference.msi)
The current version is provided with the installation file (*.iso format) of the OpenTouch core: edit
the second *.iso file and select Clients_softwares > Single_client > Windows >
The version can also be downloaded from the OpenTouch server using the following URL:
https://<OpenTouch server FQDN>/OpenTouch_conversation_update/OpenTouchConference.msi

The msi package is signed with a digital certificate purchased from the Digicert commercial
certificate authority. You can check the digital signature in file properties.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.33: msi file digital signature

Figure 4.34: Certificate used to sign the msi package

• The Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package must be installed on computers. OT Conference
installation also includes the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package,
provided that it has not been installed previously on computer.
The minimum version required is Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable. It is available from the
Microsoft web site:
• The Microsoft.NET Framework must have been installed previously on computers.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

The minimum version required is Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. The Microsoft .NET Framework
3.5 is required when Conference Scheduling for Microsoft Outlook is installed. This version is
available from the Microsoft web site:
A control is performed during OT Conference installation on client computer. A warning message is displayed if
the Microsoft .NET Framework is not installed. If it is the case, the installation process is stopped.
• The Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime (VSTOR) must be installed on computers only
when an extension of OT Conference is installed in Microsoft Outlook.
The minimum version required is Microsoft VSTOR 10.0.60825. This version is available from the
Microsoft web site:
• If running, the Microsoft Outlook must be stopped on computers before installing OT Conference
A control is performed during OT Conference installation on client computer. A warning message is displayed if
Microsoft Outlook is running.

4.11.3 Installing the OT Conference application on an single client computer

To install the OT Conference on an single client computer:
1. From a computer with Windows OS, double click the OT Conference setup file (for example:
OpenTouchConference.msi) or use the following command line:
msiexec /i <access path>\OpenTouchConference.msi

This displays the installation wizard welcome page

Figure 4.35: Welcome window example

2. Click Next
The license agreement window is displayed

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.36: License agreement window example

3. Read and accept the terms of the license, and click Next
A directory location selection window is displayed

Figure 4.37: Installation directory selection window example

4. If desired, change the installation directory and click Next

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

A server information window is displayed

Figure 4.38: Server information window example

5. Complete the following parameters:

• Internal access: Enter the private FQDN of the OpenTouch server. This allows the OT
Conference to connect to the OpenTouch server within company premises (see: On site topology
on page 52)
• Remote access: Enter the public FQDN of the OpenTouch server. This allows the OT
Conference to connect to the OpenTouch server when outside company premises (see: Off site
topology (remote worker) on page 52)
6. Click Next
The installation confirmation window is displayed

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.39: Installation confirmation window example

7. Click the Install button to start installation

If necessary, click the Back button to change any option previously configured.
At the end of the process, the installation wizard finalization window is displayed

Figure 4.40: Installation wizard finalization window example

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

8. Click Finish
This closes the installation wizard

4.12 Using certificates for OpenTouch access authentication

To allow the OTC PC to authenticate the OpenTouch certificate, it is necessary to store the Hierarchy of
certification of the OpenTouch on the trusted root certificate store of OTC PC. If the server certificate
cannot be authenticated, the following message is displayed at client application startup:

When this occurs, press the button Proceed anyway to bypass this control and start the application.
Based on the type of deployment of the certificate selected at installation, different files must be
retrieved and stored on the trusted root certificate store of OTC PC:
• Installation with SECURITY set to OFF.
For such deployment, a default certificate is installed during the software deployment.
Connect to the OpenTouch server and retrieve the file server.pem from directory /var/data/
• Installation with SECURITY set to ON with Auto-generated certificate.
For such deployment, a Root certificate is generated to build the server certificate.
Connect to the OpenTouch server and retrieve the file ca.pem from directory /var/data/
• Installation with SECURITY set to ON with Customized certificate from an external PKI.
For such deployment, the PKI administrator must provide the Customized certificate for the server
along with one or several Root certificates of the certification hierarchy (from Root certificate down
to the certificate that signed the Server certificate).
Once the Root certificates have been retrieved, two deployment processes are available on the
computer on which the application runs:
• Automatic process using the Windows domain controller (GPO):
1. From the computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Group Policy
2. From the console tree, double click Group Policy Objects in the forest, and domain containing
the Default Domain Policy Group Policy object (GPO) that you want to edit
3. Right click the Default Domain Policy GPO, then click Edit
4. From the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC), go to Computer Configuration >
Windows Settings > Security Settings, then click Public Key Policies
5. Right click the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store and click Import

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

6. Follow the instructions in the Certificate Import Wizard to import the certificates
• Manual process using Administrator rights:
1. From the computer, rename the certificate files extension from *.pem into *.cer
2. Double click the Root certificate to view the certificate.

For the Root certificate the Fields Issued to and Issued by are identical.
3. Click the Install certificate button
4. Select manually the store Trusted Root certificate authorities to force the certificate to be

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

5. Click the Next button, then Finish to load the certificate:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

If intermediate certificates are also provided, install these certificates signed by the Root
Certificate using this procedure and repeat this operation up to the certificate which has signed
the server certificate.

4.13 Launching the OTC PC

4.13.1 Prerequisites
• OpenTouch users must be declared on the OpenTouch with rights to the Desktop feature (see:
Granting the SIP extension users the right to use the OTC PC on page 72).
• If starting OTC PC from outside company premises (off site mobility), ensure that the public URLs of
the network components have been configured (see: Configuring the public DNS server on page
• Certificates for OpenTouch access authentication must be installed on OTC PC (see: Using
certificates for OpenTouch access authentication on page 116)

4.13.2 Connecting to the OpenTouch server

Once the OTC PC is installed on the client computer, proceed as follows:
1. Start the OTC PC using any of the following methods:
• Select the shortcut from the start menu of Windows

• Click the icon on the client computer

At startup, the OTC PC first tries to reach the private FQDN of the OpenTouch server. If the private
FQDN of the OpenTouch server can be reached, and this is your first login (or if the Remember
password option was not selected at previous login), the login window is displayed.

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.41: OTC PC login window example

2. Complete the parameters:

Modify if necessary the private FQDN of the OpenTouch server entered at OTC
PC installation

Enter an authentication login to access the OTC PC

Enter the password

3. Click Connect
At first connection, the OpenTouch server sends its certificate. If this certificate is validated by the
current Root certificates installed on the computer trusted store, you are logged in.
You may need to restart the application to take into account the language configured on the
OpenTouch server. This occurs when the user language, which is initially the language of the
operating System, differs from the language configured on the OpenTouch server.
The OTC PC main window opens

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference


An icon in the Windows task bar ( ) indicates telephone presence status. Place the mouse over this icon to
display the current routing profile.
If the private FQDN of the OpenTouch server cannot be reached, the OTC PC tries to reach the server
through the public FQDN of the OpenTouch server. A remote connection authentication window is
When this occurs, the following parameters must be entered on the Show remote access section of
the OTC PC login window:
• The public FQDN of the OpenTouch server
• The authentication login to access the reverse proxy
• The password
At startup, the OTC PC:
• Automatically detects the available audio sources:
• Microphone and speakers on the computer
• Digital audio devices (headset, earset, or speakers) connected to the computer
• Bluetooth devices associated to USB dongles connected to the computer
• Selects the most appropriate audio source
The same detection and selection apply when an audio device is connected to (or disconnected from) the

4.14 Displaying the type of user logged in

After launching the application, you can verify your system profile (Connection or Connection/OTC
PC One). This menu also provides the current software version of the application.
Proceed as follows:

• From the current page, click the icon to access the application settings
The application settings window opens
• Select About at the top part of the window to access user and application information

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.42: User and application information example

If an OpenTouch user is logged in without any desktop license, the system profile displays: Connection/OTC PC
One. If an OpenTouch user is logged with a desktop license, the system profile displays: Connection.

4.15 Configuring the multi-tenant settings on OTC PC

In case of multi-tenant configuration, this operation prevents the double toast when an incoming call is
presented on the OTC PC.
To configure the multi-tenant settings on OTC PC:

1. From the current page, click the icon to access the application settings
The application settings window opens
2. Select the Advanced Settings menu to access the multi-tenant configuration

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.43: Multi-tenant configuration example

3. Select the Multi tenant check box and enter the corresponding company prefix
4. Click Apply to validate your modification

4.16 Configuring the OTC PC extension in Microsoft Outlook

To verify that the OTC PC extension is present and active on the Microsoft Outlook client:
1. From the Microsoft Outlook interface, click the File menu and select the Options item
The Outlook option window is displayed
2. Select the Add-ins option
The list of active and inactive add-ins is displayed (example for Outlook 2010)

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

3. Verify that the OTC PC extension is present in the list of add-ins

From this page, you can perform any of the following:
• Verify that the OTC PC extension is active. At the bottom of the window, select COM Add-ins in
the Manage item and click Go
The check box must be selected for OTC PC extension.
If it is not the case, select the corresponding check box and click OK to validate your
• Verify and modify if necessary the OTC PC extension settings:
1. At the top of the window, click the Add-in Options button
The add-in option window is displayed
2. Click the OpenTouch tab to display the OTC PC extension settings
To use the OTC PC extensions from Microsoft Outlook:
• A user e-mail account must be created in Outlook (access path: File > Info)
• The OTC PC must be launched on the computer with the user credentials
At application startup, if a Microsoft Outlook client is installed on the PC, users are prompted to select
the OTC PC as their IM provider:
• If they select Yes, application extensions are available in Microsoft Outlook
• If they select No, extensions are available in the home tab (audio call, video call), not from MS

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

To access the features provided by OTC PC extension, click the Home tab and select the Mail menu of
the Microsoft Outlook interface. A group of commands dedicated to the OpenTouch must be present in
the Microsoft Outlook Ribbon (top button bar).

4.17 Uninstalling the OTC PC from client computers

Prerequisite: Microsoft Outlook must be stopped on client computers before uninstalling the OTC PC.
A control is performed at OTC PC uninstallation on the client computer. A warning message is
displayed if Microsoft Outlook is running.
To uninstall the OTC PC from a client computer:
1. Open the Add/remove programs interface in the Control panel of the client computer
2. Select the OpenTouch Conversation program and click Remove
The OTC PC uninstallation cannot be performed from the Start menu.
Performing multiple client uninstallation is possible from the msi package, using the following command
msiexec /x "<access path>\OpenTouchConversation.msi" /qn

4.18 Migrating an OTC PC One to an OTC PC

To migrate an OTC PC One to an OTC PC integrated into a collaboration client (Skype for Business or
Teams), you must first uninstall the OTC PC One from the client computer (see: Uninstalling the OTC
PC from client computers on page 125), and use the OTC PC setup file (or command line) to integrate
the OTC PC features into the collaboration client present on the client computer (see: Installing the
OTC PC on computers with collaboration clients on page 95).
No software installation is required to migrate an OTC PC One to an OTC PC as standalone client. Add
the right to the desktop license in the user settings (see: Configuring the OTC PC on page 56).
If outlook extensions have not been installed, an update using the OTC PC setup file is necessary.

4.19 Accessing logs

Saving log files is performed from the OTC PC settings:

1. From the current page, click the icon to access the application settings
The application settings window opens
2. Select Support

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

Figure 4.44: OTC PC Settings window

3. Select the Activate logging check box (option not activated by default) and click Apply to allow log
files to be saved on the computer
After the check box selection, a pop-up window opens asking you to restart the OTC PC application
4. Restart the application and return to the Support menu in the OTC PC application settings
5. Click Save logs… to save log files on computer.
A browser window opens
6. Select the folder on which log files must be saved and validate

4.20 Troubleshoooting: OTC PC integration

1. Logs:
a. Go to control panel and administrative tools or task manager in Windows and “services”. Look
for ALE International OpenTouch service
b. Stop ContactsService and OTC PC
c. Open the file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcatel-Lucent\OpenTouch Conversation\Services\SynchroContacts
d. Modify the level value:
The level value is "ALL”
e. Start service
2. Start Loggin mode thru OTC PC option panel:

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Chapter 4 Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT Conference

3. Reproduce the issue and save the logs

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5 Implementing OTC smartphone

5.1 Overview
The following paragraphs are intended for people in charge of configuring and commissioning the
OpenTouch Conversation for smartphone (OTC smartphone) available for OpenTouch users. This
application is designed to run on iPhones and Android smartphones.
On each market store (Play Store for Google and App Store for Apple), there is only one single
application that can be used for OpenTouch users.
The OTC Android Smartphone can operate either in cellular mode only, Wi-Fi mode only (the latter
being available to OpenTouch users as of R2.3.1), or dual-mode (Wi-Fi/cellular). The Wi-Fi mode
only addresses the OTC smartphone running on devices without a SIM card. In Wi-Fi mode, OTC
smartphones operate as pure VoIP softphones. They have no access to features available on the
cellular network, such as fallback mode, private calls, SMS, and business mobile phone number
The OTC iPhones can operate in cellular mode only or dual-mode (Wi-Fi/cellular).
Accessing the OTC smartphone is subject to license control. Refer to the license management
documentation and commercial catalog.
For readability purposes, unless stated otherwise, the OpenTouch Conversation for iPhone (OTC
iPhone) and OpenTouch Conversation for Android smartphone (OTC Android Smartphone) are called
OTC smartphone in the rest of the document.

5.2 About this document

The following paragraphs detail:
• The list of available OTC smartphone features (see: Available features on page 129)
• A quick overview of the OTC smartphone screens (see: Interface overview on page 131)
• Details on dual mode (Wi-Fi/cellular) when the OTC smartphone operates within company premises
(see: Dual mode (Wi-Fi/cellular) within company premises on page 134)
• Details on VoIP communications when the OTC smartphone operates outside company premises
(see: VoIP communications outside company premises on page 135)
• Details on the OTC smartphone network infrastructure (see: Topologies on page 136)
• The configuration of the OTC smartphone for OpenTouch users (see: Configuring the OTC
smartphone on page 138)
• The ecosystem configuration required for OTC smartphone use (see: Configuring the OpenTouch
ecosystem on page 160)
• The installation of OTC smartphone on smartphones (see: Installing the OTC smartphone
application on smartphones on page 161)
User operations are described in a dedicated user guide.

5.3 Available features

The features are available for the two applications OTC iPhone and OpenTouch Conversation for Android

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Features OpenTouch

Single User eXperience across multiple devices Yes

Computer, smartphone and deskphone

One business number Yes

View the history of voice calls (past and ongoing), instant messages Yes
(past and ongoing), and schedules conferences (past, ongoing, and fu-

Check notifications on new voice message, missed call, instant mes- Yes
sage, or scheduled conference

Check notifications on callback request Yes

Change my photo/avatar and presence Yes

Manage the greeting messages of my voice mail Yes

Edit user profile to modify private phone numbers Yes

Consume a call routing profile predefined by the end user Yes

Create or delete a call routing profile Yes

Call routing profile configuration with immediate forwarding to a user or Yes

voice mail

Directory lookup (local contact on the device, or corporate or Open- Yes

Touch use)

Voice over IP everywhere (*) Yes

Visual voice mail with file download Yes

Make a call from a directory lookup, enterprise dialing plan, conversa- Yes
tion history, voice mail interface, or scheduled conference

Muting/unmuting microphone (**), loudspeaker on/off (**), call record- Yes

ing, hold, new call, starting chat session (escalation)

Pushing a call from mobile to another device Yes

Muting/unmuting microphone (**), loudspeaker on/off (**), back and Yes

forth, attended call transfer, 3-party ad-hoc conference, leaving a con-
ference, ending a conference

Caller identification (when local or OpenTouch contact are identified) Yes

Divert incoming call to the voice mail, number, or chat Yes

Log in to or log out from a hunt group Yes

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Features OpenTouch

Mute or unmute the ringing tone of the user's main deskphone Yes
Manager/Assistant (OmniPCX Enterprise telephony feature) Yes

Start with a simple one-to-one chat and add people, add voice Yes

View presence and availability of favorite contacts and tap to start and Yes
manage collaborative conversations

Favorite list and rich presence Yes

Access from conversation history to any of the following: Yes

• An incoming scheduled conference
• The details of a past scheduled conference
• The details of a past chat session

Join an OpenTouch conference from the smartphone browser (OTC Yes

Web link, audio only)

Download from the Market Store Yes

Remote configuration and provisioning Yes

Client authentication via login/password Yes

Client authentication via certificate Yes

Server authentication via certificate Yes

Secure Web Services signaling (HTTPS) Yes


OpenTouch platforms (OTMS, OTEC) Yes

Edge connectivity (RP) Yes

Edge connectivity (SBC) Yes

(*):The voice quality of calls depends on the corporate WLAN, Wi-Fi or cellular data network
(**): Available service for iPhone only in VoIP mode.

5.4 Interface overview

The OTC smartphone home page opens immediately after login.

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Personal area

Active area

Selection area

OpenTouch Conversation
for Android Smartphone
Figure 5.1: OTC smartphone home page example

The OTC smartphone home page consists of:

1. A personal area, which displays information on the user profile such as: picture, first and last
names, and current routing profile (that is the destination for incoming calls). Press the user picture
to access user profile settings. The options may differ according to the application used and the
user rights to features such as Manager/Assistant or Supervision.

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

To get the active call

from the OTC Android Smartphone only

To configure the routing profile with:

- Routing profile creation, configuration and selection
- Destination for incoming calls (forward to)

To access and configure your manager/assistant view,

if configured (optional)
To log in/log out your hunting group, if configured (optional)

To enable/disable the supervision of your business

phone number, if configured (optional)

To specify your presence status

To display user information

To customize your greeting messages

To configure settings such as:

- Modify user preferences
- Send log messages
- Modify connection parameters (public/private)

To display the current software release information

and the user type logged in

To log out the application

Figure 5.2: User profile page example for an OTC Android Smartphone

2. An active area, which displays the current application (for example: conversation wall or contact
3. A selection area used to access the OTC smartphone applications:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Application Icon Select, to: Available operations

Home Access the conversation wall, pre- • Make a call

senting past, current and future con- • Filter calls (all calls or missed
versations and conferences. calls only)
A counter indicates the number of • Manage calls (delete or
missed events acknowledge)
• Display call details

Contacts Access the list of contacts and favor- • Filter contacts (all or favorites
ite contacts only)
• Search contact (local or
• Display contact details
• Make a call from the Contacts
tab (including private call

Keypad Open the dialing keypad • Make a call

• Pick up a call (only for OTC

Voice mail Access the Visual Voice Mail (VVM)

to read and manage voice messag- • Listen a voice message
• Delete a voice message
A counter indicates the number of
new messages • Make a direct call back

Conference Access the list of the user's confer- • Consult scheduled conference
ences (scheduled and reservation details
less) and conference invitations from • Join a scheduled conference
other users

5.5 Dual mode (Wi-Fi/cellular) within company premises

When they are associated to OpenTouch users, within company premises, OTC smartphones can
operate in dual-mode (Wi-Fi/cellular), provided that the Connectivity parameter is set to Mobile
network/Wi-Fi in the OTC smartphone settings (see: Configuring the OTC smartphone on page 138).
In dual-mode, the OTC smartphone automatically uses the Wi-Fi enterprise network (that is the WLAN)
for call handling (VoIP calls). If the Wi-Fi is not available, the cellular network is used for call handling.
The OTC smartphone application can also switch manually between Wi-Fi and cellular networks. The
OTC smartphone relies on the smartphone (iPhone or Android) platform for the data bearer choice.
When the dual-mode is active and the smartphone roams:
• From the cellular network to the Wi-Fi:
• If the smartphone is idle (no call in progress), the OTC smartphone automatically detects that the
smartphone is in a Wi-Fi coverage area and performs a SIP registration on its SIP server
(OmniPCX Enterprise). After registration, the OTC smartphone handles incoming and outgoing
calls over the Wi-Fi as it would handle VoIP calls

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

• If the smartphone is in communication (cellular call), the communication remains on the cellular
network (no handover). When the communication is released, the OTC smartphone application
performs a SIP registration on the SIP server. After registration, the OTC smartphone application
handles incoming and outgoing calls over the Wi-Fi as it would handle VoIP calls
• From the Wi-Fi network to the cellular network:
• If the smartphone is idle (no call in progress), the OTC smartphone relies on the platform
features to select the 3G as a data bearer and all subsequent calls are made using the cellular
• If the smartphone is in communication (VoIP call), OpenTouch users cannot manually switch the
communication to the cellular network without interrupting it (no seamless handover).

5.6 VoIP communications outside company premises

As of OpenTouch R2.5, the OTC smartphone supports Voice over IP (VoIP) communications outside
company premises, using either the Wi-Fi internet network (home spot or public hotspot) or cellular
network (3G, 4G). The OTC smartphone automatically uses the Wi-Fi internet network for VoIP call
handling. If no Wi-Fi is available, the OTC smartphone switches to the cellular network to handle VoIP
An OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC) must be deployed to secure VoIP calls between
the OTC smartphone and OmniPCX Enterprise (see: Topologies on page 136). This also requires to
install the OTSBC certificate on the smartphones (iPhone or Android) before using the OTC
smartphone. This certificate must be installed using the appropriate native iPhone or Android
capabilities (as any other security certificate).
When the smartphone is connected to the network (Wi-Fi or cellular), and the OTC smartphone has
received its settings such as the connection parameters to OTSBC, the application performs a SIP
registration on its SIP server (OmniPCX Enterprise) through the OTSBC. After registration, the OTC
smartphone can handle VoIP calls.

table 5.1: Roaming capabilities (idle mode, no active call)

Roaming from a network to another one SIP registration

Cellular network to Wi-Fi internet network (home or hotspot) Yes

Wi-Fi internet network to cellular network Yes

Cellular network to another type of cellular network (for example: Yes

3G to 4G)

According to the type of network that the smartphone is connected to (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, EDGE, GPRS),
even if the SIP registration is successful, this connection may not be sufficient to support VoIP calls (for
example, EDGE or GPRS).

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

5.7 Topologies
5.7.1 On-site topology
For better User eXperience, ALE International recommends to use the corporate Wi-Fi network when it is
available (increasing response time concern on operator data networks due to increasing smartphone
market share).
When they are associated to OpenTouch users, within company premises, the OTC smartphone can
operate in cellular only, Wi-Fi only (OTC Android Smartphones only), or dual-mode (see: Dual mode
(Wi-Fi/cellular) within company premises on page 134). When the OTC Android Smartphone operates
in Wi-Fi mode only, the application uses the enterprise Wi-Fi network (also called Wireless Local Area
Network (WLAN)) for data and voice transmission. In the Wi-Fi coverage area, smartphones are
identified as SIP devices by the OpenTouch server.
The OTC smartphone uses:
• SIP signaling and RTP connections to perform VoIP communications
SIP and RTP are not encrypted within the company intranet network (no SIP/TLS and SRTP connections).
• HTTPS connections to exchange data with the OpenTouch server (web services, events, and
conferencing services)
When the OTC smartphone operates in dual mode, the application automatically uses the enterprise
Wi-Fi network for data and voice transmission. If the company Wi-Fi network is not available, the OTC
smartphone uses the cellular network (3G, 3G+, or 4G) for voice and data transmission.
Wi-Fi network OpenTouch
Data (HTTPS)

Signaling (SIP)

Voice (RTP) OmniPCX Enterprise

Conversation Intranet
for smartphone


Figure 5.3: On-site topology example

5.7.2 Off-site topology for OpenTouch users with VoIP

For better User eXperience, ALE International recommends to use the Wi-Fi network when it is available
(home spot or public hotspot).

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

When they are associated to OpenTouch users with VoIP, outside company premises, the OTC
smartphone can operate on the following networks, according to the selected connectivity mode
(cellular only, Wi-Fi only, or dual mode):
• The Wi-Fi internet network (home spot or public hotspot) for data transmission and VoIP
• The cellular network (2.5G, 3G, 3G+ or 4G) and internet for data transmission and VoIP
A secured network infrastructure is required for data transmission and VoIP communications between
the OTC smartphone application and the OpenTouch and OmniPCX Enterprise (for OpenTouch users
with VoIP). This is achieved by the following network components:
• A reverse proxy, which controls data transmission (web services, events, device management, and
conferencing services (as of R2.1.1)) through HTTPS connections
• An OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC), which secures VoIP communications through
SIP/TLS and SRTP connections
As an option, the Wi-Fi internet network (home spot or public hotspot) and GSM network can also be
used for data transmission.

Enterprise DMZ

Reverse proxy

internet Data (HTTPS)

Intranet OpenTouch

Signaling (SIP/TLS)


OpenTouch Enterprise
Conversation Cellular network
for smartphone


Figure 5.4: Off-site topology example for OpenTouch users with VoIP

The VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology cannot be used to secure connections of OTC
smartphone applications running off-site.

5.7.3 Off-site topology for OpenTouch users without VoIP

Outside company premises, when associated to an OpenTouch user, the OTC smartphone application
relies on:
• The cellular network (2.5G, 3G, 3G+, or 4G) and internet for data transmission
As an option, the Wi-Fi internet network (home spot or public hot spot) and GSM network can also be used for
data transmission.
• The cellular network (2.5G, 3G, 3G+, or 4G) and PSTN network for voice flows

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

A secured network infrastructure is required for data transmission between the smartphones and the
OTC smartphone services of the OpenTouch server. This is achieved by a reverse proxy, which
secures data transmission through HTTPS connections to or from the OpenTouch server.

Enterprise DMZ

Reverse proxy

OpenTouch OpenTouch
for smartphone Firewall

Data (HTTPS)

Voice Cellular network OmniPCX



Figure 5.5: Example of off-site topology without VoIP

Outside company premises, VPN connections are not supported.

5.8 Deployment procedure overview

The OTC smartphone deployment consists in:
• Configuring the OTC smartphone on page 138
• Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem on page 160
• Installing the OTC smartphone application on smartphones on page 161

5.9 Configuring the OTC smartphone

5.9.1 Overview
Creating and associating an OTC smartphone to an OpenTouch user can be performed either during
the OpenTouch user creation or after the OpenTouch user creation. In all cases, OTC smartphone
configuration demands to specify:
• The connectivity mode, which differs according to the smartphone type:
• The OTC Android Smartphone can operate in Wi-Fi only (smartphones without a SIM card),
cellular only, or dual-mode (WiFi/cellular)
• The OTC iPhone can operate in cellular only, or dual-mode (WiFi/cellular)
• A remote extension directory number, necessary regardless of the connectivity mode
• A SIP device number translated into AAAAxxxx after cms translation of the database. It is requested
when the connectivity mode is Wi-Fi only or dual-mode

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

• A direct speed dialing directory number, requested when the connectivity mode is cellular only or
• A GSM number, if available
When the OTC smartphone is created and associated to an OpenTouch user, the OpenTouch
automatically creates the necessary objects on the OmniPCX Enterprise, according to the selected
To understand connectivity issues, the following table presents:
• In columns, the available connectivity
• In lines, the objects automatically created on the OmniPCX Enterprise, according to the connectivity
selected for OTC smartphone configuration.

table 5.2: Objects created on the OmniPCX Enterprise according to the connectivity selected in the
OTC smartphone configuration

Cellular only Wi-Fi only Dual-mode Dual-mode

(with GSM number) (without GSM num- (with GSM number)
Remote extension x x x x
x x x x
configuration (*)
Direct Speed Dialing x x
SIP device (**) x x x
Automatic Route
Selection (ARS) (***)

(*): When the OpenTouch user has a deskphone, a multi-device configuration is also created on the
OmniPCX Enterprise between this deskphone and the remote extension.
(**): Each time a SIP device is created on the OmniPCX Enterprise, a user is also created in the User
application due to the default automatic creation rules. The consequence is that fictitious users are also
created in the Company directory. To avoid this scenario, it is recommended to adjust automatic
creation rules in administration (expert mode) and stop such SIP devices from creating users
(***): For each smartphone configured in dual-mode, an ARS table with two routes (ARS route to Wi-Fi
network and ARS route to cellular network) is automatically created. In addition, a Time Based Route
List including Route Number 1 and Route Number 2 is also defined for the ARS route list.
In dual-mode, ARS settings are used to select the most appropriate network (Wi-Fi or cellular) for
incoming or outgoing calls. For more information, see: Dual mode (Wi-Fi/cellular) within company
premises on page 134. The OTC smartphone connects to the OpenTouch through web services.

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

for smartphone

Web services


Cellular Wi-Fi

SIP device Remote


1) Route to SIP device
trunk group 2) Route to cellular if 1) fails

OmniPCX Enterprise

Figure 5.6: Objects involved in OTC smartphone configuration for OpenTouch users

5.9.2 Prerequisite and information required

If the OTC smartphone configuration applies to existing OpenTouch users, these OpenTouch users
must be declared on the two systems (OmniPCX Enterprise and OpenTouch) to benefit from
OpenTouch services. For more information, refer to the document [3].
The fallback mode must be updated if needed.
The following information is required for OTC smartphone configuration:
• The direct speed dialing number when the OTC smartphone must operate in cellular only or dual-
• The external call prefix used to access the public network (ARS prefix and discriminator rule
• The number of the SIP device when the OTC smartphone must operate in Wi-Fi only or dual-mode.
This number must be different from the remote extension number (dual-mode)
• The GSM number of the smartphone (public directory number of the SIM card inserted in the

5.9.3 Configuring the OmniPCX Enterprise for mobility

The following paragraphs focus on the main mobility parameters to configure on the OmniPCX
Enterprise. They do not detail smartphone declaration and the association of a smartphone to an
OpenTouch user (see: Creating and associating an OTC smartphone to existing OpenTouch users on
page 154). Configuring the external callback translator

The External callback translator is used for incoming calls. It converts the number of the external caller
presented by the public carrier. The number to be translated is the exact number that a user must dial

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

to call back the caller. For more information, refer to the chapter Numbering conversion of the
OmniPCX Enterprise documentation called Public Networks (reference: 8AL91005USxx).
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: Translator > External numbering plan > Ext.Callback translation tables > Ext.Callback
translation rules
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create
3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Basic Number Enter area identifier, "DEF" for the default translator or "G".
Area identifier is the first digits of the number after preprocessing

Nb. Digits To Be Re- Enter the number of digits to be deleted from the start of the number
moved received

Digits to add Enter the digits to be added at the beginning of the number
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Configuring DISA parameters Declaring the DISA Trunk Group
An ISDN trunk group is necessary when the smartphone connects to the OmniPCX Enterprise via the
cellular network. This trunk group must allow DISA.
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: Trunk Groups > Trunk Group
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

Trunk group ID Enter the trunk group number

Trunk Group used in Select: Yes (default value: No)


DISA Secret Code Leave this field empty

3. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Declaring the DISA Prefix
This prefix is used when the smartphone performs an outgoing call or requires an OmniPCX Enterprise
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: Translator > Prefix Plan
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create
3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Number Enter the prefix number. This number must be a DID number that is
compatible with the dialing plan

Prefix meaning Use the drop-down menu to select Remote Extension DISA
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone Configuring Automatic DISA substitution

For each call, the verification of the external calling party number must be first performed on NDS then
on NDI.
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: System > Other System Param > DISA Parameters > Automatic DISA Substitution
2. Review/modify the following attribute:

Automatic DISA Substitu- Use the drop-down menu and select With DID or Installation num-
tion Mode ber
3. Click the validate icon to apply your modification Declaring virtual sets

A virtual set (also called Ghost Z) is a configuration item required to set up a call from/to a smartphone.
To avoid congestion, one virtual set can be declared for each smartphone.
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, perform the following:
1. Select: Users
2. Access the contextual menu, select Create

Figure 5.7: Virtual set creation window example

3. In the General Characteristics tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Directory Number Enter the directory number of the virtual set. This number must be
compatible with the dialing plan. This number is never called

Set Type Select: ANALOG

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

4. In the Facilities tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Ghost Z Select the check box

Ghost Z Feature Use the drop-down menu to select Remote extension

5. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Configuring ARS settings for remote extension calls

This operation allows to select the ARS route used to route the calls to Remote Extension users
(OpenTouch users outside company premises). This operation only concerns the routing of "remote
extension" calls and not other types of calls. The ARS route selection can be defined by the entity of
the calling set, called set, or Ghost Z (default behavior):
1. Select: System > Other System Param. > Local Features Parameters
2. Review/modify the following attributes:

REX Entity to be used in False (default value): Selects the ARS with the Ghost Z entity
True: Selects the ARS with the entity defined by the Entity for OG
calls to REX users parameter (see below)

Entity for OG calls to False (default value): Selects the ARS with the entity of the calling
REX users party
True: Selects the ARS with the entity of the remote called party
3. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Configuring remote extension activation/deactivation prefixes

Ringing deactivation on the remote extension is enabled by dialing a prefix (one to deactivate and the
other to activate). This prefix must be created in the OmniPCX Enterprise.
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: Translator > Prefix plan
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create
3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Number Enter the prefix number. This number must be a DID number that is
compatible with the dialing plan.

Prefix meaning Use the drop-down menu to select Set features.

Station Features Use the drop-down menu to select Remote extension Deactivation.
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
Repeat the above operation to create the prefix to activate ringing on incoming calls on the remote
extension. In the Station Features field, select the Remote Extension Activation option. Configuring settings for OTC smartphones operating in dual-mode Configuring an Automatic Route Selection (ARS) prefix
An ARS prefix dedicated to mobility must be created in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix plan. This ARS
prefix number must also be configured in the OpenTouch settings (see: Configuring OmniPCX
Enterprise telephony settings on the OpenTouch on page 148).

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:

1. Select: Translator > Prefix plan
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create
3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Number Enter an ARS prefix number. This number must be compatible with
the dialing plan.
Prefix meaning Use the drop-down menu to select ARS Prof. Trg Grp Seizure.
Discriminator No. Enter an unused logical discriminator number (value between 0 and
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Configuring a discriminator
A discriminator number (real discriminator) must be configured in the external numbering plan. This
real discriminator number must also be configured in the OpenTouch settings (see: Configuring
OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings on the OpenTouch on page 148).
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: Translator > External Numbering Plan > Numbering Discriminator
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create
3. Review/modify the following attributes:

Discriminator No. Enter a real discriminator number (value between 0 and 7).
Name Enter a name for this real discriminator (for display purposes only).
4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications Configuring entities
The entity of the OpenTouch users, associated to OTC smartphones operating in dual-mode, must be
updated to associate the logical discriminator (defined in the ARS prefix) to the real discriminator
(defined in the external numbering plan).
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: Entities > Discriminator Selector
2. Review/modify the following attribute:

Entity Number Enter the number of the entity.

Discriminator xx Enter the associated real discriminator number.
(logical discriminator num-
3. Click the validate icon to apply your modification Selecting a public network area number
This operation consists in searching an area identifier with all public access rights set to 1, and
associated to the public access COS of the OpenTouch users (with their OTC smartphone operating in
dual-mode). This area identifier must be configured in the OpenTouch settings (see: Configuring
OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings on the OpenTouch on page 148).
From the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Verify the public network class of service used by the OpenTouch users (access path: Users/
parameter: Public Network COS - default value is 2)

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

2. Select: Classes of Service > Access COS > Public Access COS
3. Search an are identifier as follows:

Public Network COS Enter the public access COS of the OpenTouch users.
Area Identifier Search an area identifier with all public access rights set to 1 (by
default 1). Identifying the trunk group ID used for outgoing calls

This operation consists in identifying the trunk group used for outgoing calls from the OTC smartphone
connected to the cellular network.
On a computer connected to the OmniPCX Enterprise, open a session using the mtcl account, and
enter the trkvisu all command to identify the trunk group number. This trunk group number must
be configured in the OpenTouch settings (see: Configuring OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings on
the OpenTouch on page 148). Configuring the SIP responses and SIP timers for Wi-Fi to cellular overflow
To force the overflow from Wi-Fi to cellular in ARS table, you must modify the call handling causes for
the following SIP responses: Decline and Does not exist anywhere. From the OmniPCX Enterprise
configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: SIP > SIP To CH Error Mapping
2. Review/modify the following attribute:

SIP Response Displays the SIP response selected previously (Decline and Does
not exist anywhere)
Ch Cause Select: Temporary Failure
3. Click the validate icon to apply your modification
When the Wi-Fi connection with an OTC smartphone is interrupted, the OmniPCX Enterprise tries to
reach the smartphone until the smartphone registration expires.
A delay is introduced when the smartphone is not connected to the Wi-Fi network anymore and
requires an overflow to the cellular network. This delay can be limited by modifying the following SIP
• For Wi-Fi to cellular overflow on LAN, modify the SIP proxy timer. From the OmniPCX Enterprise
configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: SIP > SIP Proxy
2. Review/modify the following attribute:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Retransmission number Two or three retransmissions are recommended:

• The value for 2 retransmissions corresponds to a delay of 3.5
seconds before switching to the cellular network
• The value of 3 retransmissions corresponds to a delay of 7.5
seconds before switching to the cellular network
This delay is used until the smartphone registration expires on the
OmniPCX Enterprise. This is why the duration of registration (720
seconds maximum) must be modified in the device profile (see:
Configuring device profiles for OTC smartphone configuration on
page 146).
This modification applies to all SIP devices connected to the
OmniPCX Enterprise internal SIP gateway.

3. Click the validate icon to apply your modification

• For Wi-Fi to cellular overflow on WAN (through an OTSBC), adapt the timer T310. From the
OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. Select: External Services > Trunk COS
2. Select the trunk COS associated to SIP trunks (for example: 31)
3. Review/modify the following attribute:

Timer T310 This timer dedicated to SIP trunks is the maximum delay between
an INVITE request and an ALERT reception (18x response) in the
Call Handling.
Enter the number of timer units between 60 and 100 ms
This timer is common to SIP users and SIP trunks, private or public,
connected to the OmniPCX Enterprise and can impact those other
services in the ALERT phase.

4. Click the validate icon to apply your modification

5.9.4 Configuring OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings on OpenTouch Configuring device profiles for OTC smartphone configuration
Device profiles can be used to create and associate OTC smartphones to OpenTouch users.
To create a device profile:
1. From the Devices application of OmniVista 8770, select the Parameters tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the OpenTouch server
3. Select OTC Smartphone, then access the contextual menu and select Create Device Profile

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

4. In the Profile name tab, review/modify the following field:

Name Enter a display name used to identify the device profile in the
OmniVista 8770
5. In the General tab, review/modify the following fields:

Type of Node Select OXE

Type of mobile Select the type of smartphone: Android or iPhone, or leave the
default value Unknown: in this case, the right device model is
automatically set at smartphone initialization
Connectivity Enter the network used by the OTC smartphone to handle
communications within company premises:
• Mobile network/Wi-Fi: the OTC smartphone uses either the
cellular network or Wi-Fi network
• Mobile network only (default value): the OTC smartphone uses
the cellular network only
• Wi-Fi only: the OTC smartphone uses the Wi-Fi network only.
This option is required when the OTC smartphone runs on a
smartphone without SIM card.
The Wi-Fi only option only applies to OTC Android Smartphones.

6. In the Network tab, review/modify the following fields:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

SBC WAN If this profile applies to remote workers with VoIP through OTSBC,
access the contextual menu and select the corresponding OTSBC
profile (see: Declaring an OTSBC profile for SIP/TLS and SRTP con-
nections with OTC applications used off-site by OpenTouch users on
page 27).

Register duration Set the duration to 720 seconds.

This parameter applies to OTC smartphones operating in dual-mode.

SIP IP DSCP Enter 35 (default value: 0).

SIP IP DSCP applies to the SIP exchanges generated by the smart-
phone for VoIP calls.
7. In the RTP tab, review/modify the following field:

Audio IP DSCP Enter 56 (default value: 0).

8. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications. Configuring OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings on the OpenTouch

This operation is required when the OTC smartphone must operate in dual-mode (Wi-Fi/cellular).
The following OmniPCX Enterprise parameters must be correctly synchronized with the OpenTouch
server and displayed in the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770:
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window, navigate to: System Services > Topology > OXE CS >
OXE CS network > OXE CS subnetwork > OXE CS

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Figure 5.8: OmniPCX Enterprise telephony settings configuration example

2. Select the Telephony settings tab and verify that the following fields are filled with the values
defined in the section: Configuring the OmniPCX Enterprise for mobility on page 140.

Remote extension activa- This field is automatically completed with the value of the Remote
tion extension Activation defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix plan
(read-only value)

Remote extension deacti- This field is automatically completed with the value of the Remote
vation extension Deactivation defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix
plan (read-only value)

Immediate forward This field is automatically completed with the value of the Immediate
Forward defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix plan (read-only

Forward cancellation This field is automatically completed with the value of the Forward
Cancellation defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix plan (read-
only value)

If these fields are empty, verify that they are configured on the OmniPCX Enterprise, and force
automatic synchronization from the OpenTouch configuration window: select the Actions tab (see:
Figure 3), then select the OXE CS prefixes synchro check box.
3. In the Telephony settings tab, review/modify the following fields:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Remote extension DISA Enter the public number associated to the Remote Extension DISA
public number prefix defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix plan (canonical
Update the DDI translator accordingly.

Automatic Route Enter the value of the ARS Prof. Trg Grp Seiz. with overlap prefix
Selection prefix defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise prefix plan (see: Configuring an
Automatic Route Selection (ARS) prefix on page 143)
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

Overlap seizure If selected, the pound (#) character (end of dialing) is added to the
number routed by the OmniPCX Enterprise via the ARS process. The
call is immediately initiated from the OmniPCX Enterprise
Discriminator rule Enter the number of the discriminator rule defined in the OmniPCX
number Enterprise external numbering plan (real discriminator) (see:
Configuring a discriminator on page 144)
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

ARS Digits To Add Enter the digits to add to the call numbers processed by ARS routes.
These digits are added in front of the dialing composed by user.
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

Dialing Command Tab ID Enter the number of the dialing command table used in ARS routes
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

NPD identifier Enter the NPD (Numbering Plan Descriptor) identifier used in ARS
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

Public network area Enter the number of the area associated to the discriminator rule
number defined in the OmniPCX Enterprise external numbering plan (see:
Selecting a public network area number on page 144)
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

Trunk group ID for Enter the number of the trunk group entered in the ARS routes (see:
external calls Identifying the trunk group ID used for outgoing calls on page 145)
This parameter is required for OTC smartphones operating in dual-

ARS Route list MAX id Enter the maximum number of ARS route lists (default value: 3999).
The OmniPCX Enterprise allocates new ARS route lists from this
maximum value, down to zero

Modification of these fields automatically updates all OTC smartphones operating in dual-mode.

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

4. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications.

5.9.5 Associating an OTC smartphone to OpenTouch users

The type of association (as main or secondary set) depends on the set type defined at the OpenTouch
user creation:

User set type Available configuration

Phone set Secondary set of OpenTouch user (multi-device configuration)

SIP extension Secondary set of OpenTouch user (multi-device configuration)

Remote extension Unique and main set of OpenTouch user (standalone configuration)

The OTC smartphone configuration (creation and association) can be performed:

• At user creation: see: Creating OpenTouch users and their OTC smartphone in one go on page 151
• Later after user creation: see: Creating and associating an OTC smartphone to existing OpenTouch
users on page 154 Creating OpenTouch users and their OTC smartphone in one go

The following operation only focuses on the parameters that enable to create and associate an OTC
smartphone to OpenTouch users during their creation from the Users application of the OmniVista
8770. For more information on OpenTouch user creation, refer to the document [3].
To configure an OTC smartphone during the OpenTouch user creation:
1. From the Users window of OmniVista 8770, click the Users tab
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create User
3. Complete the user parameters as described in the document [3]. This must include the OpenTouch
parameters as follows:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

4. Click the Devices tab, and review/modify the OTC smartphone fields:

Mobile Profile Click and use the drop-down menu to select a mobile device profile
enabling to:
• Associate an OTC smartphone to the OpenTouch user
• Define the OTC smartphone connectivity: Wi-Fi only, cellular only,
or dual-mode
The mobile device profile must have been previously configured in the
OpenTouch server (see: Configuring device profiles for OTC smartphone
configuration on page 146).

Device directory number Enter the directory number of the SIP device associated to the Open-
Touch user (this "number" can include letters of the alphabet)
This parameter is mandatory, regardless of the network selected in
the mobile device profile (Wi-Fi only, cellular only, or dual-mode)

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Remote extension • If the OTC smartphone is configured as secondary set of

OpenTouch user: enter the directory number of the remote
extension associated to the OpenTouch user (the number must
not include letters of the alphabet).
• If the OTC smartphone is configured as the unique and main set
of OpenTouch user: leave this field empty. The user's directory
number will be sent to the OpenTouch as the remote extension
number for the OTC smartphone.
This parameter is mandatory, regardless of the network selected in the mo-
bile device profile (Wi-Fi only, cellular only, or dual-mode).

Speed dial number Enter the speed dialing number associated to the remote extension.
This number must be compatible with the OmniPCX Enterprise dial-
ing plan. This number is never called.
This parameter is mandatory, when the network selected in the mo-
bile device profile is cellular only or dual-mode. This parameter is not
displayed when the network is set to Wi-Fi only

GSM number If available, enter the GSM number of the smartphone on which the
OTC smartphone must run.
The GSM number can also be entered later by the end-user once
logged on the OTC Android Smartphone.
The canonical format is: country code + optional area code + public
directory number (for example: +33 (0) 612345678)

5. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications

The OTC smartphone is created in the corresponding OpenTouch and associated to the selected
user. This OTC smartphone is displayed under the user in the tree structure of Users.
According to the selected connectivity (Wi-Fi only, cellular only, or dual-mode), objects are
automatically created on the OmniPCX Enterprise (for more information, see: Table 1).
6. After user creation, select the OTC smartphone displayed under the user, then select the OXE CS
tab to verify that all OmniPCX Enterprise objects have been properly created and have their status
marked as Synchronized
7. If the selected connectivity for OTC smartphone is dual-mode, a time based route list for the ARS
route list must have been created automatically on the OmniPCX Enterprise. To verify the time
based route list creation:
a. From the OXE CS tab, retrieve the value set in the ARS Route list ID field (for example: 13)
b. Open the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, and go to
Translator > Automatic Route Selection > ARS Route list
c. Select the corresponding ARS route list (13 in the example), then select the Time-based Route
List field
Two ARS routes must have been created automatically on the OmniPCX Enterprise (Route
Number 1 and Route Number 2). If it is not the case, create those two ARS routes and apply
your modifications

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone Creating and associating an OTC smartphone to existing OpenTouch users

To avoid synchronization issues, use the Users application of the OmniVista 8770 to create and
associate an OTC smartphone to existing users. Only the procedure from the Users application is
presented here.
To create and associate an OTC smartphone to an existing OpenTouch user in one go:
1. From the Users window of OmniVista 8770, click the Users tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the OpenTouch user to whom the OTC smartphone must be
3. Access the contextual menu and select Associate SIP device > New, then select the OTC
Smartphone option

Figure 5.9: OTC smartphone creation and association window example

4. If you want automatic entries for OTC smartphone parameters, click the OT device profile field and
use the drop-down menu to select the corresponding OT device profile.
The OTC smartphone parameters are completed with the values defined in the OT device profile. It
remains to define the directory number for the OTC smartphone in the Device number field and go
to the step 6 to complete configuration (OXE CS tab). Some parameters can be modified later.
The mobile device profile must have been previously configured in the OpenTouch server. For more
information, refer to the document [3].
5. If you want to enter the OTC smartphone parameters manually, leave the OT device profile field
blank, and review/modify the following fields in the General tab:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Device identity This field is automatically completed after OTC smartphone creation.
It displays the OTC smartphone internal identifier as follows:

Device number Enter the directory number for the OTC smartphone

Binary deployment mode This field is displayed when the Type of mobile field is Android. It
allows to configure the default binary package:
• Default binary (default value): the OTC Android Smartphone is
deployed with the default binary package, provided that it has
been created and deployed previously on OpenTouch server (see:
Updating the binary of OTC Android Smartphones on page 159)
• Selected binary: the OTC Android Smartphone is deployed with
a specific binary package (different from the default package)
• Keep the current binary: the OTC Android Smartphone is
deployed with its current binary, even if there is a default binary
created and deployed on OpenTouch server

GSM number If available, enter the GSM number of the smartphone on which the
OTC smartphone must run.
The GSM number can also be entered later by the end-user once
logged on the OTC Android Smartphone.
The canonical format is: country code + optional area code + public
directory number (the canonical format for France is:

Type of mobile According to your device model, use the drop-down list to select ei-
ther iPhone (by default) or Android. You can leave the default value
Unknown. In this case, the right device model is automatically set by
the smartphone at initialization

Connectivity This field defines the network used by the OTC smartphone to handle
communications within company premises:
• Mobile network/Wi-Fi: the OTC smartphone uses either the
cellular network or Wi-Fi network
• Mobile network only (default value): the OTC smartphone uses
the cellular network only
• Wi-Fi only: the OTC smartphone uses the Wi-Fi network only.
This option is required when the application runs on a smartphone
without a SIM card.
This field must be completed if there is no profile selected in the OT
device profile field.
The Wi-Fi only option only applies to OTC Android Smartphones.

6. Review/modify the following fields in the OXE CS tab:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Remote extension direc- • If the OTC smartphone is configured as secondary set of

tory number OpenTouch user: enter the directory number of the remote
extension associated to the OpenTouch user.
• If the OTC smartphone is configured as the unique and main set
of OpenTouch user: enter the user's directory number. It will be
sent to the OpenTouch as the remote extension number for the
OTC smartphone.
This parameter is mandatory, regardless of the network selected in
the Connectivity parameter (Wi-Fi only, cellular only, or dual-mode)

Direct speed dialing Enter the speed dialing number associated to the remote extension.
number This number must be compatible with the OmniPCX Enterprise dial-
ing plan. This number is never called.
This parameter is mandatory when the network selected in the Con-
nectivity parameter is cellular only or dual-mode
7. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
The OTC smartphone is created in the corresponding OpenTouch and associated to the selected
user. This OTC smartphone is displayed under the user in the tree structure of Users.
According to the selected connectivity (Wi-Fi only, cellular only, or dual-mode), objects are
automatically created on the OmniPCX Enterprise (for more information,see: Table 1).
8. Select the OTC smartphone displayed under the user, then select the OXE CS tab to verify that all
OmniPCX Enterprise objects have been properly created and are marked as Synchronized
9. If the selected connectivity for the OTC smartphone is dual-mode, a time based route list for the
ARS route list must have been automatically created on the OmniPCX Enterprise. To verify the time
based route list creation:
a. From the OXE CS tab, retrieve the value set in the ARS Route list ID field (for example: 13)
b. Open the OmniPCX Enterprise configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, and go to
Translator > Automatic Route Selection > ARS Route list
c. Select the corresponding ARS route list (13 in the example), then select the Time-based Route
List field
Two ARS routes must have been created automatically on the OmniPCX Enterprise (Route
Number 1 and Route Number 2). If it is not the case, create those two ARS routes and apply
your modifications
When the OTC smartphone is created and associated to an OpenTouch user, a configuration file is
automatically created on the OpenTouch server. It is copied in the OpenTouch in the directory: /opt/
The configuration file is identified by a number specified at OTC smartphone creation. It is named:
MOBILE_<OpenTouch device identifier>@OpenTouch FQDN.xml (for example:

5.9.6 Granting the right to off-site mobility to OpenTouch users

From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, perform the following:
1. From the Users window of the OmniVista 8770, click the Users tab.
2. Select the corresponding OpenTouch user
3. In the properties area, select the OT configuration tab, then select the Licenses tab

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Figure 5.10: User right configuration window example

4. Complete the following field:

Off site mobility Select the check box to allow the user to use a smartphone outside the
enterprise (off-site)
5. Click the validate icon to save your modification

5.10 Centralized management for OpenTouch Conversations

Some features from OpenTouch Conversation can be customized for customer needs (for example:
disabling the audio conference recording, or enabling routing profile for selected users). This can be
achieved using Custom attributes defined at the user level (via user profiles or mass provisioning in
case of a large number of users) and/or OpenTouch server level (access path: System services >
Global parameters > Miscellaneous tab). This addresses to OpenTouch users using OpenTouch
Conversation applications (OTC PC and OTC smartphone).
The Custom attributes are free attributes made of a key and value which are synchronized between
the OpenTouch server and OpenTouch Conversation applications.
To configure a Custom attribute at the user level:
1. From the Users application, click the Users tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the user to modify (user with an associated OpenTouch
Conversation application)
3. In the properties area, select the OT configuration tab, then select the Miscellaneous tab

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Figure 5.11: Custom attribute configuration window example

4. Click the Custom attribute [] field and use the contextual menu to select Add
New option lines are added
5. Review/modify the following attributes:

Enter the name of the feature (for example: OTC_ROUTING_PROFILE)

The name entry rules are:

Name • The name cannot be empty

• Length is limited to 64 characters
• Allowed characters are: A..Z, a..z, 0..9, '_'and '-'
• The name cannot start with the character '_' or '-'

Enter the value applied to the feature (for example: true)

The value is limited to 255 characters
6. Click the validate icon to apply your modification
7. To add or remove a Custom attribute, click the Custom attribute field, and perform any of the
• Access the contextual menu and select the corresponding option: Add a value or Remove a
• Select the plus or minus button to the right of the window
8. To change the order of Custom attributes, select a Custom attribute and click the up or down arrow
to the right of the window

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

5.11 Updating the binary of OTC Android Smartphones

This operation consists in:
• Creating a package including the target binary on OmniVista 8770 (see: Creating a binary package
on page 159)
• Deploying the package on the OpenTouch server (see: Deploying the binary package on page 160)
OTC Android Smartphones download this package when they connect to the network and initialize.

5.11.1 Creating a binary package

1. From the Devices application, click the Applications tab
2. Expand the tree and select the MIC/OTC Android type
3. Access the contextual menu and select Add Package
Deployment package parameters are displayed in the properties area

Figure 5.12: Deployment Package Example

4. Enter the application name

5. Click the empty line corresponding to the Tel.Application Files field and click the selection button
A search window opens
6. Select the binary file (*.apk format) and click OK
7. In the Node type field, select the OT node option
8. Select the Default binary check box if this package must be deployed as a default binary on
OpenTouch server for all OTC Android Smartphone devices.
If the Default binary check box is selected, this binary will be deployed on OTC Android
Smartphone devices for which the deployment mode is set to Default binary in the OmniVista 8770
(see: Creating and associating an OTC smartphone to existing OpenTouch users on page 154).

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Only one binary can be configured as default for a given type of device. When a binary is configured as default
for a type of device, the option is automatically disabled for the binary previously configured as default.
If the Default binary check box is not selected, specify the list of OTC Android Smartphone devices
associated with this package
9. If the Default binary check box is disabled, click the Devices line and click the selection button
A search window opens
10. Click the Magnify icon to display the list of devices and select the devices to which the package
must be applied, then click OK
11. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications

5.11.2 Deploying the binary package

To deploy a package:
1. From the Devices application, click the Applications tab
2. Expand the tree structure and select the package to deploy
3. Access the contextual menu and select Deploy Package
Once deployed, the package is registered on the OpenTouch server.

5.12 Configuring the OpenTouch ecosystem

The OpenTouch ecosystem consists of the network elements that exist independently of systems
provided by ALE International, but interacting with the OpenTouch server and the OTC smartphone.
The network elements to consider are:
• The firewall protecting the intranet (company LAN)
• The DNS servers (internet and intranet), used to resolve the FQDNs of network elements
• The reverse proxy, used to control data flows (web services, device management, and conferencing
services - as of R2.1.1) between the OTC smartphone in Remote Worker mode (connected from a
public internet domain) and the OpenTouch server
Conferencing services are only supported on OTC iPhone only.
• The OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC), used to control VoIP communications
between the OTC smartphone in Remote Worker mode (connected from a public internet domain)
and the OpenTouch server
To allow OpenTouch users to connect to a conference from the outside, the OTSBC must be declared in the
OpenTouch SIP configuration.
See Configuring the OpenTouch to allow OpenTouch users to access conferences off-site on page 32
To configure these network elements, refer to: Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem on page 13.

5.13 Configuring the Apple Push Notification (APN) service on

As of OpenTouch R2.3.1, and starting from IoS version 10, an Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)
can be deployed in the OpenTouch server infrastructure. The OpenTouch server sends notifications to
the APNS, which pushes notifications to the OTC smartphone. The OTC smartphone can receive
notifications about missed calls, new voice messages, callback requests, incoming calls, incoming
instant messages (IM), or SIP registration (keep-alive request). An alarm is triggered when connection
with the APNS is lost, or when it cannot be established at startup.

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

To connect to the APNS behind a corporate firewall, HTTP proxy settings must be configured on the
1. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select Eco system > IT Server
2. Access the contextual menu and select Create > HTTP server
3. Enter a name, FQDN, proxy port and type (HTTP)
4. Click the validate icon to save your modifications
If you have several HTTP proxies configured on the OpenTouch, it is usually the first HTTP proxy which will be
taken into account.
The APNS certificate and Apple authority certificate (GeoTrust) must be deployed on the OpenTouch:
• The APNS certificate is embedded in the OpenTouch software package, and deployed on the
OpenTouch server at software installation.
The APNS certificate must be renewed each year. Alarms are triggered before the expiry date.
The new APNS certificate is delivered with a hotfix that must be installed on the OpenTouch server.
Installation details are provided with the hotfix package.
• The Apple authority certificate (GeoTrust) is embedded in the OpenTouch software package, and
deployed on the OpenTouch server at software installation.
The validity of the Apple authority certificate is limited to one year, and the expiry date is in
September of each year. Alarms are triggered before the expiry date:
• If the time remaining before expiry is less than 60 days and more than 30 days, a WARNING
alarm is triggered with a comment (APNS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION) and the number of
days before expiry
• If the time remaining before expiry is less than 30 days, a CRITICAL alarm is triggered with a
comment (APNS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION) and the number of days before expiry
The Apple authority certificate must be renewed before the expiry date. The new authority certificate
must be delivered with a hotfix that must be installed on the OpenTouch server. Installation details
are provided with the hotfix package.

5.14 Installing the OTC smartphone application on smartphones

5.14.1 OTC Android Smartphone context Overview
The OTC Android Smartphone must be downloaded and installed on the Android smartphone using the
Google Play Store. Prerequisites
The OTC Android Smartphone must be present in the Play Store of Google.
The Android smartphone must work normally and be connected to the internet via the cellular network. Installing the application from the Android smartphone

1. From the Android home screen, select the Play store icon if placed as a shortcut on the home
screen, or access the Applications screen and select the corresponding icon
2. From the Play Store, search for the OTC Android Smartphone with keywords, for example:
opentouch conversation
3. Follow the instructions on screen to download the OTC Android Smartphone

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When download is finished, the Android automatically installs the OTC Android Smartphone. After

installation, the OpenTouch icon ( ) is displayed in the Applications page of Android

4. To place the OTC Android Smartphone on the home screen, long press the application icon (click
and hold) and move it to place a shortcut on the home screen

5.14.2 OTC iPhone context Overview
The OTC iPhone must be downloaded and installed on the iPhone device using the App Store (via a
computer or directly from the iPhone). Prerequisites
The OTC iPhone must be present in the App Store for Apple products.
The iPhone must work normally and be connected to the internet via the cellular network. Installing directly the application from the iPhone

1. From the iPhone home page, select the App Store icon to access the App Store
2. From the App Store, search for the OTC iPhone with keywords, for example: opentouch
3. Follow the instructions on screen to download OpenTouch Conversation Plus
When download is finished, the iPhone automatically installs the OTC iPhone. After installation, the

OpenTouch icon ( ) is displayed in the iPhone home page Installing the application on the iPhone via a computer

1. Connect the iPhone to the computer via a USB cable
2. From the computer, launch the iTunes software and select the iTunes Store menu available in the
left part of the iTunes home page
3. From the iTunes Store home page, select the AppStore icon to access the App Store
4. From the App Store, search for the OTC iPhone with keywords, for example: opentouch
5. Follow the instructions on screen to download OpenTouch Conversation Plus on iTunes
6. From the iTunes home page, select the iPhone from the Devices menu, then select the
Applications tab
7. To download the OTC iPhone on the iPhone, launch a synchronization by selecting the application
and pressing the Sync button
When download is finished, the iPhone automatically installs the OTC iPhone. After installation, the

OpenTouch icon ( ) is displayed in the iPhone home page

5.15 Generating a QR code for OTC smartphone first startup

A QR code (or Quick Response code) can be used to provide easy access to the OTC smartphone at
first startup.

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At first startup, the OTC smartphone enables to use a QR code to avoid entering, for example, the
public and private FQDNs of the OpenTouch server. This requires to generate previously a QR code
including information such as:
<privateUrl>Private FQDN of the server</privateUrl>
<publicUrl>Public FQDN of the serveur</publicUrl>
<login>user login</login>
<RpLogin>Reverse Proxy login</RpLogin>


There are online tools that can be used to generate the QR code.
The result is a figure similar to a bar code that can be either published or broadcast.

From the OTC smartphone login page, a QR code button allows you to scan the generated QR code,
and automatically fill the login parameters with the public and private FQDNs of the OpenTouch server
(see: Launching the OTC smartphone on page 167).
All fields are optional.

5.16 Importing the certificate used to connect to the reverse proxy

Two client authentication rules are available to connect to the reverse proxy: by login/password or
In some installations, for security reason, the user login/password is not sufficient. A solution to
increase security is that the reverse proxy authenticates the user by certificate. This solution only
applies to the OpenTouch users logged in to an OTC smartphone.
The certificate management of the reverse proxy is specific to the reverse proxy model. For details on
reverse proxy certificate management and requirements, refer to the following documents:
• For reverse proxy embedded on an OpenTouch SBC: OTSBC Configuration Guide 2.x (reference:
• For other reverse proxies: Official statement regarding Reverse Proxies not qualified by ALE
(reference: ENT_MLE_032021)

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

The user authentication by certificate requires to install the reverse proxy certificate on the OTC
smartphone (trusted root certification store).

5.16.1 OTC iPhone context

The certificate can be imported on the smartphone using any of the following solutions:
• Import certificate using iTunes (only for OTC iPhone):
1. Connect the iPhone to a computer on which iTunes is installed
2. From iTunes, copy the certificate from the computer to the iOS application (the file extension
must be either p12 or pfx (Windows extension)). For more information, see:

When the import is started, a window opens. It lists all p12 and pfx files found in the root of shared
documents of the iOS application. You can select one certificate or cancel. Once the file is selected, a pop-
up window opens for passphrase entry. After passphrase entry, the iOS application checks the passphrase:
• If the passphrase is wrong, the pop-up is displayed again.
• If the passphrase is correct, the certificate is well imported. The application deletes the file in the root of
shared documents, and stores the certificate and passphrase in its personal key store.
3. From the iPhone, launch the OTC iPhone and click the Certificate installation button (see:
Launching the OTC smartphone on page 167)
A window opens with the list of all available p12 and pfx files
4. Select the certificate
A pop-up window opens for passphrase entry. The passphrase is used to protect PKCS12
5. Enter the corresponding passphrase, and click OK

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Figure 5.13: Summary of operations on OTC iPhone

• Import certificate using e-mail:

1. From the smartphone, access the e-mail application
2. Open the e-mail including the certificate (the file extension must be otcert)
3. Click the certificate
A windows opens with the applications able to handle the certificate

4. Select the OTC application icon to open the certificate

A pop-up window opens for passphrase entry. The passphrase is used to protect PKCS12
5. Enter the corresponding passphrase, and click OK

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Figure 5.14: Summary of operations on OTC iPhone

5.16.2 OTC Android Smartphone context

The certificate can be imported on the smartphone using file manager:
1. Copy the certificate in a directory of the smartphone (for example: SD card)
2. Use a file manager to select the certificate (the file extension must be p12)
3. Launch the certificate
A pop-up window opens for passphrase entry. The passphrase is used to protect PKCS12

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4. Enter the corresponding passphrase, and click OK

5.17 Launching the OTC smartphone

Once the OTC smartphone is installed on the smartphone, proceed as follows:
1. From the smartphone home page, click the OpenTouch icon
A login page opens

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Public Server Name Public FQDN of the OpenTouch server

Private Server Name Private FQDN of the OpenTouch server

OpenTouch Conversation
for Android Smartphone
Figure 5.15: Login page example

2. At first startup, you are prompted to provide access parameters to OTC smartphone
Parameters entry can be performed either manually or automatically using a QR code if configured
(see: Generating a QR code for OTC smartphone first startup on page 162)
• Manually: You are prompted to enter:
• The public and private FQDNs of the OpenTouch server
• The user credentials to access the application (login and password)
• QR code: Click the Scan QR Code button (OTC Android Smartphone) or press the icon at the
top right part of the screen (OTC iPhone)
This action opens an application similar to a camera, that can be pointed to the QR code
(published or present on a computer screen). If the QR code is acknowledged, the access
parameters provided by the QR code are automatically filled
3. Click the Connect button to access the OpenTouch server and open the OTC smartphone
According to configuration, you may be invited to validate the reverse proxy certificate.
The login page is displayed when the user credentials expire. When this occurs, the user is prompted
to enter new credentials.

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5.18 Modifying the connection parameters to the OpenTouch server

5.18.1 OTC Android Smartphone context
Connection parameters to the OpenTouch server can be modified from the user profile page, as
1. From the OTC smartphone current page, press any of the following: OpenTouch icon, user picture,
or name at the top part of the home page
The user profile page opens

Figure 5.16: User profile page example

2. Go to: Settings > Connections

The Connections page opens

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Public FQDN of the OpenTouch server

Private FQDN of the OpenTouch server

Figure 5.17: Connection page example

3. Modify the public and/or private FQDNs of the OpenTouch server according to your needs
4. Relaunch the OTC smartphone with the modified parameters

5.18.2 OTC iPhone context

Connection parameters to the OpenTouch server can be modified from the login page, as follows:
1. From the OTC iPhone home page, press the user picture or name at the top part of the home page
The user profile page opens

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Figure 5.18: User profile page example

2. Click the Sign out button

The Login page opens

Figure 5.19: OTC iPhone login page example

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

Public Server Name Public FQDN of the OpenTouch server

Private Server Name Private FQDN of the OpenTouch server



3. Modify the public and/or private FQDNs of the OpenTouch server according to your needs
4. Click the Connect button to open the OTC iPhone with the modified parameters

5.19 Uninstalling the OTC smartphone

5.19.1 OTC Android Smartphone context
To uninstall the OTC Android Smartphone from an Android smartphone:
1. From the Android smartphone home page, go to Settings > Apps

2. In the applications listed, search and press the OpenTouch icon ( )

A page opens with detailed information about the application
3. Click Uninstall
The OpenTouch icon is removed from the smartphone home page

5.19.2 OTC iPhone context

To uninstall the OTC iPhone from an iPhone:

1. From the iPhone home page, click and hold the OpenTouch icon ( ) until all icons on the page
start wiggling
A cross icon appears in the upper left hand corner of the OpenTouch icon
2. Press the cross icon
A confirmation dialog box opens
3. Click Delete

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The OpenTouch icon is removed from the smartphone home page

5.20 Accessing logs

5.20.1 Overview
OTC smartphone provides applicative logs. These log messages can be retrieved from the application
itself (see: Accessing logs using the application on page 173), or from a computer (see: Accessing logs
from a computer on page 175).
A SysLog server can also be used to retrieve OTC iPhone log files (see: Accessing logs using a
SysLog server on page 176). This solution does not apply to OpenTouch Conversation for Android

5.20.2 Accessing logs using the application OTC Android Smartphone context
The OTC Android Smartphone enables to send log files by e-mail. the e-mail address must be declared
in the OT user profile associated to the user of OTC Android Smartphone.

1. From the OTC Android Smartphone current page, press the OpenTouch icon ( ) or the user
picture or name at the top part of the home page
The user profile page opens
2. Select Settings > Advanced settings
The Advanced settings page opens
3. According to your needs, press the Logging level option and select the type of log messages to
send (Error option is selected by default)
4. Press the Send log by email option to send log messages by e-mail

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone OTC iPhone context

The OTC smartphone enables to send log files by e-mail. The e-mail address must be declared in the
OT user profile associated to the user of OTC iPhone.
1. From the OTC iPhone home page, press the user picture or name at the top part of the home page
The user profile page opens
2. Select Settings > Send log to send log messages by e-mail

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

5.20.3 Accessing logs from a computer OTC Android Smartphone context
The OTC Android Smartphone enables to retrieve log files from a computer:

1. From the OTC Android Smartphone current page, press the OpenTouch icon ( ) or the user
picture or name at the top part of the home page
The user profile page opens
2. Select Settings > Advanced settings
The Advanced settings page opens
3. According to your needs, press the Logging level option and select the type of log messages to
send (Error option is selected by default)
4. Copy the log file from the OTC Android Smartphone (access path: Android\OpenTouch\OTC-
Android-logs.txt) to the computer OTC iPhone context

The OTC smartphone enables to retrieve log files from a computer:
1. Connect the iPhone to a computer on which iTunes is installed
2. From iTunes, copy the log file from the iPhone to the iOS application. For more information, see:

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Chapter 5 Implementing OTC smartphone

5.20.4 Accessing logs using a SysLog server

To retrieve log files of OpenTouch Conversation for smartphone from a SysLog server:
1. Install a SysLog server on the desired machine
2. Declare the SysLog server on the OpenTouch server:
a. From the OpenTouch configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, select: Eco system > IT
b. Access the contextual menu and select Create > Syslog Server

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Figure 5.20: Server creation window example

c. In the General tab, review/modify the following attributes:

Display name Enter the Syslog server display name

FQDN Enter the FQDN of the Syslog server

d. Click the validate icon to apply your modifications
The Syslog server is created in the server list
3. Declare the SysLog server in the OpenTouch Conversation for smartphone parameters:
a. From the Users configuration window of the OmniVista 8770, click the Users tab
b. Expand the tree structure and select the corresponding OpenTouch Conversation for

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Figure 5.21: OTC iPhone configuration window example

c. In the General tab, review/modify the following attribute:

Syslog Ssrver Use the drop-down menu to select the Syslog server
d. Click the validate icon to apply your modification
4. If a session is opened, stop the OpenTouch Conversation for smartphone and relaunch it (see:
Launching the OTC smartphone on page 167)

5.21 Generating a QR code or NFC tag for call routing and switching
From their OTC smartphone, OpenTouch users can read a QR code or NFC tag to:
• Modify their current call routing profile, including route incoming calls to an internal device declared
on the OpenTouch or OmniPCX Enterprise
This can only be performed when the OTC smartphone is idle (no communication in progress).
• Switch an active call to an internal device declared on the OpenTouch or OmniPCX Enterprise
These actions require to generate a QR code or NFC tag with the internal device settings.
The NFC tag is not supported on OTC iPhone.

5.21.1 Generating a QR code

Online tools can be used to generate the QR code.

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The syntax of information to be entered in the QR code differs:

• If the internal device is associated to an OpenTouch user.
The syntax must be: {"v":"1","DI":{"DiD":{"Int": "xxxxx", "User":"xxxxx"}}},
• "Int" refers to the device number (81276737 in the example below)
This field is used when the internal device and OTC smartphone are declared on the same node:
the OTC smartphone uses the device number as destination for call routing or switching.
• "User" refers to the directory number of the OpenTouch user to whom the device is associated
(21876737 in the example below)
This field is used when the internal device and OTC smartphone are declared on two different
nodes: the OTC smartphone uses the user directory number as destination for call routing and
{"v":"1","DI":{"DiD":{"Int": "81276737", "User":"21876737"}}}
• If the internal device is associated to an OpenTouch user, or is only an OmniPCX Enterprise device
(without OpenTouch features), the syntax must be: {"v":"1","DI":{"DiD":
{"User":"xxxxx"}}}. In this configuration, "User" refers either to the user directory number
(for OmniPCX Enterprise devices only), or the device number (for devices associated to OpenTouch
The result is a figure similar to a bar code that can be either printed or broadcast.

5.21.2 Generating a NFC tag

The NFC tag must be generated using ALE NFC Extended OXE Mobility.
NFC tag generation consists in entering the internal device settings in the NFC Extended OXE Mobility
• If the internal device is associated to an OpenTouch user, select the OT Device tab and complete
the following fields:
• User number: refers to the directory number of the OpenTouch user to whom the device is
associated. It is used when the internal device and OTC Android Smartphone are declared on
two different nodes. In this case, OTC Android Smartphone uses the user directory number as
destination for call routing and switching.
• Device number: refers to the device number used when the internal device and OTC Android
Smartphone are declared on the same node. In this case, OTC Android Smartphone uses the
device number as destination for call routing or switching.
• If the internal device is associated to an OpenTouch user, select the OT Device tab and complete
the User number with the device number.
• If the internal device is an OmniPCX Enterprise device (without OpenTouch features), select the
OXE Device tab and complete the Local number of the set with the user directory number.
The internal device settings must be then recorded on NFC tags.
For more information on NFC tag generation, refer to the document [34].

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6 Implementing OpenTouch
Conversation for Web

6.1 Overview
The OTC Web client is an application that enables anonymous users to join an OpenTouch conference
using a browser. An anonymous user is a person who is foreign to or not logged-in to the host
OpenTouch system. An anonymous user can be internal or external to the company.
Conference scheduling cannot be done from the OTC Web. It must be performed from another
OpenTouch client or from the OpenTouch Outlook Scheduling add-in.
Access to the OTC Web is available by a URL, reachable from standard industry internet browsers
(see: List of supported operating systems and browsers on page 188). A guest can join a conference
directly via this URL, or via OpenTouch Conversation or the Join Meeting button in Outlook. Guests
join as leader or participant, according to the rights granted by the owner of the conference. According
to the way used to connect to the conference (directly via URL or via a client), a guest may have to
enter a leader code to gain leader privileges. Leaders can use all of the OpenTouch features and
applicabilities whereas participants can use a limited set of capabilities. For more information, refer to
the document [7].
The conference owner invites leaders and participants when scheduling the meeting.
Conferences can include telephone communications (participants (and conference leaders) can be
called on their telephone set) or be limited to a web presentation, for some, or all participants. In any
case, conferences include access to shared documents and an instant messaging interface.
As of OpenTouch R2.1.1, the OTC Web can detect if the browser used to join an OpenTouch
conference implements Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) capabilities. WebRTC offers real-
time communications from web browsers without using additional plug-ins. In the case of OTC Web,
WebRTC enables web browsers to handle OpenTouch conferences, provided that:
• An OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC) is placed in the secured network infrastructure.
For communications via WebRTC, sessions are established through SIP over WebSockets
signaling and communications are encrypted through DTLS-SRTP. OTSBC is used to control these
communications through SIP over WebSockets signaling and DTLS-SRTP flows.
• Guests join the OpenTouch conference from the Internet (access from LAN is not supported for
WebRTC). Once the URL for the conference entered in the web browser, the access page of OTC
Web provides an option enabling the guests to join the audio conference via their web browser. If
WebRTC is not supported by the browser, this option is hidden in the access page of OTC Web.
• Internal or external microphone and speakers are available on guest devices. If not, the option to
join the audio conference through the web browser is hidden (no WebRTC use). The volume of
speakers and microphone are managed in the Operating System sound parameters.
According to your internet browser capabilities, audio conferences can be performed using either
narrowband audio (G.711) or wideband audio (G.722). Video conferences are not supported on
On OTC Web, the conference cannot call back the user if the main device is Out of Service even if the
secondary device is working. To enter in the conference, you must use either an OTC PC or OTC

6.2 Available features

The OTC Web offers:

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• Dial-in and dial-out audio conferencing

• Web presentations: .pdf, .jpg, .png, .gif, and Microsoft Office file formats when the Document
Converter Software (DCS) is installed
• Attachment of files
• Multi-party chat
• Desktop sharing (scheduled conference only)
Desktop sharing is only available for conference leaders, provided they have installed the
OTCSharing plug-in on their device. This plug-in can only be installed on Windows operating
systems (not supported on MAC OS X and tablets).
Conference participants can view, but not modify the shared view.
Conference participants are attendees or conference leaders, their role is determined by the URL they
use to access the conference.
Although the login page looks identical, leaders and participants do not have the same rights:

Feature Specific rights Conference leader Conference partici-


Conference Schedule, start and close Yes No

Invite a participant by mail
or telephone
Drop a participant

Join Yes Yes

Select an avatar
Upload an image to repre-
sent self
Take picture from webcam
and display as avatar

Multi-party chat Start a chat with another Yes Yes


Attachment Attach and remove files to Yes No

the conference

Download files from the Yes Yes


Dial out and dial in au- Mute/Unmute another Yes No

dio conferencing participant or leader
Mute/Unmute all partici-
pants (giving a lecture)
Place a phone call

Show active speaker Yes Yes

Mute/Unmute self
Drop audio session

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

Feature Specific rights Conference leader Conference partici-


Web presentation View a web presentation Yes Yes

Start/stop and navigate on Yes No

a web presentation
Switch between web pre-
Prevent other leaders' op-
erations on the web pre-
Grant control of the pre-
sentation to another lead-

Participant control Promote a participant to Yes No

Drop participant's audio
Drop participant

6.3 Interface overview

Once the URL for the conference is entered in the web browser, the access page (identical for
conference leader and conference participants) is displayed.
When the user joins a conference bridge, the OTC Web verifies that all parameters used to support
audio in the browser are met (internet access, OTSBC topology, browser capability) and if enabled,
adds the Call me on my computer option in the access page.

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

Figure 6.1: Join page example (WebRTC not supported)

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

Figure 6.2: Join page example (WebRTC supported)

Enter your name, select a picture or avatar (optional), request to be called on the phone (optional), and
click Join.
When WebRTC is used:
• The conference service initiates an audio call on the browser, and a window prompts to accept the
audio call. Click Accept.
• The browser also prompts to confirm the use of a microphone on your computer. Click Allow.
Once the audio call is established, the OTC Web automatically opens a dialing keypad
• Press the # button to enter in the conference
If call establishment fails (network connection loss, network quality, or configuration issues), either
transfer the call on a third party device using the phone icon on top of the screen, or try again by
reloading the conference web page.
The OTC Web conference window is displayed.

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

Name of conference
(coined by conference leader) Elapsed time
Your avatar or picture Your name This name comes from the
(selected when joining) (entered scheduling appointment subject line Hide/show shared documents
when joining)
Hide/show chat sessions

View help

Annotation and
screen display tools

Dial or redial
your phone number

Mute your voice

Documents area
And/or chat area

Other people in the conference

Invite participant(s)(leader only)

Mute everyone else in the conference

Figure 6.3: OTC Web interface example

The following table displays annotation and screen display tools:

Icon Select, to:

Use any of: pen, eraser, highlighting pen, ruler

Change text color

Change font appearance

Switch to a mode adapted to the width of the screen

Switch from an HD resolution to a lower resolution

Switch to full screen

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

6.4 Topologies
6.4.1 On site topology
Within company premises, the OTC Web connects to the OpenTouch through the company intranet
network (LAN) for voice media and data transmission.

for Web

Applicative link


Figure 6.4: On site topology

6.4.2 Off site topology (remote users)

Outside of the company premises, for security reasons, OTC Web users access the conference via a
reverse proxy (RP).

Conversation RP
for Web

Applicative link


Figure 6.5: Off site topology

An OpenTouch Session Border Controller (OTSBC) is required when conferencing access is performed
via WebRTC.

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

Conversation for Web
Applicative link

Voice Internet Intranet

(browser supports WebRTC)


Figure 6.6: Off site topology for conferencing access via WebRTC

To configure the RP and OTSBC, refer to: Implementing OpenTouch Ecosystem on page 13.

6.5 Application deployment and configuration

Plug-in installation is required when conference leaders wish to share their computer desktop on the
OTC Web. You can download this sharing plug-in, called OTCSharing.msi, from:
• The diagnostic button of the OTC Web access page
This button opens a window verifying that the sharing plug-in is installed on the computer, and
offering to download it, if needed.

Figure 6.7: Diagnostic window example

• The sharing area, after joining a conference with the leader role
The sharing plug-in must be installed and started on the computer. If using Chrome or Firefox, close
your browser to complete installation with a certificate (required to secure communications when
sharing your desktop). If using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the certificate is accepted without restart.
IT managers must be informed that:
• Guests must have administrator rights to install the sharing application
• The sharing application is installed as a service and is automatically started (auto start mode
activated at Windows login)
• The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 runtime must be installed
• Uninstallation must be manual, and can be performed from:
• The Control panel (Add/remove programs interface)

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

• The menu Start > Programs > ALE International (taskbar of the Windows home page)
From the OpenTouch server, there is only to verify that the web client used for the conference is the
OTC Web:
1. Access the administration console for the collaboration server as follows:
a. Open a session on the OmniVista 8770
b. Start the Configuration application and select the corresponding OpenTouch server
c. Right click and select WBM
d. Enter the otAdmin credentials
e. Navigate to Users and devices > Conference server
The administration console is displayed
2. Navigate to: Configuration > System Options
3. Verify OTCWeb is selected as default web client

Figure 6.8: Selecting the default web client example

6.6 WebRTC configuration

If WebRTC is supported by the browser and used for audio conferencing with the OTC Web, configure
the WebRTC on the OpenTouch, RP, and OTSBC. For more details, see document [36].
On the OpenTouch server, declare the OTSBC used for conferencing access via WebRTC in the
OpenTouch ecosystem and the collaboration application. For details on the two operations, see:
Declaring the OTSBC profile for conferencing access via OTC Web/WebRTC on page 28.

6.7 List of supported operating systems and browsers

Supported operating systems:

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Chapter 6 Implementing OpenTouch Conversation for Web

• Windows 8/8.1 (64 bits)

• Windows 7 (64 bits)
• Windows 10 (64 bits)
• Mac OSX 10.9/10.10
The minimum version for conferencing access via WebRTC is 10.9.
Supported web browsers:
• Google Chrome (version 32 or higher, to support conferencing access via WebRTC)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer (not supported for conferencing access via WebRTC)
• Microsoft Edge (version 80.0.361.62 or higher, to support conferencing access via WebRTC)
• Mozilla Firefox (version 38 or higher, to support conferencing access via WebRTC)
• Safari (not supported for conferencing access via WebRTC)
Other standard web browsers (including tablet browsers) may work but have not been tested or
approved by ALE International.

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7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)


7.1 Deployment and features supported

table 7.1: OpenTouch - VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) matrix

Microsoft Microsoft RDS

VMWare Horizon 7.x Citrix 7.6 to 7.19 RDS 2012/2012R2(7)/
2016/2019 2016/2019

machine Session based
Client 4.1 Xen App XenDesktop
based deployment

Desktop Application Desktop Application Desktop Desktop Desktop Application

publication publication publication publication publication publication publication publication

RCC mode

MS IM Provider (1)

MS Telephony Add-In (1)

MS Conference Add-In (1)

Document sharing (2)

Desktop sharing (3)

Gmail integration

Skype Integration (1)

Voip (4) (5) (5)

Windows Systray icon

Search bar in the taskbar

Key board hotkeys Select (6) (6)

to Call (Fn)

IM, P2P (call + IM),


Video (P2P, conference) (8)

Missed call

OTC Web with Chrome

(1) the Microsoft/Google software is started in the same VDI session

(2) drag and drop from the local file system to the OpenTouch Conversation windows is not supported

(3) not possible to share the local desktop

(4) not optimized mode

(5) VoIP is only available on virtual machine based deployment (Windows 7/10)

(6) by default, Citrix clients do not handle any hotkeys. It requires a specific configuration.

(7) Hyper-V not supported for 2012/2012R2

(8) Video conferences are only supported on Windows OS (Windows 7/10)

No QOS(Quality Of Services) and no support of video communications

* VMware release 6.x does not support the client release 5

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

7.2 Citrix
7.2.1 Overview

Figure 7.1: Citrix interface example

The OpenTouch supports:

• XenDesktop 7.6 in RCC (no audio, nor video), even if routing and call me at are not forced. A user
must create a profile adapted to Citrix (call me deskphone, no routing to computer). Buttons and
audio or video settings are visible even if they do not work in this version.
The application controls the deskphone.
• XenAPP 7.x (as of OpenTouch 2.2.1)
• Single-session with client OS (one VM per user) and multi-session with server OS (one VM for n
user). For Citrix XenDesktop deployed on multi-session, plugins are not fully operational.
Actions such as make a call, start an IM, read a voice message do not work for the Outlook add-in.
Local contact search and conference management are available.
Avoid validating client automatic update on the OpenTouch server. Automatic update is not supported
on the client deployed via Citrix.

• Technical support is provided for the OTC PC client

7.2.2 Computer requirements

The minimum computer requirements to run the application are:

Processor Dual-Core (such as Intel Core i3)

RAM (dedicated to the ap- 512 MB (depends on the OS used, at least 4 GB are recommended for
plication) the computer)

Hard Disk 256 MB (minimum value)

Display screen with a 1024x768 resolution

Graphics Processing Unit DirectX 11


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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

Ensure that the drivers of your Graphics Adapter are up-to-date (this also prevents memory
consumption issues).
Ensure that DirectDraw Acceleration and Direct3D Acceleration are enabled on your computer.
Depending on how much memory your typical applications require, your computer may need to exceed
these requirements. The performance of the OpenTouch Conversation application is affected by the
other applications running on your computer at the same time. This means that you may need a faster
processor and more RAM than the minimum specified above.

7.2.3 Restrictions
• VoIP is supported through the communication channel between the local session and the remote
session: HDX RealTime generic softphone support (VoIP-over-ICA).
Support of VoIP and video: test must be done to validate the voice quality in this deployment.
In case of unacceptable test results, VoIP with HDX RealTime generic softphone support (VoIP-
over-ICA) is not supported.
• The drag and drop of a document from the local file system in a conversation card to start a
document sharing is not supported.
• Only the hosted applications and desktop can be shared with OTC PC. There is no access to local
applications or local desktop.
• The systray menu is not available when the OpenTouch Conversation is started as a published
application: the only way is the cross icon of the main window

7.3 Deployment on an RDS environment

7.3.1 Overview

Figure 7.2: Windows RDS environment interface example

To deploy OpenTouch Conversation on an RDS environment, the following features must be enabled:

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

• Disable the Window Installer Coordinator as described in:

Installation can fail with Window Installer Coordinator Error.
• Enable 3D acceleration: in Properties > Hardware, select graphic card tick 3D accelerated support.
• Change the NIC type from E1000 to vmxnet 3 as it is not fully supported by Windows server
• To deploy multiple OTC PC on a hosted xendesktop/xenapp server, enable remote desktop virtual
Ip (
• When desktop virtual Ip is enabled in Citrix studio, you must enable the following:

Virtual IP loopback support Enabled

Virtual IP virtual loopback programs list OpenTouchConversation.exe; out-


• Configure Temporary Folders for an RD Session Host Server as described in: https://
Set the following values:

Delete temporary folders on exit false

Use temporary folders per session false

7.3.2 List of the operations required for the OTC PC deployment on an RDS
The following operations provide a short guideline for the OTC PC deployment on an RDS
environment. It only specifies the main operations to perform on the Domain Controller and Remote
Desktop on which the OTC PC must be deployed. It does not provide any procedures and/or screens
to help with the configuration of the Microsoft Windows Server parameters. For more information, refer
to the Windows articles available online.
1. On the Domain Controller:
a. Install the Microsoft Windows Server
b. Install all available Microsoft Windows updates
c. Add the Active Directory role using the Server Manager
d. Create users
2. On the Remote Desktop:
a. Install the Microsoft Windows Server
b. Install all available Microsoft Windows updates
c. Go to: Control Panel > System and add this computer into domain
d. Open the Server Manager and add Remote Desktop Services, RD Web Access, RD
Session Host, RD Licensing, RD Gateway, RD Connection Broker roles
3. Configure DNS forward and reverse zones
4. (Optional): Install SQL Express on the Domain Controller (or use an existing SQL Server) to grant
the RDS Connection Broker server the right to create databases.
Only in the case where the RDS Connection Broker service migrates from WID (Windows Internal
Database) to a (high available) SQL Server instance, the Broker is converted to a high available

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

5. Configure the certificates for RD Connection Broker, RD Web Access, RD Gateway in the
Server Manager (access path: Remote Desktop Services > Tasks)
6. Publish full desktop sessions:
a. From the Server Manager, go to: Remote Desktop Services > Collections
b. Click Tasks and select Create Session Collection
7. Install the OTC PC on the Remote Desktop server (see: Implementing OTC PC/OTC PC One/OT
Conference on page 43)
8. Publish the OTC PC as a RemoteApp Program in Server Manager (access path: Remote Desktop
Services > Collections > QuickSessionCollection > RemoteApp Programs > Tasks)

Figure 7.3: Example of Server Manager screen (Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard) with the
OTC PC available in the RemoteApp Programs

9. Open a web browser and enter the following URL: https://<FQDN of the Remote
The RD Web Access window is displayed

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

Figure 7.4: Example of RD Web Access window displaying the OTC PC icon

10. Click the OTC PC icon to launch the application

7.3.3 Restrictions
• VoIP and video are not supported on RDS.
• The drag and drop of a document in the conversation card from the local file system is not
• Only the hosted applications and desktop can be shared with OTC PC. There is no access to local
applications or local desktop.
• When OpenTouch Conversation is started as a published application, others application (outlook)
must be started in the same session using RDS.

7.4 VMware Horizon

7.4.1 OpenTouch Conversation on a virtual desktop
The OpenTouch Conversation and all the applications installed by the VMWare administrator are
started in a remote Windows desktop session.
Integration with Microsoft is possible provided the integrated software runs in the same desktop
There is no restriction on document sharing. The OpenTouch Conversation has access to the shared
local file system to upload the documents.
Dragging and dropping a document in the conversation card from the local file system is not supported.
Only the hosted applications and desktop can be shared with the OpenTouch Conversation. No access
to local applications or local desktop is provided.

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

7.4.2 OpenTouch Conversation as a published application

The OpenTouch Conversation as a published application gives access to OpenTouch Conversation
features as if the OpenTouch Conversation was started locally.
The user has access to all hosted resources and can use all of them (as files for instance).
In this context, the user uses the local desktop and starts hosted apps from this local desktop.
When the OpenTouch Conversation is started as a published application,
• The systray menu is available
• It is not possible to display the search bar in the Windows deskband (search can be performed via
the dial/search zone in the OpenTouch Conversation window)
• The select to call feature is not available
When the OpenTouch Conversation is started as a published application, other applications, such as
Outlook, Skype, or Teams, must be started in the same session, using the VMware Horizon client.
There is no restriction on document sharing. The OpenTouch Conversation has access to the shared
local files system to upload the documents.
The drag and drop of a document in the conversation card from the local file system is not supported.
Only the hosted applications and desktop can be shared with the OpenTouch Conversation. No access to
local applications or local desktop is provided.

7.4.3 VMware Horizon client

The VMware horizon client must be installed on the end-user PC to access the remote desktop or
remote application. Delivering this client is under the VMware administrator responsibility. See

Select the VMWare server on which you want to connect. The list of available VMWare servers is
defined by the VMWare administrator.
Connection to the VMWare server is done by entering the credential given by the VMWare

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

The VMware Horizon client allows either to connect to a remote desktop or to start a published
Access to local resource can be configured from the VMware horizon client (right click an icon). You
can specify which part of the local file system can be shared with the remote session.

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

7.4.4 Restrictions
• VMware Horizon HTML access is not supported.
• The integrations with Microsoft is possible only if the integrated software runs in the same desktop
• The drag and drop of a document in the conversation card from the local file system is not
• Only the hosted applications and desktop can be shared with OTC/PC. There is no access to local
applications or local desktop.
• From an OTC PC point of view, the automatic audio detection does not work. It relies entirely on
Windows mechanisms and what the end user configure on their local computer.

7.5 Installation
In case the native solutions for VoIP and Video provided by the VDI environment are not of an
acceptable quality, these feature can be disabled from the installation options of the OTC PC.
These options are detailed in the table below:

Setup option OTC PC behavior

NOVOIP If enabled, the OTC PC is deployed without the VoIP capability. The cli-
ent is:
• Unable to activate softphone in SIP connectivity
• Unable to manage audio devices

NOVIDEO If enabled, the OTC PC is deployed without the video capability. The cli-
ent is:
• Unable to make or receive a video call or to join a meeting in video
• Unable to manage webcams

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Chapter 7 VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) Environment

Setup option OTC PC behavior

VDI_PUBLISHEDAPP If enabled, the OTC PC is deployed with specific behavior matching con-
straint of a “publishing app” deployment:
• The OTC PC works in a “standard windows Frame” mode
• This option disables the capability to display search bar in the
Windows systray

The following table indicates what option to select at OTC PC installation for the different deployment



Citrix published desktop YES YES

Citrix published application YES YES YES

VMWare published desktop YES YES

VMWare published application YES YES YES

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