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Durée: 2heures

Readthe following passageand answerthe questionson it.

It happenson the streets of many cities in Africa. A shabbily-dressedman, clutching a purse or a money

belt, races through crowdsof startledpedestrians. An enragedmob follows hard on his heels,

screaming,'Catchhim! Kill him! Kill the thief!' They trap the man in an alley and beginkickingand
punchinghim. If he is lucky,the policewill corneto his rescue.But moreoften than not the thief is

beatento deathor burnedalive.

Althoughmobjusticeis a commonphenomenonin sub-Saharan

pe Africa,thereare fewercountriesthat
experienceit with suchregularityor suchbrutalitythan Kenya.There,betweennineandelevenpeople,
mostof thempettythievesareexecutedeveryweekacrossthecountry.Thatnumberis rapidlygrowing.
ln 1992,423 peopleweremurderedby mobs;ln 1994,the figureroseto morethan500.theyare putto
painfui death;stabbed,slashedwith machetes,stoned,kickedor trampledupon.
Somepsychologistsgenerallyascribethe resortto violenceto the exposureto violenceand instant
justiceon the screen,but in Africa,muchof the streetjusticeis a reactionto the ineffectualcriminal-
justicesystem.Notonlydo the policelackessentialequipmentlikeradiosandvehiclesto carryout their

workefficientlyand quickly;they are sa poorlypaid that they demandand reaJlyreceivebribesfrom

criminals.And it certainlyexasperatesmanya laymanwhena thiefcaughtin the act is set freeto walk
away from the court with his booty.No wondermany have now acceptedmob justice as the only

effectivewayto punishthieves.

Criticsalsosay the vigilantes,who usua/lydispensejusticein the streetstaketheircuefrompoliticians,


particularlythosein power.Government-sponsored
things are often accusedof burninghomesand
beatingup membersof the oppositionin full view of the people.ln an Africancountry,the secretary-
generalof a politicalpartywarnedthat his opponentswouldreceiveanotherbeatingif theydaredvisit

his homeconstituency
again;andotheroffidalsopenlysupportedthe assault.Whereverpoliticsremain
steepedin violence,citizensseemlikelyto followsuit.

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It is a very sad reflection on African countries that such developments stand in the way of their march of

democracy. Many African politicians regard being in government not as an opportunity to serve their
country but as means of making a fortune and living weil. Hence they regard opponents as enemies

who must be crushed by any means possible.

Some men however know that violencebegetsmoreviolence,unleashingchaosand undermining
ruleof law. No matterhowadequatea country's institutionsare,thereGanbe nojustification for violence
and,in particular,mob justiœ.


i. What dœs the writer say about Kenya? (0,75)

ii. Accordingto thewriter,whatis the maincauseof mobjusticein Africa?(0,75)

iii. Whatdopoliticians
theactionsof vigilantes?(0,75)

iv. ln thewriters opinion,whydo Africansgenerallyenterpolitics?(0,75)

v. Whatdoesthewriter means by 'vio/enœ begets more violence'?(0,75)

B- VOCABULARY (5marks)
For each of the following words in bord, give another word or phrase having the same meaning:
Each correct answer carries one (1) mark.

-Phenomenon, ineffectual, exasperates, assault, unleashing


c- GRAMMAR (7,5marks)

Answer the following questions by choosing among alternatives a) to d). Each correct answer
is marked 0, 75 mark.

1. l'm busy at the moment on the computer.

a) 1work b) l'm work c) l'm working d) working


2. Here is the report. it at last.

a) finish
1 b) 1 finished c) l'm finished d) l'vefinished

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3. 1really enjoyedthe disco. It was great. ?

a) Is it b) isn'tit c) wasit d) wasn'tit

4. We had a party last night spendail morningclearing up the messthe mess.

a) 1musthave b) l'vebeento c) l've hadto d) l've must

5. Somefilm stars ... be difficultto work with.

a) aresaid b) aresaidto c) say d) sayta

6. 1didn't like it in the city atfirst But now here.

a) 1got used ta living b) l'm used ta living c) 1used ta live d) 1used ta living

7. This place gets crowded with tourists every summer.

a) always more b) crawdedand more

pe c) tram more and more d) more and more

8. The librarian asked uS so much noise.

a) dan't make b) nat make c) not making d) nat ta make

9. What is the name of the man gave us a lift.

a) he b) what c) which d) who

10. Ifonly people keep sending me bills.


a) dan't b) shouldn't c) weren't d) wauldn't


D. ESSAY: (3,75marks)

Somepeopleare so poorthat they couldnot even haveone meala day; but theysee others

everyday eating weil and driving fully air-conditionedluxuriouscars. Do you agree that these
poor people havethe right to steal ather peaple'sprapertyta survive?Why?


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