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Vol. XXV / 2018


Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie – Istorie
Oltenia. Journal for Studies in Archaeology – History

Ilustrația de pe copertă: Clădirea Secției de Istorie – Arheologie a Muzeului Olteniei Craiova

Cover Image: The Building of the Department of History – Archaeology of the Museum of Oltenia Craiova


Radu Băjenaru
Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan”, București - Institute of Archeology „Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest

Sorin Liviu Damean

Universitatea din Craiova - University of Craiova

Adrian Ioniță
Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan”, București - Institute of Archeology „Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest

Viorel Emanuel Petac

Cabinetul Numismatic al Bibliotecii Academiei Române - Numismatic Cabinet of the Library of the
Romanian Academy

Constantin C. Petolescu
Membru corespondent al Academiei Române - Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

Adrian Popescu
Departamentul de Monede și Medalii, Muzeul Fitzwilliam, Universitatea din Cambridge - Department of
Coins & Medals, The Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge.

Vlad Vintilă Zirra

Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan”, București - Institute of Archeology „Vasile Pârvan”, Bucharest

Redactor Șef / Editor in Chief: Colegiul de Redacție / Editorial Staff:

Radu Gabriel Dumitrescu Florin Ridiche Irina Vlad
Dorel Bondoc Gabriela Filip
Secretari de Redacție / Secretaries of editorship:
Valentina Popescu Cristian-Iulian Ceacîru
Marius Bâsceanu
Lucian Popescu Vava Editor Tehnic / Technical Editor: Daniela Popescu

Responsabilitatea conținutului științific al lucrărilor aparține în întregime autorilor. Autorii trebuie să

țină cont de propunerile de revizuire sugerate de către recenzori.
The responsibility of the scientific content of the papers belongs entirely to the authors. Authors
should take into account the review proposals suggested by the reviewers.

ISSN 1454-6892
Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie. Vol. XXV/2018



NEAGU Mihai Cristian – Studiu despre vasul zoomorf descoperit la Ulmeni, Jud. Călărași.
Study about a zoomorphic pot discovered at Ulmeni, Călărași County ............................................. 5
PĂTROI Cătălin Nicolae – O completare la catalogul de așezări și descoperiri aparținând
Culturii eneolitice Sălcuța. An addition to the catalogue of settlements and finds belonging to the
Eneolithic culture Sălcuța ................................................................................................................... 9
CRĂCIUNESCU Gabriel – Plastica antropomorfă a Culturii Žuto Brdo-Gârla Mare din vestul
Olteniei. The anthropomorphic plastic of Žuto Brdo-Gârla Mare culture in western Oltenia ........... 69
BÂSCEANU Marius – Early Iron Age fibulae from Desa – „Castravița” discovered in 2017 and
2018. Fibule din prima epocă a fierului de la Desa – „Castravița” descoperite în 2017 și 2018 ....... 89
FILIP Gabriela – Reprezentări feminine pe două camee din sudul provinciei Dacia Inferior.
Female representations on two cameos coming from the south part of Lower Dacia ........................ 97
DUMITRAȘCU Alis – Inele romane din colecția colonelului D. Papazoglu aflate în patrimoniul
Muzeului Național de Istorie a României. Roman rings from Colonel D. Papazoglu's collection in
the patrimony of the National History Museum of Romania ............................................................. 104
BĂLTEANU Dan – Two imperial statue bases for Philip the Arab and Marcia Otacilia from the
auxiliary camp of Slăveni. Două baze de statui imperiale pentru Filip Arabul și Marcia Otacilia
din castrul auxiliar de la Slăveni ......................................................................................................... 112
RĂBÎNCĂ Iulia, POPOVICI Sabin – Asupra cronologiei unor fibule de tipul
Zwiebelknopffibeln din colecțiile Muzeului Romanațiului Caracal. On the chronology of some
Zwiebelknopffibeln type fibulae from the collections of the Caracal Romanați Museum
............................................................................................................................................................. 148
BORANGIC Cătălin, BĂCUEȚ-CRIȘAN Dan – Propagandă și dacism în epoca de aur. Studiu
de caz - jocul „Dacii și romanii”. National propaganda in the Golden Age. Case study: the
boardgame „Dacii și romanii” („Dacians and the romans”) ............................................................... 158


TALMAȚCHI Gabriel M. – Descoperiri monetare antice în spațiul Istro-Pontic. Ancient

monetary discoveries in the Istro-Pontic space .................................................................................. 183
VASILESCU Dan – Monede de bronz romane târzii inedite sau mai puțin cunoscute descoperite
la Ulmetum (Pantelimonu de Sus, Jud. Constanța). Unpublished or little-known coins of the Late
Roman period discovered at Ulmetum (Pantelimonu de Sus, Constanța County) ............................. 193
MUNTEANU Claudiu – Două medalii cu chipul lui Attila din colecția Muzeului Brukenthal.
Two medals with the face of Attila from the collection of Brukenthal Museum ............................... 202
ŞEPTILICI Raoul M. – O matrice sigilară de la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea a Mănăstirii
Strehaia (Jud. Mehedinţi). Mid-19th century seal matrix of the Strehaia Monastery (Mehedinți
County) ............................................................................................................................................... 206
CIULAVU Florin – Despre activitatea monetăriei de la Alba Iulia în intervalul cronologic 1848-
1871. About the activity of the mint at Alba Iulia in the chronological period 1848-1871………… 209
DUMITRESCU Radu Gabriel, MUNTEANU Claudiu – Medaliile lui Franz Joseph I și ale
Elisabetei de Bavaria din colecția Muzeului Național Brukenthal. The medals of Franz Joseph I
and Elisabeth of Bavaria from the collection of the Brukenthal National Museum
................................................................................................................................................ 222
TABĂRĂ Radu – Insigna de război a cercetașilor români. The Romanian scouts war insignia
................................................................................................................................................ 247

Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie. Vol. XXV/2018


PRICOP Mircea Cristian – O posibilă mențiune a participării românilor nord-dunăreni la prima

cruciadă (1095-1099). A possible mention of the participation of the Romanians north of the
Danube in the first crusade (1095-1099) ............................................................................................ 255
PĂDURARU Marius – Din istoricul unei vechi mănăstiri oltene: Jitianu. Evoluția lăcașului.
Ctitori cunoscuți și mai puțin cunoscuți. From the history of an ancient monastery in Oltenia:
Jitianu. Evolution of the place. Known and less well-known builders ............................................... 269
RUS Dana-Maria – Regimentul II Românesc de graniţă (1762-1851) și influenţele sale în satul
tradiţional românesc din zona Năsăudului. The 2nd Romanian Border Regiment (1762-1851) and
its influences in the traditional Romanian village in the Năsăud area ................................................ 280
CERNAT Alexandru – Dorința de sporire a autorității domnești în primii ani ai domniei lui
Carol I. The desire to increase the princely authority in the early years of Carol I reign ................... 288
DUMITRAȘCU Lavinia – Probleme de armată și relații personale în câteva scrisori din
corespondența generalului Cantilli. Military matters and personal relationships in a few letters
from the correspondence of General Cantilli ...................................................................................... 293
POPESCU VAVA Lucian – Mărturii contemporane despre epidemia de holeră din campania
militară a Armatei Române în anul 1913. Contemporary testimonies about the cholera outbreak
during the military campaign of the Romanian Army in 1913 ...................................................... 302
MĂRCULESCU Cornel – Unele aspecte privind evoluția frontului sârbesc din 1914-1915
reflectate în rapoartele atașatului militar Toma Dumitrescu. Some aspects concerning the
evolution of the Serbian front from 1914-1915 reflected in the reports of the military attaché
Toma Dumitrescu ............................................................................................................................... 309
MIRCEA Ionela Simona – Românce în slujba Țării. Romanian women in the service of the
Fatherland ........................................................................................................................................... 316
CEACÎRU Cristian-Iulian – Căști militare din expoziția de bază a Muzeului Olteniei Craiova.
Military helmets from the permanent exhibition of the Oltenia Museum .......................................... 325
VLAD Irina, POPESCU Valentina – Corespondența lui Nicolae I. Herescu (I). The
correspondance of Nicolae I. Herescu (I) ........................................................................................... 332
BROJBOIU (TOMȘA) Luiza – Aspecte ale vieții politice din judeţul Dâmboviţa (23 august
1944 - 6 martie 1945): acțiunile comuniștilor de preluare a puterii pe plan local. Aspects of
political life in Dâmboviţa County (23rd August 1944 – 6th March 1945): the communists’ actions
for the power takeover at local level ................................................................................................... 351


CEACÎRU Cristian-Iulian – Alexandru Armă – Bucureștiul sub bombele germane (august-

noiembrie 1916), Editura Vremea, București, 2015, 136 p., 128 p. text, 8 p. planșe. Alexandru
Armă – Bucharest under German bombs (August-November 1916), Vremea Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2015, 136 p., 128 p. text, 8 p. plates ................................................................................. 359
Recomandări privind elaborarea lucrărilor științifice pentru revista „Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări.
Arheologie-Istorie” ............................................................................................................................. 361
Recommendations regarding the elaboration of the papers for the scientific journal “Oltenia.
Journal for Studies in Archaeology – History“................................................................................... 363

Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie. Vol. XXV/2018


AND 2018

Marius Bâsceanu*

Rezumat: În paginile articolului sunt prezentate fibulele descoperite în localitatea Desa (jud. Dolj), punctul
„Castravița”, în timpul cercetărilor arheologice din anii 2017 și 2018. Cele 11 descoperiri se alătură celor
23 de fibule deja publicate, astfel încât numărul total al fibulelor descoperite pe grindul „Castravița”, în
tumulii din prima epocă a fierului sau în vecinătatea acestora, este în prezent de 34. Din cele 11 fibule
fragmentare prezentate, 7 fac parte din categoria fibulelor arcuite cu dublu resort și portagrafa în formă de
clepsidră, iar o fibulă are portagrafa în formă de scut beotic. Nu este exclusă posibilitatea ca un mic tutulus
de bronz, descoperit în apropierea unei fibule, să provină de fapt de la o fibulă de tip ochelari, ceea ce ar
ridica numărul total al fibulelor de epocă Basarabi de la Desa la 35. Fibulele descoperite în punctul
„Castravița” se încadrează, din punct de vedere cronologic, într-un interval de timp cuprins între mijlocul
secolului al VIII-lea a. Chr. și mijlocul secolului al VII-lea a. Chr.

Abstract: In the pages of the study are presented the fibulae discovered in Desa (Dolj county), site
„Castravița”, during the archaeological researches from 2017 and 2018. The 11 discoveries join the 23
fibulae already published, thus the total number of the fibulae discovered on „Castravița” sandhill, within
the Early Iron Age tumuli or in their vicinity, is today 34. From the 11 fragmentary fibulae presented, 7 are
to be included in the category of the double looped bow fibulae with a sandglass catchplate, while one fibula
has a Boeotian catchplate. It is not to be excluded the possibility that a small bronze tutulus discovered near
a fibula to have been part of a spectacle type fibula, in which case the total number of the fibulae from Desa
dated in the Basarabi period would be 35. From a chronological point of view, the fibulae discovered in
„Castravița” can be framed in a time span comprised between the mid 8th c. BC and mid 7th c. BC.

Cuvinte-cheie: Desa, tumuli, fibule, prima epocă a fierului, Basarabi.

Key-words: Desa, tumuli, fibulae, Early Iron Age, Basarabi.

The village of Desa, in the SW part of Dolj county, has become well-known in the literature,
first of all, because of the Early Iron Age findings attributed to the so-called „Basarabi
phenomenon”, but not only1.
The excavation of the Basarabi type tumular necropolis, which started in 20022, continued
during 2017 and 2018. Thus, following the complet excavation of the tumuli identified since 2016 (T6-
T10), new inhumation graves have been discovered, as well as several metal pieces and pottery vessels.
The focus of the present study is represented by the fibulae discovered during these last two
archaeological campaigns, thus completing the catalog of all the fibulae attributed to the Early Iron
Age and discovered within the Basarabi type tumular necropolis from Desa – „Castravița” between

Catalogue of descoveries
Abbreviations used:
Tx = Tumulus number x;
Grx = Grave number x;
Length = L.;

Doctor, Museum of Oltenia Craiova, e-mail:
Bâsceanu, 2015-2016, pp. 22-23.
Bâsceanu, 2015-2016, p. 23; Bâsceanu, 2017.
Bâsceanu, 2015-2016.

Width = w.;
Diameter = d.;
Height = h.;
Thickness = thk.;
Weight = wt.;
Minimum = min.;
Maximum = max.;
Inventory number = inv. no.

1. Three fragments from a fibula, possible an iron one (fig.1/1).

Context: T7, nearly in the center zone of the tumulus. Discovered at -0,52 m depth, together
with some very small bone fragments, probably human.
Fragment no. 1. d. = 2,3 cm; thk. = 0,6 cm; wt. = 2,33 g (fig.1/1(1)).
Fragment no. 2. d. = 1,6 cm; thk. = 0,6 cm; wt. = 1,37 g (fig.1/1(2)).
Fragment no. 3. L. = 2,1 cm; thk. = 0,3 cm; wt. = 1,28 g (fig.1/1(3)).

Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without inv. no.

2.Fragmented iron fibula with a bronze plated ribbed-bow, round in cross-section

Context: T7, nearly in the center zone of the tumulus. Discovered at -0,76 m depth, within a
pit with comingled human and animal remains.
Dimensions: L. = 5,9 cm; d. = 0,7 cm; wt. = 17,26 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without
inv. no.

3. Fragment of an iron bow fibula (fig.1/3).

Context: T7, approx. at the S margin of the tumulus. The fragment, representing the loop
and part of the bow, was discovered at -0,77 m depth.
The partially preserved bow is round in cross-section.
Dimensions: L. = 3,1 cm; d. = 1,4 cm; thk. = 0,4 cm; wt. = 2,93 g. Museum of Oltenia
Craiova, without inv. no.

4. Fragmented iron double-looped bow fibula with a sandglass catchplate (fig.1/4).

Context: T7, approx. at the SE margin of the tumulus. It was discovered at -1,24 m depth.
The fragment preserved only partially the bow, a loop and a part of the sandglass catchplate.
It is very possible that the bow was rectangular in cross-section, but due to the strong erosion, we
cannot support this with certainty.
Dimensions: L. = 7,4 cm; thk. (bow) = 0,8 cm; d. (loop) = 1,4 cm; thk. (loop) = 0,4 cm; L.
(catchplate) = 1,1 cm; max. w. (catchplate) = 0,9 cm; wt. = 17,88 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova,
without inv. no.

5. Fragmented iron fibula with a bronze plated ribbed-bow, round in cross-section

Context: T8, in the mantle, near the W margin of the tumulus, in the small and compacted
gravel layer, underneath the boulders in the middle of the mound. The fibula was discovered at -
0,63 m depth, tighter with a bronze conical head (tutulus), several centimeters to the E (fig.2/2,3).
Dimensions: L. = 6 cm; d. = 0,9 cm; wt. = 18,28 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without inv. no.

Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie. Vol. XXV/2018

6. Fragmented iron fibula with a bronze plated ribbed-bow, round in cross-section

Context: T9, at -0,30 m depth, in the superior part of the mantle and near its E limit, more
precisely in the earth layer which covered the stone core of the tumulus.
Dimensions: L. = 3,5 cm; d. = 0,8 cm; wt. = 9,63 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without
inv. no.

7. Fragmented bronze double-looped bow fibula with a Boeotian shield catchplate

Context: T10, at the S margin, more precisely, in trench K17/2016, while leveling its S
bank, at -0,66 m depth and nearly at 0,69 m S from the area where were found the right leg bones of
the deceased discovered in 2016 (T10/Gr1). In the vicinity of the fibula, two small unidentifiable
bones were discovered.
The bow of the fibula is round in cross-section; thicker in the middle, while gradually tapers
towards the ends. The loops are both rectangular in cross-section. Near each of the two ends of the
bow, it is decorated with a pair consisting of 3 embossed rings and 9 incised circles. On the
preserved part of the catchplate it can be observed that it was decorated with two strings consisting
each of two incised lines and which, most probably, formed a double „V”.
Dimensions: L. = 6,1 cm; L. bow (between the loops) = 5,6 cm; max. d. bow = 0,7 cm; min.
d. bow = 0,4 cm; d. loop = 0,9 cm; thk. loop = 0,2 cm; w. catchplate = 2,2 cm; thk. catchplate = 0,1
cm; wt. = 18,62 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without inv. no.

8. Fragmented iron fibula with a bronze plated ribbed-bow, round in cross-section

Context: it was discovered in trench L3/2017, on the S margin of „Castravița” sandhill, at -
0,22 m depth.
Dimensions: L. = 6,1 cm; d. = 0,6 cm; wt. = 16,98 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without
inv. no.

9. Fragmented iron sandglass catchplate (fig.3/4).

Context: it was discovered at -0,75 m depth, in trench L7/2018, basically in the area
between T1 and T3. In its proximity was discovered a small fragment of a channeled inverted rim
from a porringer.
Despite strong erosion, it can be observed that the preserved loop is round in cross-section,
while the catchplate, alongside its median part, presents a slightly profiled rib.
Dimensions: L. = 3,6 cm; w. (big base) = 2,1 cm; w. (small base) = 1,3 cm; min. w. (middle
of the catchplate) = 0,9 cm; thk. (catchplate) = 0,2 cm; thk. (loop) = 0,9 cm; d. (loop) = 1,6 cm; wt.
= 7,83 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without inv. no.

10. Fragmented iron loop from a fibula (fig.3/5).

Context: this fragmented iron loop was discovered in the E margin of the sandhill
„Castravița” in trench C4/2018, at -0,90 m depth.
Dimensions: d. = 2,4 cm; thk. = 0,5 cm; wt. = 4,24 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without
inv. no.

11. Fragmented iron sandglass catchplate (fig.3/6).

Context: it was discovered in the E margin of the sandhill „Castravița” in trench C9/2018, at
-0,40 m depth.
Dimensions: L. = 3,2 cm; w. (big base) = 2,3 cm; w. (small base) = 1,1 cm; min. w. (middle
of the catchplate) = 0,8 cm; wt. = 3,49 g. Museum of Oltenia Craiova, without inv. no.

Some observations
The 11 artefacts presented above do not change in a radical manner the general conclusions
from the previous article. The situation is changed only from a quantitative point of view, to this
day in Desa – „Castravița” being discovered a total of 34 fibulae/fragmented fibulae.
From a typological point of view, the fibulae discovered in 2017-2018 belong to the double-
looped bow type, the most numerous being those with a sandglass catchplate (7 items), while one
has the catchplate in form of a Boeotian shield.
With regard to the material from which they were made, four fibulae were made of iron with
a bronze plated ribbed-bow (no. 2, 5, 6, 8), two were made from iron (no. 3, 4), while only a single
one was made of bronze (no. 7), while for four items it is not certain the material they were made of
as only small fragments from them were preserved (no. 1, 9, 10, 11).
Regarding the frequency of the types and sub-types of fibulae in the 2017-2018 archaeological
campaigns, the situation is almost identical with the one from 2002-2016: most numerous are the the
fibulae of „Vače type” (variant D after T. Bader4 – Zweischleifige bogenfibeln mit rippenverziertiem
Bügel, type 5c after S. Gabrovec5 or type B II2 variant α after D. Gergova6), while the least numerous
are those with the catchplate in form of a Boeotian shield, as the one discovered in 2017, in T10, and
which, based on the bow type, belongs to variant A after T. Bader7, type B II2 variant γ, according to D.
Gergova8, Gabrovec’s type 89 or type 2 in the sense of Heilmann10.
Remains problematic at the moment the small bronze conical head (tutulus) (fig.2/2,3)
discovered near a fragmented iron fibula with a bronze plated ribbed-bow (no.5) discovered in the
mantle of T8. Only after further lab investigations remains to establish with certainty if the tutulus
was either part of a spectacle-type bronze fibula or just an adornment item. The possibility that this
bronze piece may have been part of a spectacle fibula is very high, as in Desa, since the beginning
of the 20th c., it was discovered a fragment from such a fibula11.

The first thing that stands out is the fairly large number of the fibulae discovered in Desa
compared to similar sites (Basarabi, Balta Verde, Ostrovu Mare, etc). This might be explained, first
of all, by the intensity of the research carried in the archaeological site from Desa, which started in
2001 and continues to this day.
From a chronological point of view, the types of fibulae discovered in Desa between 2002-
2018 strengthen further the idea according to the sandhill „Castravița” started to be used as a
funerary space by the Basarabi type communities with the second half of the 8th c. BC until the mid
of the 7th c. BC.
Regarding the tutulus found in T8, even if it came from a spectacle-type fibula, it would
only contribute to diversifying the types of fibulae found in the Basarabi tumular necropolis from
Desa, while the chronological frame proposed above would remain unchanged.

I am grateful to Florin Ridiche fow giving me the possibility to study and publish the Basarabi
type discoveries from Desa. My grattitude goes also to Lucian Popescu-Vava, Cristian Ceacîru, Iulian
Popescu and Sorin Turcu for their precious help these years in the excavations of the Basarabi type

Bader, 1983, pp.77-78, 81-83, taf. 27/180-194; 28; 29/217-223.
Gabrovec, 1970, pp. 27-28, k.VIII.
Gergova, 1987, pp. 47-48, taf.14/181,182.
Bader, 1983, pp. 85-87, taf. 29/225-229; 30.
Gergova, 1987, pp. 49-50, taf. 16; 17/211-219.
Gabrovec, 1970, p. 32, k.XI.
Heilmann, 2016, pp. 12-15, fig.1, 3.
Bâsceanu, 2017, p. 7 and footnote no.3.
Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie. Vol. XXV/2018

tumuli from Desa. My thanks, too, go to Ana-Maria Băluţă for reviewing the text in English. All the
photos belong to the author. The author is also responsible for all the errors in the text.


Bader, T. 1983. Die Fibeln in Rumänien. PBF XIV, 6. München: Beck.

Bâsceanu, M. 2015-2016. Considerations regarding The Early Iron Age fibulae discovered
in Desa (2002-2016). Oltenia 22-23, pp. 22-38.
Bâsceanu, M. 2017. Necropola tumulară de tip Basarabi de la Desa (jud. Dolj) în contextul
descoperirilor similare din regiunile învecinate. Phd Thesis, „V. Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology
Gabrovec, S. 1970. Dvozankaste ločne fibule. Doprinos k problematici začetka železne dobe
na Balkanu in V Jugovzhodnih Alpah. Godišnjak 8, pp. 5-65.
Gergova, D. 1987. Früh- und ältereisenzeitliche Fibeln in Bulgarien. PBF XIV, 7.
München: Beck.
Heilmann, D. 2016. Contextualising bow fibulae with Boeotian shield plates: Cultural
transfer processes during Early Iron Age in the Central Balkan Area. Starinar 66, pp. 9-26.


Godišnjak – Godišnjak. Centar za Balkanološka Ispitivanja, Sarajevo.

Oltenia – Oltenia. Studii şi Comunicări, arheologie-istorie, Craiova.
PBF – Prähistorische Bronzefunde, München, Stuttgart.
Starinar – Starinar. Nova serija. Arheološki Institut Beograd, Beograd.


Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie. Vol. XXV/2018



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