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Assessment of Oral Communication Skills

This is done one-on-one with the student, and may be completed with picture responses, if needed. Ask
questions with increasing complexity (see chart below)- but when the student no longer responds, ask simpler
questions from a different category to re-establish confidence.
Simple one-word answer Simple questions with Questions that involve Questions that utilize
questions more complex personal opinion higher-order thinking
What is your name Who is in your family? What do you like to do? Tell me about your family
How old are you? What grade are you in? What are your favourite Tell me about your
subjects in school? Why? previous school
What language do you Did you study English? What is most difficult for How do you think
speak? you about learning knowing more than one
English? language will help you in
your life?
(After a story is read (After a story is read (After a story is read (After a story is read
aloud) Can the student aloud) Can the student aloud) Can the student aloud) Can the student
answer yes-no questions answer short questions summarize the main give an opinion about the
about the story? about the story? points of the story? story?

Assessment of Reading Comprehension

Overall Literacy Early Literacy Tasks STEP Reading Tasks (Step Step Reading Tasks (Step
Development 1-3) 4-6)
Can the student read a Can the student identify Step 1: Respond to a Step 4: Identify and use a
passage in his/her first letter names in random highly visual text with variety of text features of
language fluently order simple language (e.g. locate information (e.g.
drawing family members complete a biography
over their labels) profile of a celebrity)
Can the student read a Can the student identify Step 2: Read and Step 5: Read and follow
passage in his/her first sound/letter relationships understand high- complex instructions (e.g.
language with frequency words and follow a science
understanding (e.g. phrases (e.g. read a experiment)
summarize) peer’s profile with
Can the student identify Step 3: Read and Step 6: Read and
basic vocabulary in a understand some understand most
picture/word match academic words (e.g. vocabulary in grade-
complete an addition appropriate texts (e.g.
math word problem ) summarize an event from
a history textbook.
Assessment of Writing
Overall Literacy Early Literacy Tasks STEP Writing Tasks (Step Step Writing Tasks (Step
Development 1-3) 4-6)
Does the student hold the Can the student write the Step 1: Organize words in Step 4: Organize ideas
pencil properly when letters of the English a simple sentence (e.g. into two or three linked
writing alphabet? answer simple questions paragraphs (e.g. Write a
about themselves) summary of a movie or
Does the student think Can the student write the Step 2: Organize words in Step 5: Organize ideas
before he/she writes a letters of the English a simple compound into a multi-paragraph
passage in his/her first Alphabet that are sentence (e.g. answer a composition with a clear
language/ dicatated to him/her? preference question and link from introduction to
explain why) body to conclusion (e.g.
Write three arguments
for a cause they support)
Is there evidence of Can the student write Step 3: Organize ideas in Step 6: Organize a multi-
writing process (e.g. basic vocabulary words to a multi-sentence paragraph composition
planning, editing) before match pictures? paragraph around a topic stating an opinion with
he/she writes a passage (e.g. write a short supporting evidence and
in his/her first language/ paragraph about a a concluding paragraph
hobby/interest/favourite (e.g. Write about an
movie) experiment they did in
science with a thesis,
explanation of
experiment, and

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