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Assalamu'alaikum Wr.


Good Morning to everyone.

Respectable my lovely teacher and friends.

I, Amanda Salsa is highly honoured to stand before you and speak a few lines on the topic "What will I do for our school if I
success in the future"

My dear friends, as you know the topic invites us to imagine the future. What should I do to help the progress of our school in
future education. Now, I'm going to talk about what schools might need in the future and what I will do to develop our school in
modern school

Firstly, I'm gonna talk about technology. Technology is key. Whatever the configuration of a school of the future might be,
technology is always a huge part of it. Computer will become an essential ingredient in the recipe for an effective school of the
future. Sophisticated technology is in place to support the pursuit of knowledge.

My dear friends,

It’s fun to start dreaming. I’ve always maintained that we aren’t using technology in the best way, and that I envision a future
where machines, robots and all work to enhance human life and our day to day experiences. We could use virtual reality
simulations to teach student about global warming and how to dissect insects, we could build schools with solar panelled
rooftops and heat-sensitive walls, and grow food on the school grounds attended to by a team of children and robots. We could,
but we haven’t quite yet.

I have a vision for our school of the future and it looks epic. On the outside there’s forests, parks, and an enormous amount of
green space. Then there’s an ecological building that is built with health and wellbeing in mind, keeping student active, and using
data to improve their physical development as well as craft a curriculum that is personalised, individual and flexible. Then as
the Al School puts it there is “teaching, supported by technology”. There are robots, machines, video games and AI embedded
into the school that provide support and the foundation of classroom learning. Don’t tell me that it can’t be done and don’t tell
me it’s a pipedream; it’s an achievable feat that would help us to improve the experience of going to school and transform
education for the next generation.

Hopefully, if I success in the future I will apply all of my vision to my beloved high school by becoming a donor for this school, and
you will see that this speech is not just nonsense.

That’s all my speech. Finally, I’d like you to forgive my fault. I am afraid I cannot find the suitable words how to thank for your
attention. May the Almighty God bestow on us. His endless blessings.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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