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In today's world, the study of environmental problems and their solutions are extremely
relevant due to the dependency on oil and petroleum products In recent times, production of
oil has fallen but the demand around the world has grown. Alongside this,
the world's continues to increase by more than 70 million people each year. Day by day we are
being pushed into an emerging energy crisis scenario as the prices of everything produced
from oil (from food to fertilizer to fuels) rise beyond what many can afford. Such
energy shortage environmental economic problems have come at a time of unprecedented
environmental  concerns, as the continuous pursuit to produce more and more to
meet increasing human demands are causing global environmental externalities pollution,
global warming and climate change that can actually threaten survival of our current way of
The study of environment science and mana problems and aims to implement and ex
emerging problems and aims to implement and explore ways to provide scientific and
management solutions .In doing so, it helps students acknowledge that we share this world
equally with 8.5 million other species and that we responsible for their survival and well-being.


Environmental jobs projected to grow by 11%-15% on a year to year basis in the coming
decade. Environmental graduates have huge job opportunities both at home and abroad. The
job positions and designations are absolutely elegant topped with attractive salary packages.
Graduating students can work as an Environmental Scientist/Environmental
Officer/Environmental Advisor/ Climate Change Advisor/ETP Officer/ETP Manager/
Environmental Counselor/Environmental Compliance Officer/Environmental
Planner/ Sustainable Energy Consultant/ Renewable Energy Consultant/
Environmental Program Manager/ Project Officer/Project Coordinator/Environmental
Specialist/Research Officer in different national and international agencies. 
Graduates can also choose teaching profession at schools, colleges and Universities.
They may go for higher studies in any prestigious universities around the world.
Environmental graduates have plenty of scholarship opportunities like European Union
Scholarship, AusAid, Australian Endeavour award, International Post-graduate
Research Scholarship in all the Australian Universities, Commonwealth Scholarship,
Scottish Overseas Research Scholarships, Chavening Scholarship,
Shell-Scholarship, Monbukagkusho Scholarship, DAAD, BK21, Experts etc. 
Furthermore at the UNFCCC cop 21 - 2015 Paris Climate Conference, developed countries
have committed to jointly raising $100 billion per year by 2020 and stepping up the amount
from there after 2025, to help developing countries combat climate change. This will
severely boost the creation of environment related jobs in both the national and global
markets in the coming Years. 
Air Pollution and energy-Silent Killers of Dhaka: Threat to
Environment, Health and Development

The main air pollutant in Dhaka City is particulate matter. Major

source of emissions are brick kilns, motor vehicle and
constructional debris. The harmful pollutants like, PM 10, PM2.5,
S02, NOx, 03 and CO all are present in every locations of the City.
The average concentrations are 271.5, 101.3, 30, 24, 12
microgram/m3 and 1.88 ppm respectively. Consequently, all
pollutants are in considerable level in comparison with the
Bangladesh air quality standards. 
But the particulate matter (PMIO and PM2.5) exceed the Bangladesh air
quality standards and those prescribed under the World Health Organization
air quality guidelines at an alarming level. 
Therefore, the contribution of particulate matter causing many hazardous
diseases like vomiting respiratory tract illness, different type cancer coronary
diseases and so on is increasing day by day. Brick kilns located in different
zones in Dhaka is the highest emitter Of that pollutant during the dry season.
The health impact of air pollutants was overviewed with respect to pollutants
type. Nevertheless, air pollution itself killed 123,000 people last year.
Therefore, the priorities for Environmental Policy adopt all modern
environmental tools to take migratory action toward improving air quality,
improving urban air quality and meet SDGs.

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