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Activity 1

INSTRUCTIONS: Explain the following items below in not less than 300 Words. Give examples in explaining.
In full hypertext markup language, a formatting system for displaying material retrieved over the Internet. Each retrieval
unit is known as a Web page (from World Wide Web), and such pages frequently contain hypertext links that allow
related pages to be retrieved. HTML is the markup language for encoding Web pages. It was designed by the British
scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee at the CERN nuclear physics laboratory in Switzerland during the 1980s. HTML markup tags
specify document elements such as headings, paragraphs, and tables. They mark up a document for display by a
computer program known as a Web browser. The browser interprets the tags, displaying the headings, paragraphs, and
tables in a layout that is adapted to the screen size and fonts available to it.While CSS is great for creating text styles, it is
helpful for formatting other aspects of Web page layout as well. For example, CSS can be used to define the cell padding
of table cells, the style, thickness, and color of a table's border, and the padding around images or other objects. CSS
gives Web developers more exact control over how Web pages will look than HTML does. This is why most Web pages
today incorporate cascading style sheets.JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, which means the source code is
processed by the client's web browser rather than on the web server. This means JavaScript functions can run after a
webpage has loaded without communicating with the server. For example, a JavaScript function may check a web form
before it is submitted to make sure all the required fields have been filled out. The JavaScript code can produce an error
message before any information is actually transmitted to the server.Like server-side scripting languages, such as PHP
and ASP, JavaScript code can be inserted anywhere within the HTML of a webpage. However, only the output of server-
side code is displayed in the HTML, while JavaScript code remains fully visible in the source of the webpage. It can also
be referenced in a separate .JS file, which may also be viewed in a browser.

Below is an example of a basic JavaScript function that adds two numbers. The function is called with the parameters 7
and 11. If the code below were included in the HTML of a webpage, it would display the text "18" in an alert box.
When you start learning web development, you can usually try a series of basic challenges on the principles of HTML,
CSS and JavaScript. However, each challenge happens in a sandbox environment, and does not test you on multiple
languages at once.

For example, an “Intro to JavaScript” tutorial will usually focus on fundamentals like loops and ‘if’ statements, rather
than using JavaScript alongside HTML.

After you get through these preliminary exercises, you reach the point where you need to set up your first full website.
Even if this is a single-page, personal site that you never intend to release, you still face a series of new challenges.

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