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Licensing Report

FACILITY NAME: New England Kurn Hattin Homes Original

ADDRESS: P.O. Box 127 First Relicense
Westminster, Vermont 05158-0127 X Other Relicense

Telephone: (802) 722-3336
Date of Site Visit: April 12, 2005
Capacity: Total: 102
Summary Program Description: New England Kurn Hattin
Homes is a residential school that serves children who are in Gender: Male
need of a stable environment, do not have serious learning Female
disabilities, and who function academically within two or three Age
years of grade level. They are children who are able to maintain Range: 6-15 years
control over aggressive behavior and capable of functioning in a
group living setting. New England Kurn Hattin Homes;
established in 1894 is situated on 280 acres of Vermont hillside.


100.02 Allowed inspection I C
101.04 Compliance with variance N/A C
102.01 Governing body has authority (P) CA, RR C
102.02 Governing body has adopted by-laws (P) CA, RR C
102.02.1 Membership qualifications (P) CA, RR C
102.02.2 Types of membership defined (P) CA, RR C
102.02.3 Conflict of interest addressed (P) CA, RR C
102.02.4 Member selection addressed (P) CA, RR C
102.02.5 Terms on board specified (P) CA, RR C
102.02.6 Staff are not voting board members (P) CA, RR C
102.03.1 Qualified administrator (P) CA, RR C
102.03.2 Board establishes and reviews policy (P) CA, RR C
102.03.3 Annual budget review (P) CA, RR C
102.03.4 Administrator evaluated CA, RR C
102.04 Compliance with relevant laws and regulations CA, RR C
102.5/701 Annual review of policies CA, RR C
104.01 Written Program Description CA, RR C
“ Admission, intake policies CA, RR C
“ Discharge criteria CA, RR C
“ Plan for providing services CA, RR C
Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview RI = Resident Interview

“ Treatment evaluation process CA, RR C

“ Use of Community Resources CA, RR C
105.01 Fiscal accountability CA, RR C
105.02 Arms length transactions NEC C
106 Insurance Coverage (P) CA, RR C
107.01 Confidentiality in public relations CA, RR C
107.02 Written consents for publicity CA, RR C
107.03 Policy regarding participation in research (P) CA, RR C

COMMENTS: Christopher Barry has been the Executive Director of Kurn Hattin for 10 years,
however he has been an employee of this agency since 1973, as a teacher, principal and a
Department Director. Mr. Barry reports to the Board of Trustees and communicates weekly with the
President of the Board. He describes the board as knowledgeable, supportive and active, but not
inclined to “micro manage”. Most notable is the student representation at board meetings. The
current three year strategic plan was implemented 7/1/ 2004.

Due to the continuous high number of referrals, Kurn Hattin is building another cottage to house
eleven 5th and 6th grade girls. Construction is expected to start soon with the goal of opening for
occupancy in August 2005.

Parents voluntarily place approximately ninety percent of the children residing at the privately
funded New England Kurn Hattin Homes. Most of the $40,000 per year cost for each student is
covered by the school’s philanthropic means. The average length of stay is approximately three
years. Upon graduation, residents return to their “hometown” high school or another private school.

The Board of Trustees and Mr. Barry continue to focus on establishing “outcome measures” for the
program. Currently, the program is using a “Family Satisfaction Survey” to gather data after a child
has left the program. The program is also soliciting feedback from the students regarding the clinical
services and there is always and “exit” interview for employees.

Mr. Barry directly supervises the Department Directors. Bill Abbott (came out of retirement) –
Financial Manager; Tom Fahner – Director of Educational and Residential Services; Bill Scarlett –
Director of Counseling; Sue Kessler - Director of Admissions and Connie Sanderson – Director of
Development and Public Relations and Jennifer Burke - Director of Health Services.


201-205 Facility & Grounds constructed, equipped, used and I C
219 maintained to ensure privacy, safety, health & comfort
206, 223 Lighting and ventilation I C
207 Group dining area I C

Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

208 Floor area in bedrooms I C

209 Ceiling height in bedrooms I C
210 No more than four in bedrooms I C
407 Bedrooms not shared with opposite gender I C
211 Bed, fire-retardant mattress, clean bedding I C
212 Bunk bed space I C
213 Dresser and storage space I C
214 Wash basin, toilet, shower facilities I C
215 Privacy in toilets, bath I C
216 Live-in staff space I C
217 Office space I C
218 Counseling space I C
220 Doors open from both sides I C
221 Storage space I C
222 Harmful materials locked I C
222.01 Drugs, personnel file and case records locked I C
224 Notification of harmful conditions I C
225 Phones, emergency numbers posted I C
226 No firearms, chemical weapons I C
227 No Candles used in sleeping areas I C
228 Use of Power Driven equipment Supervised I C
229 Swimming is Supervised I, SI, RI C
230 Emergency Procedures I C
231 Quarterly Evacuation Drills I C
332 Adequate Supervision in Vehicles I, RI C

COMMENTS: As usual the tour of the cottages revealed well-kept and well-maintained buildings
and property. This year licensors were particularly impressed by the way each cottage has become
even more home-like. The cottages were especially warm and inviting.

Each cottage has an open “common area” which includes the living room, dining area, kitchen and
homework room (including computers). Many interior walls have windows. This makes the
supervision of children who are involved in different activities much easier.

Children are grouped according to gender and age. Siblings may share rooms if deemed desirable
and appropriate. The bedrooms within the cottages offer versatility of placement of children. There
are singles, doubles and triples. The designation of bedrooms and roommates takes into account,
age, behavior, personality and individual preferences.

Each cottage also hosts a spacious apartment for live-in staff. By policy, under no circumstance are
residents allowed into the private staff apartments.

Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

The school and administration buildings are in close proximity of the residences, which makes
additional staff readily available if needed.

Not only are evacuation and fire drills conducted routinely, “lock downs” are also discussed and

300.01 Written plan for orientation, staff development, CA, RR C
supervision and evaluation of staff
300.02 Staff training documented CA, RR C
300.03 Staff received introductory orientation CA, RR, SI C
300.04 Annual staff evaluations CA, RR, SI C
301.01 Program adequately staffed CA, RR, SI C
301.02 Staff properly certified and/or licensed CA, RR C
301.03 Written personnel policies and procedures CA, RR C
301.04 Written job description CA, RR C
301.05 Staff appropriate for the program CA, RR C
301.06 Written references or notes on references CA, RR C
301.07 Scheduled hours CA, RR C
302.01 Personnel files CA, RR C
303.01 Adequate staff communication and support CA, RR, SI C
303.02 Direct service staff familiar with service plans CA, RR C
304.01 External professional services utilized as needed CA, RR, SI C
305.01 Written plan for use of volunteers/interns CA, RR C

COMMENTS: Tom Fahner, M.S. is the Director of Educational and Residential Services. Tom
supervises David Baldasaro the Assistant Principal of the school and Assistant Residential
Directors, Carol Bazin and Paul Quinney. Carol and Paul supervise the residential

Bill Scarlett, M.A. is the Director of Counseling. Bill supervises Masters level Clinicians and two
Antioch Masters Level student interns.

Eliot Hall, MD is the Medical Director. Nurse Jennifer Burke is a member of the Administrative team.
She supervises Eileen Brown who has an Associate Degree in nursing.

Michelle Rubino Carr recently resigned as Family Outreach Coordinator. Corey Mitchell, a former
Family Outreach Coordinator, will return in June.
Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

Mr. Fahner and Mr. Scarlett speak highly of the deliberate and continuous improvement in
collaboration between all the departments: Nursing, Residential, Counseling, School and Family
Outreach for the benefit of the children.

Retention of residential staff has improved significantly over the last couple of years with increased
salary and available, affordable Kurn Hattin housing off-campus for staff.

While Kurn Hattin maintains a “no restraint” policy, the entire staff will be trained in passive physical
restraint this summer in order to be compliant with licensing regulations. Crisis Prevention Institute
is the modality in which staff will be trained. The Vermont Department of Education has been
instrumental by providing Kurn Hattin this training for all staff and providing the opportunity to have
two current employees trained as a trainers.

The personnel manual and job descriptions are current. The personnel files were well organized
and contained all documentation required by licensing; including resumes, reference checks and
documentation of training.

401.01 Written description of family involvement CA, RR C
401.02 Facilitates communication with family CA, RR, SI C
401.03 Required information given to parents CA, RR, SI C
401.04 Opportunity to visit & communicate w/ family CA, RR, SI,RI C
401.05 Reasonable privacy for visits and phone us CA, RR, SI,RI C
402.01 Written daily routine CA, RR C
402.02 Written procedures for overnight visits CA, RR C
407.01 Nighttime supervision provided as needed CA, RR,SI C
403.03 Private mail communication permitted CA, RR,RI C
403.04 Documentation of curtailed of communication CA, RR C
404.01 Policy re: accounting, fines, limits, ownership CA, RR C
601 Residents educated according to state law CA, RR C
604 Communication with educational programs CA, RR, SI C
605 Study space, supervision & materials provided CA, RR, SI, RI C
606 Vocational & life skills training provided CA, RR, SI, RI C
405.01 Work assignments are constructive CA, RR, SI C

Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

406.01 Written description of religious orientation CA, RR, SI C
408.01/02 Clothing appropriate, ownership identified CA, RR, RI C
409 Appropriate policies on personal belongings CA, RR C
411.01 Knowledgeable nutritionist CA, RR C
411.02 Three nutritious meals a day CA, RR, RI C
411.03 Meals are not denied or forced CA, RR, RI, SI C
410 Attention is given to personal hygiene CA, RR, SI C
412.01 Comprehensive medical plan CA, RR, SI C
412.01.1 Health, sexual education provided CA, RR, SI C
413.01 Medical exam current or within 30 days CA, RR C
413.02 Ongoing medical care CA, RR, SI C
413.03 Visits to doctor recorded CA, RR C
413.03.4 Time and date of dispensation of medication CA, RR C
413.03.5 Name(s) of the dispensing person(s) CA, RR C
413.04 Medical discharge summary CA, RR C
414.01 Dental exam current or within 60 days CA, RR C
414.01.1.1 Ongoing dental care CA, RR, SI C
415.01 Corrective devices provided as needed CA, RR, SI C
416.01 Written medication Policy CA, RR C
417.01 Medical emergency procedures CA, RR, SI C
417.02 First Aid supplies in each residence CA, RR C
417.03 Custodian notified of serious illness or injury CA, RR C
418 Written disciplinary policy CA, RR C
418.02 Facility does not use corporal punishment CA, RR, SI, RI C
419.01 Suspected and alleged abuse/neglect reported CA, RR, SI C
420.01 No restraint other than passive physical CA, RR, SI, RI C
420.02 Appropriate use of passive physical restraint CA, RR, SI, RI C
420.02.2 Incidents reports indicate less restrictive measures CA, RR, SI C
used prior to restraint or reason why such measures
could not be used.
420.04 Written policy re: “time-out” (isolation) CA, RR C
421.01 Simple resident grievance procedure CA, RR, RI C

COMMENTS: According to Executive Director, Chris Barry, “Attention to family reunification is

important, takes a great deal of work and presents many unique challenges. Although families come
to Kurn Hattin facing many obstacles, we must do our best to remain positive and not perceive our
Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

families’ situations as failures. Instead our emphasis must be one of hope and compassion.”
(Excerpt from the quarterly newsletter, THE WHITE HOUSE NEWS.

As mentioned previously, Michele Carr was the most recent Family Outreach Coordinator. She
was responsible for maintaining contact with families and for publishing the CONNECTION, a
monthly newsletter for parents. Kurn Hattin provides on-site housing for parents who come to Kurn
Hattin to visit and to participate in the family work.

Tom Fahner, Director of Educational and Residential Services, is committed to operating a high
quality program. Mr. Fahner created and updates the Community Handbook annually. The
Community Handbook contains all policies and procedures pertaining to the educational and
residential programs. This handbook is distributed to all students and their parents. Its format is
clear, well organized and readable. Students also receive an Academic Handbook that assists the
students develop organizational skills.

Seventh and eighth graders have the opportunity to utilize the “Gold Card”. These students earn the
“Gold Card” by demonstrating appropriate and responsible behavior. The “Gold Card” rewards them
with a number of privileges intended to provide normal adolescent opportunities. For example off-
campus jobs, being dropped off and picked up at community events and greater campus freedom.

Kurn Hattin is a certified private school. The school building itself is spacious and well equipped.
There is a cafeteria, auditorium and art room. The music room has twelve soundproof practice
rooms. The library is outfitted with over twenty computers donated by Colby-Sawyer College as
they upgrade the college’s computers. The classrooms and labs are comparable to public school in
size and also outfitted with computers.

The school offers instrumental lessons and multiple bands and choruses. The Jazz band is
particularly noteworthy. Members include students as well as staff. They have performed at the
State House, as well as, many parades and events.

The athletic opportunities are also outstanding. The school has a gymnasium, an ice-skating rink,
and tennis courts. The teams include soccer, basketball, baseball, softball and cross-county
running. In addition to the above the school has a playground, hiking trails, and a pool.

This past year the recreation building was refurbished. There is a huge room full of pool tables, a
big television room, a staff weight room, and basketball court. In the basement there is a computer
repair room where students are actively involved in the restoration of computers. Additionally, there
are two rooms filled with donated clothing, sorted by size, gender and use (i.e. formal, casual,
athletic wear etc.).

Of great success with the students is “Tool Time”, a program that provides opportunities for youth
interested in small engine maintenance and repair.

Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

Librarian, Sally Mundell, implemented an accelerated reading program. A new math curriculum has
been adopted, and “hands on” science units are coordinated with the farm program. The
Greenhouse was converted a couple of years ago to hydroponics (no dirt) gardening. The children
are growing lettuce, beans, peas, tomatoes and radishes year-round.

The horse program continues to grow and has filled a void for youth that are not sports-minded.
The program includes 3-4 children for 4-6 week blocks. There is a written curriculum that includes
riding, feeding, and grooming.

In addition to the above opportunities the children have the opportunity to “sugar” – tap trees, boil
sap and make maple sugar. They downhill ski off campus. In another attempt to acclimate
students to future high school events, Kurn Hattin Homes provides a Winter Carnival and Semi-
formal proms.

Kurn Hattin employs two full-time registered nurses and maintains an infirmary. The nurses assess
injuries and illness, provide treatment and determine when a higher level of care is needed. The
nurses function under the license of a medical doctor, which allows them to diagnose and dispense
medications such as antibiotics. The nurses are responsible for dispensing psychotropic medication
during the weekdays, morning, and noon and after school. Houseparents dispense bedtime and
weekend medications. The nurses however, have possession of the medications and dole them out
to staff that are accountable to the nurses. The nurses are also responsible for health and sexual
education in the residences and in the classroom.

Parents are encouraged to take/maintain responsibility for routine medical and dental appointments
and needs. However, the nurses will monitor appointments, communicate with primary physicians
and provide transportation when needed.

The use of physical restraint is extremely rare. Children with a history of violence are not admitted
into the program. House parents are trained in de-escalation techniques. If a child is destroying
property, houseparents are expected to remove the other children and call for assistance. By
policy, only trained administrators and supervisor are allowed to restrain a child. An “escort” by a
director is usually sufficient to remove the child from any situation in the cottage or school.


501.01 Participation in admission process & decisions CA, RR C
501.02 Written statement of refusal CA, RR C
501.03 Comprehensive intake evaluation CA, RR C
501.03.1 “Emergency Admission Note” CA, RR C
501.03.2 Criteria for successful discharge CA, RR C
Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

501.03.3 Written rules available CA, RR C

501.03.4 Initial placement plan developed CA, RR C
501.04 Condition at entry noted CA, RR C
501.05 Orientation for Residents CA, RR, SI, RI C
502.01 Written Service/Treatment Program CA, RR C
503.01 Review of service needs within 60 days CA, RR C
503.02 Initial Service Plan developed CA, RR, SI C
503.03 Service plan signed by administrator/designee CA, RR C
503.04 Resident & family participation in service plan CA, RR, SI, RI C
503.05 Review/revision of service plans every 6 mos. CA, RR C
504.01 Aftercare plan CA, RR, SI C
504.02 Written discharge summary CA, RR, SI C*
504.03 Unplanned discharge information CA, RR C
700 Program self evaluation CA, RR C

COMMENTS: Upon admission, a child is assigned a counselor. Cottage assignments,

houseparents and counselors may change from year-to-year or remain the same depending on the
students needs. The counselors provide individual and group treatment. Some groups are
constant and on-going for example the substance abuse group. This group is for children who
come from a home environment where substances are abused. Other groups are time-limited and
“go with an identified need” for example conflict resolution within a particular cottage. There has
been the need at times for groups around sexually appropriate behavior. Groups are always
created with consideration to age and gender. This year group work has focused on “transition”, the
transition out of Kurn Hattin back home and into high school. This summer students may remain at
Kurn Hattin until late summer, lessening the “down time” between 8 th graduation from Kurn Hattin
and entering a high school.

The children’s records at Kurn Hattin are divided up between the departments. Their medical
records are with the nurses, the academic at the school and their clinical records are with the
counseling department. The overall treatment plans, daily progress information and incident reports
are within Tom’s possession. While divided, the records appear individualized and timely. The
clinical reports and discharge summaries found in the files were rather general. However, the
intended recipient of these reports are parents who have the authority to withdrawn their child from
the program. Thus detailed information, confidential to the child is not found in the formal record,
but with the individual therapists. The counselors strive to address family issues without violating
the child’s confidentiality.

The board and the administration continue to work on outcome data, identifying indicators and
measures of success. Some measures include the number of students who graduate from high
Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

school and/or how many go to college. Other measures are more difficult to define, for example
independence, ability to function in society, deal with problems – treatment issues etc. Serious
consideration is being given to pre-admission and post –discharge Achenbach questionnaires.

SUMMARY COMMENTS: Kurn Hattin continues to operate an effective, highly professional program.
The management team appears to be well versed in their areas of responsibility and communicate
well with each other. There is a sense of teamwork throughout the program, among the
administrators, between the administrators and “middle management” and direct care staff. Children
interviewed were highly positive of their experiences and of the staff at Kurn Hattin. The program
strives to provide educational and residential treatment for the children and their families within a
framework that is warm and caring.


We recommend that New England Kurn Hattin Homes be granted a license as a residential child care
facility for 102 children.

This license will expire May 31, 2006.

Brenda Dawson, MSW, Licensing Social Worker

Mary Moore, Licensing Social Worker

KC Cushing, Licensing Social Worker

Approved by:
Lucy Abair, Residential Licensing Chief


Compliance: C= Full Compliance C*= In compliance with reservations N = Not in Compliance NEC = No Evidence to the Contrary
Verification: CA = Certified by Administrator RR = Record Review (P) = Previous I = Site Inspection SI = Staff Interview
RI = Resident Interview

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