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4—always 3—usually 2—some mes 1—rarely

______I am prepared for each session of the literature circle.

______I par cipate in discussions and take turns.
______I listen a en vely.
______I see clarifica on when needed from group members.
______I respond to group members with appropriate input.

______I make predic ons as I read.

______I use informa on from the text and from my own background knowledge to make sense of the reading.
______I make connec ons between the text and real world
______I understand key informa on from the selec on.
______I learn new words when reading and use appropriate strategies to determine their meaning.
______I ask myself ques ons about the text selec ons I read.
______Asking yourself (or the text) ques ons
______I know the difference between fact and opinion.
______I can visualize many parts of what I read.

______I support my thoughts and ideas with informa on from myself, informa on from the reading and
informa on from other reading I’ve done.
______I add suppor ng details in both wri ng and discussion.
______I add detail to my wri ng with descrip ve language.
______Using sketches and illustra ons to spark or extend ideas.

Where can I improve and why?__________________________________________________________________________



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