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Penguin Readers Answer Key level

Another World ELEMENTARY 2

(e)True Activities after reading the book

Answers to Book activities
(f)True Possible answer:
(g)False 1 BZ is happy in Eden City .
1 Open answers
(h)True 2 He goes to school every day and learns
2 a salad b juice c happiness d a lift
(i)True to be happy.
e a team
(j)False – she says they hate, they fight, 3 He is going to join The Team.
3 a real b worry c believe d free
they get ill etc. 4 One day he meets Eve on the school
4 a The birds sing words and the flowers
(k) False – he couldn’t forget bus.
turn their heads.
4 (a) BZ 5 She tells him about another world, the
b Everybody has blue eyes in Eden City.
(b) Eve Real World.
c In Eden City people have numbers, not
(c) BZ 6 She takes him to the Real World in a lift.
(d) Eve 7 BZ hates the noise, the dirt, the ugly
d They learn about life, people and love.
(e) BZ people and the old people.
5 He thinks it is wrong. He doesn’t like it. He
(f) Eve 8 He doesn’t understand about money.
feels this way because the Real World is
(g) one of the men 9 He goes back to Eden City.
very different from Eden City.
(h) one of the men 10 Eve was testing BZ and he passed.
6 Open answers
(i) one of the men
7 a Yes b Yes c Not usually – You do
(j) BZ
when you are asleep. Many people also
(k) Eve
daydream. d Yes e Open answers f No
(I) BZ
8 Eve works for The Team. She takes BZ to
the Real World because it is her job. The
Team want to know BZ’s reaction to the Chapters 5–8
Real World. 1 (a) lift
9–13 Open answers (b) traffic
(c) city
(d) buildings
(e) faces
Answers to Factsheet activities
(f) café
■ Communicative activities (g) waitress
(h) teeth
Open answers
(i) money
■ Student’s activities (j) notes
Activities before reading the book (k) plate
(I) beggar
Open answers
Activities while reading the book (n) country
Chapters 1–4 2 (a) homes.
(b) money.
1 (a) took
(c) rich.
(b) sang
(d) clothes.
(c) sat
(e) change.
(d) loved
(f) family.
(e) looked
(g) bigger, higher, bluer.
(f) worked
(h) real.
(g) drove
3 The correct order is:
(h) turned
The front door of Eve’s house opened.
(i) smiled
Two small boys ran out.
(j) thought
BZ followed the boys into the house.
(k) is
The boys showed BZ the bathroom.
(I) had
BZ washed his hands and face.
BZ opened the bathroom door and went
2 (a) outside
(b) off
BZ met Eve’s father.
(c) for
BZ met Eve’s mother.
(d) into
BZ ran out of the house.
(e) about
BZ stopped and waited for Eve.
(f) of
BZ said, ‘Please take me back to Eden
(g) on
(h) in
Eve said, ‘You aren’t different. You can’t
(i) under
(j) of
4 (a) They went down in the lift.
(k) for
(b) He wanted to forget the noise, the dirt,
(l) on
the tired unhappy faces of the real
(n) across
(c) He had a bath.
(o) on
(d) The Law of the Long Dream.
(p) at
(e) EVOO7
3 (a) True
(f) They wanted to know his reactions.
(b) True
(g) Nearly 25.
(c) False
(d) False – he was taught that different is
ugly but he thought she was beautiful

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