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1029/2008GL033554, 2008

Reduction of the hyporheic zone volume due to the

stream-aquifer interaction
Fulvio Boano,1 Roberto Revelli,1 and Luca Ridolfi1
Received 6 February 2008; revised 19 March 2008; accepted 25 March 2008; published 3 May 2008.
[1] Pore water in stream sediments is continuously flux also provides the hyporheic sediments with nutrients
exchanged with the surface water from the overlying and dissolved oxygen from the stream, which determine
stream. This exchange of water and solutes that occurs favorable conditions for the development of a rich microbial
across the stream-sediment interface plays an important role community [Brunke and Gonser, 1997; Boulton et al.,
for fluvial ecology because of the unique biochemical 1998].
conditions, rich biodiversity, and high rates of metabolism. [3] In order to gain a better understanding of the impor-
While many studies have observed the extent of the tance of the hyporheic zone, a number of analytical and
hyporheic zone to be modified by changes in the level of laboratory studies have analyzed the physical principles that
the groundwater table, the actual importance of this cause the hyporheic exchange. In these works, the laws of
interaction is still difficult to quantify. Here, we focus on hydraulics have been applied in order to model the flow
the case of bedform induced hyporheic exchange to show field that results from the interactions between the free-
how the the volume of hyporheic sediments that receive surface stream and its permeable boundaries. Starting from
water from the stream is significantly reduced by the the seminal work of Thibodeaux and Boyle [1987], the
upwelling of subsurface water. A simple scaling relationship majority of these studies have focused on the exchange
for the assessment of maximum depth of the hyporheic zone induced by the presence of bedforms on the streambed
is proposed by relating hyporheic flow to the groundwater [Elliott and Brooks, 1997a, 1997b; Packman et al., 2000;
discharge in an aquifer with given hydraulic properties and Packman and Brooks, 2001; Marion et al., 2002; Boano et
head difference between the stream and the aquifer. al., 2007b; Cardenas and Wilson, 2007]. Further studies
Citation: Boano, F., R. Revelli, and L. Ridolfi (2008), Reduction have examined the exchange induced by larger-scale
of the hyporheic zone volume due to the stream-aquifer interaction, hydrological and morphological factors, like river curvature
Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L09401, doi:10.1029/2008GL033554. [Cardenas et al., 2004; Boano et al., 2006], pool-riffle
sequences [Tonina and Buffington, 2007], and topography-
1. Introduction driven groundwater flow [Wörman et al., 2006, 2007].
[4] It is now clear that the exchange between streams and
[2] Streams are connected to the adjacent unconfined hyporheic zones occurs as local flow systems with water
aquifers through the river banks and the bed, and the leaving the stream, moving through the subsurface, and
hyporheic zone consists in the part of the aquifer whose finally returning to the stream. Looking to the water flow on
biochemical properties are different from both the surface a broader scale, it is recognized that the local flow systems
and the subsurface water. The peculiar properties of the are nested inside larger groundwater flow systems, the latter
hyporheic environment depend on the exchange of water being controlled by the precipitation inputs at the regional
between the stream and the aquifer, and the environmental scale [Tóth, 1963; Sophocleous, 2002; Hayashi and
consequences of this linkage have recently been subject to a Rosenberry, 2002; Cardenas, 2007; Wörman et al., 2007].
growing interest by many researchers [see, e.g., Jones and However, a clear understanding about the influence of the
Mulholland, 2000]. A large number of field studies have regional groundwater flow on the local hyporheic exchange
confirmed that water and water-borne nutrients and con- patterns is still missing. The magnitude of stream-hyporheic
taminants are frequently exchanged between rivers and exchange in a local flow pattern is mainly controlled by
aquifers [e.g., Harvey and Bencala, 1993; Wondzell and the stream discharge and morphology, but the temporal
Swanson, 1996; Wroblicky et al., 1998; Battin et al., 2003]. variability of large-scale groundwater flow systems (i.e.,
This exchange exerts a strong influence on the quality of water table elevation) has also been observed to influence
both surface and subsurface waters. Solutes carried by the the exchange [Harvey and Bencala, 1993; Wroblicky et al.,
stream penetrate into the sediments and are retained for 1998]. High groundwater levels tend to decrease the
times that are typically much longer than the average in- exchange flux with the hyporheic zone, even though the
stream advective timescale [Boano et al., 2007a]. As a actual importance of this process differs from stream to
result, the in-stream concentrations of pollutants are affected stream [Wondzell and Swanson, 1996]. Cardenas and
by the exchange with the hyporheic zone, as observed in Wilson [2006] have recently demonstrated that the hypo-
many field studies [e.g., Bencala and Walters, 1983; Harvey rheic exchange induced by bedforms is reduced by the
and Bencala, 1993; Johansson et al., 2001]. The exchange groundwater discharge into the stream, but the study did
not provide a way to estimate the groundwater discharge for
Department of Hydraulics, Transport, and Civil Infrastructures, a particular hydrological condition.
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy. [5] The present work presents a numerical study of the
role of the groundwater discharge in controlling the extent
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. of the hyporheic zone. The coupling between the phreatic

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the hyporheic flow field induced by the bedforms, and the

hyporheic exchange represented by the bold arrows in
Figure 1b is obtained.
[7] The geometry of the gaining stream in Figure 1a is
summarized by the river half-width, L, and the depth, d.
Groundwater discharge to the stream is induced by the head
difference, D, between the groundwater table and the stream
surface. This flow is exemplified by the bold arrows in
Figure 1a, that show the upwelling of subsurface water
through the streambed. For the sake of simplicity, the
distance between the river bank and the point of observation
of the groundwater level is chosen to be equal to the river
half-width, L. For a given D, the influence on the results of
the shape of the groundwater table has been verified to be
negligible. Thus, a parabolic shape is assumed for the
groundwater table, and a homogeneous, isotropic value of
the hydraulic conductivity, K, is assigned to the sediments.
[8] Water flow in the aquifer is governed by the Laplace
equation, r2h = 0, where h is the hydraulic head in the
subsurface [e.g., Bear and Verruijt, 1992]. The Laplace
equation is applied to the semi-infinite 2D domain ABC-
DEF shown in Figure 1. In order to solve the equation in a
domain of infinite vertical extension, a no-flow boundary,
AB, is introduced that is deep enough to avoid any
influence on the results. No-flow boundary conditions are
Figure 1. (a) Sketch of the coupled aquifer-stream also imposed on the right boundary, BC, because of
problem in a plane y-z normal to the streamflow direction, symmetry, and on the water table, EF. The head on the
where y and z are the transversal and the vertical coordinate, river bed and bank, CD and DE, is assumed to be equal to
respectively. The discharge of groundwater to the stream is the free surface level in the stream, and the left boundary,
induced by the head difference D, and it is qualitatively AF, is assigned a head equal to the water table level. The
represented by the bold arrows. (b) Bedform-induced Laplace equation is solved using a finite-element method,
hyporheic exchange on a longitudinal section of the and the velocity field in the sediments is obtained from the
streambed x-z, where x is the streamwise direction. Darcy’s law. In particular, the velocities at the stream-
sediment interface, z = 0, represent the profile of the
upwelling velocity through the streambed, vup(y). This
aquifer and the stream is considered, and the spatial pattern
velocity profile is used to assess the impact of the ground-
of groundwater discharge below the streambed is evaluated.
water discharge on the hyporheic exchange.
The pattern of groundwater discharge is then related to the
[9] The bedform-induced flow pattern in a plane x-z
depth of the hyporheic zone below the streambed dunes.
normal to the stream cross-section is modeled extending
The paper demonstrates that particular groundwater con-
the approach proposed by Elliott and Brooks [1997a]. The
ditions can significantly reduce the volume of sediments
upwelling velocity, vup, is added to include the effect of
influenced by the hyporheic exchange, and sometimes
groundwater discharge
prevent the penetration of the streambed by the stream
water. We also show that the upwelling of groundwater
u ¼ u0 cosðkxÞekz ð1Þ
induces a variation of the depth of the hyporheic zone
across the river section, thus providing spatially-varying
habitat conditions for the hyporheic microfauna. Finally, a v ¼ u0 sinðkxÞekz þ vup ð2Þ
simple scaling relationship for the maximum depth of the
hyporheic zone is proposed. where x is the streamwise coordinate, u and v are the Darcy
velocities in the longitudinal and vertical directions,
2. Method respectively, u0 = kKh0 is a typical velocity scale for the
hyporheic flow, k = 2p/l is the bedform wavenumber, l is
[ 6 ] The Cartesian coordinate system pictured in the bedform wavelength, and h0 is the head perturbation
Figures 1a and 1b is adopted, where x, y, and z denote the determined by the presence of the bedform [see Elliott and
streamwise, transversal, and vertical directions, respectively. Brooks, 1997a]. According to our simulations, the vertical
In the present analysis, the vertical extent of the hyporheic variations of the upwelling velocity are small compared to
zone is defined as the maximum depth reached by the the transversal ones. Thus, the upwelling velocity vup in (2)
advective flowpaths, and it is determined in two sequential is treated as a constant along z.
steps. First, the coupled stream-aquifer system sketched in
Figure 1a is considered – where only one half of the system
is examined because of the symmetry of the problem – and 3. Results
the groundwater discharge through the streambed is evalu- [10] Extensive numerical simulations have been carried
ated. Then, the groundwater discharge is superimposed on out using the approach described in the previous section.

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where the aforementioned dependence of zH (y) from the

distance from the river bank, y, is explicitly shown.
Equation (3) shows that the increase of the groundwater
discharge results in a shallower hyporheic zone and thus
reduces the volume of sediments that exchange water and
solutes with the stream. It is also interesting to notice that
according to equation (3) the depth of the hyporheic zone
scales with the dune wavelength.
[13] The profiles of the depth of the hyporheic zone,
zH (y), for the two cases have been evaluated using (3), and
are shown in Figure 2b. Figure 2b demonstrates that the
discharge of groundwater constitutes a factor that contrasts
the penetration of water in the sediments, reducing the
volume of pore water that comes into contact with surface
water and with the water-carried solutes.
[14] The comparison between the cases of lower and
higher groundwater discharge – solid and dashed line in
Figures 2a and 2b, respectively – reveals that a strong
upwelling of groundwater can prevent the exchange of
stream water through the parts of the streambed closer to
the banks. Equation (3) eventually predicts the complete
disappearance of the bedform-induced exchange when the
groundwater discharge per unit streambed area, vup, is
Figure 2. Profile (a) of the groundwater discharge to the everywhere higher than u0. Thus, the supply of oxygen
stream per unit bed area, vup and (b) of the hyporheic zone and nutrients from the stream to the sediments is expected to
depth across the stream cross-section, zH. The comparison vary according to the different surface and subsurface water
shows that the increase D of the groundwater level levels, determining periodical disturbances of the environ-
increases the upwelling velocities and reduces the depth mental conditions of the hyporheic ecosystem.
of the hyporheic zone, preventing the stream water to enter [15] As shown in Figure 2, the maximum depth of the
the streambed sediments close to the banks. In both hyporheic zone, z*H = zH (y = L), occurs at the center of the
simulations a stream with the half-width L = 15 m, the stream where the upwelling velocity is lower. The value of
depth d = 1 m, and the average stream velocity U = 0.6 m/s is the upwelling velocity at the center of the streambed, v*up =
considered. The streambed has a hydraulic conductivity K = vup(y = L), is influenced by the hydraulic conductivity of the
103 m/s and is covered by bedforms with wavelength l = sediments, K, and the parameters L, D, and d, defined in
1.5 m and wavelength-to-height ratio of 10. Figure 1. It follows from dimensional considerations that
the dimensionless upwelling velocity v*up/K must depend
The profiles of the upwelling velocity, vup(y), are displayed only on the average slope of the groundwater table, D/L,
in Figure 2a for two typical cases. Figure 2a shows that the and on the stream aspect ratio, L/d.
most of the groundwater is discharged near the river banks, [16] A number of simulations have been performed in
whereas the central part of the streambed receives a lesser order to represent different streams with aspect ratio L/d
amount of groundwater. This result has been obtained for ranging between 5 and 30, and for average slopes of the
the case of a rectangular river cross-section, but the qual- groundwater table, D/L, up to 101. The upwelling veloc-
itative behavior is supposed to hold even for different ities have been evaluated and the results are plotted against
geometries of the stream section. the groundwater table slope, D/L, in Figure 3. Figure 3
[11] The penetration of the surface water in the sediments clearly shows that the stream aspect ratio, L/d, has a
is hampered by the groundwater upwelling, as suggested by negligible influence on the amount of groundwater dis-
the comparison of the two terms on the right-hand side of charge. Furthermore, the values of the upwelling velocity
equation (2). The downward velocity induced by the head in Figure 3 exhibit an almost perfect linear correlation with
perturbation on the streambed decays exponentially with D/L. This relationship can be be expressed as
depth, and it is eventually equaled by the upwelling velocity,
* D
vup. Since vup(y) is not constant across the stream, the depth of ¼ 0:57 ; ð4Þ
the hyporheic zone, zH (y), varies over the stream width as well. K L
[12] For a given lateral position, y, the flow pattern in the which provides a very good fit to the data in Figure 3, with
x-z plane is described by equations (1)– (2). The lowest errors that are less than 2%. This simple relationship links
point that can be reached by the hyporheic flowpaths in this the upwelling velocity to the hydraulic characteristics of the
plane occurs at x = l/4, where equation (2) predicts the stream-aquifer system depicted in Figure 1.
highest downward velocities. The vertical extent in the x-z [17] Equation (4) can be used to assess the depth of the
plane of the hyporheic zone, zH, can be evaluated putting sediments that is affected by the hyporheic exchange. The
vjx=l/4 = 0 in equation (2) combination of (3) and (4) yields
l vup ð yÞ l KD
zH ð yÞ ¼ log ð3Þ zH* ¼ log 0:57 : ð5Þ
2p u0 2p u0 L

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system are also likely to exert a major influence on the

hyporheic ecosystem. These considerations underline the
need for a deeper integration between the work of hydrol-
ogists, biologists, and ecologists in order to improve our
understanding of the fluvial environments.

[22] Acknowledgments. The financial support for this research has

been provided by Regione Piemonte and Fondazione CRT.

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