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Şcoala Gimnazială Porumbeşti

5. Unit 5 Anul Şcolar 2020-2021

1. My big house 3h S13-S14-S15 Disciplina: LIMBA
2. There is 1 table/There are 2 MODERNĂ 1. Limba
Revision 2h S16-S17 Limbi Moderne
Prof. Dănescu Elena- Cristina
17 h Clasa: Pregatitoare
Manualul utilizat: English for
kids, Editura Booklet
Nr.Ore: 1h/ săptămână

Planificare Semestrială
Semestrul I.

Nr. Semestrul al II-lea

crt. Unitatea de Învăţare Nr. ore Perioada
6. Unit 6
0. Hello! 2h S1-S2
1. My schoolbag
2. Where is my schoolbag? S19-S20-S21
1. Unit 1 2h
7. Unit 1.
7 Numbers and colours 2h S3-S4
1.2. I Five is orange!
like fruits! 2h S22-S23

2. Unit 2
8. Unit 8
1. My little body 2h S5-S6
1. I love pats! 3h S24-S25-S26
2. Super monster
2. My favourite animal
3. Unit 3 S7 vacanta pt
9. Unit 9
1. This is my mother and that is clasele mici
1. What is your favourite 3h S27-S28-S29
my father 3h
2. Mother is short and father is S8-S9-S10
2. It isn’t cold, it’s hot!
10. Unit 10
4. Unit 4
1. From Monday until Friday! 2h S30-S31-S32
1. My new clothes 3h S11-S12-S13
2. I can swim!
2. Mother is wearing....
11. Unit 11
1. My lovely toys 3h S33-S34-35
2. The kite is orange!
2h S17

Total 35 Săpt.
1 saptamana vacanta la prescolari 17h
26 octombrie- 1 noiembrie.

Programul ”Să ştii mai multe, să 1

fii mai bun!” va avea loc în
perioada 24-28 mai 2021

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